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Why aren't my vessel and relay not communicating at all?

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both have the same antenna, one communicates with only kerbin and the other doesn't communicate at all, I sent the relay up because the base is on the far side of the moon, but the relay just doesn't see it I guess? screenshot:file:file:///C:/Users/15038/OneDrive/Documents/220200_10.jpg

Edited by yetticonfetti
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22 minutes ago, yetticonfetti said:

both have the same antenna, one communicates with only kerbin and the other doesn't communicate at all, I sent the relay up because the base is on the far side of the moon, but the relay just doesn't see it I guess? screenshot:file:file:///C:/Users/15038/OneDrive/Documents/220200_10.jpg

Moved this to KSP1 Gameplay and Tutorials.

Your screenshot file can't be seen in that state. Needs a web link.

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Which antenna? How far apart are the vessels? Do you have the extra ground stations enabled or just the KSC? You may find that you need more than one of the early HG-5 relay dishes to serve as an effective relay around the Mun and Minmus as antenna power doesn’t stack linearly, but rather in an inverse logarithm - so each antenna added has progressively less of a benefit.

If you click the icon in the top left to set it from the default “path” to “vessel links” or “network”, you’ll be able to see all the available connections. 

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