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Marked-0 crashed his ship on Kerbin during a warp failure, this is how KSC changes.- [Chapter2 Updated]

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Before reading:

  • This is a story based KSP heavy modded career gameplay, some of the senes are shot in another sandbox game.
  • Due to the story telling purpose, some CHEATS might be participated in the game.
  • I am not an English native speaker, if there are any spelling or grammer mistake, please tell me and help me improve it. I will try to make the text easy-reading.
  • I can't ensure the rate of update, but I will try my best.
  • p.s. Marked-0 is only a code name, it's not his real name, his code name is 0 so they called him Marked-0.
  • This work © 2025 by MarkedZero is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 cc-logo.f0ab4ebe.svgcc-by.21b728bb.svgcc-sa.d1572b71.svg

// teleport





Prologue - An Unexpected Accident


It was totally a catastrophe. When one of the founder of  Interuniversal United Nation, Marked-0, started a journey to another cosmos, his warp engine crashed  AGAIN. The broken drive took him to a brand new world. The world of Kerbal 's space expedition and journey.

"Ah, where am I?" This is the first thing he think after regaining his consconsciousness from huge G-force overload due to warp failure. Under his ship stands a blue planet, with lots of green continent. Before he can do any further observe, the Flight Control System announced him a warning.

"Warning, unstable trajectory, currently in sub-orbit. rentry will begin in 5......"

"5 minutes?"

"4, 3......"

"That doesn't sounds well."

This ship is designed for interstellar travel, it's nuclear engine can't work efficently in atmosphere. Something that even worse is, due to the high energy consuming rate of warp engine, Marked-0 can't control the ship before it's too late, the heat control system also can't help the ship survived from the deadly rentry.

"Maybe this is the last of my life," thought by 0, "but it won't be the last of me." These are the final word in his mind before he passed out again.


On the otherside, in Kerbal Space Center, scientists in tracking station are terrified with a High-Energy-Level Object suddendly appeared to a sub-orbit of Kerbin without any sign. All members of the space project saw a meteor fly across the sky and finally land on a byland east of KSC.


Knowing the fact it might be an alien spacecraft, Wernher von Kerman immediately started a recovery project for the ship. After one day, they finally found it, with alots of fragment around, the main body of the ship miraculous survived(*Of couse it's a high tech ship with FTL technology)(*Next time when I want to say something unrelated to story will use this form.) When they are recovering the ship, Bob Kerman, as a member of recovering team, found life sign remain in the command module.


That is, when Marked-0 woke up in the Medical Department of KSC, he was immediately called to meet the high level staffs of Kerbal Space Program. Thanks for the translater brought by him, and his gameplay experience of KSP, they quickly came to an agreement. The content of the agreement is: Marked-0 help Kerbals to lead and finish their space program, after that, KSC will help him rebuild his ship. This is the start of journey and expedition for Marked-0, as a friend and new leader of Kerbalkinds.




Next Chapter


Edited by MarkedZero
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Well, actually it's not that important cause I simply put some part together. If you really want to have a clear picture of that ship...... you probably have to wait till the end of the story.:wink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Before reading:

  • This is a story based KSP heavy modded career gameplay, some of the senes are shot in another sandbox game.
  • Due to the story telling purpose, some CHEATS might be participated in the game.
  • I am not an English native speaker, if there are any spelling or grammer mistake, please tell me and help me improve it. I will try to make the text easy-reading.
  • I can't ensure the rate of update, but I will try my best.
  • p.s. Marked-0 is only a code name, it's not his real name, his code name is 0 so they called him Marked-0.
  • This work © 2025 by MarkedZero is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 cc-logo.f0ab4ebe.svgcc-by.21b728bb.svgcc-sa.d1572b71.svg(Should I really needs to have it?)




Chapter1- The Red Planet(Part one, preparing)

"There it is, right above the sky. Since our very first ancestor look up to the sky, we noticed that little red dot; It is dangerous and yet beautiful. Today, brothers and sisters, members of Kerbalkinds, we stand here, with honors we've made. In the last year, also the very first year for Kerbal Space Program, we finished a series of magnificent feat; we build rockets send us to space; we done contracts to help the others; we even send our Kerbals to the two moons! Now, after large amount of decision, we decided to announce you our newest, and also greatest project ever. We choose to go to Duna. We choose to go to Duna and start a series of research activity, even send Kerbalkinds to that beautiful red planet; not because it is easy, but because it is hard."—— Walt Kerman, Public of KSC, in the year report.

While Marked-0 finally recovered and started his new life as a new manager in KSC, something else is happening outside. The Kerbonaut suddenly started a boycott around Astronaut Complex. They shout and yell all night, Marked-0 can't sleep well. Finally, he burst out from his bed, and run towards the hall. At there, Walt Kerman stopped him and calm him down. 

"What's going on with these green beans?"ask angrily by Marked-0.

