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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Hey Devo? I tried re-scaling that Alpha Launchpad like you suggested, but I must have done something wrong. It basically made the entire thing invisible! No texture. Nothing!

I'd show you a screenshot of the problem but... er... it wouldn't help. Obviously... :confused:

EDIT: Aha! I found the problem!

Sort of...



... this is not an improvement.

I feel like the members of Spinal Tap when their tiny Stonehenge appeared on stage... >.>;;


Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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AHA!! Now THAT is more like it!

This is at a rescale factor of 1.0. That's all I had to do. And it's so close to perfect as to make no difference - check out the comparison shot with an actual special effects shot from the original show!



Now all I have to do is rescale my cart and boarding tube mods and we're set!


And done!

Yes indeed, I think that will do quite nicely!


Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Any news?



Ok now we are getting somewhere..

I'll explain why there has been a delay, it was a problem I have not come across before...

In all my other mods, well most of them, I scale them to 1 and they are imported as that, but in the case of the APC rover, I had it scaled down to 0.25 to fit precisely in the Dropship.


we know the drill..

The problem was, the hatch was not obstructed, and as I said I have done plenty of hatches before with no problem - so I started to break down the sulaco... no, no bugs related to that, then broke down all the parts od the dropship again... nope no problems there..

Why? both are shrunk down, can use hatches OK..

Scale was set to 0.64 for the dropship, to keep in line with the kerbal scale, but basically because I modelled the APC too large, shrinking it down that much affects the hatch, and I really should post something in the modelling section, some may also come across this.

I cut the APC apart, took out the hatch and just had that as my command pod.. I didnt get obstructed, but I did get



So.. why is this?

The hatch was scaled down too much, simple as that.

I rescaled the hatch and tested again..



So to expediate this release, I need to quickly re-model the APC and reimport it, wont take me long.. I just needed to figure this out, no way I can release a rover without EVA capability.

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Oh thank god you're releasing soon, but you mean SOON or SOONâ„¢? (also known as a really really long and unknown time)

Soon as in today, i found the issue, its fixed, rebuilding APC and testing, but should be fine now.

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Incidentally, based on what we've been talking about recently - can you guess what I'm working on here? It's not finished yet by any means. But it does fly!




hwat mod did you use

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Incidentally, based on what we've been talking about recently - can you guess what I'm working on here? It's not finished yet by any means. But it does fly!




Wow! There's a blast from the past! Yeah I remember that one. In Japan it was called "Technoboyger". But it was definitely supposed to be an homage to Thunderbirds, so when it was translated and brought over, that's what they made it into!

The vehicles are actually kind of simple. They're not complex shapes at all. I think they'd be easy to model. The 2086 TB1 for example could almost be made just from B9 parts.

In other news - I think this is as far as I'm going to get tonight on this project. But I think it's a success so far!


hwat mods did you use

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i started using this mod hwen the egg drop pod and now i us almost all of your mod an i wood. love that you gona make the AVATR valkery.

Edited by nikkri
missed somting
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What mods did you use?

Mostly LLL parts with some B9 flat panels. Also uses pieces from Bobcat's HOME modules and the Deep Space Pack.

As to what it actually is - it's my version of the SHADO Moonbase. It still needs the hanger in front and the launchpad in back, but the main central area and 4 of the 5 domes can be launched on one structure.

I really should just post the pics and any further notes over in the General discussion are under the Stations thread rather than derail Devo's any further.

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Mostly LLL parts with some B9 flat panels. Also uses pieces from Bobcat's HOME modules and the Deep Space Pack.

As to what it actually is - it's my version of the SHADO Moonbase. It still needs the hanger in front and the launchpad in back, but the main central area and 4 of the 5 domes can be launched on one structure.

I really should just post the pics and any further notes over in the General discussion are under the Stations thread rather than derail Devo's any further.

LLL parts hwat is that

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Wow! There's a blast from the past! Yeah I remember that one. In Japan it was called "Technoboyger". But it was definitely supposed to be an homage to Thunderbirds, so when it was translated and brought over, that's what they made it into!

The vehicles are actually kind of simple. They're not complex shapes at all. I think they'd be easy to model. The 2086 TB1 for example could almost be made just from B9 parts.

In other news - I think this is as far as I'm going to get tonight on this project. But I think it's a success so far!


Can i get a link to LLL mod

Edited by nikkri
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Can i get a link to LLL mod

I sent you a PM with the link.

Let's keep any further requests off the Wayland thread, okay? I'm trying to not derail Devo's stuff. It's partially my fault cause I really shouldn't have posted that station myself.

I only did it because I thought it was tangentally related in terms of subject matter. In other words - there's a conceptual link between Space 1999 and UFO. And they're both Gerry Anderson series etc -

BUT - I realized later that even with that - it involved something I was doing MYSELF and not directly related to anything that Devo is producing. Thus it's a derail.

For a counter example - when I'm talking about modding the launch pad in the most recent page of the thread - I am contributing directly to Devo's thread because I'm talking about tinkering with a mod that he himself has made. Thus it stays on-topic.

Anyway - hope you understand what I'm getting at, yes? Not upset with you or anything. Just a gentle reminder for us both to have some consideration for Devo and the Wayland thread. :D

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Sooooo?... :D (I'm too excited to even keep my mouth shut, at this exact moment my hands are tied together, but I DEFY THE LAWS OF... THE LAWS!)

I was just waiting for the thread to get back on track.

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0.20 is out???

OK guys well... I think it would be silly of me not to go through the new dropship and APC without testing it on 0.20, and in fact I will be able to add more to the pack with the new features.

Let the testing begin!

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Hey Devo, any idea how to install anything in the new system? I'm so confused.

Every single mod I've done, I will have to re=package and re-upload (as in every single part folder.. argh..) as the parts wont be recognised. Nothings really broken which is good, its all structure, like file names and folders..

DYJ has some info here:


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I asked and got a simple response from Harv and sal, really quickly too. I bet thats where a lot of people will be heading for answers, so they're watching it, but it appears that most simple* mods should work using the old system.


*I know mods are actually incredibly complex in execution and somewhat in implementation too, but I think you get my point.

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