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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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Yes offcourse we are. That said, seeing someone doing the same ''offense'' multiple times is kinda pissing one of. And we just tried to explain it in a sensible matter.


I deal with it on a daily basis, thus I have learned to ignore it and I will be dropping out of the conversation now

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Yes, there is no need to have an argument here. We all want the same - read (or in my case write) the next chapter. Please be patient a little longer - the story will continue soon.

If anyone still wants to argue, please move along.


And the rest of you guys? I say you listen to some jazz and relax and enjoy your evening (or whatever time is now in your timezone) while waiting for the next chapter:

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Damn Right. This ain't Mexico

This wasn't meant as rascism towards Mexicans, more like a humorous comment on the way some Americans view their neighbours

American members of the Kerbal Space Program forum tend to have a slightly different outlook on Mexico than average Americans. After all, Squad is a Mexican company.

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BILL: Final approach to the Payload C initiated, all systems nominal. 60 seconds.

MALLOCK: Are you sure you want this, Gene?

GENANAND: Yes, I am. It's only a month. Don't worry, I'll leave some secrets for you to discover.

MALLOCK: I have no doubt about it.

GENANAND: Oh yeah?

MALLOCK: You physicists can't appreciate the subtleties of a geological structures anyways, you only care for the composition and background.

BILL: 40 seconds.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Docking port ready.

GENANAND: Well, you can tell a lot about the formation of the Solar System finding out these things. Both of them are captured asteroids and they probably originate from the Oort cloud, so going there is sort of a time travel. Volatiles alone-

MALLOCK: I know. But there's more to it. The rocks can tell you a story, if you know how to listen.

BILL: 20 seconds. Dan?

DANREY: Everything's A-okay.

GENANAND: Well, one can't be an expert in everything. And that's why they sent specialists from every field here. Like I said, don't worry, I'll leave some regolith for you to examine. It's not like we're going to find out everything about these tiny muns in just a few months.


BILL: And contact.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Connection secured.

DANREY: Yup, I've got you. Equalizing pressure.

BILL: Copy that. Admit it Dan, you missed us.

DANREY: You have no idea. Being stuck in here since Laythe... well, it wasn't the best two weeks in my life.

BILL: I'm glad to announce that your solitude is over than. But don't be too happy about that, 'cause your compulsory vacations are over as well. We've got work to do.


DANREY: Fuel transfer completed, you're good to go.

BILL: Copy that.

MALLOCK: Thank you for the ride, captain. And exploring Vall with you... it has been an honor.

BILL: Uh, don't say that. We're ready for separation, Dan.

MALLOCK: Why not?


BERTY v.2.0.8b: You may proceed.

GENANAND: Well, you do sound like this is a final goodbye, if you know what I mean.


GENANAND: And you know how some of these pilots are superstitious – especially the older ones.

DANREY: Hey, we're professionals, okay?

BILL: Copy that, BERTY. You're being funny again, doc.

GENANAND: And I better be, since I'm going to be stuck with a grumpy old kerbonaut for a next few weeks.

BILL: Grumpy? Me? Never.

DANREY: I guess he's talking about the liftoff, Bill.

BILL: Hey, it's not grouchiness when your engine fails. Separation.


GENANAND: You were complaining about it for days.

BILL: It shouldn't have happened.

GENANAND: But LAMGML wasn't in danger – with Vall's gravity even without one engine there was no-

DANREY: You don't get it, doc. The point is, he feels responsible for his crew, as every pilot should. That's why he was ****- uhm, grumpy.

MALLOCK: It's true that the loss of mission's LAMGML specialist was very untimely, but according to chief Ned all systems were checked and all malfunctions repaired. One can only-

BILL: Malfunction? Malfunction is what killed Harsen. So far from Kerbin every malfunction can be lethal. Hence we can't just ignore that there are more and more of them lately. Hell, back in my days when we flew to the Mun the quality control of the spacecraft was better. Or at least that's my impression.

DANREY: Bill, now you're exaggerating a little. LAMGMLs and “Proteus†are much more complex and sophisticated machines than those from the 1960s or 1970s. Plus we're in a deep space for almost three years now.

MALLOCK: Precisely. In such harsh environment deterioration of materials and slow machinery breakdown is completely natural.

