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[WEB APP] Ribbon Generator [1.1.2] [ABANDONED]

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Site seems to be working nicely with Chrome :).

And it works fine in IE too. I just had my cookies turned off [derpity herp]. :rolleyes:

That's the last known bug - yay! Brownie points to the first person to report another...

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Now I've gone and done it. It would appear that my host (Hostmonster.com) is buckling under the pressure of the new site. If you're trying to access either of our sites, you may get delays and/or failures, and I'm very sorry about that. :blush:

EDIT: The problem appears to have passed, at least for now. If anyone has problems viewing the site, please tell me. Thanks!

Edited by Ezriilc
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Woot! thank you for Hosting!

Are you requiring the actual ribbon images to be copied out, and served from imgur or such ? ... that would dramatically reduce the hits.

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Woot! thank you for Hosting!

Are you requiring the actual ribbon images to be copied out, and served from imgur or such ? ... that would dramatically reduce the hits.

You're welcome! I'm glad I was able to rescue it.

Sadly, yes. I am currently implementing changes that will block remote requests for images. That is NOT what I want this site to do, and I do want to be able to host images. One thing I'm thinking of trying, is to allow remote access if this forum is the referrer. That will allow us to use them here without too much load on my server... maybe.

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I have a VPS that I could offer up some bandwidth on for a mirror. Right now I just use it for a personal ZNC.

That might help, but only if I could shunt MOST of the traffic to your VPS, and if that VPS is real-time scalable for bandwidth and CPU. Honestly, I don't know how to go about mirroring a site - heck I've never even had a VPS before, so I know very little.

EDIT: Oh, and thanks for the offer!

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