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My account is still here, but even though I have way more than 5 posts on the forum (according to a search) my posts are still being approved by moderators. Gotta love technology. My sympathies to whoever reads this and has to click OK before going on to the next one in line.

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Quite sad really, when you realize this might result in some people staying away (at least from the forums).

Yea, that is bad. But another bad part is all the information lost, for example, the entire ISS Project Thread is gone, as well as everything on Bobcat's historical development thread that's not on there right now, wow I'm coming to my own realization on how much is gone..

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My account is still here, but even though I have way more than 5 posts on the forum (according to a search) my posts are still being approved by moderators. Gotta love technology. My sympathies to whoever reads this and has to click OK before going on to the next one in line.

Believe it or not, my posts are being approved by mods as well. Kind of a weird bug. its gotta be on lower end of totem pole for things to fix though. everyone busy.

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Yea, that is bad. But another bad part is all the information lost, for example, the entire ISS Project Thread is gone, as well as everything on Bobcat's historical development thread that's not on there right now, wow I'm coming to my own realization on how much is gone..

Ya I lost my thread that was a few pages long containing great tips on making good rockets. People posted like exact builds and photos to help people get somewhere in the game.

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Well, at least they are quick to respond to the posts requesting approval. (This should be post #5 I think so I should be good now :P)

Yes. There are several moderators active right now making sure that the queue is tended to, since it is seeing unusually high volumes of posts because of all the people re-registering their accounts.

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Ya I lost my thread that was a few pages long containing great tips on making good rockets. People posted like exact builds and photos to help people get somewhere in the game.

That sucks... but we all need to emrace the suck. Gotta be optimistic about it or it will just be depressing. We will rebuild.

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Ya I lost my thread that was a few pages long containing great tips on making good rockets. People posted like exact builds and photos to help people get somewhere in the game.

I was writing a huge update thread to my parts I've been making, and I hit post like a few minutes after it got shut down, so it was a saddening moment for me.

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Yes. There are several moderators active right now making sure that the queue is tended to, since it is seeing unusually high volumes of posts because of all the people re-registering their accounts.

Can't they just turn it off for a while?

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I lost my list of cool threads, oh well. Hey kudos on getting it back up though. If all that was really lost we're user accounts that's not bad.

In my previous job we lost 4 disks on a raid 10 array simultaneously.... Aaaand (here's the best part) the guy that we paid to take tapes offsite was rear ended and the tapes crushed. Doh!

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Turning it off was considered, but decided against. There's enough forum moderators active right now to keep up, and it isn't as bad as we thought it would be.

Probably taking time for word to get out that the forum is back. The true test will be tomorrow around 6PM EST when word has gotten around and lots of people are online.

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I think if they turned it off for a while, the system would still require it for people who haven't had to go through it yet when they turn it back on. Therefore it's just easier to re-approve everyone now rather than later. (My current guess even though I have no idea how the system works :))

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Turning it off was considered, but decided against. There's enough forum moderators active right now to keep up, and it isn't as bad as we thought it would be.

Probably taking time for word to get out that the forum is back. The true test will be tomorrow around 6PM EST when word has gotten around and lots of people are online.

But people have posted more than 5 times and are still being moderated (like me). Is this limit increased or something?

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Yeah, I've noticed that now too... I guess it's bugged. (Sorry for all the post approvals mod, I will shut up now)

Notified the relevant admins so it gets checked out.

Feel free to continue posting normally. It might sort itself out, and in the meantime we'll do our jobs and approve the posts we find.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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