"The Kerbonauts refuse to eat snacks anymore, they asked us provide better conditions."(*That's because I changed my life support mod from Snacks! to USI, sorry Angelo.)

"Called an emergency meeting, right here, now!"

"But, how is your injury?"

"I am totally fine, do it now, I need to meet the others."

After 20 minutes, all of the major staff of KSC are here, sitting in Marked-0's room, nervous. In the next three hours Marked-0 and the staffs argue what new product should be used to satisfied their Kerbonauts, and still didn't have any ideas. When back to his own room, he turned on his TV and saw an interesting ad:"Needs better living conditions inspace, but can't find ways to store snacks? Needs fresh water, but don't now how to deal with waste? Try our new product of Umbra Space Industry!"

The next day, boycott is stopped, new Life Support System online. Marked-0 moved to his new office in the Admin Building, some mission reports and need-to-do-list are placed in a well organized folder.


"Duna project? Great! Wow,this ship is allsome! Wait, what is this Resource Module?"

After 30 minutes, all major staffs are sitting inside the office, they seems confused and a little bit furious for calling them twice a day. 

But then, all of the argument stopped, cause they realized a big issue reminded by 0. The transferr window is close, but life support content are still old snacks! Finally, all of the staffs agree to force the crew accept those old content. And Marked-0 really did it, he called all of the veterans, Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Valentina and told them if they don't accept, they will be kick out of the space project forever.

"Especially you three, Val, Bill and Bob. You are the crewmembers going to Duna, and..." He suddendly realized he said something not fit this situation.

"Wait, if they are going to Duna, then what about me?"asked Jeb furiously.

"You still have mission on Kerbin, and there are also fresh man you need to help."

"But, I am the one that suppose to board the new planet first and exploring new content, not to be staying with those gray and boring rocks on Mun or with newbies that can't even manue a throttle!"

"You have to follow commands, you are already the first Kerbal stand on Mun and Minimus, now it's time to give this chance to others."

"I...." Jeb ran out of the meeting room.

The others sit there and slience for a long time. At last, Marked-0 reminds some other things and dismiss them.

"Is Jeb going to be alright?" asked Val nervously.

"Nevermind," said Bob, "nothing can destroyed him, he will be fine tomorrow. "

In fact, Jeb is not fine at all. As a KSP player, you may know that Jeb was the boss of Jebediah Kerman's Junk Yard and Spacecraft Parts Co. Now, he is studying his own flying aircraft(made by junks or other part either stolen or recycled from KSC)—— Junk Fly. Because he suddendly wants to breath some fresh air in high place and also needs a little tour to comfort his broken heart.


Because he can't get permission to take off on the run way, Jeb secretely bribery one of the worker with an icecream and hide the plane and himself in a bunch of cargo to Dessert Airfield & Launch site Complex. At noon, when the Traffic Control is taking a nap, he take off.


Jeb dosen't acturely know where to go, all he wants before take off is to breath some fresh air. Now, he is heading North-west and climbs higher and higher. Suddendly, he saw a large radar standing on top of a mountain, and quickly recognized it.

"That's the Crater Rim station! I must be at the edge of The Big Crater!"

He control the plane fly towards the Crater Island.

"I heard a rumor that KSC build a Launch Pad on it but the engineer forget where it is." Jeb said to himself, "Well, I have plenty time to spare, why not try to find it out?"

He reached the island and search a lap and another lap, can't found any sign of artificial object. Just before he decided to return, he spoted a small thing stand nears the shore, it's a water tower!


At the returning trip, Jeb feels very excited with this new dicovery. He remembered last time, when they started a test for new plane, is he who found the new Launch Pad at cove. With his imagenary, Jeb found dessert appeared in his sight. After terrified the Traffic Control and Ground Crew of Dessert Airfield, Jeb was finally taken back infront of Marked-0, with two other Kerbals guarding him.

Marked-0 first scold him for over three hours, then show his interst with the newly dicovered Launch Site. "That will save alot of effort," said 0, "and I wish you not taking this kinds of risk anymore, driving a plane made of junks over 3 mach? You must be insane Jeb."

Then after 1 minutes silence, Marked-0 asked again.

"Jeb, another time, are you willing to stay with us?"

Only five seconds, jeb says enthusiasticaly.

"Of course, I can't wait for more advanture around here!"

(*ps. A very intersting cloud found during the trip back.)





Next Chapter


Edited by MarkedZero
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53 minutes ago, MarkedZero said:

Guys, if you don't like this story, please tell me why so I can improve it. No mistakes no progress huh?  But now the comment is haunted, and I am scared. :(

Pretty neat story.

You want grammar and spelling corrections, right?

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39 minutes ago, Mr. Kerbin said:

Pretty neat story.

You want grammar and spelling corrections, right?

