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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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yes please

Okay - expect it when the next chapter is released.

Medical status: Duna?

That's why I should make a column for "Assignments" :)

Also..I note Jeb has the ability to override BERTY's "advice".


Or does he?

... I see, Jool, the white thing sticking up must be a flag,, and the faint white spot next to the base of it must be a lander, and I think I also see a blue atmosphere...


(Dun dun dun!)

Or is it? :D

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Dang, I miss a couple of days and you get two episodes out! Well, can't complain, just seems a shame to miss it *chuckles*

Oh, and love this bit:

JEB: O Kod, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. May his soul rest in peace and rejoice meeting his Father and Maker. So say we all.

NED: So say we all.

CAMBO: So say we all.

JOHNDON: So say we all.

NEILGAS: :sobs: So say we all.

Someone's been watching Battlestar Galactica!

Jool is the same size in the picture as it is when your orbiting or landed on Laythe, and the blue glow across the picture adds to it.

Um, the size of Jool could mean anything. Including a zoom lens. Do you know how many people think Earth's Moon looks bigger when it's nearer the horizon? There is an effect, but its in people's brains, to do with being close to something we know the size of as a reference. In fact the Moon is slightly further away when it's lower, so should be infinitesimally smaller, not so's you'd notice though :)

Edited by Patupi
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May I have a request for future use. The Kerbal Space Agency develops POTATO v0.1, a new software. You decide what it does :).

If you want it done.

Hmm... POTent All-Terrain Omnibus? Like a software for a BIG rover? :D It's not a bad idea but I don't think it belongs to this AAR - The Space Race is more crazy and light-hearted.

In other news, my CK2 AAR was nominated to the Weekly AAR Showcase: December 11, 2013 award on Paradox Forum. Yay!

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I have a feeling BERTY is not going to be too happy with Jeb's disobedience. But I'm happy Jeb is finally taking back his command and not moping around not speaking to anyone. That will hopefully help boost morale.

Also, I agree with the ideas that that picture was Laythe. The white thing may have been the lander, but I also originally thought flag. I expect to be totally wrong though :D

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In other news, my CK2 AAR was nominated to the Weekly AAR Showcase: December 11, 2013 award on Paradox Forum. Yay!

Well, that thing has Aztecs invading and successfully conquering Europe with the Mongols somehow turning into a religiously zealous conquering empire of roflstomp. Which pretty much makes it one of the most amazing things since sliced bread.

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Hmm... POTent All-Terrain Omnibus? Like a software for a BIG rover? :D It's not a bad idea but I don't think it belongs to this AAR - The Space Race is more crazy and light-hearted.

Don't be silly, it's the Plasma Ordinance Thermal Extra-Neutralization Turret! Perfect for all your homicidal needs. Comes in blue and silver (and pink polkadot... but we don't talk about that model)

EDIT: And I'm an idiot, started out looking for a POTATO acronym and while re-reading your post did a 'POTent' acronym... Doh! How about Portable Olfactory Testing Alternate with Tertiary Oscillations? Erm... Previous Oklahoma Trees All Terribly Ovulate? Phased Output Transdimensional Amplification Transmitter Odometer? OK.... I'm out. POTATO is hard!

In other news, my CK2 AAR was nominated to the Weekly AAR Showcase: December 11, 2013 award on Paradox Forum. Yay!

Yay indeed! You deserve it Czokletmuss.

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Well, that thing has Aztecs invading and successfully conquering Europe with the Mongols somehow turning into a religiously zealous conquering empire of roflstomp. Which pretty much makes it one of the most amazing things since sliced bread.

Hell yeah it's awesome :P


October 13th, post 773. Dang, that's almost 2 months ago!

Damn, you're right. Wow, 2 months already? But I was asking about the in-story in-game time :P

Yay indeed! You deserve it Czokletmuss.

Thank you!


Kinda bad news - again I have quite a lot of work, which on the one hand means I'll earn more, but on the other hand means that the release of the next chapter will be postponed BUT it's almost ready. So I think you can expect it sometime between Kerbalkon, Chang'e 3 landing and 0.23 release :)

Oh and I'll post some pretty sneak-peak screenshots to sweeten the waiting, so don't be impatient!

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