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HOCgaming's THAT'S NO MOON! Base - Craft Submission Thread


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Orbital Kerbal Launch device, codename "ladder gun"

Quick step by step :

1 - Bind Action groups

2 - Get to Mun

3 - Get kerbal on TOP of the upper module, there will be a ladder

4 - Activate the Made-Out-Of-Landing-Gear Safety shield.

5 - Activate thrusters and decouple

I hope it works.

I hope you like it.

I hope you use it.

I hope you don't mind it hasn't been tested on the Mun, witch is the recommended body to be launched from.

I hope the calculations are right, it shouldn't weight more than 20.


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Name of Utility: M.O.S.S. Mun Orbital Science Station

Screenshot -


Total Mass of Utility - 13 tons/units


Crew Capacity- 8

Docking Ports-8

Monopropellent- 600 units

Electrical- 2200 units

Utility's .CRAFT file - http://rapidshare.com/files/1865869805/MOSS%20MunOrbitalScienceStation.craft

Name- NNYGamer

Action Groups:

1- Toggle Solar Panel

2- Toggle Antenna

3- Toggle inner ports

4- Toggle outer ports

5- Toggle end ports.

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This isn't really a full ship, but it can be attached to one to be used as a weapon.

Name of Utility - KLAW Torpedo

Screenshot -


Total Mass of Utility - 0.983675 (Not including the probe, batteries, solar panel and extra docking port to test it on its own which isnt needed if using it as a utility.)

Parts - 21

Utility's .CRAFT file - http://www./?jj8njc4sif0ybkj

Your Name - Warior135

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•Space Station Icarus Core



I realize this doesn't look like much, but this was meant as the core piece for a much larger station (hence the "core" in the name)

By attaching other modules to it, it can become quite impressive, as seen in an older version of this space station:


This core module features all the needed infrastructure:

  • Ladders (controlled by action group 2) for kerbals moving around the station.
  • Monopropellant tanks for the RCS boosters.
  • 4 omnidirectional RCS modules mounted on the nose.
  • Battery units (2000 units) for power storage.
  • 8 radial shielded clamp-o-tron ports for connecting new modules.
  • 1 normal clamp-o-tron on the bottom, so the launch stage can be added.
  • 8 wide beam lights to light up the surface.
  • 1 onboard generator to provide power to the basic station.
  • 1 forward mounted satellite disk for deep space communications.

•Total Mass of Utility: 6.585

•Utility's .CRAFT file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4420383/space%20station%20icarus%20core.craft

•Your Name: just use wild_dog, it's my most used internet name.

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Name of Utility - ScranOrbiter Mk3

Screenshot -


Total Mass of Utility - 9.75

Parts - 35

Utility's .CRAFT file - ScranOrbiter Mk3.craft

Your Name - Scrando

Action Groups -

1. Toggle main ladders

2. Toggle Solar panels

I realize it's very simple, but I purposefully built it to be very flexible in what can connect to it as shown by the wide space where the docking ports are.

Edited by Scrando
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Name of Utility - Spacelab

Screenshot - http://imgur.com/vhm3wEq

Total Mass of Utility - 12.22

Parts - 36

Utility's .CRAFT file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/uomhu6s8yq857ly/Spacelab.craft

Your Name - If you use this then please credit me as TheDaemonicGamer, and hell even a shout out to my Youtube if you're feeling generous :)www.youtube.com/TheDaemonicGamer

Notes -

Action group 8 extends all of the comms equipment.

Spacelab is probe controlled and has space for four Kerbals. It has one docking port, four lights and one solar panel.

This version is a modified version of one I used in my KSP let's play, I lowered the part count a bit by removing some useless bits.

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This is the Advanced Aerospace "mailbox" mun orbital living module. With exactly 40 parts and a weight of under 5 tons this will hold all of your "thats no moon base" needs.http://i.imgur.com/UMtYMLR.png

craft file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/g98jvmsz51i3h8h/Auto-Saved%20Ship.craft?v=0mwns


Edited by supersloth328
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Name of Utility - Orbital Docking Station MK I

Screenshot -

KSP 2013-05-12 02-12-45-59.png

Total Utility Mass - 10.53

Part Count - 34

.CRAFT File - https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0P7ZkIGsT84Z3pPcEZtdVpIX1E/edit

My Name - Holiday Technology Corporation. Also if you don't mind a shout out to my youtube channel, i don't post KSP content, yet, but i do post daily minecraft content.