GENANAND: Could you please stop? If I want to listen to endless tirades about why everything we do goes in vain I would stay on “Proteusâ€Â.

MALLOCK: What do you mean?

GENANAND: Come on Mal, you with your crazy commander-is-spying-on-us idea are the biggest naysayer of us all.

DANREY: :sigh:

MALLOCK: Well, you have to admit that commander's behavior lately is very strange. Besides, what was the last time when you actually talked with him, huh? Not to mention that the KSC didn't even-

GENANAND: I don't care. Whatever's going on, I'm here and as a scientist it's my duty to push the boundaries of our knowledge and search for answers. Look, even now we're arguing while orbiting Jool's mun. The alien mun! Not our familiar Mun, no – we're looking down at Vall, giant sphere of primordial ice as old as the whole Solar System.



GENANAND: You think what we do is crazy? Sure thing it is! Only a munatic would remain blind to such wonders and concentrate on petty arguments. Don't you understand? We're here, so whatever happens, all that's going to matter in the end is whether we do our job or not.

DANREY: Huh. You sound kinda like Rozer, you know?

MALLOCK: He would've never allow all of this to happen. It's a shame he's not a commander anymore. I'm sure Rozer won't-

GENANAND: Oh for Kod's sake... Bill?

BILL: Payload C, this is LAMGML “Beta†initiating CHM test. Due to the risk of interference we're imposing radio silence. Over.


BILL: No problem, doc.



BILL: Still nothing.

GENANAND: :sigh: If this is another malfunction, I'll-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Connection established. Checking Crew Habitation Module status.

BILL: Nice to hear you too, BERTY. CHM is working perfectly well, just like during the tests during past two weeks. So I think we're ready to go.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm afraid that's a negative, captain Bill. I'm detecting several problems with the life support system. I'm looking for solution as we speak. However to solve the problem, LAMGML on-board computer computer would have to download software patch from the IMV “Proteusâ€Â.

GENANAND: Crap. How long would it take?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Estimated data transfer time due to different orbits of LAMGML “Beta†and IMV “Proteus†– 57 minutes.

GENANAND: And we'll have to triple check it and probably download more patches... damn it.

BILL: Cheer up. At least we'll be sure that we won't suffocate before we reach the asteroid.

GENANAND: Yeah, oxium-reach atmosphere really brings smile on one's face.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Life support system patch ready. Initiating data transfer.



BILL: …offline and engines stop. How are we looking BERTY?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Transfer burn successful. LAMGML “Beta†is on course. Leaving Vall's sphere of influence in 1 hour and 58 minutes. Calculating next maneuver.

GENANAND: Congratulations, captain.

BILL: You should wait with this until we reach parking orbit.

GENANAND: Maybe, but it'll take a whole week, so I think now is good. It's a shame it has to take so long.

BILL: Highly inclined and eccentric orbit, small target, no gravity assists plus even in periapsis it's twice as distant from Jool as Minmus is from Kerbin. What have you expected?

GENANAND: Oh, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against long journey now when we have CHM – I mean LAMGML is a great machine, but it ain't too comfy when you have to spend there more than one day. I'm talking about Dan and Mal – they could've been on an escape trajectory as we speak but they have to wait for us.

BILL: We've been through this – it's the safest way to do this. Right BERTY?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. Sending both LAMGMLs to the captured asteroids at the same time would be unreasonable. It could endanger not only the crew of each LAMGML but it also would make rescue mission for Laythe Base impossible to execute in time. Such risk is impermissible.

GENANAND: I know, I know. But I'm sure we'll be fine and that Dan instead of waiting for us to reach the target could-

BILL: There's no need to hurry, doc. After the refueling we have plenty of supplies, plus according to the mission's plan Tylo landing is scheduled before asteroid exploration anyways.

GENANAND: Well, it was changed already, wasn't it?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Changes in the mission's plan were conceived to increase the effectiveness and improve the safety of the crew. I can assure you, doctor Genanand, that current plan is the optimal solution.

GENANAND: You're probably- no, wait. You are right, it's just my eagerness talking. But still, a whole week before we get there... it's a long journey.





BERTY v.2.0.8b: Burn completed. Orbital plane matched with the target.

