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Mars Direct Mission by Dr. Robert Zubrin


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A friend and I have been working on the implementation of Dr. Robert Zubrin's Mars Direct 2.0 mission (described in his book “The Case for Mars”) for quite some time. For this we use KSP with the most realistic mods possible (RO, RP-1 etc.), some of which I try to make even more realistic, although this is not normally necessary as they are already excellent! But for the mission, for example, the new Raptor v3 engine is necessary, things like that. At the end there is the execution of the mission. We are also planning and working on a small publication to show things. Hopefully Dr. Zubrin's Mars Society, for example, will be interested.
I would also like to reflect that here in the forum, I think that's important. We live in turbulent times! And we may not even have realized what is currently happening at SpaceX and what significance it could have for the whole of humanity.
I will report here from time to time. Models will be published by me on KerbalX, videos etc. I will host and share here.
Per Aspera Ad Astra.


Brief description of the main mission components
The aim is to establish a Mars colony.

First of all, an Earth Return Vehicle (ERV1) is sent to Mars, where it lands at the planned site of the colony.
ERV1 now begins to convert the CO2 from the Martian atmosphere into methane and oxygen with the help of the hydrogen it has brought with it. The ERV uses this to replenish its fuel reserves.

After 2 years, the habitat ship HAB1 flies to Mars with 4 astronauts on board, accompanied by another ERV, the ERV2.
During the flight, the TMI (Trans Mars Injection) stage is detached and connected to the habitation unit of the HAB by a long steel cable.
The habitation unit and the TMI stage then orbit around each other and generate an artificial gravity that corresponds to that of Mars.
Course corrections must still be possible with the RCS.

HAB1 and ERV2 land at the colony landing site on Mars after a 9-month flight. The astronauts can leave Mars at any time with ERV1.

Otherwise, the 4 astronauts stay for 2 years, then board the ERV1 and fly back to Earth in it, leaving the HAB1 behind.
Artificial gravity is generated on the return flight in the same way as on the outward flight to Mars.
Once on Earth, the steel cable is cut, the habitation unit enters the Earth's atmosphere with its heat shield and then lands on parachutes in an Earth ocean.

At the same time as the first crew begins its return flight with ERV1, the third ERV (ERV3) and the second HAB (HAB2), again with four astronauts on board, fly from Earth to the Mars colony.
Once there, HAB2 is docked to HAB1.

The 4 astronauts stay for another 2 years and now have twice as much living space as the first pioneers.

After 2 years, they also fly back with an ERV (the ERV2), while at the same time ERV4 and HAB3 fly to the colony.

And so on. This is how a colony gradually develops.

If the colony is to grow faster, any number of ERVs and HABs can of course be sent out at the same time.

An immediate evacuation to orbit must be possible at any time with a sufficiently high number of refueled ERVs.

Additionally the ERVs are additional escape rooms in case something goes wrong elsewhere.


Link to Paper (WORK IN PROGRESS!!!) :



Link to CKAN mod list :



Link to Re-Mods :



KerbalX :

Launch System: https://kerbalx.com/TomKerbal/EXP-STARSHIP-ZIIX


List of videos (chronological order) :

2nd Rover tests of HAB : https://dai.ly/k7aZVkfB6MUmTzC4jFQ

ERV ONE Start Cape Canaveral: https://dai.ly/k2djaIebhj5krzC7KV0

Description of Launch system :  https://dai.ly/k5yDWxlFPzunneCaGbs

Start of the Carrier Rocket:  https://dai.ly/k3r5IQAuqPF3ptCaMDq

Re-entry of the LEO injection stage : https://dai.ly/k1LyoiK79UWKRSCba3K

ERV Landing : https://dai.ly/k5O1Ovcazj671RCjtAs

HAB Landing : https://dai.ly/k2E4pXdaNtMvqsCkQ9K


Edited by TomKerbal
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10 minutes ago, TomKerbal said:

A friend and I have been working on the implementation of Dr. Robert Zubrin's Mars Direct 2.0 mission (described in his book “The Case for Mars”) for quite some time. For this we use KSP with the most realistic mods possible (RO, RP-1 etc.), some of which I try to make even more realistic, although this is not normally necessary as they are already excellent! But for the mission, for example, the new Raptor v3 engine is necessary, things like that. At the end there is the execution of the mission. We are also planning and working on a small publication to show things. Hopefully Dr. Zubrin's Mars Society, for example, will be interested.
I would also like to reflect that here in the forum, I think that's important. We live in turbulent times! And we may not even have realized what is currently happening at SpaceX and what significance it could have for the whole of humanity.
I will report here from time to time. Models will be published by me on KerbalX, videos etc. I will host and share here.
Per Aspera Ad Astra.

