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HOCgaming's THAT'S NO MOON! Base - Craft Submission Thread


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Name of Utility: Utility Rover MK.II "Razorback".

Screenshot URL: http://imgur.com/0MtAmCb,E7XDp6r,VNRWBld,pkjI1Zd

Total Mass of Utility: 2.59 Mass Units/Tons/Kilos approximately.

Number of parts: 71.

Description/Backstory of Utility: Designed as a joint venture between the KSP-SRT (Kerbal Space Program Spacecraft Recovery Team) and "Watch It Go!" Motor Vehicle Systems, the UR MK.II "Razorback" was developed with versatility in mind. The rover was designed to be Lightweight and portable, yet useful in as many roles as could be envisioned on the Mun.

It was with the great optimism and "Moah Powah!" mindset inherent within the Kerbalian people that the idea for the Razorback was born. Previously, the development teams of all first generation Rovers had gone to work under the impression that "Biggah is Bettah!". Needless to say, this mindset served to boost morale, but failed to produce anything that could be considered a usable machine for the Mun base currently being constructed by the other half of the development team (Code-Named "Harv", after the team leader's pet Kat). Whilst the Mun base was doing quite well despite utilizing the same "B is B!" mindset to some extent, the Razorback had to be constructed with a very specific set of dimensions in mind; the result was a Rover that weighed 2.59 Kons Approximately, was capable of crossing the rough terrain of any planetary surface in the Solar System, and was reliable to the point of being able to survive multiple critical failures whilst still soldiering on, a trait that has been highly prized in the Space Program given the shoestring budget that the pilot training has to survive on.

The Razorback was designed to be as versatile as possible while remaining sturdy enough to weather the harsh environs that it would be sent to. It could unfortunately only carry one pilot, but if several Kerbals were to hang on hard enough, the service ladder running down the dorsal length of the Rover would be suitable as a means of emergency transportation. Following the construction guidelines set before them, the development team of the Razorback ensured that the Rover would be made with only the finest in roadside scrap and obsolete parts, and only the best class dropouts would be used in its design.

The Razorback's capabilities are as follows:

1: (Spacecraft recovery) The original reason for the Rover's construction besides the ever-present exploration imperative, the LT-2 Landing Strut was used due to its reputation of not breaking on first landing. Discovered in the dumpster bins behind the Harv team's building, the LT-2's used in the construction of the prototype Rovers were immediately tested at the then-incredible weight of 5 kounces, and upon conclusion of the testing, were promptly bolted onto the 1st Prototype with WIG!'s world-renowned plastic screw-bolts. The testing resulted in only one strut breaking off and only two fires in the battery system used to power the assembly, a record in the company's history of making Kars for Kerbals.

2: (Fuel transportation) The original prototype had been designed to have a body of basic RCS fuel tanks, this was discovered to be a poor design choice however as the porous glue (designed by Jebediah Kermin himself) was poorly suited to retaining the structural integrity of the Rover's spine. On the first (and only) test of the original prototype, the glue failed, and the Rover ended up rolling into the garage with only its front section. This was hailed as an emergency design feature of course, but rather than apply the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" ideal with this particular "feature" the development team saw fit to make a couple of minor alterations to the design to improve the Rover's structural integrity.

3: (Self-Powered flight) With two fuel tanks to supply the quad Rockomax liquid mini-motors, the second prototype of the Razorback was able to reach the halfway point between the inland side of the KSC's Runway and the original KSC on the island approximately 20 Kilometers from shore before running out of fuel. It is important to keep in mind that the vehicle is not a spacecraft however, and that it will become somewhat nose-heavy after spending enough time in flight.

4: (Atmospheric operations) Glued on at the last second using Jack Jebediah's patented "Semi-Reliable Washable Glue" compound, the fourth Razorback prototype was given twin MK.2-R Radial Parachutes. The thinking behind this was that rather than trusting the prototype to survive its reentry test on the bouncyness of its "RubberMAX Junkyard Tires", the Rover should be given a means with which to slow itself before touching down. The test was a success, and the Rover's landing resulted in only minor tire damage, which was quickly fixed before the pilot of the prototype drove the vehicle back to its garage.

5: TBA.

Utility file: (TBA)

Name of Author: Aurora 2021 (NOT related to the town of Aurora).

Edited by Aurora2021
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Judging by how far forward you have that docking collar projecting, I may be able to actually provide your docking station; it's a Rover Refueling Base that I've been working on for a while now and was initially designed with Harv's little rovers in mind, but it has four docking ports and I'm thinking that I might be able to raise two of them up so that your monster here can dock with it. Additionally, the base has the ability to land itself in virtually any terrain, something that's been built into it hardwire style, and has more than enough RCS to fuel any rovers that dock with it for a while yet, provided they're small enough that is, your beast here would suck the tank dry on the first transfer. The best part is, it weighs in at just below 40.00 Mass Units/Tons/Kilos (whichever until someone clarifies), and Harv's booster platform is quite capable of getting it to the Mun on the first go, I should know because I rebuilt the platform from the ground up and got the station there three times in a row with fuel to spare in the last stage.