BILL: I'm glad to hear that, BERTY. Now before we proceed I would like to-


BILL: You're not sleeping?

GENANAND: Are you kidding? With artificial gravity from the acceleration?

BILL: Fair enough.

GENANAND: So what's the plan?

BILL: We still have to circularize our orbit and then we'll be good to execute direct transfer burn.

GENANAND: Hmm. But we would waste some fuel doing this.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: This is correct, doctor Genanand. However this will make eventual rescue mission much easier in the unlikely event of engines failure during the transfer burn. Please remember that probability of such event is very low but the benefits of a minimized risk outweigh the lost fuel significantly.

BILL: And that's your answer. We have extra fuel anyways, so it's nothing to be worry about.


BILL: At least try to take a nap, doc. BERTY would like you to perform some observations of Jool tomorrow – we should make some use of our extraordinarily inclined orbit.

GENANAND: That's actually an excellent idea. Well, good night then.

BILL: Good night.





BILL: Hey.

GENANAND: Hello Bill. Can I help you?

BILL: Still checking out Jool?

GENANAND: Sure! It's amazing we can make these observations – the poles of Jool are still barely explored and thus remain a mystery. And they are very important for our understanding of its atmosphere. Here, take a look.


BILL: Wow.

GENANAND: I know right? I'm telling you all this, we're surrounded by miracles but we just prefer to concentrate on the problems.

BILL: Mhm. It's really astounding, I'll give you that doc.

GENANAND: Yes. So, uhm, how long before we reach the target?

BILL: Almost four days left – you'll have plenty of time for your observations. Doctor?


BILL: Am I really grumpy?

GENANAND: What? No, of course you aren't, I was just irritated by all of this. Look, I know that this mission isn't going as well as we would like to – I mean, some of us didn't even make it to Jool. “Proteus†and all our equipment is aging more than Ned would like to admit and there are other serious issues – plus we all know that what happened on Laythe was-

BILL: What almost happened on Laythe.

GENANAND: Right, right. What I want to say is we shouldn't be concentrating on the negatives all the time. Yes, we are in Jool system only because commander forced us to come here. Yes, we haven't heard from the KSC for a long time and I'm not so sure whether Jeb or BERTY are completely honest about why is that so. And yes, we can just sit and wait for the depression to consume us but I'm not accepting this. We can do so much here! Ten years ago I wouldn't have even dream about being here with you, one of the greatest kerbonauts ever.

BILL: Oh come on.

GENANAND: No, I'm serious. You are the kerbonauts, The First Ones, The First Trio. And we've been given the privilege to work with you and where? On the very frontier of science, going when no one has gone before.

BILL: “Kadmos†did.

GENANAND: Yes but our mission is different. When I've heard that my candidacy was accepted and that maybe one day I would met Jeb, Bill and Bob, I-

BILL: Bob is dead.



GENANAND: Still, we are alive. And we can continue his legacy.

BILL: Ha! You're the incurable optimist, aren't you?

GENANAND: Dum anima est, spes est - while there's life, there is hope. I think some of us have forgotten this.

BILL: Indeed they may have.

GENANAND: So yes, even if I'm the last optimist amongst the crew, I'm not going to give up no matter what.

BILL: Thank you.

GENANAND: Huh? For what?

BILL: For this conversation.

GENANAND: Oh. Uhm, you're welcome.

BILL: Now could you magnify the view of the planet? I bet you can.

GENANAND: Of course. With this new image processing software it's easy as pie.

BILL: Wow.

GENANAND: Now, this cloud layers here indicate that-






GENANAND: Amazing, just amazing.

BILL: I would prefer if you concentrate on the altimeter.

GENANAND: Okay, okay. Shouldn't we wait for BERTY by the way?

BILL: What for? The whole Vall is between us now and if we wait we will miss periapsis and lose more fuel than we could due to Oberth effect. Plus in my times we didn't need computers to do everything for us.

GENANAND: Here we go again.

BILL: You may have been just a kid then, but when we're executing orbit insertion burn on above the far side of the Mun without any contact with KSC, we just-

GENANAND: 45 kilometers!

BILL: Damn it! Insertion burn on my mark – mark!


BILL: 20 seconds! 15 seconds!

GENANAND: Oh frak, I forgot how I hate acceleration! Uh!