Kracken up there, I thought my story is too boring. Thanks for commiting. And, yes I do needs grammar and spelling corrections if there are mistakes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before reading:

  • This is a story based KSP heavy modded career gameplay, some of the senes are shot in another sandbox game.
  • Due to the story telling purpose, some CHEATS might be participated in the game.
  • I am not an English native speaker, if there are any spelling or grammer mistake, please tell me and help me improve it. I will try to make the text easy-reading.
  • I can't ensure the rate of update, but I will try my best.
  • p.s. Marked-0 is only a code name, it's not his real name, his code name is 0 so they called him Marked-0.
  • This work © 2025 by MarkedZero is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 cc-logo.f0ab4ebe.svgcc-by.21b728bb.svgcc-sa.d1572b71.svg(Should I really needs to have it?)




Chapter2- The Red Planet(Part two, Sail Off!)

"Hi, we are making history."—— Bill Kerman.

"Shut up, do your work. Don't let me caught you fishing during this mission."—— Jebediah Kerman.


Since everyone is ready, as the transferr window near, the MDV(Mars Desend Vehical[That's MarkedZero's name]) launched with Valentina, Bob and Bill aboard. This super-heavy lander is going to send them to Duna's land from 350km in space and take them back there. They might even do some bio-jump inorder to claim more science. That requires a huge amount of DeltaV.

"And we have a SECO, enteried stable orbit."

Jeb stand near Gene in the mission control since he is worried about his friends. Luckily, the launch is successful. By the time waiting for a rendezvous with mothership, few more rockets are speedy launched.


This is Duna's eye, land graphing and resource scaning satellite.


This is Duna's remote telephone system, you know what it does by name.

At end, all the setellites are placed in right position, waiting for interplanetery transfer.

Mean while, MDV has successfully docked with mothership.

Everyone is waiting carefully, in the mission control, everyone is silence. The only sound exist are the sounds of machines and instruments.

Suddenly, a large noise appeared, that is the alarm for the transfer window!

With that noise, everyone seem to be pulled out from previouse status. Staffs are working all around, calculating and sending commands.

"Duna Expedition Team, you are free to burn. New maneuver node up-to-date, good luck and farewell!"

Gene give the signal to the team, others are sending commands to the other satellite which are also going to Duna.

"This is Valentina, Duna Expedition Team. Signal loud and clear, maneuver node processing."


Marked-0 is a human, but you can't put a human in game, sorry

Meanwhile, all of the five nuclear engines burn successfully and send the ship to a 200 days journey till Duna.

"Duna Expedition Team, maneuver node proceeded, escape Kerbin in 10days"

"This is special project group for unmmaned mission to Duna, all satellites are on their ways."

"Great, next deep space maneuver will be proceed after 108 days, good luck team."

"This is Bob, Gene are you listening?"

"Of course I am."

"Tell Jeb I am sorry for eating his chocolate."

"Hey, I am also listening!" said Jeb angrily.

"Jeb, don't be lazy, improve your drive skill not to make freshman throwed up during training with you; don't scavenge though dump; take care of yourse..." This time is Valentina.

"Wait, stop, I am not a kid anymore."

"I don't think so."

"Hey Jeb, wait for our pictures, I will write letters to you every day. When we arrive Duna, the first thing I will do is to send you a postcard." It's Bill now.

"How much communication bandwidth would you waste everyday? I still need them for daily log!"

"Come on it's just a few Mits......." They seems start to argue.

"This is Val again. Jeb, when we are not present, please take care of yourself and others. Keep your eye on Marked-0, don't let him do some something insane."

"Emm... Acturally he is also listening."

Marked-0, who is now sitting behind Jeb, shakes his head and sign deeply.

"Well... That is, keep communicating KSC, Duna Expedition Team out."


That night, a small party was set around the Cove Launch Site, all staffs are present.

Every one seems happy, they bulled together, chat together, and eat snacks together.

Jeb is alone.

He coulden't find someone to chat with, so all the things he done is wondering around and drinking soda.

Suddendly, he glanced a lonely silhuoette standing under an umbrella. When he approached, it's Marked-0!

"Hi, Jeb. Not playing with others?"

"After they go, I found nobody speaking with."

"Oh then your are welcomed to speak to me."


They both silenced for a while.



"Can you got my feeling?"


"When you came to a total strange place where nobody you know."

"I... guess I got it."



"Yes I'm listening."

"Will they be all right staying there?"

"Of course they'll be fine."

"I can't believe let them staying in that small "Stars" habitat for over 200days."

"You, Kerbals, are very strong creatures. You can not eating or drinking almost forever, our life support system is only for improving life quality. So, kerbalkinds, how much surprise will you present to me these years?"

They never talk that night, all looking in the night sky, searching for a small red dust floating in space.




Next Chapter

Alot of episode is ready(pictures), but I am currently busy on my AP exams. So the frequency of update... I'm afraid...

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