Cool!  Looking forward

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cool, note that you can not return to earth at any time you need an transfer window. 
So i say an second habitation module is better if the first fails, but having an spare return craft is also nice if the first has issues, you know its fueled before launching but it could be other issues you don't catch before manual inspection. 

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13 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Cool, note that you can not return to earth at any time you need an transfer window. 
So i say an second habitation module is better if the first fails, but having an spare return craft is also nice if the first has issues, you know its fueled before launching but it could be other issues you don't catch before manual inspection. 

Yes, you are right, I will correct this. Thank you !

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So what is this all about ?

The aim of this is to show that a Mars colonization by humans can be represented with a KSP that has been trimmed for realism. Based on the book “The CASE for MARS” by Dr. Robert Zubrin we have developed a mission with the realism modification mod ‘Realism Overhaul’ (RO). RO turns the game into a serious real-time simulation that allows you to explore many fundamental problems of space travel. We tried to be very close to the description of the “Direct Mars” mission in the book. We were able to show in advance that the entire mission can be represented with this simulator, although this requires higher masses than described by Dr. Zubrin. However, these masses can be brought into the Earth orbit with the announced “Version 3” technology from SpaceX and flown from there to Mars. With the Starship v3 booster with the Raptor v3 engine, masses >250 tons can be brought into low earth orbit (LEO) in the near future, whereby the booster remains reusable and flies back to the launch tower.



The landing site on Mars

This is chosen so that there is water ice near the surface and, if possible, nitrogen in the sedimentary rock near the surface. In addition, the climate should be as temperate as possible. The choice fell on: Deuteronilus Mensae, 45 degrees north, 18 degrees east.

This is located in one of the two landing zones recommended by NASA 


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Artificial gravity

2 years after ERV1, the habitat ship HAB1 flies to Mars with 4 astronauts on board, accompanied by another ERV, the ERV2.
During the flight, the TMI (Trans Mars Injection) stage is detached and connected to the habitation unit of the HAB by a long steel cable. The habitation unit and the TMI stage then orbit around each other and generate an artificial gravity that corresponds to that of Mars.
Course corrections must still be possible with the RCS.
HAB1 and ERV2 land at the colony landing site on Mars after a 9-month flight.


Artificial gravity is generated on the return flight in the same way as on the outward flight to Mars. Once on Earth, the steel cable is cut, the habitation unit enters the Earth's atmosphere with its heat shield and then lands on parachutes in an Earth ocean.

Edited by TomKerbal
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  • I replaced the Heat Radiatiors of the ERV outside because I think it is a good idea to have this 450kW heat radiation in a good distance to the liquid hydrogen tank. Not neccessary due to KSP simulation but more realistic in my opinion. https://i.ibb.co/znd8BX2/ERV-New-Heat-Radiator-Place-small.jpg
  • ERV-New-Heat-Radiator-Place-small.jpg
  • During Mars airobraking and Earth re-entry tests I again saw how important it is to have the center of gravity as near as possible to the craft roll axis. So I rearranged masses again, now having crucial systems like the water recycler, air pressure controller, MOXIE etc. doubled, which is important for redundance anyway.


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4 hours ago, TomKerbal said:
  • I replaced the Heat Radiatiors of the ERV outside because I think it is a good idea to have this 450kW heat radiation in a good distance to the liquid hydrogen tank. Not neccessary due to KSP simulation but more realistic in my opinion. https://i.ibb.co/znd8BX2/ERV-New-Heat-Radiator-Place-small.jpg
  • ERV-New-Heat-Radiator-Place-small.jpg
  • During Mars airobraking and Earth re-entry tests I again saw how important it is to have the center of gravity as near as possible to the craft roll axis. So I rearranged masses again, now having crucial systems like the water recycler, air pressure controller, MOXIE etc. doubled, which is important for redundance anyway.


