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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Now Hawkstorm, you mentioned that the Pegasus was too small, I agree. It just did not suit the kerbals in the cockpit when I finally modelled an interior, and their heads

practically stuck out of the ceiling. The Px-2 is now seriously scaled up, but not too big its hard to build in the hangar. Someone wants retracting landing wheels to come from underneath so thats about the only part left to finish on it and its released, i'm not waiting for 0.21, if it breaks ill fix it as soon as the patch comes out.

(apologies.. had to cut my textures down to half res for a video I was making to keep my FPS up )

Also notice the landing ramp you can walk up (folds back into a neat cube) and also the hatch has now been moved to the lowest point on the cockpit, making it possible to enter the hatch from a standing point without ladders.

As you can see, the new cockpit is much larger, 3 seats but room for about 10 kerbals or so. The texture in the cockpit was a bit rushed, Im more concerned with getting the IVA right and all the dials and controls, I am yet to release am IVA that actually works, so thats the next on my list of parts to accomplish. I'm just trying to cover modding all the parts in the game as time goes on, I've covered most of them now, really just need to pull my thumb out put some effort in. Up until now I think every mod I've made has been a bit off the cuff, I basically need to buckle down and focus on things more :D

Looks impressive, cant wait to give it a whirl. :cool:

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Updates are in progress.. and all I can say is I am very glad I waited until 0.21 to release and update them because it seems alot has changed in regards to force and torque and alot of my ships are literally falling apart at the seems, so I'm in the process of updating each one , one at a time. The pegasus is first off the run, it was so close and now.. grrrr the tail end wants to fall off when I retract the cargo bay, so I have a collider issue there I need to readdress.


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Updates are in progress.. and all I can say is I am very glad I waited until 0.21 to release and update them because it seems alot has changed in regards to force and torque and alot of my ships are literally falling apart at the seems, so I'm in the process of updating each one , one at a time. The pegasus is first off the run, it was so close and now.. grrrr the tail end wants to fall off when I retract the cargo bay, so I have a collider issue there I need to readdress.

We gotcha Devo, take your time (you know, for a while :P).

Edited by OopsThatNotWork
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If anyone knows the secret, I'd love to know...

So far everything I've tested has spontaneously combusted at the runway :(

It's like all my node colliders are larger than they used to be. If I animate any of my parts all the crap falls off my ship (well most of it) im interested to see if similar things happen to stock craft or I screwed up when I made the part... funny thing everything worked great until I updated today... and has worked great since about 0.18

This update looks nice, but has me worried to be honest.

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Something is wonky, I tried making a fairly simple perfectly symmetrical craft and it veers off in the same direction every launch. Can't figure out what changed.

The ASAS seems very weak now, apparently i'm doing it wrong, but no one can seem to explain how to do it right :)

Right now I have just spent literally 5 hours trying to get the PegasusX2 back to a flying state and right now, the only description that fits it, is it flies like a turd.

Back to the drawing board for 0.21 I guess!

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The ASAS seems very weak now, apparently i'm doing it wrong, but no one can seem to explain how to do it right :)

Right now I have just spent literally 5 hours trying to get the PegasusX2 back to a flying state and right now, the only description that fits it, is it flies like a turd.

Back to the drawing board for 0.21 I guess!

Haha i guess that would make it PegasusX3 then.

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Not sure if this will help:


Think its how the math is done for new sas values.

Saw it just after 0.21 launched, but it got burried fast by 'why doesn't this work' threads from people that for some reason dont follow the release threads for mods they use.....you know who you are! =P

And please Devo, no worries bud, modding should be enjoyable at least on some level.

Edited by KhaosCorp
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Not sure if this will help:


Think its how the math is done for new sas values.

Saw it just after 0.21 launched, but it got burried fast by 'why doesn't this work' threads from people that for some reason dont follow the release threads for mods they use.....you know who you are! =P

And please Devo, no worries bud, modding should be enjoyable at least on some level.

I agree, i hope that the modders will not get to aggravated with so many people asking questions and reporting problems. Ofcourse that is what the forum is for and so on. but this is for enjoyment and not another job.

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I agree, i hope that the modders will not get to aggravated with so many people asking questions and reporting problems. Ofcourse that is what the forum is for and so on. but this is for enjoyment and not another job.

Being honest, I have not even had time to look at comments and problems, this new KSP has done far more than SAS and ASAS tweaks and has literally broken every single mod I've made in some way or another, almost to the point where I might just drop supporting half the mods, I can't keep up with this.

What pisses me off the most, :mad::mad::mad: they give early access to these youtubers who make crap videos and not to us who make mods and actually NEED early access so we dont spend months fixing things we already knew about.

I was given early access once along with a few others, but one person leaked it and f*cked it up for everyone.

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Being honest, I have not even had time to look at comments and problems, this new KSP has done far more than SAS and ASAS tweaks and has literally broken every single mod I've made in some way or another, almost to the point where I might just drop supporting half the mods, I can't keep up with this.

What pisses me off the most, :mad::mad::mad: they give early access to these youtubers who make crap videos and not to us who make mods and actually NEED early access so we dont spend months fixing things we already knew about.

I was given early access once along with a few others, but one person leaked it and f*cked it up for everyone.

Hey Devo, is 21.1 still breaking your mods? and trust me we hear you, take your time man

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I hope so, but not holding my breath, I did not see any of the issues I experienced in the bug list, but here's hoping, going to try it tonight.

Do they still make me download the entire pack again or have they gotten their act together and patch necessary files?