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Name: The No-Mun Orbiter w/Probes

Type: Space Station

Orbits: Mun

Modules: Bridge, SAS, RCS Tank, Hitchhiker Storage, Reactor Core, Fuel Tank, Poodle Engine

Fuel: Standard Rocket Liquid Fuel

Dock-able: Yes

Science Sensors: Yes

Kerbal Capacity: 7

Probes: 4

Probe Type: RCS Kerbal Transporters

Docking Ports: 4x Clamp-O-Tron, 4x Clamp-O-Tron Jr. (In Use), 1x Shielded Clamp-O-Tron

Lighting: Yes

RCS Ports: 8x Multi Directional

Reactor: Yes


Download: http://www./?4lbp2e5c29vumag

Note To Harv: It's a simple space station with 4 probes that can carry kerbals on the ladders in case they run out of EVA fuel, the Reactor is a bunch of thermo-generators, Hope you like/use it!

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My name is ReinardKuroi and this is my submission - Izma mk.II - space station core by BlackFox inc.

It is <20 tonns, I think... Has RCS for orbital corrections and docking, also has a probe to control it when unmanned.

So it's absolutely boring and standart SS Core, but! It has a mass relay. Isn't it awesome?

Pictures here.


1) toggle additional RCS(for stability or for more power);

2) toggle stuff (antenna, solar panels, lights);

3) activate mass relay;

4) deactivate mass relay;

Download here:


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ComSat Orbital Station



(Ignore the cone at the bottom, that was left over from my terrible launcher design)

Total Mass of Utility - I'll edit it in a minute. working it out.

Utility's .CRAFT file - http://www./?vbvut0q9co580i2

Name - The Omega Pyro

Action Groups

1. Solar Panels

2. Science Equipment

3. Communications Dish

Edited by TheOmegaPyro
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And Now the latest in simple space station technology the MSSR or the Munar Science and Space Research station. Coming in at a measly 34 parts, it's the simplest lightest most eye pleasing station on the market today. This Station also contains free of charge not one not two but 4 full size docking ports! and if you download in the next ten minutes you also get two jr. sized docking ports for all your probe docking needs!

Name: M.S.S.R.


Holds: 6 Kerbals

Fuel: 1 half sized fuel tank

RCS: One large tank and 4 Thruster blocks

SAS: One Large Advanced Module

Power: 4 large solar arrays

Veiw: Epic Munar Views from Landing Can Cockpit

Docking Ports: 4 Large/2 Small


Orbiting Minmas:

In VAB: http://i.imgur.com/GkmFDXn.jpg


Mass: 23.01 Units

Craft File: http://www./?lu6c0fjn6b3og9d

By: Halflife77


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I have created a habitation station, and can move and dock with other things if needed.

Name: Kerbal Munar Habitation Station



Room for 6 kerbals

1 Large RCS tanks

8 Block thrusters, 4 linear

1 Large, medium sized tank

1 Poddle Engine

2 Large Solar Arrays

4 Large batteries

5 Large docking ports

The mass is 23.18 Tons and has 46 struts(8 of which are struts)

Craft File:http://www./?n8wpk35qt934ldt


Edit: I forgot to add an ASAS, I have add that to the craft file, also, there is no mods, the plugin you see will not effect the ship.

Edited by 1Revenger1
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Introducing the Armstrong Mk1 SSC (Space Station Core) !


Improved version of the stock space station core imagined by kerbal engineers, with Illuminators to light the module itself as well as its docking ports, shielded docking ports, antennas and enough batteries to keep Illuminators switched on when flying over the night side of a planet or moon until coming back to the sunny side, the Armstrong Mk1 SSC is the ideal solution to start any type of space station !

Mass : 12.74 tons

Parts : 55

Action groups :

4 -> toggle solar panels

5 -> toggle antennas and commdish

by : Volcanosf

Craft file : https://mega.co.nz/#!Ltp1FLZa!ALKoYiFnONDvals8Ybj9NQ4x9II1Pjs6pt8OhH6R-2k

Edited by Volcanosf
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If this one doesn't work try


The orbital kerbal catcher! Even features ladders! ( Station module to demonstrate orbital kerbal howtizer)

This is basically a pod with "wings" to catch kerbals if they miss the target, as kerbals will be in orbit

This design features no controling except for the pod torque witch should be enough.

No screenshots as there isn't much to see, and i do not have the howtizer to test it with.

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