I found  the TweakScale mod to be very useful for balancing via symmetry without blowing up mass budget, but must use with care to keep it realistic.  Some equipment may not be realistic at given tech level at half the size

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2 hours ago, darthgently said:

I found  the TweakScale mod to be very useful for balancing via symmetry without blowing up mass budget, but must use with care to keep it realistic.  Some equipment may not be realistic at given tech level at half the size

I also have it in my CKAN mod list. I use it carefully, had some bad experience with it in the past (I think with wheels, or landing legs, which leads to KSP crash), now it seems to be working nicely. I don't know if this mod gives me the fantastic procedural tanks, or RO Tanks, but rescaling the tanks is my daily work.

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48 minutes ago, TomKerbal said:

I also have it in my CKAN mod list. I use it carefully, had some bad experience with it in the past (I think with wheels, or landing legs, which leads to KSP crash), now it seems to be working nicely. I don't know if this mod gives me the fantastic procedural tanks, or RO Tanks, but rescaling the tanks is my daily work.

The main issue I had with TS was resources and mass for some mod parts not scaling correctly and the StageRecovery mod not properly accounting for scaled resources on recovery.  I also found some cases where more arcane things like drag, power usage, didn’t seem to logically scale for some mod parts.  Honestly, scaling would ideally would be part of the core game with limitations based on tech tree and realistic limits of scaling based on engineering reality. And costs associated with scaling.  I always wished that scaling simply produced a separate part that from that point on would not need TS to function and would be just another part to select from the inventory in the VAB.  And it would cost to spin off that new part design.

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On 1/25/2025 at 8:19 PM, darthgently said:

Tom, check out some of the speculative Mars oriented Starship variants the X user has explored in his articles.  Very interesting stuff

Here is his article on a generally modular Starship concept


Super interesting, thank you! Dr. Zubrin has also been presenting his “Mars Direct version 3” with the “Mini-Starship” for some time now. But I was already busy with his version 2 ;-)

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On 1/25/2025 at 8:19 PM, darthgently said:

Tom, check out some of the speculative Mars oriented Starship variants the X user has explored in his articles.  Very interesting stuff

Here is his article on a generally modular Starship concept


check this :




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42 minutes ago, TomKerbal said:

A lot to think about there.  One thing that occurs to me is throwing money at the problem and sending one or two tanker starships full of water.

It would store indefinitely, unlike hydrogen, and allow extracting hydrogen and a significant portion of the oxygen from the tanks as a contingency if extraction of local water became problematic.

Or even if available power became strained having the water on hand would allow a lot of wiggle room in the energy budget not having to harvest and process local water.

Of course water extraction and processing should be plan A and if the tankers of water aren’t used they are left as a cache for future missions

The more I think about it, we should definitely cache tanks of pure water on Mars as a contingency, not just for this upcoming mission, but for future missions.  And not just for US use, but for any nation’s astronauts under duress.

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16 hours ago, darthgently said:

A lot to think about there.  One thing that occurs to me is throwing money at the problem and sending one or two tanker starships full of water.

It would store indefinitely, unlike hydrogen, and allow extracting hydrogen and a significant portion of the oxygen from the tanks as a contingency if extraction of local water became problematic.

Or even if available power became strained having the water on hand would allow a lot of wiggle room in the energy budget not having to harvest and process local water.

Of course water extraction and processing should be plan A and if the tankers of water aren’t used they are left as a cache for future missions

The more I think about it, we should definitely cache tanks of pure water on Mars as a contingency, not just for this upcoming mission, but for future missions.  And not just for US use, but for any nation’s astronauts under duress.

I say an drill rig would be an obvious cargo on the initial cargo mission. An satellite who could detect permafrost water would be even better but sure you still wanted an drill rig. 
I'm pretty sure permafrost water is say 3-10 meter under the surface pretty common on mars but we don't know where and how much. I would mine the ice the same way we often mine for salt, pump down steam to heat the area around the hole up and pump up the melted water and the condensed steam. Water would then need to be cleaned and some of it reused for more steam, pretty sure this would use much less energy than the electrolyte. 

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