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Could We Retrofit Nuclear Saltwater Rocket Technology To Be a Powerplant?


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An easy way is to use the exhaust to push turbines and shelter the powerplant with enough mass to contain the radiation.

Meanwhile a steady stream of uranium salts and water is pumped into the facility until you wish to pause it

Or are nuclear reactors already better for power generation? Does using NSWR technology modified as a powerplant on Earth offer any advangtages over nuclear reactors, coal, and oil/gasoline as a power source.

There are likely better ways to modify NSWR technology to be a powerplant, but I am counting on the forum to reveal that.

Thoughts? Thanks.

Ooops I meant to put in science forum.



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An very bad idea, fist off the exhaust is very hot plasma who has to be contained by an magnetic field, now you could convert that plasma directly to electricity as its an electric charge moving trough an coil. 
Not useful on earth as to much hot exhaust both in temperature and radioactive. 
In space, it might be useful for powering gigawatt combat lasers here power is more important than cost and durability, as an bonus the rest trust after the plasma is drained for most of its energy is still trust to evade incoming. You could reduce power drawn for higher trust. 

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19 hours ago, Spacescifi said:

An easy way is to use the exhaust to push turbines and shelter the powerplant with enough mass to contain the radiation.

Meanwhile a steady stream of uranium salts and water is pumped into the facility until you wish to pause it

Or are nuclear reactors already better for power generation? Does using NSWR technology modified as a powerplant on Earth offer any advangtages over nuclear reactors, coal, and oil/gasoline as a power source.

There are likely better ways to modify NSWR technology to be a powerplant, but I am counting on the forum to reveal that.

That's just a gas-core reactor with more steps and lower efficiency. And the advantages of a gas-core reactor don't seem to be worth it in a static powerplant.

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