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Bees in Space - Beginner's RP1 Playthrough


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Not necessarily an accident because I also didn't use spin stab. in some simulations of my NOPV (Near Orbital Prototype Vehicle) but that didn't even come close to 3000km. After that I moved on to NOPE-1 (Near Orbital Prototype Experiment) which was also my own design but that only got to ~2200km so I then used the tutorial rocket and called it NOPE-2.

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NOPE is super appropriate. I feel your pain.

Yea, 3000km is a tough nut to crack. I only recently was able to do it reliably. I think the key to getting it done relatively early is over-burning the first stage, aluminum tanks, and at least a small amount of spin stab. Giving my rocket some spin in the last 5 seconds of 1st stage burn I saw a consistent addition of around 300-400km.

Without spin, the upper stage invariably continued to slowly pitch up  from 40 degrees to around 50, and sometimes start a slow yaw veering off the easterly course by 20-30 degrees.

This got me higher, but the loss of horizontal momentum dropped the  downrange distance to just barely breaking 3000km. I got MechJeb working great and hot staging the XASR-1 allowed me to not have to worry about spin for ullage, but in the end, I felt it was a good thing to have that +300-400km buffer with the spin.

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Sorry, no launches this update. I've actually done them already, but I want to progress the storyline a bit. So without further ado...

"Comrade Bee, we must talk.", Glushko says as he knocks politely on the door frame to my office situated above the VAB floor along a wide catwalk.

"Oh, hello Valentin. Sure, I've been meaning to drop by your office for a wag, myself. Saves me a trip. Come on in and take a load off, old boy."

Glushko enters and I can see Gnut take up position outside on the catwalk, his back straight as a board and his eyes taking in everything, moving left and then right in precise 15 degree increments. With each pause the scene is analyzed for any threat before moving on.

Glushko sits down behind my desk taking the seat I just vacated to pour us some ice-cold orange flavored drink I mixed up this morning after arriving to the office. I received a pallet of this powdered drink from a fellow named Mitchell last week. He and a chemist named James invented the stuff. 

It's a few years off from real production, but they are floating the idea of calling it Tang and want some input on its taste. They even sent a mockup of a future advert for my perusal.


"Bol'shoye spacibo, comrade." Glushko graciously accepts the lowball. He pulls a flask from his inner pocket and pours a healthy dose of vodka into his glass. Taking a noisy sip, and smacking his lips, he motions me with his free hand to the chairs opposite.

Nonplussed, I take a seat. "You first, Valentin", I say as I lean back in the guest chair tapping a Lucky Strike on the armrest and light up. I think this is the first time I've ever sat in these chairs, I muse. They are not very comfortable to be sure! Despite my discomfort, outwardly I am as relaxed as can be.

Valentin pushes a half-full ashtray toward me from where I am usually docked up, and folds his fingers into a steeple, resting his chin on the tips.

"Comrade Bee," he begins, "As you are aware I am sure, we are closing in on the deadlines for our two programs rather rapidly and we may fall short..."

"Nonsense Val, we've got it in the bag for sure", I interrupt. 

Glushko screws his face up at the shortening of his name but continues without comment, "I am unsure you realize what we face with the remaining contracts, comrade."

I lean forward in my chair, placing my Tang on the desk. Glushko glances disapprovingly at the glass and places a coaster beneath it before continuing.

"Have you perhaps studied the final requirements for the programs?" he asks. Without waiting for an answer he states rather bluntly, "The rockets we have currently are too weak. Weak like 34-year old babushka!"


Downrange Milestone (5000 km) - Capstone for Early Rocket Development


First Advanced Biological Suborbital Experiment - Capstone for Suborbital Research


Raising his voice even further Glushko goes on, "Luckily for us, with the advances in technology my researchers have made," -he did not correct himself this time - "We have given NAA specifications for a new rocket engine! A better rocket engine!" He slams his fist for emphasis on the blotter full of star doodles and Kamerican flags.

Glushko's eyes are wide saucers and spittle forms around the corner of his mouth at this point. 

"Glusko old bean, have a sip of your vodka and Tang. And what's this about a new engine?" I draw my handkerchief from my coat pocket and hand it to him.

Glushko takes a gulp and pats his brow and upper lip, the latter discolored with an orange hue. Boy that Tang sure does leave a hardy stain!

"Not just one engine, comrade. We also gave Frank Malina at Aerojet specifications for an engine to improve upon the XASR-1, and he has delivered... in spades, as you Kamericans are fond of saying."


Glushko focuses on the tree outside the window and says, "Why, at the NAA plant, von Braun happened to be on site and was seen giggling in the corner like an old frau in a gym locker room when he saw their prototype shared the same designation as his WWII V2 design: A4."


I am skeptical. "How can we be certain these NAA and Aerojet engines are what we need, Val? Are there no other designs we can perhaps test out?"

