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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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Oh, right, forgot about those :)

He's working hard on his stuff. I have a branch of the rocket pod I'm messing around with. I'll throw together a new mesh that looks like a WWII wing mounted rocket array and do some coding tweaks.

Kind of like this:


sweet, looks good. also, any news if firespitter works in .20

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Important heads up!

Now that 0.20 is out I'm starting the conversion process to the new mod folder and config structure. As part of that, I will finally correct some inconsistencies in the part and plugin module names.

What does this mean for you? Hold on to you hats, cause this is gonna get scary:

Most pre-made craft files will no longer be compatible in the coming version of the firespitter mod, if you have used some of the very oldest part, like the landing gears, the helicopter engine, tail rotors and the large propeller engines.

This is pretty dramatic stuff, but there really is no other time to get this done. I've been putting it off until this new systems arrival.

I will be posting a guide to how you can resurrect you old crafts if they should break once I release the update, and I think will include a folder with legacy cfg files you can drop in to keep the old part names if you want.

Also any custom parts you have made that uses an FS module that does NOT start with with the letters FS, will need to add those two letters to the module name. Changing this prevents conflicts with other mods modules, so I think it's important to do.

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The main stumbling block has been the fact that custom engine sounds no longer work.

I'v found a way to handle engine sounds with a custom part module I'm writing. This has the benefit of probably working on mac for once, and having the engine produce sound even when the throttle is set to the lowest level.

It has the drawback of being an untested source of potential bugs. So it might act differently in terms of shutting down sounds properly, or other game crashing things if there are edge cases I haven't found. I think I've found most of them, but you never know.

(It adds events to the game's onPause and OnUnpause events, which I haven't tried before, and is scary)

The remaining work to be done before I can throw you a zip is just checking about 100 cfg files. When did I make all these!?!

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Sounds like a complicated process but we are glad you`r working on it (Y) wow 100cfg files , there must be a faster way then edit them single by single?


There are 63 parts, 18 internal props and 5 internal spaces. About 10 parts will have name changes, which will trigger edits of my example craft files.

Maybe 10 of my 32 plugin classes will change names, which means any part that uses it needs to be checked.

I know people are writing scripts to just insert PART { } around the cfg file, but since I'm taking this opportunity to do some spring cleaning, I'll have to do it manually.

I'll try no to delay the release by adding new features and parts in this version.

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This mod still works for .20. but the fuel can texture is missing and the sounds won't play.

thanks! that got me to notice i had defined the texture badly on the jerrycan

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thanks! that got me to notice i had defined the texture badly on the jerrycan

So it's more usable than I thought :P I'm going to wait until till this update is out Helicopters are super distinct in sound.

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v5.0 Pre-release for KSP 0.20.0



Changed part names, now start with FS! Read more below.














FSswampEngine - corrected typo (FSswampEnginre)




Changed many PartModule plugin class names.

Added a new module to handle engine sounds. Allows for sounds to run even at the bottom throttle levels on propeller engines. It more consistently plays the engage engine sound, and has an optional overheat warning sound.

removed HoverEngine (now found in FS Experiments)

- Info Popup: The hot-key can be deactivated with a button, so it will not interfere with RCS keybinds in flight mode.


All these re-namings will severely affect you ability to continue a saved game with craft that contain any of the engines or wings. Back up your save games!

It will also give errors on saved craft that contain these changed parts. You can, if you are a notepad hero, go into the craft file, find any part names or FS part module names that don't start with FS, and add FS to the names.

I successfully resurrected the included example craft this way. You will want to pull the engine off and replace it afterwards.

I'd really appreciate it if you play around with this and reported any errors on this forum.

Thanks, and I'm sorry if I broke your stuff :)

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v5.0 Pre-release for KSP 0.20.0



Changed part names, now start with FS! Read more below.














FSswampEngine - corrected typo (FSswampEnginre)




Changed many PartModule plugin class names.

Added a new module to handle engine sounds. Allows for sounds to run even at the bottom throttle levels on propeller engines. It more consistently plays the engage engine sound, and has an optional overheat warning sound.

removed HoverEngine (now found in FS Experiments)

- Info Popup: The hot-key can be deactivated with a button, so it will not interfere with RCS keybinds in flight mode.


All these re-namings will severely affect you ability to continue a saved game with craft that contain any of the engines or wings. Back up your save games!

It will also give errors on saved craft that contain these changed parts. You can, if you are a notepad hero, go into the craft file, find any part names or FS part module names that don't start with FS, and add FS to the names.

I successfully resurrected the included example craft this way. You will want to pull the engine off and replace it afterwards.

I'd really appreciate it if you play around with this and reported any errors on this forum.

Thanks, and I'm sorry if I broke your stuff :)

YES! I missed my helicopters!

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The new version for KSP 0.20.0 is now on spaceport

Download from Spaceport

Public change log and todo-list

Confused? Check the Firespitter parts guide




-KSP 0.20.0 compatible

-Two new flags

-Sounds should now work on mac


Changed part names, these now start with FS! Read more below.














FSswampEngine - corrected typo (FSswampEnginre)




-fenestron rescaleFactor set to 1.0

-set part scale values to 1.0

- Info Popup: The hot-key can be deactivated with a button, so it will not interfere with RCS keybinds in flight mode.

Changed many PartModule plugin class names.

Added a new module to handle engine sounds. Allows for sounds to run even at the bottom throttle levels on propeller engines. It more consistently plays the engage engine sound, and has an optional overheat warning sound.

removed HoverEngine (now found in FS Experiments)


All these re-namings will severely affect you ability to continue a saved game with craft that contain any of the engines or wings. Back up your save games!

It will also give errors on saved craft that contain these changed parts. You can, if you are a notepad hero, go into the craft file, find any part names or FS part module names that don't start with FS, and add FS to the names.

I successfully resurrected the included example craft this way. You will want to pull the engine off and replace it afterwards.

Edited by Snjo
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There's no reason engine sounds shouldn't work on Mac now, since I now load the sounds directly from the games database in a new way.

If a mac user can test it and report back, I'd appreciate it.

I'll fire up linux to test that myself.

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