With some of the main bugs found before that patch was released, I really do wonder what the official testers were actually testing, or perhaps they were too busy going "ooh" and "ahh " over the new design of the SPH and VAB. I did that for about 5 mins, then the reality of the broken mess in front of me hit me like a sack of crap.

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I hope so, but not holding my breath, I did not see any of the issues I experienced in the bug list, but here's hoping, going to try it tonight.

Do they still make me download the entire pack again or have they gotten their act together and patch necessary files?

With some of the main bugs found before that patch was released, I really do wonder what the official testers were actually testing, or perhaps they were too busy going "ooh" and "ahh " over the new design of the SPH and VAB. I did that for about 5 mins, then the reality of the broken mess in front of me hit me like a sack of crap.

I wish i could say i did but the modders have made this game so much more than the stock game, its hard to play vanilla, i want my cranes, and kethane, and kick ass alien drop ships, and VTOLs that go squirrely and kill you everytime lol yeah im looking at you Devo lol

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I have said this before, They should give you guys a heads up on the changes that will effect your mods. so you can be prepared. To be honest, i dont see how you guys keep on updating everything all the time. You have alot more patience than me. But i respect your talent and your work. I cannot play vanilla anymore, the mods make this game. your so limited with just stock parts. I know it will not help your aggravation DEVO. But thank you for all you do.

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Update, it turns out it was the modded engines I was using that caused my ships to hare off at 90 degrees on launch, changed to vanilla fuels and rockets and the issue disappeared.

Edited by Texfire
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As for the Mod updates and Squad not letting people in on the exact timing for the new release, maybe you guys could at least get them to notify the top modders of the technical alterations within the new system, as well as maybe some light code info to help you all adjust. Got to remember that if one person leaks this ****, then of course they are not going to give people access. Kinda screws it up for the honest people. Such is life man.

Take your time with your Mods, and remember you don't owe any of us these Mods, its a kindness and that is all. I was wondering if it would be appropriate to have a donation tab at the bottom of these threads. I would be more than happy to donate to you guys to help offset all the time and effort that goes into such a thing.


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As for the Mod updates and Squad not letting people in on the exact timing for the new release, maybe you guys could at least get them to notify the top modders of the technical alterations within the new system, as well as maybe some light code info to help you all adjust. Got to remember that if one person leaks this ****, then of course they are not going to give people access. Kinda screws it up for the honest people. Such is life man.

Take your time with your Mods, and remember you don't owe any of us these Mods, its a kindness and that is all. I was wondering if it would be appropriate to have a donation tab at the bottom of these threads. I would be more than happy to donate to you guys to help offset all the time and effort that goes into such a thing.


We are not actually allowed to receive any financial gain for making mods, even if we wanted to, it's in the rules. I would not feel comfortable myself accepting donations, part of the beauty of not working for squad or not having any obligations, I can drop and pick up making mods whenever I feel, I have 2 kids so being a good dad and husband comes first.

Happy wife = happy life :)

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As for the Mod updates and Squad not letting people in on the exact timing for the new release, maybe you guys could at least get them to notify the top modders of the technical alterations within the new system, as well as maybe some light code info to help you all adjust. Got to remember that if one person leaks this ****, then of course they are not going to give people access. Kinda screws it up for the honest people. Such is life man.

Take your time with your Mods, and remember you don't owe any of us these Mods, its a kindness and that is all. I was wondering if it would be appropriate to have a donation tab at the bottom of these threads. I would be more than happy to donate to you guys to help offset all the time and effort that goes into such a thing.


I asked the same question for bobcat and it was shut down very fast. personally i think the modders should have some type of financial support for their time. 50% of the players (maybe more?) play this game because of them. anytime i try to play stock, i get bored way to fast.

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I'm the same, I got bored of the stock pieces very fast and thats why I started to make my own stuff, to keep myself amused basically. There was a point after 0.16 i think where just about all the old mods broke and so many authors quit, it was easier to just do stuff yourself :)

Speaking of, I've fixed pretty much all the problems I was facing, the PegasusX2 now flies like a pegasus again, even stable enough to land on the spaceport roof :)

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I asked the same question for bobcat and it was shut down very fast. personally i think the modders should have some type of financial support for their time. 50% of the players (maybe more?) play this game because of them. anytime i try to play stock, i get bored way to fast.

I think we need to also remember that the game is still in beta... it's not a finished product. Hopefully, once things get to a point were the game goes 1.0... the updates are less detrimental to mods and our beloved mod community begins to stabilize. But I agree 100% that all of the modders thus far put in 100% and get nothing in return (other than adoration... and probably an inbox full of "now now now"). You guys make a great game awesome.

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I think we need to also remember that the game is still in beta... it's not a finished product. Hopefully, once things get to a point were the game goes 1.0... the updates are less detrimental to mods and our beloved mod community begins to stabilize. But I agree 100% that all of the modders thus far put in 100% and get nothing in return (other than adoration... and probably an inbox full of "now now now"). You guys make a great game awesome.

I honestly won't put 100 percent effort into making mods until that day either. I have always been reluctant to spend hours hand painting 3d models - I have been involved in games before in development that have been much further along than KSP is and the project was abandoned before final launch or not far after.

If all the modders stopped making mods tomorrow, and the only parts available for people to use in the game were the stock parts, then I think it is fair to say that not many people would be playing it as opposed to right now. I myself would never have kept playing the game if I had not got addicted to Bobcat's mods, which in turn got me making mods which has kept my interest in the game this far, but if they don't start giving even a few days early access to us then you will find more modders drop off star map also. It should be evident that a developer has never visited this thread nor hardly any of the other mod threads as to how much they appreciate our efforts, ie not really at all - but that doesn't stop us :)

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