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Name of Utility: AMLAF Mk1 (All-purpose Mun Lifter and Fueler)


1. Front View

2. Size Comparison

3. Passenger

4. Room for 3 more total

5. Lifter in action

Total Mass of Utility: Part Count: 24 / Mass: 5.53t

Utility's .CRAFT file: Download Link

My name: Korinra [Pronounced Kor in rah]


0: Front lifter

9: Rear lifter

8: Ladders


The front and rear lifters are intended for lifting and flipping equipment using force of landing legs.

The front and rear of this craft are both equipped with a docking port allowing them to be chained with similar sized rovers.

The two ladders allow for passengers without the added weight of a full sized bay.

The rear contains a full sized round battery which allows for energy storage/transfer.

The body is made up of a fuel tank which serves the rover no purpose, allowing safe fuel transfer.

If somehow flipped upsidedown, then front and rear landing legs serve alternate purpose of flipping the rover right-side up.

Four Thermoelectric generators allow for long run life without stopping or without need of solar panels. (3v/second charge).

All stock kit, no mods/addons (though MechJeb was briefly added to get exact weight/part count).

Simple yet functional, light weight and small part count, with the added utility of being able to see the Kerbals working with it, rather than sticking them in some part.

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  Deviant said:
Spider Utility Vehicle


Total Mass of Utility - 7.2 Tons (Used Mechjeb to count, then removed. 58 Parts.

Utility's .CRAFT file - http://www./download.php?g8gqzk05dhn34to

MechJeb was not removed, unable to use or even try out because of it.

Also contains 6 stages and 125 parts in total. Launch stage?

Guys, submissions that don't follow the rules are making it really tiring for me to make the episodes. Just briefly check your submissions before posting in the future, please.


Edited by HOC
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  HOC said:
MechJeb was not removed, unable to use or even try out because of it.

Also contains 6 stages and 125 parts in total. Launch stage?

Guys, submissions that don't follow the rules are making it really tiring for me to make the episodes. Just briefly check your submissions before posting in the future, please.


Ahh FML. Fixing now, over 9000 times apologies.


This is made with vanilla KSP. 0 stages, 58 parts. I must have still had kerbal alt-tabbed out when I uploaded to mediafire. I feel the worst, and I am so sorry! D:

Edited by Deviant
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the name of my rover is Flipper

Flipper:i built it so it can use an emergency Xenon engine and has a L2-2 Landing Strut attached to the front which is made to flip vehicles and will hopefully free that trapped Kerbal. i have tried to make it light and simple since it only consists of 22 parts.


Image: http://imgur.com/el3jQTM

Craft Link: https://www.yousendit.com/download/UVJnSU5NNDIxUUNVQU1UQw

My Name is Anthony but on youtube it is themegamariobros1.


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Stupid forum glitchiness destroyed my account :( Oh well, I only had a few posts anyway.

Now, to anybody else making his space cannon, are you all having the same glitch as I am? When I test my design out, instead of firing the Kerbals off in the direction the engine is pointing, it fires them 90 degrees straight up with enough speed to reach 5000+ meters on Kerbin and interplanetary trajectories from the Mun! I have no idea what I'm doing wrong in the design to make this happen. Here's a picture of what it looks like so you have an idea:


I'm really happy with this design and all the features it has, I just can't get the entire purpose of its existence to work :/ If anybody has a clue what might be going on, please let me know.

PS: While working on this, I had an idea for a design that involves only one engine that could be braced against the Neal Armstrong Memorial. It would save on weight and parts, but I'm not sure how you would balance it to make it easy to launch, fly, and land. Just a thought ;)

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Cannon for Assisted Launch from Mun.

Named in honor of Jules Verne.

Click image for bigger version.


Click image for bigger version.

The Verne C.A.L.M is composed of 42 parts and has a mass of 31.5 tons. It is launched from the VAB.

Mediafire Download

Action Keys:

Action Group 1: Extend Ladders

Action Group 2: Cut all engines

Action Group 5: Engage Counterclockwise rotation rocket

Action Group 6: Engage Clockwise rotation rocket

Action Group 0: Toggle Rocket Cannon

-Hammer Wizard

P.S. Recommended throttle for main rocket cannon is at 50%. Warranty does not cover launches that exceed that throttle setting!

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i submit to you the MEV (munar exploration vehicle).


it has a luanch vehicle and is capable of landing. WARNING: you might need more rcs, this should be put on the "star" as the top is balanced nicely as it is.

also, this pic is kinda outdted and the one i have submitted has a docking port in the right height and is a deal lighter as i have eliminated a lot of useless parts.

edit: dont drive too fast as the mun is dangerous and might flip you, remember to quicksave.


Edited by ravener
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Spytech Orbit Cannon

This is my cannon. On kerbin at like 2% throttle it can fire a kerbonaut quite far and high. On the mun it will be much better.



Mass = 13 - 15 units (not joking)

Parts = 20

.craft file ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/5vdbsoiecun0q8c/Spytech%20Orbit%20cannon.craft )

My name = madspy (Spytech)


The center of mass is actually in the middle of the spacecraft

The 5th landing leg at the back is not in the action group for key 1. BEWARE!