Glushko furrows his brow and says through clenched teeth, "There are other engines, Comrade Bee. Alas, I am prohibited from sharing their designs outside of the Rodina. Instead, we must rely on your western allies to hopefully make an acceptable design!"

He goes on in a confident tone, "I, myself have designed the greatest rocket engine this world will ever know! But I can't share it with you. It is not mine to give, but belongs the State!"

Glushko pushes the chair back and stands tall. He then starts singing at the top of his lungs:

Soyúz nerushímyy respúblik svobódnykh
Splotíla navéki velíkaya Rus.

Gnut stiffens even further- if that is even possible - and loudly joins in.

Da zdrávstvuyet sózdannyy vóley naródov
Yedínyy, mogúchiy Sovétskiy Soyúz!

My secretary outside my office has taken to her feet and begins singing. With a press of a button on her desk, she starts broadcasting the singing on the 1MC throughout the building.

Looking down into the VAB from a set of glass panes, all work has stopped and the workers are standing still with their hats in hand singing at the top of their lungs.

What in the blue world is going on around here? After three verses and as many choruses, the entire facility erupts into cheers. Every last man jack pulls a flask of vodka from their coats and toasts are made followed by long pulls of vodka.

Mental Note: Pass out packets of Tang to the employees to mix with their vodka. Strong stuff that vodka.

With work below returning to normal, Glushko walks from behind my desk, places a hand lightly on the top of my head and gently pats, "Although these rocket engines pale in comparison to my own designs, it is what we have to work with. I'll have the plans for the LV that will use these engines sent up to you this afternoon."

With that, he uses my handkerchief I gave him earlier to wipe his hands and tossed it in the waste basket. He and Gnut depart across the catwalk to the VAB below.

As I watch them retreat, it dawns on me that I didn't get a chance to let him know a fellow in DC by the name of McCarthy rang up and rather impolitely demanded a meeting in the near future.


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5 minutes ago, MSteele said:

LOL The exact scene I had in my head when writing it. Connery is amazing in that movie. Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please.

Agreed.  :D   I put that movie on when JEJ died, thinking to myself; "Its late, I'll just watch until it slows down or there isn't a cool part coming up", and I went to bed at 2am 'cause I never stopped it.  <3


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Progression Update
There are times in the early stages of a career playthrough where not much is happening aside from the same or similar rockets being launched over and over to complete mundane contracts in order to keep your reputation high and researching deeper tech nodes. We are at that point. Or just past it, rather. There is nothing interesting about seeing the same screenshots over and over, so we'll just skip that part.

I have launched the Pupa IA four times since the 3000km downrange contract completed. Most launches were in a northerly direction to gather coastal and forest biome data in the upper atmosphere and low space data where possible. Additional researchers have been hired as funds allowed. I've also dismantled LC1 and started saving funds as we'll eventually need to build a heavier LC and upgrade the Tracking Station once these programs are complete.




In the last update, we alluded to getting better engines. In addition to that, we also knocked out Early Science which is required for the Advanced Bio contract. Unfortunately, the 5000km downrange capstone contract will require not only new engines, but lighter fuel tanks. This involves researching the Early Material Science node. You can see all nodes I have researched so far, with Early MatSci highlighted at the top.


The plan is to design a rocket for the Advanced Bio contract and launch it while waiting for Early MatSci to finish so we can then build and launch the 5000km downrange rocket. With the way Progression works in RP1 regarding contracts, these two rockets will not see much use before we move on to other programs. I wish there were other contracts and paths to take in the game, but unfortunately without going down a dead end and ultimately bankrupting ourselves, these new rockets will be one trick ponies.

This is where we rejoin Comrade Bee (lol) and Glushko early October of 1954. We are just over 15 months since the 3000km downrange contract was completed and includes four additional Pupa IA launches since then. In all, we are looking at nearly four years so far since the start of Space-B at the Cape. We are in the home stretch for the two programs we have with just two capstone contracts to complete.

Reminder: Follow along with the dates, milestones, launches, research, funding, etc., in the Career Log.

Next up: A new rocket and an attempt at a capstone contract. And we have to see what Senator McCarthy has to say, for sure...


That is if we can understand him when he's down that hole on a morphine bender.


Questions, comments, critiques, and general insults are welcome!

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Examining the minutes from your prior report, doing some period research I am not too sure Comrade Glushko would be happy with Comrade Bee's choice of smokes-


"Luckies Pay More"???  What is this frivolous spending!  Comrade Glushko grew up smoking wheat chaff while living in a shoe-box in the middle of the road!  :D

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4 hours ago, GarrisonChisholm said:

Examining the minutes from your prior report, doing some period research I am not too sure Comrade Glushko would be happy with Comrade Bee's choice of smokes-


Ha! Good catch!

