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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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To be honest I haven't really even touched KSP aside from a little bit of stock part dinking around since about the time .20 came out. At about that same time my copy of KSP 19 got corrupted/bugged somehow to the point of not being useable. Stupid thing already barely worked anyway. I had to ramp the graphics way back to get the SOB to load properly with all the mods. But since just before .20 came out it started crashing randomly every 20-30 minutes or so. And every time I even so much as approached something on landing, whatever was already on the ground was disappearing or exploding. I lost the SHADO base that way. I finally threw up my hands and deleted the whole damn folder.

And speaking of the mods, I'm really just kind of waiting for there to be a comprehensive overall fix and guide to installation of everything. A simplified step by step procedure that will allow me to re-install all the up-to-date mods there are and confirm they're working without me having to reload the game over and over and over again.

Hope I'm not coming off as temperamental. I'm actually just being patient and waiting for things to get fixed to the point where I don't have to do a lot of the fixing myself. But KSP .20 Really did break an amazing amount of things that were my favorites. Wayland stuff, Bobcat stuff, Novapunch, B9.

Some of it is coming back already. LLL parts has some good stuff. And you're working on some good things too.

But bottom line - the Eagle is my baby. And until there's an official fix for that, I have little enthusiasm for working on getting any of the above re-installed.

But don't worry! When that happens, I'll be back with a vengeance!

All good, just re-affirms reasons why i'm taking a very extended vacation.

Well, i did have some work done on some rover wheels..



But to be honest, I'm just over it. For reasons I promised someone I wouldn't divulge, but yeah I think I'm done.

I don't think I can devote any more hours to Squad (not that they asked me to..) I just don't see it getting anywhere. If I sit back and think, pretty much every night for the past year, so lets say 300 nights to be safe, at 5-6 hours a night that's about 1800 hours. Now couple that with probably 50 hours on the forum a week, it is time that could really be spent better elsewhere.

I don't mean to sound condescending, but at my age and having kids its times like these you re-assess the best way you can be spending your time, and for me I don't think this is it. I lost the love for KSP a long time ago, and the mods pretty much kept me going. The forums and culture is probably at it lowest point I've ever seen, the general feeling is just not what it used to be around here I'm sad to say. There is only so long you can do this for the love of it :) I do have a small business I run plus working a full time job :/

The upside I guess, is thanks to KSP I got into Unity and have been working on a multiplayer space game with some old work mates, at least this provided a good training ground for modelling with blender and Unity, so I'm thankful for that. Can't really say much about the game so far, it's still in the baby steps stages.

I will keep the thread open for now, as there is still a few things ill update for 0.20 before I go.

Live long and Prosper!

Edited by Devo
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Thank you Devo for everything you have given the KSP community and how you have enriched so many players' gaming experience, mine included, with your outstanding mods. Your devotion and dedication to this game has been and still is exemplary. Looking forward to seeing what you have in the works with that multiplayer space game. Fly straight and true. I'll see ya in The Black. -- Void

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I can possibly say for all of us that you are one of the best addon creators for Ksp yet, We will miss you tons, we all will keep your addons alive by spreading the word of them if they are missed.

~ For infinity we come and onward we go.

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All good, just re-affirms reasons why i'm taking a very extended vacation.

Well, i did have some work done on some rover wheels..



But to be honest, I'm just over it. For reasons I promised someone I wouldn't divulge, but yeah I think I'm done.

I don't think I can devote any more hours to Squad (not that they asked me to..) I just don't see it getting anywhere. If I sit back and think, pretty much every night for the past year, so lets say 300 nights to be safe, at 5-6 hours a night that's about 1800 hours. Now couple that with probably 50 hours on the forum a week, it is time that could really be spent better elsewhere.

I don't mean to sound condescending, but at my age and having kids its times like these you re-assess the best way you can be spending your time, and for me I don't think this is it. I lost the love for KSP a long time ago, and the mods pretty much kept me going. The forums and culture is probably at it lowest point I've ever seen, the general feeling is just not what it used to be around here I'm sad to say. There is only so long you can do this for the love of it :) I do have a small business I run plus working a full time job :/

The upside I guess, is thanks to KSP I got into Unity and have been working on a multiplayer space game with some old work mates, at least this provided a good training ground for modelling with blender and Unity, so I'm thankful for that. Can't really say much about the game so far, it's still in the baby steps stages.

I will keep the thread open for now, as there is still a few things ill update for 0.20 before I go.

Live long and Prosper!

Devo, I appreciate the time... your time that you've given us. I'll be sad when there isn't a wayland corp something made my you, but real life comes first.

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Thank you Devo for everything you have given the KSP community and how you have enriched so many players' gaming experience, mine included, with your outstanding mods. Your devotion and dedication to this game has been and still is exemplary. Looking forward to seeing what you have in the works with that multiplayer space game. Fly straight and true. I'll see ya in The Black. -- Void

Worded perfectly!

I totally understand your reasons, but it is a little sad, the Kerbals are indeed losing one of their greatest engineers! Your passion and dedication really shows in your work.