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I've been having issues finding a legitimate site to upload my own rover, the "Razorback" for Harv's scrutiny. I'm aware that the deadline for the rovers has technically passed, but I feel that your rover and mine would actually compliment each other quite nicely in Harv's Munbase, check page 8 underneath the "Moving wedge" for my rover, any help on an upload site would be appreciated, images are included.

Thank you.

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  SaganPie said:
Stupid forum glitchiness destroyed my account :( Oh well, I only had a few posts anyway.

Now, to anybody else making his space cannon, are you all having the same glitch as I am? When I test my design out, instead of firing the Kerbals off in the direction the engine is pointing, it fires them 90 degrees straight up with enough speed to reach 5000+ meters on Kerbin and interplanetary trajectories from the Mun! I have no idea what I'm doing wrong in the design to make this happen.

I think it's the ladders. I'm going to go out on a limb and say your procedure is as such:

1: put kerbal on ladder

2: throttle up engines

3: let go of ladder

this might be causing an error on inertia calculation. replace the ladders with platforms for standing on, with the angles of the platforms slightly away from the angle of thrust on the engines, so that the instant a kerbal is caught in the engine's wake they're lifted away from the platform instead of scraped across it or shoved into it. then assign the engines to action groups and do as such:

1: deactivate engines

2: place kerbal on launchpad

3: increase throttle

4: activate engines

5: hotswap to the kerbal either through bracket keys or the map screen.

this should solve your 90 degree launch problem, and as an added bonus allows specific calibration by selecting throttle intensity before activation.

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I thought I'd built a pretty good lander for a revised rover. It comes in nice and stable , puts the estimated landing crosshair right where I chose, but then just before touchdown it swings wildly onto its side in midflight. I managed to jettison the rover and survive impact with only 2 damaged front tires.


Rover is fine driving in reverse, just lock out steering on all but 2 wheels



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Concussive Rocket Inserting Kerbals into Yesterday*

*also the sound Jeb made when he first rode it.

Sapien Technologies has once more borrowed from our friends at VenumCorp weapons manufacturing and produced the CRIKeY!

The design was originally a recoiless rifle for launching soldiers into battlefields, but with a little reworking it has shown great promise for use in launching kerbals into Munar orbits.

Features dual docking ports for refuelling, internal power supply and the ability to maneuver, aim, and stabilize itself. Staying true to our "less is more" mentality, the rear thruster can be turned on independently with the "2" button on the control console, for de-orbit and landing purposes. Beware though, with a ÃŽâ€v of 628m/s and a TWR of 13.48/Ke a suicide burn may be necessary for a soft landing without the aid of a skycrane. (tested and stable with RCS turned on up to 80% throttle when landing itself)

User instructions:

Once landed the cannon is a fully functional SPG and can maneuver itself into firing positions. Beware on tight corners as the massive cannon has some weight to it and likes to tip over. To fire first manually deploy the landing gear of desired incline, then adjust throttle to desired power. Once throttle and alignment adjustments have been made, have the victim volunteer stand on the gray X in front of the nozzle. At this time, two quick presses of "1" on the control panel will be sufficient to launch the projectile on the desired path with minimal fuel consumption. Use of 100% throttle for launches not intended for interplanetary trajectories is ill-advised.


Edited by Tanya Sapien
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I thought I'd built a pretty good lander for a revised rover. It comes in nice and stable , puts the estimated landing crosshair right where I chose, but then just before touchdown it swings wildly onto its side in midflight. I managed to jettison the rover and survive impact with only 2 damaged front tires.

I have this problem when using the MechJeb landing autopilot as well. The best solution I've found is to adjust the "final landing speed" variable to between 3 and 5m/s. What I believe to be the problem with the final moments before landing is that MechJeb chases the retro node, and at low speeds it tends to shake around a lot as the game has difficulty determining exact heading.

Alternatively, you could cut off the landing autopilot at around 2000 meters and switch over to the translatron with "kill h/s" switched on, then set it to "keep vert" and give it a negative value somewhere between -0.3 and -5.0

If you're not comfortable using translatron, there's a third option, use the smart A.S.S. and set it to "retrograde" then just be very very careful not to come to an absolute stop or reverse direction before making touchdown.

Hopefully one of these solutions will be applicable to your design.

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hunter4hire presents....



Now your kerbals can engage in some leisure activity on the moon.

mass should be low, I've actually reduced the number of parts twice. I wanted to post this last week, because i built it for you specifically,

but the forums were down & then I was away. :P

I hope it will be chosen, I worked hard on it, and I hope you enjoy it! ^_^

trying to add the .craft as attachment, but having trouble, until then, here are some alternate links)



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Another shot at transporting 2 rovers and two habitat modules at the same time. 3 attempts, 2 failed due to lack of fuel. I finally got the right mix of fuel onboard. Needed 1865 fuel to break my 100km orbit around Kerbin and get to the moon for a high descent landing.

I still don't like the rovers. Boarding is tricky, I didn't put enough batteries onboard, and they don't seem to work with the mecjet rover autopilot. On the other hand, they don't tip over as easily.

On our way:






Time for a drive:


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