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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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That wasn't the issue I had, its that the ray-casting used to determine where the re-entry effects hit allow the heat to go through the cracks in the shield. It has to do with the model and not the cfg file and the original author in the thread mentioned it over there.

Some initial testing at 3.9 km/s has revealed some interesting behaviors...

-I need to go take another look at that config line for the heat shield, as it didn't consume any ablative.

-Temps on the leading edge of the heat shield spiked at over 2500*C. The 2.5m Remote Guidance Unit just behind it maxed out at 980*C, and the battery just behind that was maxing at 540*C, and just aft of that, the FASA Centaur-Transstage maxed at 108*C. Not bad, especially if I can get a "spacer" in there in the form of a few struts.

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I think the only thing to return is a pole with jeb riding it into the VAB

2 questions:

Have you finished the grand tour, or writing these as you go along?


1. I'm currently in chapter 58 in game so slightly ahead of the story published here, more or less.

2. Wat.

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He might be referring to the Duna Space Station(?)
Yep, that's the one. And thanks for clarifying, so even you don't know how it ends :confused:

(800th post!)

Well, all I can say about this is: no comment. Or :dun dun dun:, if you will :) Yup, everything is on the table - I have some general idea what I would like to see but maybe the game will surprise me :)

First post. Thanks to your story! Keep up the good work for the love of Kod!

Thank you very much, MetalTrout! Next chapter is coming - expect it on the beginning of the next week.

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What I see happening:

After dragging the Ike station back to Kerbin orbit and demanding to know what the hell is going on, the crew has a skirmish against KASA astronauts attempting to board Proteus,

Then after they retreat, Rozer makes some comment to Jeb, thereby pushing his berserk button.

Jeb kicks Rozers ass, and he is soon seen flying through reentry over ksc.

The crew lands Proteus on top of the VAB and invade the space center, taking the staff hostage and demanding the goverment explain everything to the public.

Why am I giving Czokletmuss ideas?

Edited by Deadpangod3
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Leucome engines (the ones used by "Proteus") are now officialy updated to 0.23!

They are avaible here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67869-23-Bengsch-Industries-Parts-%28Leucome-Fusion-Engines%29

And all of that thanks to Bengsch85 :)

Woah, those are pretty huge. I guess Proteus was just gigantic this whole time...

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Yeah, a new "Grand Tour" of outer planets from Planetfactory CE would make for some awesome possibilities. Of course, I can't speak for the plans of the great Czokletmuss and I'm sure it would be a while seeing as this one isn't even finished yet.

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Hey Czokletmuss, do u think that after u finished this voyage u'll start a new one with updated 0.23(probably 0.24) KSP??? ^^
Yeah, a new "Grand Tour" of outer planets from Planetfactory CE would make for some awesome possibilities. Of course, I can't speak for the plans of the great Czokletmuss and I'm sure it would be a while seeing as this one isn't even finished yet.
Yeah, and then there still is the Space Race AAR and of course that

thing that he keeps teasing us about :D

When I planned the Grand Tour I decided that I won't use any parts with edited cfg, only vanilla and mods so that anyone could recreate the spacecraft and use them. That's the reason for which I didn't use for instance asteroids mod by frizzank - I wanted "Proteus" to go where everyone can go in their own game. Now using Planetfactory would be indeed awesome (more planets! more muns!) but it would make the whole story non-canon from the point of view of the vanilla KSP, if you catch my drift. So I'm not sure whether I would use Planetfactory at all - it's one thing changing textures but adding new planets is something else entirely.

Right now I want to concentrate on the Grand Tour; even when I finish it, there's still Space Race (which was much more ambitious in my plans than what you currently can see - I wanted to make a story spanning from first Kerbal satellite to "Kadmos" mission which would automatically include stuff like cold war, decolonization and other interesting things in Kerbalverse).

But there's still my secret project, as silentdragon pointed out :P

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As far as I know SQUAD has plans to add two additional gas giants with muns and stuff anyway, so by the time you are finished here there might be a lot more to explore (I would just be curious on how to implement that into the storyline, like, "oh, we didn't even notice these two giant things out there" :D)

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I would just be curious on how to implement that into the storyline, like, "oh, we didn't even notice these two giant things out there" :D)

Yeah, that could be problematic :) But I doubt Squad will add new giants anytime soon, they are clearly focused on getting more copies of KSP sold which means multiplayer and other casual-friendly stuff than new planets - I don't even think we'll get biomes of every celestial body done during this year. Anyways, firstly I have to finish the Grand Tour :)

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