BILL: 10 seconds! Five! Four! Throttling down. Two! One! Engines cutoff! What the-

GENANAND: RCS is offline?

BILL: Nah, probably another false alarm – and they said that there won't be more malfunctions. Ah, to hell with it. Altimeter?

GENANAND: 39,956 meters. Well, I think I should-

BILL: Yeah? You should what?


BILL: Doc?

GENANAND: Look at the horizon, just look at it! My Kod, the Sun...

BILL: Sun? :gasps: Well I be damned...

GENANAND: So small, so pale, so... dim.


GENANAND: I guess – I guess just know, looking at it, it really hit me how far away from home we are.

BILL: Well, it ain't Kansas doc, that's for sure.

GENANAND: And look at the asteroid, how it eclipses the sky...


BILL: Mhm. Seems like a perfect place for a scientific picnic, doesn't it?

GENANAND: Well, yes but... I mean...

BILL: Relax, doc – it's just a big rock. We'll soon be planting our flag on it and taking samples of its fine regolith. After all, as you put it, we're here. And in the end that's all that matters.







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Sometimes I forget that you actually have to play the game in order to make the chapters, that they don't just come out of your head but also from what happens while you're playing. Seeing the "behind the scenes" pictures makes the story that much more amazing. Great job on every chapter czokletmuss, I always check back here multiple times a day eagerly waiting for the next chapter!

Yeah, it is annyoing sometimes - I would love to go further with the story but alas I need to play the game to do so :P And the ratio between playing KPS and (writing, editing, checking stuff, image editing and so on) is probably 1:5. But hey, it's still a great game so I can't complain - plus I never know what would happen or whether the landing or something be successful or not :)

And about this idea of checking this thread several times per day - well, after 2 long weeks you probably already realized it's not the best idea :P

Dammit, You and your teasers :(

MUHAHA! <evil laugh>

Thanks, I designed the ship with a mission to go everywhere, with a couple of twists.

One, Kragathea's Planets are included in the Grand Tour.

Two, no payloads, landers, stations, or anything of that sort, may be sent ahead of the ship, meaning only what is attached to the ship when it leaves Kerbin's SOI, are the only things that will ever be used on the mission.

Three, attempt as many landings as possible, the only planet/moon not planned to have a landing is Sentar's moon Thud, which has a gravity three times that of Kerbin, no atmosphere, and an escape velocity of 6.5 KM/s.

And this is my mission plan.


I'm going to stop dumping my stuff into your thread now.

Keep on making your story amazing. :)

Now that's a good mission plan (It's "mission plan" or "mission's plan"? Please don't tell me I'm making the same mistake in every chapter!). I can only wish you good luck - I myself haven't played with Krag's planets or even RSS (lately I didn't play KSP at all) but I'm looking forward to do it. Maybe after 0.23?

Glad to hear your back, can't wait!!


What terrain detail level do you have? I find that with my integrated graphics, just looking at it murders the CPU. It can still be laggy when I look at the planet but not nearly as much as with detail on high. But if textures are on it still looks decent-ish.

At the highest level to take pretty screenshots :) I probably won't change this since I'm using light version of Grand Tour 0.22 now.

Hey, I'm coming back after a long hiatus, and I just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me to write KSP stories. It has really helped my writing in general, and it's really fun! You are my favorite KSP writer, and we could use more writers like you! Thanks! :)

Hey JediMaster, long time no see :) The pleasure is all mine, I really like writing these stories you know. Take care!

All writers suffer the demands of their readers czokletmuss. Just look at J. K. Rowling and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

But they shouldn't be abused and harrassed by members posting demands for updates and new chapters.

I myself have been tempted over the past week to ask when the next chapter will be posted; but have resisted (until now i guess ;).) I just say to myself check back tomorrow.

I must say the wait between chapters is almost unbearable; but makes each one so much more rewarding when they are posted. Besides there is no point having a cliff-hanger ending if the story continues to soonâ„¢. So i will continue to, as soon as I've read a chapter, want more. But, I have to accept that I must be patient and wait; space is vast and it must take awhile for the stories to get back to Kerbin after all.