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More storyline progression. I promise a rocket is coming. :)

This morning Glushko greets me just as I start the long climb up the stairs to my office in the VAB.

"Comrade Bee, dobrum utrum. Good morning."

"Oh, hey there, Valentin. What's all the hoopla I see near the loading docks?" On my way in, I noted several delivery vans and quite a few workers wrestling wooden crates around.

"This is what I wanted to speak to you about, comrade," Glushko begins. "As you may have noticed, Gnut has not been at his usual post for the past few days."

"Yea, I was going to ask you about that? Is he ill?"

"Nothing he can not recover from, thankfully. Gnut sustained a minor injury to his left hand while on assignment. One of your Kamerican long-legged pink birds apparently ate his mizhinet... his pinky."

I stop mid-stride up the stairs. "Wait a sec," I attempt to process what Glushko just said. "What? You mean a flamingo? A flamingo ate... actually ate his pinky? I have so many questions, Val."

"Da, da. A flamenco. It is of no big deal," Glushko says dismissively. "The flamenco objected to being manhandled."

"Flamingo, you mean. Flamenco is an art. A type of sp... never mind! A Flamingo, Valentin!"

"That is what I am saying: Flamenco. As I have said, this is not important," Glusho waves a hand and says firmly, "Gnut is a highly trained former member of... Well, I can not say. But his combatives are top notch and the flamenco no match!"

"Holy Mary Mother of the cute yet all powerful Baby Carpenter Jesus, Glushko. You need to tell me what in the world you are talking about."

Glushko irritably starts again, "A flamenco. Gnut. Pinky. Ate. This is not important, Comrade Bee!"

"Then please tell me what you consider important," I say, scarcely able to believe what I am hearing.

"The flamenco. He is here," he states as he folds his arms across his chest.

"Why? Why is the flamenco... flamingo here? Has he come to extract vengeance or something, Val? What, pray tell, is the gosh darn flamenco... flamingo doing here?"

"Is it not obvious Comrade Bee?" Glushko asks with incredulity. "He is cosmonaut. Maybe." Glushko gives me a single nod and a slight shrug emphasizing this revelation.

He points a finger at me and says, "You have to pick. We have several candidates. Gnut has been capturing specimens for cosmonaut training from all over your Florida swamps and highways."

I am barely comprehending what he is saying to me at this point.

Glushko continues, "We have many specimens for you to choose! We have a large snake cosmonaut... no, I forgot. The snake has escaped into the Everglades. This Everglades is full of mosquitos. Gnut said it was too many mosquitos so he abandoned the snake and instead subdued a crocodile."

"Crocodile or alligator, Valentin? There are differences. Both live together in Florida, but they are different." I can't even begin to think why I am asking this question and am afraid of  what answer I may get.

"Ah, so this is why you say see you later to the alligator and after while to the crocodile, as if they live within the same Stalinka?" Glushko asks."

My face goes blank and my eyes glaze over. "Yes. This is the reason."

Glushko seems satisfied and continues, "As I was saying comrade, we have many candidates for you to choose from. Personally, I like the bear. Gnut happened upon the bear at a small park eating out of a basket and was able to put it in a headlock to subdue it quite easily. Your Kamerican bears are quite weak compared to Soviet configuration of bears."

"I am not even going to ask," I say in a flat tone.

"There are a few other beasts like that sneaky possum, which may or not be dead since he has not moved since his capture, but his eyes are moving. I think he might be tricking us."

I patiently listen as Glushko rattles off a list of several more indigenous animals from Florida that Gnut has somehow brought back to the Cape.

After what seems an eternity, I regain some composure and ask, "Valentin. You mentioned these animals are to be considered candidates for astronaut? What exactly does this mean? I'm grasping for straws here Val. Help me out."

"Cosmonaut, comrade. It is pronounced Cosmonaut. As I clearly said earlier in our conversation: Da, one of these creatures of your choosing will be installed in the Advance Biological Capsule and launched into a sub-orbital trajectory where we can study how they react while subjected to the rigors of space travel. We can not very well send a flock of bees into space, can we? How would we manufacture so tiny a helmet? Or so many? We are on limited budget, comrade. Get real."

I get it now. Apparently Gnut was tasked with finding an animal we can send into space for test purposes. Finally, it clicks. I am still concerned that Gnut lost his pinky finger to a flamingo though. How in the heck does this even happen?

Mental Note: Flamingos are carnivores. Handle with care.

No matter what specimen we choose, there is a non-zero chance the animal will perish. I'd hate to see the pudgy bear meet his end like this. I also can not see wrestling a gator or croc into the capsule. That would not be pretty. That leaves the flamingo.

"The flamingo. Let's put the flamingo into space, Val."

