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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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What happens if the anti-virus warning comes on when downloading the dill and deletes itself?

for this particular instance, read my insightful commentary, then move on since it's a false alarm.

for the general case, Virus Total is a good way to check out if it's a false alarm in your scanner, or something worth worrying on.

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Snjo, as you can tell, many people are asking about an update to your mod. It might be a good idea to post a quick comment about how close you are to doing this. I for one understand that you have a life to live. A quick note on progress would probably stop all those begging for the update to be finished. By the way, I love this mod. Keep up the good work and as Spock would say "Live long and Prosper".

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if you just need the DLL, always download from here: http://snjo.github.io/; the button "Download plugin". the plugin has been updated to 0.25 for a while now. snjo simply didn't have the time to change the OP.

Thanks for the info again. Most of us realize even mod makers have a life outside of Kerbal Space. For those who can't afford to give them a donation, at least show your appreciation for them on the thread I started in the discussion section.

Thanks to all.

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Snjo, as you can tell, many people are asking about an update to your mod. It might be a good idea to post a quick comment about how close you are to doing this. I for one understand that you have a life to live. A quick note on progress would probably stop all those begging for the update to be finished. By the way, I love this mod. Keep up the good work and as Spock would say "Live long and Prosper".

He did. It does not help. People just need to learn to be patient.

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He did. It does not help. People just need to learn to be patient.

Sorry Camacha. I did not see that earlier post from him. I did not mean to offend. Lots of posts to read. I did use the dll listed on his github page and I can tell you all that so far no problems other than version checker telling you it's version isn't compatible.

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Seems to be working quite alright. I'm just having some difficulties designing a plane with biplane parts (with FAR).

Conventional wheels, plane seems to get waaayyy too fast, the elevator part seems too responsive, often causing instability.

Taking off with conventional wheels is really hard, as the plane begins to pitch it also rotates to one side quickly spinning to death. Landing too super hard, the plane just bounces.

With the new FAR control surface options, the options for control here aren't really needed...

Anyone having luck building planes with this recently?

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I'm also having some problems with reentry to Kerbin. Not sure if it's caused by this mod, FAR, or MechJeb. Capsule wants to orient top first instead of bottom. Capsule shakes itself to pieces do to joint failures as a result. Checking to see which it is. I suspect it's something to do with MechJeb.

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I'm also having some problems with reentry to Kerbin. Not sure if it's caused by this mod, FAR, or MechJeb. Capsule wants to orient top first instead of bottom. Capsule shakes itself to pieces do to joint failures as a result. Checking to see which it is. I suspect it's something to do with MechJeb.

instead of telling us that you could just launch a small ship in sandbox without MJ and check what was the problem

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instead of telling us that you could just launch a small ship in sandbox without MJ and check what was the problem

I did just that. The problem was to change a couple of the settings in FAR. MJ is still a little quirky but, I suspect it's from the new way MJ works. Over all they all seem to working fine. And I posted what I did because each time KSP updates, the mods need to update as well. Minor bugs are bound to pop up. This is the first time I had to update the FAR settings so, I figured that others might want to know. I mean if I didn't initially think to check FAR settings because I never had to before, why would someone else? Just passing that along.

Thanks again Snjo for your mod.

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Are there any documentation for module FSVTOLrotator?I searched the forum and github and couldn't find anything useful.Ty

name = FSVTOLrotator
deployedAngle = 90 // ??
maxDownAngle = -90 // ??
stepAngle = 5 // step angle
targetPartObject = * // name of part to be controled
availableAngles1 = 120, 90, 45 // used with "toggle max angles"
availableAngles2 = 30, 0, 0
startInverted = True // no problem here
steerDirection = -1 // change nothing if 1 or -1

name = FSpropellerAtmosphericNerf
disableAtmosphericNerf = true

and,is it possible to rotate VTOL engines in SPH.