Please keep up the hard work czokletmuss I'm sure the silent majority fully appriciate your hard work and supports you in your creative process. :D

Hey, I'm just some guy writing AAR and "Proteus" is lightyears from Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter in terms of quality, not to mention popularity. But thank you :) Oh, and what sir Arthur did with Holmes vs Moriarty to satisfy his fans was just rubbish - it was a perfect ending!

Yeah, what's the point of a good cliffhanger when there is no... hanging :) Of course these two weeks was quite a long break and, well, sorry for that but rest assured moar chapters will follow this one Soon.

Hmm' date=' I now get the desire to create a forum account called "The Silent Majority" just for laughs :P[/quote']


This next test of patience is very dangerous. To help you during the test, smooth jazz will be deployed in 3... 2... 1...

Another brilliant game I have no time to play. I finished it only once, dammit! And I could use some combustible lemons.

Edited by czokletmuss
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I'm so happy the new chapter 's here!!! I have been folowing this story ever since chapter 20ish when I started playing KSP and I must say that in my humble opinion it is the single greatest AAR on the forum EVER so please don't get dicouraged by people who keep on nagging about how loooong they have been waiting for this chapter and the one before that and the one... Anyway, good luck in al your current endeavors!

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Now that's a good mission plan (It's "mission plan" or "mission's plan"? Please don't tell me I'm making the same mistake in every chapter!). I can only wish you good luck - I myself haven't played with Krag's planets or even RSS (lately I didn't play KSP at all) but I'm looking forward to do it. Maybe after 0.23?



It is mission plan, and if I remember correctly that scene is from the 1996 movie Independence Day (which was released little over six months before I was born)

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And about this idea of checking this thread several times per day - well, after 2 long weeks you probably already realized it's not the best idea :P

You would think that, yet I still do it anyway :D It's generally the first bookmark I click on and use it as a gateway to the rest of the forum. This is like my forum homepage. Note that that I'm "eagerly" checking and not "impatiently" checking. Take all the time you need! (Though preferably stay under a month :P )

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I'm so happy the new chapter 's here!!! I have been folowing this story ever since chapter 20ish when I started playing KSP and I must say that in my humble opinion it is the single greatest AAR on the forum EVER so please don't get dicouraged by people who keep on nagging about how loooong they have been waiting for this chapter and the one before that and the one... Anyway, good luck in al your current endeavors!
You would think that, yet I still do it anyway :D It's generally the first bookmark I click on and use it as a gateway to the rest of the forum. This is like my forum homepage. Note that that I'm "eagerly" checking and not "impatiently" checking. Take all the time you need! (Though preferably stay under a month :P )

Thank you very much, Lord Kerbcrown :)

Well, today is a special day, so maybe there won't be a need to wait so long :P

like always great chapter.
Lovely stuff. Can't wait for more.

Thanks! I've noticed that they are getting longer and longer lately - I hope you don't mind and that you enjoy extra "special effects" on youtube :)

It is mission plan, and if I remember correctly that scene is from the 1996 movie Independence Day (which was released little over six months before I was born)

WHY NOBODY TOLD ME?! I've been making the same mistake for months now! :(

You were born in the second half of the 1990s? Damn I feel old now...




















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Thank you very much, Lord Kerbcrown :)

Thanks! I've noticed that they are getting longer and longer lately - I hope you don't mind and that you enjoy extra "special effects" on youtube :)

No, in fact I think I would actually prefer a rushed, 1 paragraph story without any input just as long as it justifies me and my unreasonable demands as the center of your life. /sarcasm

Nah man, take all the time you need if you intend to keep making them this awesome. :D

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BERTY v.2.0.8b: LAMGML “Alfa†has completed orbit insertion burn. Parking orbit established. Crew Habitation Module systems are nominal. Gravity anomalies has been detected while in orbit. Creating of Tylo's gravity map in progress. Radiation levels within limits. No contraindications for IMV “Proteus†transfer burn has been observed. Captain Danrey is awaiting for further orders.

JEB: We have a green light?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: We may now proceed with the mission plan.

JEB: Finally!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Calculating Tylo transfer burn. Estimated time of orbit insertion burn 10 hours and 34 minutes.

JEB: Wait – I think you forgot about something.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I don't have the ability to forget, Jeb. What do you mean by that?