"Glushko claps his hands together, and states "Excellent choice, comrade! Excellent indeed. And if the flamenco (I sigh, but hold my tongue) burns up on re-entry, Gnut will be vindicated."


Okay, enough silliness and walls of text. Next update we'll do a launch.

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29 December 1954

The 1MC in the VAB crackles to life and a recorded video message from Lorne Green begins to play back on the huge displays mounted on the walls of the VAB:

The latest rocket in the Space-B family sits mightily on the pad at LC5. Years of hard work and advances in scientific research have paid off. NAA and Aerojet have once again provided Space-B with the engines to take the next step toward space. Valentin Glushko's crew of researchers and engineers have demonstrated they can push boundaries to make that step into space seem a little closer with each success.

And today, you Kamericans... I'm Kanadian, by the way, but Kamerican in spirit -  and Slavic-Cubans, are prepared to push those boundaries even further. For today, Space-B will make history as the first commercial space agency to put a living, breathing organism within the deadly cold grasp of space and bring it home safely. Which reminds me of a pilot for a new TV series I have been thinking of starring in called Battl...

The recording skips followed by the video image rolling into horizontal lines and snow. I wonder what television series this Lorne Green guy could star in that would be any good.


An electrical pop and a small flash from the podium precedes a piercing **SSScreeeeeeeee** out of the PA system.

Feedback envelopes the VAB causing all present to wince in pain. Glushko moves forward and deftly silences the audio by removing the monitor connectors from the PA.

In a loud voice so all assembled can hear, Glushko shouts, "Mne zhal', comrades. My apologies. Comrade Green's message is well received. Now, if everyone will look again at the monitors to their left we have a closed circuit feed from inside the bio capsule. There you can see brave Cosmonaut Flamenco preparing for liftoff."

What we see on the display as it flickers to life is literally horrifying. 

Pretty graphic text follows.


The flamingo is going absolutely apeexcrements. Pink feathers are flying all over the interior of the capsule. One of its eyes is partially closed from an injury sustained while thrashing about the capsule.

The bird catches movement with its good eye as the camera begins to pan and swings its bloodied head aggressively toward the movement . The last thing anyone was able to see before the monitor goes blank is a giant pink beak opening and what looks to be the entrance of a gullet. Did he just eat the camera? I can't be positive, but I could swear I saw part of a pinky finger among the remains of digested fish and seaweed.

Janice from payroll faints dead away on the concrete floor of the VAB and is nearly trampled by the panicked crowd.

Glushko shouts, "Accelerated Countdown Protocol - Engage!" He slams his fist on a giant toggle switch and the rocket roars to life and lifts off the pad at LC5. Nervous applause from the audience is sporadic, but at least the video feed is now showing an external view of the rocket dubbed Pupa II + Mizhinet shooting into the crisp afternoon air, already topping 10km altitude.


Distorted audio from the disabled camera feed suddenly begins blaring over the PA, causing many in the crowd to go rigid and fall over like fainting goats. It was contagious! First an engineer still carrying his oversized pipe wrench goes stiff and falls flat on his face, his yellow hardhat skittering across the floor. Then, as if on cue, like dominoes about twenty others did the same. It was mayhem! Oh, the horror!

More graphic text.


Pained chirping eventually gets a little louder over the roar of the rocket. A short minute later, the poor flamingo in a blood-crazed state of captive terror lets loose the most pitiful screech anyone has ever heard in their miserable lives as its brittle hollow bones are audibly pulverized under the strain of a massive amount of G's that continues well past what any avian could endure save a Pterodactyl if we could stuff a Pterodactyl in a rocket and if they were not extinct. The screeches go on for an eternity it seems (much like that last sentence).

Two Weeks Earlier.

"Okay, you may open eyes now, comrade," Glushko says as he removes his hands from my blocking my vision, wiping his hands on a napkin. "And voila! The Pupa II with Mizhinet upper stage! What do you think?"

"I like it! No! I love it!" I exclaim. "Oh, that's interesting. What is that caged gold area on the upper stage?"

"I knew you would like it. But you will like even more when I tell you from where it came, and for how much." Glushko says, beaming with pride.

"Lou Rapp and a team of engineers from Reaction Motors (RMI) over at the big aircraft hangar down the road a bit, were experimenting with some sort of cryogenic contraptions. They were messing around with super cooled gases and some sort of new ignition wire. Suffice to say comrade, whatever they were working on was scrapped... actually, it blew up - We were able to procure fuel tank they used for kopeks on ruble. Plus, I overheard a young engineer say it looks cool. Ha! Get it!? It's cryogenic! Cool!"


"Indeed, it does. But is there any other function to it other than looks," I ask.

"Nyet. We removed all RMI patented equipment before we brought it here," Glushko adds "It is just cool looking gas tank."

"Okay. Cool."