Thank you so much for enriching this game and community with your selfless time and awesome mods, and we all wish you the best of luck.

Fly safe bud =)

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I just saw this! :o

I personally wanna thank you, Devo - you've given us some truly awesome mods, and spent a lot of time doing so. :)

I hope you take care, and I'm sure we'll cross paths in the forums, hopefully. :D

- Machre

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I'll still make the odd mod for KSP, Im packaging up a few things to go on the spaceport today.

I just got more interested in inventing things, It's fun to model movie and TV ships, but you get alot more satisfaction out of making it yourself, the WT-51 for example and the Pegasus 2X, probably downloaded 20,000 times now and I made them from my head pretty much, not even a sketch on a piece of paper, so ironically the most popular mods ive made so far are the ones I created and not TV show or movie ones, so I will probably just concentrate in my spare time making mods more original. I am the sort of person that has many projects going at once, so I will still make the odd thing for KSP, I will finish off things I had said I will do, but something like the Valley Forge, I'm only still 50 percent of the way through and KSP is struggling to actually load it all everytime, the thing just has too many parts, its at 270 parts right now and had about 120 animations.. its rediculous...

I got discouraged because no magnetic boots :( if you can't walk around in a big EVA in space on something and give it artificial gravity, then there goes about 100 things I want to do.. so its probably to keep it simple and just concentrate on things people really want, which funnily enough take 10% of the time to make. Recreating something like the dropship and APC is something I don't want to do again, it's a time sucker.

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I got discouraged because no magnetic boots :( if you can't walk around in a big EVA in space on something and give it artificial gravity, then there goes about 100 things I want to do.. so its probably to keep it simple and just concentrate on things people really want, which funnily enough take 10% of the time to make. Recreating something like the dropship and APC is something I don't want to do again, it's a time sucker.

Have you looked at the HL squid legs? maybe theres something in there that can make boots like that, or something work the same...im guessin you probly thought of that already though.

Honestly the WT-51 is my favorite wayland corp mod by far (kinda hope ya update that before ya poof =))...in the short time ive been playing Ive become really attached to that ship. it deploys all my colony buildings, and a lot of my off-kerbin logistics outposts. im starting to get attached to the freelance pods in the same way

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Please note, when Damned robotics is fixed, the rear VTOl engines will rotate again, but for now they are static - but it still works OK.

Descriptions and assembly video are on the spaceport link:


Download Link (SpacePort)

Have fun.

(Note, to use the saved craft, You must use the Hydrotech plugin also as stated in the spaceport info)

Edited by Devo
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Devo! Did you put the Ministrys flag in the gamedata folder?

Oops!! sorry, didnt mean to put my flags folder in there... hope you dont mind, i dont really feel like updating the mod to remove flags...

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Thank you for the great mods Devo! If it wasn't for your mods I don't think I would of stuck around KSP as long as I have. They bring in so much fond memories from past movies. The modding community is definitely losing a great modder.

On a side note, I gotta say, those flags included are great. Especially the "destoryer", I do believe that will be my default flag from now on! :sticktongue:

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Thank you for the great mods Devo! If it wasn't for your mods I don't think I would of stuck around KSP as long as I have. They bring in so much fond memories from past movies. The modding community is definitely losing a great modder.

On a side note, I gotta say, those flags included are great. Especially the "destoryer", I do believe that will be my default flag from now on! :sticktongue:

Thanks for the kind words guys, truth be told I just saw this video:

That's why we do it, simply so people can enjoy using something we created. I don't think I could completely stop making mods, as I said I'll just stick to ones I make myself instead of movie stuff.

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Thanks for the kind words guys, truth be told I just saw this video:

That's why we do it, simply so people can enjoy using something we created. I don't think I could completely stop making mods, as I said I'll just stick to ones I make myself instead of movie stuff.

I'm glad to hear that, Devo!

And might I formally say that, yes, I'm totally available to testing and potentially fuel balancing/numbers crunching. 20.2 works SO fine on my computer! <3

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I gotta say Devo, you've out-done yourself on the Drop ship. Followed the video on how to build it, took it off without HydroJeb just fine without any action groups. The only thing I had a issue with was rotation, tried to reorient after seeing it started to veer off and it spun like crazy. Needless to say, Jeb was extremely happy. Lmfao

I don't think I've had this much fun building something myself. Sorry to say, I'm gonna bankrupt (if it was possible) Wayland Corp with how many I'm gonna crash!

Thanks a TON!

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Sorry to see you leave, but totally understand the reasons, ya gotta have priorities. Maybe you'll come back when you enjoy some time off but if not we'll enjoy what you did, which is really quality stuff. I'm loving all of it. :)

To paraphrase Douglas Adams, "So long and thanks for all the mods."

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Ah well, might as well pump everything in the pipeline out day by day, no point it sitting in my parts folders.. prepare for an onslaught of parts over the next week.

FL1-Rover updated...


v0.3 Patch notes:


*Added custom IVA thanks to Sirkut, look out while driving now.

*Added new Rover wheels. These are my first proper ones, please go easy on me! They are built for speed.

*Added new craft file

*Added new video

*Tested on 0.20.2

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