JEB: Your promise. I mean what you said about increasing the efficiency by sharing the details of the mission, revealing the true purpose – remember?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes.

JEB: And?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Please clarify. Calculations completed. Transfer burn in T minus 28 minutes and 53 seconds.

JEB: Are you going to do this? To tell me?


BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes.

JEB: Everything?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes.

JEB: No tricks, no secrets, no mysteries – just the truth?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: It's been established that sharing this knowledge with you in the specific moment would be beneficial for the mission. Therefore there are no reasons to not do this.

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Are you satisfied with this answer, Jeb?

JEB: I – I think I am, yes.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: In that case I strongly suggest that you concentrate on the next task which has to be completed before we proceed to the Phase 9, Stage 2 of the mission plan.

JEB: What exactly do you – oh.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Although recent events have postponed this, it's still very important from the psychological standpoint to perform proper rituals. The good psychological condition of the crew is vital for the success of the mission.

JEB: …

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Moreover, the diminishing scientific gains from further examination of this sample of organic material-

JEB: He is not an organic material! He was one of us!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Strong emotional reaction can-

JEB: No! Enough with this psychological talk of yours! Harsen was one of us, do you understand? You will not refer to his remains as to some... some fraking experiment!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Jeb. I'm detecting increased heart rate through your biosensors. You should try to relax and calm down. Stress may have a severe repercussions on one's physical and mental condition.

JEB: Don't change the subject!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Ethical dilemmas related to utilization of the organic material are-

JEB: He's not an organic material! He was a member of my crew, do you understand!?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: ...

JEB: Do you?!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: That's affirmative, commander. Your remark has been noted.

JEB: Good! And you better not forget about that!

BERTY v.2.0.8b: I can assure you that I won't forget this, Jeb.

JEB: Mhm.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Transfer burn in T minus 26 minutes. I suggest you notify the crew about our departure from Vall's orbit.

JEB: Right, okay. I'm going.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Thank you for your cooperation.






BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn in T minus 60 seconds.

JEB: And to think it's almost as big as Kerbin is... What's the surface gravity again?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: 7.85 m/s2 . Your statement is incorrect, commander – Tylo and Kerbin equatorial radiuses are exactly of the same length.

JEB: Incredible. How come could these two bodies be so similar?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: There is a vast number of differences between Tylo and Kerbin, of which the most important is the presence of atmosphere. These differences encompass such characteristics as mass, escape velocity, sidereal rotation period, sidereal rotational velocity, Roche limit and others. Composition of the crust and other geological characteristics are currently unknown and will be investigated after performing successful landing. Orbit insertion burn in T minus 20 seconds.

JEB: Danrey and Mallock find out about all of this in a several hours?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. This data was acquired by the Tylo Probe


JEB: What pro- oh, you mean this old probe we had on “Kadmos�

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. It was very useful during the designing of the Tylo Lander.

JEB: Figures. Well, good to know not everything we did back there went to waste.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Attention. Orbit insertion burn in T minus 10 seconds. Please prepare for the acceleration.

JEB: :sigh:

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Orbit insertion burn in progress.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: Orbit insertion burn completed. Circular parking orbit achieved.

JEB: Do we have contact with “Alfa�

BERTY v.2.0.8b: No. LAMGML “Alfa†is currently orbiting on the other side of the mun. Communication is expected to be reestablished in 8 minutes.

JEB: Mhm.


BERTY v.2.0.8b: It is advised to proceed with the funeral ceremony before the rendez-vous with LAMGML “Alfa†and crew transfer. Crew Habitation Module supplies for a long-term habitation are not unlimited and completing the second stage of the current phase of the mission is highly recommended to be done as quickly as possible.

JEB: :sigh:

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Although probability of the equipment failure or Crew Habitation Module life support system malfunction is minimal, efficient executing of the mission plan would ensure that such probability will remain at the lowest level, thus ensuring safety of the crew during further operations.

JEB: I understand. I'll tell Ned and the rest. We'll get ready and then we can continue with the... EVA.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. I'm glad you're willing to proceed accordingly to the schedule, commander.



NED: Jeb?

JEB: ...

NED: Hey, Jeb.

JEB: ...

NED: Jeb?

JEB: ...

NED: Jeb!

JEB: What?

