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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Devo, nice project! I just wanted to add that as far as I can see the DR animator you are working on is the most interesting new project on this forum. IMHO the ability to control animations with IR like functionality would change the way animated mods are made across the board for everyone here at KSP and would move along ship functionality even further than the work you have already done on IR with MSI (Love your models/textures by the way).

Sorry this was meant to be Yay to you for the milestone of taking on a "master piece" and then turned into "please sir we want a new animator" hmmm not sure how that happened, I think I'm really clucking to get my hands on that plugin.

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Hi Devo, could you add licensing information for your parts in the first post? Cheers!

yeah good idea, I was going to get around to it one day :)

Devo, nice project! I just wanted to add that as far as I can see the DR animator you are working on is the most interesting new project on this forum. IMHO the ability to control animations with IR like functionality would change the way animated mods are made across the board for everyone here at KSP and would move along ship functionality even further than the work you have already done on IR with MSI (Love your models/textures by the way).

Sorry this was meant to be Yay to you for the milestone of taking on a "master piece" and then turned into "please sir we want a new animator" hmmm not sure how that happened, I think I'm really clucking to get my hands on that plugin.

Ok, well it's the MSI animator not the DR animator, it is not connected to damned or infernal robotics at all, it is for animated parts. It allows such as, for example, make a forklift with 5 different animated parts and have all those controls for those animations available in one neat gui window, the only hitch is you cant attach things to animated objects unless they are infernal robotics or DR parts, so the plan is eventually to hopefully combine the two, but that's sirkuts department, a bit too complex on the code side for me.

Edited by Devo
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Yeah let's please call it the MSI Animator. While damned robotics was groundbreaking the animator is my baby.

Yeah, I felt compelled to correct him :) I don't want people to be confused and think its a fork of something that's why probably best it's a lone wolf for now. I am not having any issues with it, its working flawlessly now I just need to finish up the legs and I reckon we are good to go. I think the GUI even as it is is OK. After using KAS alot lately, omg.. nothing could be bigger than that GUI lol so really you aint doing too bad :)

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Yeah, I felt compelled to correct him :) I don't want people to be confused and think its a fork of something that's why probably best it's a lone wolf for now. I am not having any issues with it, its working flawlessly now I just need to finish up the legs and I reckon we are good to go. I think the GUI even as it is is OK. After using KAS alot lately, omg.. nothing could be bigger than that GUI lol so really you aint doing too bad :)

My mistake, sorry that was lazy thinking of me trying to express a concept of the animator with specifics was not right.

MSI Animator it is.

As penance, if I can be of any help at all to that end then you just PM me - I don't mean making cool things or fun stuff - I mean grunt work like testing in a stock environment or UV mapping, the kind of thing that makes you groan and leave it to tomorrow. You've seen my models so you know I have nothing to bring to your table past sweat, but the offer is there.

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My mistake, sorry that was lazy thinking of me trying to express a concept of the animator with specifics was not right.

MSI Animator it is.

As penance, if I can be of any help at all to that end then you just PM me - I don't mean making cool things or fun stuff - I mean grunt work like testing in a stock environment or UV mapping, the kind of thing that makes you groan and leave it to tomorrow. You've seen my models so you know I have nothing to bring to your table past sweat, but the offer is there.

I'll keep your offer in mind and thanks for noticing the clarification. I hope you guys like it when it's released. :)

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Hey devo, if you can can you create some sort of vehicle for the pegasus x3? Like a vehicle that looks like one of the vehicles in this thread. http://forums.defiance.com/showthread.php?50320-Futuristic-Concept-Vehicles-for-Defiance-Post-Your-Dream-Vehicle

wow they are some great vehicles, to be honest they are pretty professional looking, it would take me a fair while to even get something close to looking like that.. and even then you would need to have them in a very low res, but I never say never, maybe one day. The PX3 is coming with a rover and deployment system, but the rover is pretty much done its more of a warthog configuration.

Serenity Update

I am at work right now, so haven't got my screenshots with me, but I spent 5.5 hours last night modelling half of the cockpit (ready to be mirrored) and doing all the internals. Does anyone have any good reference shots of the cockpit? I found a few on google but nothing I was terribly happy with. (Internal cockpit view) I have all my reference images for the external already.

