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Pros and Cons Of Colonizing A Carboniferous Period Earthlike Planet..


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Scifi Scenario: Mankind develops FTL space travel and finally finds a planet worthy of being called Earth's long lost cousin.

Planet Neo: Whoever in charge of naming thought it sounded cool and appropriate so it stuck.

Biosphere: Like an earlier form of earth... the carboniferous period of history before the dinosaurs. Where more oxygen means easier fires and HUGE insects. Humid and lots of wet rain forests.

How would having more oxygen in the air effect tech devopment? How would we deal with huge insects?

My analysis: More air means fuel might last longer or maybe less in combustion engine? Don't know. Starting combustion is easier. Fires too.

As for the giant insects, no more showing any skin walking around outside. You would need to wear armor whenever you walk outside as well as be packing heat (a gun) or some kind of weapon whenever you walk outside.



Edited by Spacescifi
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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

1. Take the DNA samples to improve your molecular genetics skills
2. Blast several (tens) of Sundials around the planet to kill'em all with fire.
3. Use the plowland.

Don't forget to burn the DNA samples after sequencing and writing into the database.


The cockroaches would survive no matter what. Obviously the ants too.

Rather certain anything with wings also would.

Insects are REALLY hard to make go extinct.

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7 hours ago, Spacescifi said:

The cockroaches would survive no matter what.

Even the cockroaches can't breathe with carbon oxides instead of oxygen.


The cockroaches have disappeared here about two decades ago, even without nukes.

Some say, it's a lot of microwaves from the cellphones and so on, some have other versions.

Nobody knows, why.

What's absolutely definite, only rare maniacs separate kitchen garbage here, so it's definitely not a reason.

(Also, what those maniacs have manually separated, anyway gets mixed back in the trashcans outside.)

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I expect any fuel will burn more effectively, so probably hotter if you use the same fuel/air ratio, but if you adjust that ratio then your fuel use should be very similar, you will just need less air-volume to achieve the same effect.

Fires would start easier and be harder to put out, so tech would be more dangerous in general.

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