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Postcards from Laythe - Cancelled indefinately


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Every time I see you I think I am buying an item...


that will be 3 computers please kasper
I only have two - a brand new Win8 super fast laptop and a ehh.. MS DOS laptop from 1995, but lets not get off-topic :)

Terrible service, I demand a refund!

Anyway, Valhalla is basically a forgotten colony of the Vesperian Empire. Seems legit...

I mean, who would forget he/she had a colony on the other side of the ocean? You could make money there or expand your lands to make money elsewhere.

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Here is a very scientific diagram of karolus10 if this thread is closed and the fanboys come to avenge it :P:


Edited by Holo
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Maybe the fanboys have nukes?... nah i think only me the US and russia have them so i dont thinkvany mods going to try soon un less they have a missile def set up in there back yard:3

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i think only me the US and russia have them

Organized by number of warheads:

Russian Federation - 8,500

United States of America - 7,700

France - 300

People's Republic of China - 240

United Kingdom of Great Britain - 225

Israel - 200

Pakistan - 110

India - 100

DPRK - 10


Well there's your problem!

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Hey Chobit, bite me! *also uses Chrome*

I have been having problems with it. I think it's the HTML 5 thing. It was fine before...

That wouldn't shock me, Wix isn't the greatest of homepages but it does what I need it to. Sadly I can't please everyone

Uh,Oh. At least they still can't figure out how to strap it onto a rocket.

They know very well how to strap them to rockets, it's just the rockets that aren't reliable. (Do not mock them for it, the US was just as bad during it's early rocketry development). Plus you don't need a rocket to attack something, you can just use a vending machine and park it in a stadium. (Points to whoever gets this reference)

[EDIT]: From now on, when I mention the DPRK, I'm going to post "Inb4 people defaulting to mocking the DPRK" along with whatever I'm talking about.

Edited by chobit-389
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That wouldn't shock me, Wix isn't the greatest of homepages but it does what I need it to. Sadly I can't please everyone

They know very well how to strap them to rockets, it's just the rockets that aren't reliable. (Do not mock them for it, the US was just as bad during it's early rocketry development). Plus you don't need a rocket to attack something, you can just use a vending machine and park it in a stadium. (Points to whoever gets this reference)

I'm going to hide in my Texan nuke shelter now.

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Organized by number of warheads:

Russian Federation - 8,500

United States of America - 7,700

France - 300

People's Republic of China - 240

United Kingdom of Great Britain - 225

Israel - 200

Pakistan - 110

India - 100

DPRK - 10

Well there's your problem!

Chobit im a beeping troll at times all i was saying was if a mod closed the thread id be behind the reopening of it

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