I am doing the Serenity backwards to my usual workflow. I generally make the ship and worry about the IVA and other stuff later on, but this time I am making the command pod and IVA FIRST!I always fall into the trap of getting the ship to fly and just being content with that, but this is going to actually have the passageway inside that leads to the cockpit up the gooseneck.

As I said, I will be starting a seperate thread for this one and will make it a proper dev thread, as I'll be making it each day and will be able to post good progress on it and I also want good feedback in the process so we can make it the best Serenity we can.

I think it's obvious I love VTOl ships, from the dropship and pegasus VTOL, the eagle.. ships that can convert from VTOL to horizontal flight, and then rotate engines, reverse burn and VTOL land on a surface and the Serenity is just about as perfect as it gets and really does fit into KSP's theme of slapping things together with sticky tape.

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Do you think that someday you may be able to make a UNSC Pelican Dropship? or really any ship from the Halo series! I don't mind if you cannot but I would like them.

I'm glad you don't mind because I am not making them :) I don't see the point in making any ship that is available in another game currently, If you want to fly Halo ships, play Halo I say :sticktongue: I like the ships but not enough to spend the time modelling them, if you find me a good mesh of one I would consider doing a quicky on it, but it would have to be an original mesh and not one ripped from the game. Google it, plenty of them out there.

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With any luck i'll have this PX-3 finished off this afternoon, IVA done, pod done so now the easy parts all thats left and thats re-doing all the colliders and re-exporting then I can fly it again, with the VTOL it's the most aerobatic craft I've made yet.

I would also like to thank TT for his IVA tutorial which finally helped me figure out the orientations.





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wow they are some great vehicles, to be honest they are pretty professional looking, it would take me a fair while to even get something close to looking like that.. and even then you would need to have them in a very low res, but I never say never, maybe one day. The PX3 is coming with a rover and deployment system, but the rover is pretty much done its more of a warthog configuration.

Serenity Update

I am at work right now, so haven't got my screenshots with me, but I spent 5.5 hours last night modelling half of the cockpit (ready to be mirrored) and doing all the internals. Does anyone have any good reference shots of the cockpit? I found a few on google but nothing I was terribly happy with. (Internal cockpit view) I have all my reference images for the external already.

Here's a cross section that only shows the exterior, but it also shows where the command pod access hatch should be.


There's a view from the back down the stairs at the front, which shows a little bit of storage and where the EVA hatch is.


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Thanks!! thats a great cockpit shot, im really looking forward to getting it right, I didnt want to attempt it until I had the hang of IVA's but Im using the pegasus as a guinea pig to learn a few more things for Serenity. I will make shuttles for it also, but just one and let people choose to dock 1 or 2 on the ship. I won't put too much time into those, but they still will be reasonably flyable.

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Ok the new Pegasus is done.. will post some videos tomorrow but for now, have fun

So it's been a long re-make for the Pegasus. The overall size is increased quite significantly, there is a new main Cockpit and command pod with custom IVA and most of the textures have been converted to bump maps (later on I will probably lose the shine to them) but for now it flies and that's the main thing!.

There is a new 180 degree sliding cargo bay, a new chock to place under the craft to attach things to, the MK2 tank and rear tank has been remade and there are no more collision issues. Always remember to keep the center of mass and lift equal and the thing will fly straight. This has to be the easiest ship to pilot I have ever made, you can land it practically anywhere.



Use the RCS to lift the nose a little, rotate the side engines, engage thrust and level out, rotate to change vector and enable large rear engines for escape velocity.



All engines are not Liquid Fuel engines and can be re-fuelled!


Instead, I use the action groups to toggle the VTOL engines.