Pupa II + Mizhinet Specs

Looking at the contract, we need to get 200 units of sounding payload and an Advanced Biological Capsule above 140km in excess of 2200 m/s surface speed.


The lower stage is already tooled as a Pupa, so we just have to swap out the engine for an XLR43. We'll modify the Near-Earth avionics to control up to 16 tons with minimal EC, and shape it where the upper stage can fit nicely.

The upper stage has to be built from scratch with a diameter to fit the bio capsule and chute. Everything has to be tooled costing over 16k in Unlock Credits. But it looks cool, right?

We have under fueled the upper stage, limiting the burn time of the new AJ10 engine to allow it to get just over 2200m/s once we cross the 140km threshold. If we go too much faster, there is a pretty high chance we will not be able to recover the bio capsule and it will burn up on re-entry.


The launch is perfect! At about 40km we separate the upper stage and it starts a short burn to get up to altitude and speed.



Just past the Karman Line the Mizhinet stage burns out. Look at that perfect ascent path in the MJ editor. We are a little fast at just under 3000m/s so we can expect a spicy re-entry for sure!


Once all contract requirements are met, we jettison the sounding payload.


As expected, the re-entry was slightly hot. But the payload did not burn up.


And the mission is a success. With this contract out of the way, we have completed one of the programs - and one year earlier than expected!


On a more somber note, the flamingo did not survive the ordeal. Bio data suggests he was alive all the way to splashdown however, but just barely.

In tribute to Cosmonaut Flamenco, Gnut had his remains stuffed and placed on display in his front yard - to his credit, he fabricated another helmet for Flamenco and glued some extra feathers back on him so it wouldn't scare the neighborhood kids.




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Programs Update -  1954-12

Link to this playthrough's RP-1 Analytics page for in-game details. It's full of charts and stuff!

We have technically completed the Suborbital Research program and can pick up a tidy sum of reputation by ending it now. On the other hand, we can complete one or two more contracts still offered by the program to squeeze out a bit more science, reputation, engine du, and funds.


Regardless, the next program we take is going to need a lot of technology unlocks before we can attempt any of the contracts.

This is a list of the research and the key benefits to each node beyond Early Materials Science that I have queued up and the expected dates of completing them. I have also hired on additional researchers as much as the budget will allow (200 total). I can't go hog-wild as we still need another LC and a Tracking Station Upgrade eventually.


  • Satellite Era Electronics Research (1956-05)
    • Researcher Efficiency
    • Solar Panels
  • Satellite Era Science (1956-12)
    • Advanced experiments
  • Basic Rocketry (1957-04)
    • More engines and upgrades
  • Satellite Era Material Science (1958-03)
    • Engineer Efficiency
    • Isogrid and Balloon Tanks
  • 56-57 Orbital Rocketry (1958-10)
    • More engines and upgrades

While waiting for the next node to research, we'll try to complete the next Advanced Bio contract. It is essentially the same contract as the one we just completed, but has a faster surface speed requirement. We'll add a little more fuel in the upper stage to ensure we can reach the 2800m/s requirement. If it gets too spicy once the contract has been met, I'll chop the engine early but I think we'll be okay. 


The only thing to do is get it in the oven and on the pad. Judging by the expected next research end date, I can probably fit another launch in before it finishes.


At any rate, I get a Pupa II + Mizhinet cooking and Time Warp to the launch date. The launch is a success and the rocket begins its ascent. Look at that Mizhinet upper stage! It really does look cool.


Whew! Skin of our teeth! Crossing over the 140km minimum altitude, the upper stage is barely within contract requirements.  40m/s is a super tight margin.


See those three bright spots to the right of Mizhinet in the above screenshot? The moon is the left-most bright spot, Jupiter to the right of the moon, and Uranus below Jupiter.

The contract was completed successfully and we recovered the payload. With a little more than three months until Early Material Science is finished and the ability to start using aluminum stringers for our final capstone, we can use this time to launch another rocket. I am skeptical of attempting the next contract for Advanced Bio because there is an extremely high possibility of the payload not surviving re-entry. Achieving 3300m/s is certainly not a problem. We can just add some more fuel to the upper stage. It's the re-entry that is the problem. Not worth the risk.

The other option is launching a Pupa IA and knocking out the Downrange Distance (Difficult) contract. It is worth more in reputation and slightly more expensive to build, but it is a much safer bet.


Let's pop a Pupa IA in the cooker and get it on the pad. It will be ready around the same time as our research completes.


The day of launch arrives and we set up MJ for the ascent. And.. we roll back to the VAB. We didn't put the full 500 units of sounding payload in the tank.


This pushes our launch back 2 weeks past the time our research finishes. Man! I really liked that schedule. Oh well. Two weeks delay on getting a new rocket built for the capstone contract isn't the end of the world.

