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Theo's KSC!


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Some time ago, I looked at the KSC, and it looked quite empty. And at that time I had a bunch of KerbalKonstructs Mods. So I decided to make an expansion!

Here is a list of things I want included: 


GUARANTEED: testing facility, three main launch pads, two secondary launch pads, landing zones. NOT GUARANTEED: boat dock, parking lot, more bases around Kerbin,

This mod is still in development, so sadly no download.

POSSIBLE DEPENDENCIES: Tundra's Space Center, Omega's structures, Kerbinside Remastered (for the statics), Kerbal Konstructs, and Module Manager


https://imgur.com/a/kmKHZos Full Gallery


The testing facility.


Pad 36, for suborbital launches.


Pad 06 below, with it's two landing pads, for reusability tests.


The engine test pads. (or the 39a pad i have at home)



Edited by theogameren
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4 hours ago, theogameren said:

my stupid Spacedock account won't register, so sadly no download.

Maybe you're writing in characters somewhere, like spaces, question marks or math symbols into input fields where they don't belong, or maybe today really isn't a good day for account creation on Spacedock.

A screenshot or two of your WIP (and a temporary Dropbox link) would be welcome, otherwise, this topic is only a wishlist and a rant.

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6 hours ago, SheepDog2142 said:

If this is the mod ive seen on Reddit. Id be interested. It looked pretty cool. Especially if it can work with RSS.

I have to inform that this currently has no plans for RSS. Also, What mod on reddit are you talking about? I want the link to the post.

Edited by theogameren
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I'm confused. Is this a mod with any development done? From the sound of the original post it seems like it is only in the early concept/ideation stage. Not that there is an issue with that, but if you provide more details it would help users know what to expect from this mod and possibly how to help!

EDIT: Removed duplicated comment text.

Edited by RileyHef
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@theogameren Are you surrrrrrre you want to announce that? It's not hard to keep a low profile and start over until you return to your last progress point. A custom space center -is- a tedius job but it's not a particularly complex one like making textures or writing DLLs. Your audience can and will wait. What you showed was promising enough.

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