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KSP 100% of all available science?


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I didn't know whether to put this in Challenge Thread but it it also a question, so I thought to just put it in the discussion. So, to the point.

How much science is there available to get in KSP1 and can you get it all in KSP science mode?

Now, here's the challenge part: I'm going to try and get it all (not in one mission, but in one save file). I am going to skip unlocking the tech tree, as I found that really boring and just collect it all instantly by starting with however much science. Wish me luck...

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Yes, the Wiki is a good starting point. There is everything about the science experiments and the calculation of the science points. With that, you "only" have to know, how many biomes each celestial body has, and where you can get landed or splashed science, and where you are in an atmosphere or in vacuum. I never visited asteroids or comets, so I don't know about the science there.

It should be possible to collect every distinct science report, but not all the science points, because some science reports and the science points for the vessel recovery don't give you the full science points at once, you have to repeat them multiple times to get close to the maximum. I don't know, how the science scores are rounded in the game, so you would need many repetitions.

I did the calculation for Jool and its moons for a challenge. There are 721 science reports and 158437,4 recoverable science points, including the science experiments and the vessel recovery. In addition to that, you can collect science when you do a resource scan of a planet or moon, and you can get a lot more science,  if you use the mobile science lab, and process all the science there too.

Here is my Jool 5 mission, where I collected over 90% of the recoverable science, so you can probably imagine, how much effort it would take to do this for the whole solar system.


Edited by DennisB
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1 hour ago, DennisB said:

I never visited asteroids or comets, so I don't know about the science there.

I think the game treats asteroid sampling as a state specific experiment (i.e: you can do it for space low, flying high, splashed etc), I don't know about biomes though.

EDIT - It is biome specific, but only when landed/splashed

Edited by FTLparachute
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