Honestly, I could have designed the new rocket and had it being built while rolling the Pupa IA back and forth, but I just wanted to get this launch out of the way.

Back on the pad at LC5 with the Pupa IA in the proper configuration, we launch. Finally.

I know you guys have seen a ton of Pupa IA screenshots, but I really like the look of this rocket. I think a lot of traditional playthroughs use the V2 body style for the early downrange/photo/low bio contracts (maybe because the RP-1 tutorial leads you down that road?) but I much prefer this profile. 

What body style/engine did you use in your early playthroughs? I'd love to see some screenshots.





Oh, wow. I didn't realize this contract had a 410km downrange requirement. I was thinking it was like 200 or so. Isn't the first one of this series shorter?


Okay, I think we are at the end of the line for this program. We'll complete it during the next update and see what Senator McCarthy wants with Glushko.

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Short Planning Interlude

This is a short post to hopefully outline the plan concerning future Programs. Plus, it will keep the big-brain stuff kind of separate from the rocket flying and fun posts. :) 

I've moved the order of science node research around a little to something I feel would benefit the agency better as it progresses into the next set of Programs. In doing so, I realized in a very short time as we get progress we will need maybe a little knowledge of Solid Rockets. (That doesn't mean Jack Parsons is getting hired!) 

I've queued up the first three nodes of solid rockets and moved the first two to the top of the queue since they are so quick to research. For the last one I may or may not keep where it is, and will decide later. Other than those minor changes, all is as it was when we last left off.


Take these dates with a grain of salt. I feel behind the curve here so more researchers need to be hired soon.

The immediate plan is to complete the Suborbital Research Program. We will gain 64 points of Reputation for finishing earlier than the Program allowed for. We then stand up a new program: Early Satellites (Light). Finally, we will design and launch a rocket that can finish the Early Rocket Development Program


Early Satellites (Light) will be taken on Fast Speed with the plan to finish within four years. The Confidence Cost is 350 which will not put any significant dent in our nearly 3k Confidence total. This may not seem like a big deal now, but as we progress in the career, Confidence will play a huge role in determining how many things we can do at once so we need to maintain a fairly high amount. For now, it is a non-factor.

Once we finish the remaining starter Program, we need to decide on our next Program. I am interested in Skopos, but feel we may need a bit more tech and experience under our belt before doing so. 


This leaves Early Lunar Probes as the next Program when we finish up Early Rocket Development.


We are soon entering uncharted territory at this point. I've never progressed a career much further than we are now and to be honest, it's a little intimidating. I can launch a WAC-Corporal all day long, put pretty stickers on it and every so often get a not-so-fast sub-orbital payload back to earth. But once orbital maneuver nodes and such are introduced, the curve becomes a cliff and I start to struggle. Sure, in non-RP1/RO KSP or KSP2 it's a breeze: Just put the thing on the thing, slide it around a bit and click Burn.

I look forward to the journey. Hmmm... maybe I'll install Principia. (Really.)

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The intercom on my desk lights up and my secretary Melanie announces, "Comrade... <cough> Mr. Bee? Mr. Glushko is here to see you."

I hear Valentin thank her as he breezes into the office after a perfunctory rap at the door frame. I am currently standing at the open blinds looking down upon the VAB floor as the upper stage of the new rocket is being bolted into place.

Valentin and I lock eyes for just a second. I know what he wants. This is just his way of being polite. With an inward sigh, I graciously motion him toward my plush desk chair.

Smiling slightly, Glushko opens the humidor on the desk and daintily selects a Belinda from within. He gifted the humidor and the cigars to me from his last trip to Havana. I keep them on my desk for Glushko as I prefer a Lucky Strike, along with over 20,000 doctors. They are healthy!


Blue-gray clouds of aromatic tobacco billow around his face as the business end of the cigar begins to glow brightly.

"Good afternoon to you, Valentin," I say taking the seat opposite. I attempt to cross my legs appearing to be comfortable, but in the end give up and sit back in that God blasted visitor chair with both feet on the floor.

"You know," Glushko says, thoughtfully rolling the cigar in his fingertips as he leans back in his... my chair, "This cigar reminds me of a young firebrand Cuban revolutionary by the name of Castro currently in exile in Mexico. This Castro and his pal Motorcycle Doctor Che dislike the way the current administration takes all the good snacks for themselves leaving the snacks no one likes - like Peeps and PEZ to everyone else."


Glushko blows sweet smelling smoke through his nostrils to emphasis his point, "You can't live on a Peep all by itself! Castro has said on many occasions that a free Kerbal can't be expected to eat Peeps all year long outside the Easter holiday!"

"Think of the kids, comrade Bee! Motorcycle Doctor Che has evidence to prove that PEZ are a choking hazard. When you bite them, they turn to dust. Multi-flavored dust for sure, but it is impossible to generate enough saliva to swallow them," Glushko says as he pours himself a Tang.

