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New Mod - Suggestions / Question

Fizzlebop Smith

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I had less than zero technical understanding before I found KSP. Now I have a little more than zero

  I had about 400 hours of exploration around the local Kerbin SOI. Then I discovered mods & went interstellar. Sweet sweet planners. Well I modded the steam install and eventually lost my galaxy spanning empire was eventually bricked.

I have since learned the error of my ways... but am feeling incredibly daunted by the thought of recreating some of the amazing ships I had kerballed together. 

---- Request / Question Starts Here

Would it be possible to make a mod / patch that allows you to load a craft file for which there are locked parts?

1) Load the missing pieces if you have the parts, but you cannot launch.

2) Load everything on a tree but the child nodes from any parent that is not yet unlocked.

Don't even know if something like this exists / is possible but would be epic. Been loading craft in sandbox, but many kerbal X craft have deprecated mod versions.


- Thanks for any insight

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