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HOCgaming's THAT'S NO MOON! Base - Craft Submission Thread


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And we're back!

Hey guys, Harv here, and welcome to our

1JzoHuu.png Base.

Our mission is to create a self-sustaining, well equipped, fully operational facility upon the Mun's surface. To do this, we require schematics for hundreds upon hundreds of utilities- ranging from fuel transporters, to living quarters, to reconnaissance rovers, even all the way to large storage units. This is where you come in.

I need you to send in the most effective and innovative machines you can make, following the construction brief and rules laid out below. In each episode of That's No moon! Base we will be sending the best submitted entry following the construction brief up to the facility and managing the operation down on the surface of the Mun. The latest episode can be seen below.

The Rules:

  • No Mods - the mission will be highly successful if the restriction of using only stock parts is in place, as it will challenge your ingenuity and knowledge of the game. Developer Console's "Part Clipping in editors" is perfectly fine.

  • Final Stage ONLY - Don't submit your design with any launch or maneuver stages wahtsoever, leave the job of getting your design there to me.

  • Must Mass 40 Units or Less - The launcher design we're using can transport up to the mass onto the surface of the Mun, but prefers as little as possible! You can find up your total mass by adding up the mass of every part used. This rule nicely ensures I can easily make episodes whilst encouraging simpler entries.

  • Use as FEW Parts as POSSIBLE! - The less parts we use the more episodes there will be, so make your entry attractive to me by making it with as few parts as possible.

  • Be Intelligent - If your entry is hard to land (CENTRE OF MASS NEEDS TO BE IN-LINE WITH CENTRE OF THRUST!), it won't get used. If your entry is needlessly heavy, it won't get used. If your entry falls to pieces on the pad, it won't get used. If your entry is made up of over 200 parts without good reason, it probably won't get used. The best way to raise your utilities' chances of being selected is to make it an attractive proposition to me!

Current Construction Brief:

We NO LONGER need a fuel reserve! What we need now is a re-fueler / shuttle craft which can ferry a few Kerbals down from the Bull's Eye Station and back up (just in case) and can also hold enough fuel to do the trip a few times, if needs be. Needs to have standard and junior docking ports.

Making your submission - Post your entries in a reply to this thread, to be valid your require the following factors:

  • Name of Utility

  • Screenshot - Should probably link to image sharing site (
http://www.imgur.com is good) to prevent filling up our screens, and must NOT require a download to view.

  • Total Mass of Utility - Time to get counting boys.

  • Utility's .CRAFT file - Added as an attachment or linked to and uploaded onto a file sharing site. .CRAFT files can be found in your game install directory under "\Saves\[Name of Universe]\Ships\VAB"

  • Your Name

Phew! Thanks for reading all that, and I look forward to doing this series. It's gonna be FUN!



1* Communications Tower V2 - Devon

2* DRAkTEC Hangar 2.0 - Sapien Technologies

3* Mun Motel - Home of the stars - Kerbanaut

4* DRAkTEC MunTraktor - Sapien Technologies

5* Howitzer Mk3 - Wimx84

6* Bull's Eye Station - Hammer Wizard

7* Lookout Tower - Ja

8* KepeTech Refueling Station - KepeTech

9* Tricorne IIb - norso

Edited by HOC
Finale uploaded!
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Name: BAE Extra-Planetary Rover Mk IV

Screenshot - http://goo.gl/LHwqY


Total Mass of Utility - 3.046 mass

Utility's .CRAFT file - https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1uexNCkX41RRGZUbUlIeU1ONDQ/edit

(Anyone can download from this link. You're welcome!)

My Name: Ticondrius (tie-CON-dree-uhs) ;)

I spent about 3-4 hours working on this. I tried using an Ion Engine as backup. I tried solar panels. I even gave it simple liftoff capability for a few tests with RCS, not as good an idea as you'd think. Ultimately, I got to what you see here. Kerbals can climb in and out of the rover, the rover can dock to the inside ports of the Hangar that's already been deployed, and it is power-stable; batteries included, and they never needs replacing.

It can reach 20-21 m/sec, but you DON'T want to try turning hard beyond 6 or 7 m/sec, and over 12-15, forget it. You WILL flip. The middle set of wheels (the outriggers) are there for stability. The outrigger wheels' steering must be locked before use, or you'll flip the thing almost form a standstill. With steering locked, however, overall stability and handling is much improved.

The rover has a complete suite of sensors, as well as a short-range radio. I hadn't set any action groups, so you may wish to do so. The sensor devices are easy to find. They're all located in the top of the rover, just behind the cockpit. There are a trio of bright lights on the front of the rover, covering pretty much anything you'd want to see in front of you.

That's pretty much it. I wanted to try to meets HOC's request for "sciency" stuff, but really there's not terribly much you can do with a rover yet. Looking forward to being able to take rock samples and robotic arms...

