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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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Whoa.. shocking turn of events. (/understatement). I find it sort of disappointing you didn't cover the Eve landing itself, though. Why'd you skip it?
Err, he did... In Chapter 14.

Always check the first page of the thread, there are all the links and updated crew and mission status.


I need a little break and I have to actually play a game to know what will happen :)

Edited by czokletmuss
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Ugh, psychological assessments... I suppose they'll be needing them after this incident, though.

A good chapter to follow on from the tragedy that has befallen Proteus. Complete the mission and make Bob proud.

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He just wanted a little fame. He didn't deserve THIS!

Well, he did get some kind of fame, at least. First Kerbal to die due to Eve's atmosphere.

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He just wanted a little fame. He didn't deserve THIS!

Well, he did get some kind of fame, at least. First Kerbal to die due to Eve's atmosphere.

umm no, he was jealous of Jeb's fame. He let his drive to out do Jeb cloud his judgement and he ignored good advice from everyone. He flat out discounted Jeb's advice as a sign of Jeb's fear that he was going to be replaced as the most famous Kerbal by Bob.

Bob's ego killed him as much as Eve did.

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It was his decision, he knew the risks, he knew Eve was hell in spherical form, you will forever be remembered in my and many others save files. May you rest in peace Dear Friend... and safe voyages.

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^The only reason it happened was because he was overtaken by jealousy and pride, abandoning reason. Of course we will mourn him but it does not mean that he had no part in his passing.

And dayum czoklet, I had no idea you're polish (totally haven't noticed it on the profile thumbnail)!

Niezwykle ciekawa opowieść, nie mogę się doczekać następnej części! Dobra robota!

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What the hell is wrong with you guys!? Sure Bob may have let his envy get out of hand, but you guys are basically saying he deserved it like he was a terrorist or something. Have a little respect for the dead.

Nope. I'm saying he caused his own death by being a pig head, glory seeking, out do Jeb by all and any means. I just wonder how long it will be before Jeb realizes that the only reason Bob selected him for the mission is so he could witness Bob's greatness and be there for Bob to rub it/grind it into his face.

Bob paid the ultimate price for his pride and ego. It didn't have to be that way, but it is the path he chose.

It is sad that he had to die, but it is nobodies fault but his own. He didn't live to see his glory or rub it in Jeb's face. He left a huge mess for Jeb and crew to clean up.

There is a lesson there guys.

Off soapbox... Excellent story czokletmuss!

Edited by BostLabs
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Small update: I would like to release 3 chapters during this week (Sunday included) but considering work I have to do in RL right now I'm not promising anything; however, you should expect at least one new chapter in a next few days :)

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Small update: I would like to release 3 chapters during this week (Sunday included) but considering work I have to do in RL right now I'm not promising anything; however, you should expect at least one new chapter in a next few days :)

Yay, can't wait.

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