Unfazed since I am used to these random tangents from Glushko I ask, "Yea, so what's your interest in all this Valentin? And why do you bring it up?"

Glushko squints his eyes, peering through the smoke, "Why, don't you see? Revolyutsiya, comrade. Revolution! Castro and Motorcycle Doctor Che have recently purchased a rickety yacht, and it is said they plan to sail back to Cuba from Mexico with a load of real snacks and overthrow the government!"

"These cigars on your desk right now," he says tapping a manicured finger on the carved wooden top of the humidor, "are probably the last you'll ever see! Castro will surely nationalize everything except Peeps and PEZ. Nothing but those two awful snacks will be exported."

"We'll never have another Belinda," he says wistfully.

With that, he snags a handful of cigars from the humidor and pauses before putting them in his coat pocket, "You don't mind do you, comrade?"

I shake my head, "Jeepers, Valentin. I didn't know you could get so bent out of shape over a cigar."

Glushko starts to say something but thinks better of it instead, "Tell me, comrade Bee. What is it you needed to see me about this afternoon."

Caught off guard by the sudden change in subject, I glance at my watch. "Gosh! It's nearly 1600. We've both got an appointment with Senator McCarthy this afternoon. McCarthy phoned me 30 minutes ago and stated he is coming for a surprise visit. Apparently, he wanted us to meet with him without pomp and circumstance."

Glushko merely nods, "I know what the meeting is about. And I am prepared."

Perplexed, I ask, "You do? What pray tell could the good Senator from Wisconsin want with us? Maybe he's impressed with Space-B's success and wants us to put in a bid for a new government space contract!"

Melanie buzzes from the outer office, "Mr. Bee, Senator McCarthy has arrived."

Glushko shushes me with a glance as he presses the call button and states in a firm tone, "Thank you Melanie, have the Senator join us when he comes up."

Glushko stands and pulls a rolled up poster from his jacket. "Get familiar with this comrade. Now you'll know he is not here to offer us a chance at a government contract. Quite the opposite, I'd say."


Historical Anachronism Note

McCarthy was by this time already censured and no longer held any political power or influence. That said, I was not paying attention to my Time Warps and flew right past the correct time frame for encountering McCarthy. I'll call in a mulligan for this one. :)

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"Senator! It is good to have you. Welcome to Space-B," I say as I extend my hand, greeting McCarthy in the anteroom with Melanie sitting at her station dutifully typing away at something needing typing.

McCarthy is flanked by two men in dark suits, their eyes concealed with mirrored Ray-bans. Security, no doubt. Gnut, in his usual position outside the door on the catwalk shifts slightly to allow them entry.

McCarthy offers his hand in an icy cold, but firm handshake. He doesn't reply, merely nods his head with a thin smile. Nothing in the eyes, just his mouth tilted slightly upward at the corners showing no teeth.

With a sweeping gesture, I indicate my open office door. "Please, come in. Your men are more than welcome to avail themselves to snacks and this wonderful orange-flavored powdered drink. Melanie will no doubt take very good care of them."

Melanie glances up from her typing and asks, "Tang, gentlemen? On the rocks or neat?"

McCarthy nods, still silent. His slate gray eyes take in every square centimeter (or square inch in Freedom Units), of his surroundings as we enter my office.

As I turn around from shutting the door, I begin to introduce Glushko who I left behind in my office, "And this is Director Valentin Ivanovich Glushko, a true Kamerican."

The scene before me is out of a movie. It can not be real. I am frozen in disbelief. Is this how those workers in the VAB felt just before they all went rigid and fainted onto the VAB floor like those goats people make fun of?

As the tunnel begins to close and the oxygen in the room depletes, I see Glushko bound over the desk like an Olympic athlete then lift McCarthy off the ground, squeezing him in a full-bodied bear hug. Glushko is straining with all his strength, his face red and veins on his neck bulging.

Meanwhile, McCarthy begins karate chopping with both hands staccato at Glushko's shoulders, his feet kicking at his shins.

I am having a stroke for sure. My vision is nearly gone and the only sound is the muffled chit chat of Melanie outside the door serving snacks. A silent struggle to the death is unfolding before me.

Just before I check out for the evening, Glushko releases McCarthy from his bear hug, throwing him across the room a few feet. McCarthy deftly lands on his feet, bent at the waist with his fingers lightly touching the floor in a three-point stance. Both men stare at each other with murder in their eyes.

After a short pause, they break into raucous laughter, grinning and slapping each other on the back.

Someone hail the coroner, for I am dead.

When I come to, I am lying on the couch in the corner of the office with my shirt and tie loosened, a damp cloth across my forehead.