Edited by Ticondrius
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Just a question for this, being a multipurpose rover, is having wheel clearance a good or bad thing, because it allows for more usability so to speak, but wont dock at the set hight. Maybe in upping the part count, we could add a 'docking adapter'? That could be useful for you in the future as well. Loving the series by the way, and keep up the test pilot, its great. And i do like the occasional hilarity. ;)

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May I introduce: The Elevator Car

Inspired by the vehicle in the Thunderbirds of the same name: http://thunderbirds.wikia.com/wiki/Elevator_Cars


This vehicle will do pretty much ANY heavy lifting, pushing, or ramming that you need done.

It has 42 parts and weighs in at 5.17 units

The main disadvantage is that it may not fit in your hangar. Imagine the other rovers being equivalent to a rather large car, this thing is more like a tractor/lorry.

I've never pushed it to it's maximum speed, but it's rate of acceleration takes a big dip at around 18 m/s. It is capable of pretty sharp turns at that speed.

Below 15 m/s it is nearly unflippable. Due to it's speed and stability it could ram the ship to the side.


With it's 6 independent lifts it could simply drive under a side of the crashed sky crane and flip it over.

Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bxo_6-ku3C0QRUZvYy0zRUZRUWM/edit


Rear view


Side profile


The front lifts need to be raised in order to drive faster than 15 m/s, otherwise they bite into the ground and stop it.


Performing a turn at speeds >20 m/s


The 4 rear lifts extended. (Note, each one can be independently controlled)


Jeb standing proudly next to the craft for scale. He is perfectly capable of getting back in, even if he looks like a drunken idiot while he does it.

Finally if you do manage to flip the craft I have found the best way to re-flip it is to use a little tactic I call "The Break-Dancing Rock Lobster." Simply put you lower a few lifts while raising others, while skillfully mashing the gear key to make the ship spasmodically jump about until it land back on it's wheels. This is difficult on Kerbin and results in many many close saves. On the Mun it will be easier as sometimes the lifts will throw the cart off the ground, and this will be even easier in the reduced gravity.


However, if all the lifts are extended they act as a roll cage, and effectively make the rover un-stickable. If you flip it it will just roll the rest of the way onto it's wheels. It will not give a single ****.

I figure you could land it with a sky crane any where within a few miles of the base, it has 1650 battery and 4 generators, so it has nearly unlimited range. When you first try to flip the crane just fold up all the gear so the car has the smallest profile possible as you slowly approach it. Get the back lifts under it and hit the button. That should be able to get the crane on it's side at least so the trapped Kerbal can drop out.

If that fails try the same with the front lifts. They aren't quite as tall but you could push them further under the crane to get more leverage.

Finally, if all else fails ram it. Drive off a good distance, extend the front lifts and charge. When you are close enough to the crane lower the front lifts so they are straight ahead when it makes contact.

When the job is done it could easily be used to push other parts of the base around assuming they don't have a way to move themselves, or if they didn't have enough fuel to go far enough you could land some pretty heavy structures on top with the lifts extended and cart them where you want them. I bet this thing could easily pick up and carry the hangar off of the rover that got stuck to it. That way you don't have to waste any of the hangar's fuel.

Finally I recommend you use action groups to control at least the front pair of lifts and also control each side. If you just need to extend one you are probably doing fine enough work to do it with your mouse.

EDIT: Sorry whoever tried to download it, I thought that it being open to the public was the default for Google docs. I've changed that so anyone should be able to download it.

Also, I looked at your video again and it should be able to fit into the hangar fine, however you probably won't be able to attach it to one of the docking ports. I think it's not the right height.

And if you do use it could you name it the G. Anderson? Gerry Anderson's the man who invented the Thunderbirds and he died just last December.

Edited by RichardP26
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Alas not only did my rover submission get lost with your thread, the forum crash also deleted my account. I re registered and will be resubmitting my M.U.V. the Jeb Deere tractor (a version is available on the Spaceport.)

I will add an attachment that should be able to flip the sky crane over and save the Kerbal.

edit: Rebuilt. This only has an attachment for flipping/lifting the sky crane but other parts are easily made.

Lander/tractor/lifter: 17.67 tones/ 123 parts

Tractor/lifter: 4.86 tons/ 65 parts

Tractor only: 2.97 tons/38 parts

Keys: Gear, activates landing gear (do not use G)

5, lowers one set of gear to allow the craft to tip out.

6, activates the side legs on the flipper

7, activates the center legs on the flipper.


Edited by NNYGamer
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The Flipper can upright Spacecraft, refuel them, and transport the Kerbal inside to safer housing. She may not be faster than lightning, but she's simple to operate and easy to transport! Comes with a crew, but a backup probe computer is also mounted on top.



Comes with a Decent stage, RCS, and ASAS along with a double tank of gas and two tanks of RCS. Decent stage is discardable after landing, but will require a 90 degree reorientation after separation from the transfer stage.



Comes with Lights, generators, and ladders for your kerbal


Has two action groups:

Action group 1 Activates the flipper gears near the front of the vehicle.

Action Group 2 Activates two stabilizers at the rear of the vehicle (see below) Too prevent the obvious irony of a flipped flipper.