Also i like to know what this module do:

name = FSengineMenuCleaner

Edited by sebi.zzr
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i have a quick and pretty simple question. i love your mod its really great but with all the mods i use it sort of clutters up the assembly window with parts that are no good in space. so i was wondering if all i want for now is the electric propeller is intalling this mod as simple as dragging the parts folder in to the fire spitter gamedata folder, than deleting the parts i dont want. OR should i copy everything than delete the parts i dont want, so i have the pluggins and everything?

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Are there any documentation for module FSVTOLrotator?I searched the forum and github and couldn't find anything useful.Ty


name = FSpropellerAtmosphericNerf
disableAtmosphericNerf = true

and,is it possible to rotate VTOL engines in SPH.

Also i like to know what this module do:

name = FSengineMenuCleaner



name = FSVTOLrotator

deployedAngle = 90 // When you toggle the engine rotation via the action, this is the angle it goes to. switching between 0 and this angle

maxDownAngle = -90 // If manually rotating it, it can go below 0, to this number

stepAngle = 5 // the amount to rotate when doing it manually

targetPartObject = * // name of part to be controled

availableAngles1 = 120, 90, 45 // used with "toggle max angles"

availableAngles2 = 30, 0, 0

startInverted = True // no problem here

steerDirection = -1 // I think this is just used internally, so whatever you set will probably be overridden. Maybe. Or maybe it only matters in some of the 2/4 engine configurations.


The nerf module is used to make the engine respond to atmospheric thickness, reducing thrust, not fuel use in thin air.

The engine menu cleaner removes some values in the right click menu that are not needed in non-rocketry, and allows for other junk to take up the menu space.

i have a quick and pretty simple question. i love your mod its really great but with all the mods i use it sort of clutters up the assembly window with parts that are no good in space. so i was wondering if all i want for now is the electric propeller is intalling this mod as simple as dragging the parts folder in to the fire spitter gamedata folder, than deleting the parts i dont want. OR should i copy everything than delete the parts i dont want, so i have the pluggins and everything?

You can delete the various parts, but the plugin and the other folders should stay. While many of them are not needed if you are careful, a part might reference a sound effect, texture or interior space in another folder.

Edited by Snjo
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@snjo: There is a little issue in your FSEngine module as fuel consumption is calculated from requested throttle (the control), instead of being calculated from actual speed of the engine.

So if I set throttle to 50%, fuel consumption will remain constant whereas speed may increase from 400 to 800 rpm.

And in fact, it's worth than that, speed of the engine stay as it is (even setting throttle from 100 to 50 %, speed stay at maxRPM !)

Also "activate engine" button from context menu stay as is despite engine has been activated (by stagging key).

(I think I understand why FSEngine module is not so used with your engines :) )

Firespitter v7.0.5398.27328




name = FSengine

maxThrust = 60

maxRPM = 1200

atmosphericThrust = 0,0;0.05,0; 1,1

velocityLimit = 0,1;300,1;600,0.05;800,0

fuelConsumption = 0,0.0001; 1,0.01

throttleThrust = 0,0; 1,1

resources = LiquidFuel,1; IntakeAir,10

thrustTransformName = thrustTransform

maxThrottle = 110

flameoutThreshold = 0.7

smoothFXSpeed = 0.1

powerProduction = 35

engineBrake = 15

powerDrain = 10

debugMode = false


And with FSEngineSounds, fan sounds is still playing when blades doesn't move at all, and overheat alarm sound is "never" played (at least when overheat condition are met and engine is overheating, even when it explode !)



name = FSengineSounds

useDebug = False

showVolumeDebug = False

//engage =

//running =

power = Kerbice Group/Sounds/fan_running

//disengage =

//flameout =

warning = Firespitter/Sounds/overheat_alarm

powerPitchBase = 0.8

thrustAddedToPitch = 0.3

powerFadeInSpeed = 0.01

powerFadeInDelay = 0.0

powerVolume = 1.0

engageVolume = 1.0

warningSoundThreshold = 0.8

warningCooldownTime = 2.0


EDIT: the FSEngine module also doesn't let KSP knows engine have been activated, stage icons are like inactive engine, no fuel jauge at all.

Edited by Justin Kerbice
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