Glushko is leaning back in his - my - chair with his feet propped up on the desk puffing at his Belinda. McCarthy casually sits on the corner of the desk with his arms folded across his chest.

They are in deep conversation and I can't quite make out what they are saying, almost as if I were hearing them from under water. As my head clears, I realize it is not English I am hearing. It is Russian.. or is it? It sounds Russian enough.

"What? What is hap..." I choke out.

"Ah! There she is," Glushko chuckles, switching to English. "Welcome back, comrade. We were worried you suffered a concussion in your fainting spell."

"McCarthy, smiling now says, "Yea, you really should see a doctor when we finish up here. I know just the chap." No doubt referring to his personal pharmacist supplying his morphine habit, I think to myself.

"Come join us comrade Bee," Glushko says, "Cousin Joseph and I were just discussing his brilliant subterfuge."

Glushko holds up the anti-communist poster and slaps it with the back of his free hand, "This! Zavodila, Osip. Simply amazing, Joseph. Your work here in Kamerica is inspiring. While you focus your Red Scare antics on Hollywood and the movies, we can continue our work unmolested.

I stand up, grabbing the back of the visitor chair for support. "Wait. Hold up just a second. Never mind the whole Red Scare business, Glushko. You can't just drop an H-Bomb and casually gloss over the fact afterwards," I say.

Both Glushko and McCarthy look at me to continue.

"Cousin Joseph, Val! Cousin." I say incredulously, emphasizing the last word. "Cousin!" I say again.

"Oh, da, da. This is not well known here in Kamerica," Glushko says.

"I'd say!"

"Allow me to educate you, comrade Bee" Glushko continues in his classroom lecturing voice, "Ukraine in the mid 1800s was not a very nice place to be. Many families under Habsburg rule fled to Canada but retained their love of their home country. My own grandfather's brother did so, but took a wrong turn in Ottawa and ended up in Milwaukee after a short boat ride." 

"Yea, that doesn't mean anything to me," I say flatly.

"Consider this, comrade," McCarthy says patiently. I do not even blink when he says the word comrade, "Glushko's grandfather's brother Joseph, is my grandfather."

Like a frying pan to the head. It hits me. "And you've been hunting and prosecuting so-called Reds your entire political career to what end?" I ask.

"Eh. A small price to pay. Most of the communists we deported or jailed were patsies. Their ties to true communism were tenuous at best, McCarthy states candidly.

"Let me be clear here," McCarthy continues, "Spreading communism in Kamerica, or spying on governmental agencies is in truth the lowest priority of most spies here."

"Then why are you here?"

Glushko pops a PEZ in his mouth and spits it into a napkin, "The snacks! Isn't is obvious?"

McCarthy nods. "It's the snacks, comrade."

My vision tunnels once again. I tap out for the night.

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Early Fall 1955

As usual, follow along with this playthrough's RP-1 Analytics page.

The 5000km downrange contract has turned out to be a tough nut to crack. I thought for sure all I would need to do is to add a bit of fuel to the Mizhinet and call it a day.


As it turns out, I had to tool just about everything including avionics. Which kind of sucks because I was hoping to save unlock credits for the next set of programs. Not only that, we have to modify the LC slightly, as we do not have the fuel capacity for this new rocket. Oh, the fuel types are the same, we just need to expand our capacity for more LOX, Ethanol75, and IRFNA-III.

I present the Pupa IIA + Zhalo.


I like the design to be fair. What's not to like? It's a longer Pupa with a sleek upper stage rocket. There's no use crying over spilled milk. As Glushko once said: What is done, is done.

We need to move on with the Program and this is what we have. Let's see what this Pupa IIA + Zhalo thing can do.

Two months or so later.

Date: 1955 04 October
Vehicle: Pupa IIA + Zhalo
Contract: 5000 km Downrange (Capstone)


Zhalo separates from the Pupa IIA at just over 60km altitude. The AJ10-27 engine kicks in and we are shooting across the sky at well over 3000m/s and steadily increasing speed.


Passing 90km altitude burning for just over 12 seconds since separation. It's a little hard to make out in this screenshot but Mercury and Venus can be seen as bright splotches below the sun. Even harder to make out is Neptune. I can't even remember where it is on the shot. I just remember my mouse highlighting it randomly.


No doubt in my mind we'll complete the contract now. Looking at the extrapolated trajectory once we have burned all fuel, I can see splashdown will be just off the coast of Africa. 


Just south of Cape Verde Islands off the west African coast, our journey comes to an end. Thirty minutes from lifting off from LC5 at Cape Canaveral Florida, the last of our rocket burns up in the atmosphere. 


We exceeded the contract requirement of 5000km downrange by nearly another 1000 km! Woo!


We even broke another FAI record: Uncrewed 1000km altitude.


Until next time, comrades. ;)

Edited by MSteele
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