The Pics show have one outdated feature: After taking the pictures I lowered the rear Clamp-o-Tron a little and boosted up the ground clearance. No effect on performance, but the car is now compatible with all Moonbase components. Please do not smash the front of the vehicle too hard against the ground (like on rough terrain) or the plows will detach. Car is pilotable via Kerban or Computer, and can carry fuel in addition to flipping vehicles. I got the center of gravity as close as I can to the center of both rocket mass and between the decent stage rockets.

Edit: Right-Click the broken picture windows and click "Copy Image URL. Past in URL box to see pictures.

Edited by Barley
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Introducing the Flipper:


Linky: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bxjl4G7XlNXrNUJnQmhyZ2dCQTg/edit?usp=sharing

She's got quite a few parts: 60 or so including the decent stage. But she's got the triple purpose of fuel transport, Kerbal Transport, autonomous exploration, and, of course, Flipping things. Decent stage pops right of after landing, and the center of mass is located right between the decent engines (and more or less in-line with the ascent and transport stages) Comes with it's own ASAS and RCS gadgets and fuel which it keeps after landing, allowing it to serve as a cargo truck.



Has two action groups: The first activates the Flipper struts which allow the beast to lift or flip its burden, the second activates two stabilizers in the back to keep the flipper from becoming an exorcise in Irony.



Comes with all the Utility lights, ladders, and generators to be self sufficient, but has a clamp-o-tron docking port compatible with all That's no Moon-base components. (Edit: Now has two docking ports at a slightly lower elevation for better compatibility)


A word of warning: The Flipper is resilient, but hit a terrain feature too hard and the front claws WILL fall off. This should not be a problem, though, what with the moonbase being located in the Sea of Tranquility.

Edit: Total weight is 12.27 Mass units, give or take.

Edited by Barley
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Sorry I can't post pictures :( but this is a skycrane+rover. For the youtube video containing the pictures go here:

the craft file: http://www./?ahtox8m11lw4h5w


1.use the decouplers as landing pads.

2.once landed use landing legs to plant rover_skycrane to the ground.

3.decouple the rover from the skycrane and wedge yourself out!


A.do not use landing legs(or press G) while flying!

B.rover cannot exceed 20/ms.

C.it weighs 34.020 with the connector without it is 34.003 ish

D.to help yourself wedge out use 2x speed!

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my submission for your consideration... the MunMule ...

a big utility rover with a scoop platform on the front, counter weight in the back and lander legs in the back so it can kneel and scoop up heavy objects/modules and flip them over or carry them.

Craft File... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13509290/MunMule.craft

Photo gallery of it testing at KSP:


Yeah it is bigish and maybe heavy.. not sure how to tell how heavy it is... is there some utility or something to do that?

It was built in the SPH so... if you are sending it on a rocket need to change SPH to VAB in the file and put in the VAB.


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Here is the Power Rover V1!


It comes with two cockpits (One empty, one occupied) Which allows for rescue missions, Has Enough storage to run for a full Kerbin night, can produce enough power to run itself, Has a docking port on its back, and best of all, it can run without a pilot!

Its got all of the stock science parts except for the long distance communications, has ladders to allow both of the possible occupants to leave, and has the correct height with its docking port.

It weighs 6.92 mass units, CAN land itself if executed correctly, has SAS for use on the landing, And is (In my opinion) pretty cool looking.

The only drawback that I could find was that it does have 109 parts, so it might not fill that requirement very well. If in full sunlight, you could remove most of the solar panels on the back and it would (in theory) operate correctly.


-Jack Vander Veer

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I present to you... the Power Rover Mk1!


The power rover is a mun rover capable of doing almost any task necessary on your mun base!

It has the capability of storing up to two kerbals, and thus is perfect for rescue missions! It has enough storage to stay powered for a full kerbin night, and it has the capability to run itself without loss in daylight. Oh, did I forget to mention that it can run without a kerbal in it as well? Well it can.It weighs 6.92 mass units and has the capability to land itself, it uses SAS in this landing to make things easier. It has all of the stock science parts except for the long range communications, its center of thrust is lined up with its center of gravity, and it should be able to tip your fallen crane. It does have ladders and lights, ladders allow all occupants to leave and re-board, while lights give a near 360 degree view of the area around you. There is a docking port at the requested height on the back of the craft, and it is up to all the standards that you put in place. There is, however, one setback. The whole thing is 109 parts, which is a bit higher than I intended. If necessary you could remove some of the many solar panels on the back and it would function.

Thank you for even considering my design, and I hope to see it featured in the next video.


-Jack Vander Veer

Edited by mustangjack87
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I built a copy of your crashed skycrane, HOC, and dropped it in the same position on the moon. I then lifted (With the help of a 3rd party program) a modified version of the rover I submitted yesterday, as well as some of the other submissions here, and a few more ideas of my own. *Nothing* could flip the skycrane without either the skycrane or the rover blowing up. :\ Looks like that thing is stuck there, m8. If you want a skycrane on the moon, you're going to have to fly out a new one.

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