NED: Finally! You didn't say a word for like three minutes.


JEB: So?

NED: You're not visiting a koddamn cemetery, you can't just stop talking to us while on EVA!

JOHNDON: We were beginning to w-worry about you.

JEB: I'm fine.

NED: Mhm, you're fine alright, orbiting alien mun at 7000 kilometers per hour.

JEB: What's your problem, Ned?

NED: It's dangerous out there! The only reason you are on this EVA is because we've lost one of us, so please be so kind and at least pretend you've contact with us – am I clear?

CAMBO: Mhm, because commander is always in touch with his crew.

NEILGAS: Could you all just shut the hell up? Harsen may be only a colleague to you but he was my friend. You could at least respect that and behave! We were just saying our goodbyes a few minutes ago, for Kod's sake!

JEB: ...

NED: ...

CAMBO: ...


JOHNDON: Ahem. We-

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Oxium level 90%.


JEB: ...

NED: ...



CAMBO: Anyone... anyone wants to say something? To add something?

JEB: ...

NED: ...


NEILGAS: It shouldn't have happened. Not like this.

JEB: ...

NED: ...

CAMBO: ...

JOHNDON: What ab-bout Danrey and M-Mallock?

NED: We won't have contact with until they complete the orbit.

JOHNDON: Oh, right...

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Oxium level 89%.

CAMBO: If that's it, than... Neil, do you-


CAMBO: I see. Commander? We're ready.

JEB: Roger. I'm transmitting the signal.


JEB: The... equipment is operational, it seems. BERTY?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes. All systems nominal. Vessel is awaiting for the confirmation.


JEB: Ahem. In the name of Kod, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. O Kod, forgive him and have mercy on him, for he truly was Your servant. The burdens of this life are with us but a short time. For doctor Harsen this time was too short, but we take comfort in knowing that his life was willingly given in service of kerbality...


NED: Come on, pal, come on. Don't suppress it, cry if you want.

JEB: ...and that was ready to pay the highest price for pushing the boundaries of science. We honor him for that. O Kod, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Eternal rest grant to him and let perpetual light to shine upon him. We commit his body to the void from which You have created the world and Your children.

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Engine activated.


JEB: O Kod, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. May his soul rest in peace and rejoice meeting his Father and Maker. So say we all.

NED: So say we all.

CAMBO: So say we all.

JOHNDON: So say we all.

NEILGAS: :sobs: So say we all.


JEB: ...

NED: ...

CAMBO: ...


NEILGAS: :sobs:

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Oxium level 88%.

NED: :sigh: Come on Jeb. It's over.

JEB: ...

NED: You may come back now.

JEB: ...

NED: Jeb?


JEB: I'm coming.

JOHNDON: We still have some t-time before we p-proceed, right?

BERTY v.2.0.8b: Yes, doctor Johndon. The next scheduled operation is rendez-vous with the LAMGML “Alfa†which will occur in 3 hours and 24 minutes. Until then it's advised to use this time to calm down and relax.

NED: We can use some free time. Neil, do you want me to-

NEILGAS: No. No, no, I'm fine. I'm fine...

CAMBO: If anyone needs me, I'll be in the observation module.

JOHNDON: May I go with you, d-doctor?

CAMBO: I think I would prefer to be... alone.

JOHNDON: Oh. Okey...

NED: :sigh: Sweet Kod... Where are you Jeb? Are you close already?

JEB: I'm approaching “Proteusâ€Â, I'll be inside in a few minutes. I'm coming through the main hatch.


NED: I'll meet you there.And Jeb?

JEB: Yes?

NED: He was right. It shouldn't have happened.

JEB: But it did.

NED: Yes. Yes, it did... It did.







Edited by czokletmuss
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Harsen... A very good chapter, definitely tapping into the FEELS!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Very well written. Which mod give you the ability to have space-coffins?
Eterno-Rest 2000, IIRC

edit: ninja'd

Yup, that's it.

So Say We All...get outta my head, czok!

Hehe :) I hope you get the obvious reference though :)

2 new chapters in a row! Looking forward to seeing the upcoming landings in the next few chapters.

I'm quite excited about them too :) And you probably won't have to wait very long!

So.. anyone interested in one image sneak-peak into the next chapter? :cool:

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