This pack includes: (* new additions)

  • *Wayland Corp. Flag!
  • *Infernal Robotics Plugin
  • *Custom IVA
  • *Infernal Robotics Rotator for the Vtols.
  • *3 Kerbal Command Pod (EVA & IVA)
  • Cargo Bay Command Pod (7 Kerbals)
  • *Single Boosters R/L
  • *Single Small boosters R/L
  • Airbrakes Module (animated)
  • Landing Cargo Bay (bottom mount)
  • *180 degree Sliding Carg bay
  • SAS Module
  • Cargo Bay Top mounted (animated)
  • All new Bat Wings (w/pivots)
  • Tail Fin (w/pivots)
  • Nose Fins (w/pivots)
  • Rear Winglets (w/pivots)
  • Rear mounted fuel tank
  • Custom linear RCS thrusters
  • RCS fuel tank
  • Wing loaded Monopropellant
  • VTOL Landing Legs (animated)
  • *VTOL Landing Legs New alternate
  • Reverse Thrusters
  • Stock Wings
  • *A new Chock piece for attaching things under the craft
  • *Large version of the stock landing gear.
  • *4 Pre-made crafts for your flying pleasure.

Download from Spaceport

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Ahh thanks, I will look at that now, I rarely use SAS and haven't picked that one up for a while.


had a few comments about the glass in the IVA not being clear enough. Now I don't know what the trick is to lighting an IVA without having the lights reflect off the glass in some way, so I changed the shader to a cutoff and brightened the interior a bit. I don't want it to bright and happy, but at least now when you do a fly-by you can see the tower.

I want to add some more stock craft to the pack so ill fix the SAS also before I re-upload it. Its a 40 meg pack so I don't want to just upload for change of 1 thing.


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This post is for the WT-51 which I LOVE, and needs some tweaks and updating, badly! It's a bit of a pig to fly but I think it's the most awesome ship of them all. But I'm a sucker for huge VTOL cargo ships. I'm now working on having it carry a smaller lander ship inside it.

This mod looks so awesome, and deserves more info in addition to what's already been written in the overview. ESPECIALLY with putting things inside like rovers and vehicles. I'm planning on uploading a youtube video on how I use it, it's issues, and workarounds. I've been toying with it for about a week now.

Firstly, I'm using KSP version 0.20.2. Mods I use with it to do what I need are MechJeb, Quantum Struts and KAS. I'll explain why in this writeup.

If you try to use this in .20 or .21 and find that you can't load the saved ship, it's not a problem. You can still use the individual parts to build it yourself, which is more fun anyways :)

ISSUE #5 : Docking/Transporting things inside, especially vehicles and rovers without retractable wheels is a pain.

WORKAROUND : THIS is where KAS and Quantum Struts come into play. I design my rovers with a KAS winch and some dismountable connector ports, as well as Quantum Struts pointing in multiple directions on the outside of the rover. I also add some KAS connector ports throughout the interior of the ship. Drive your rover into the ship where you want to park it, put the brake on. Go EVA and connect the KAS connector to a connector port on the ship in docking mode. This will essentially dock the rover to the ship, engaging all the Quantum Struts and connecting them to the interior walls of the ship. You rover will NOT move AT ALL! When you want to take out your rover, go EVA, and disconnect the connector. Then the Quantum Struts will turn off, essentially undocking, and you can drive the rover out (sometimes you need to repair wheels first). Using this method, there's no need to reconfigure the interior of your ship, ever, as long as whatever you're putting in it has the KAS/QS combo. No messing around with docking ports, and makes things REALLY easy!

ISSUE #2 : The forward engine is very underpowered, even the triple engine, which makes it hard to circularize with it.

WORKAROUND #1 : Use the vertical lift rockets to do it by tilting it forward 90 degrees from the Prograde marker. It's easier to do if you place a drone pod on a flat part of the roof or the inside, and then control from there to get the correct Prograde and Retrograde markers (in fact, all the navball markers will work properly). The drone pod set up like this will also allow MechJeb to properly land your ship vertically with the Landing Autopilot.

WORKAROUND #2 : Remove the rear engine, add a few more fuel tanks, and mount 2 of the vertical lift engines on the tail facing backwards.

ISSUE #3 : On vertical takeoff, the ship rocks back and forth using lots of RCS to keep it level even when well balanced and throttling down.

WORKAROUND : Use MechJeb's "Kill Rot" instead of ASAS/SAS. It keeps it steadier and uses much less RCS fuel.

ISSUE #4 : Everything shakes and sometimes falls apart.

WORKAROUND : Struts struts struts. Quantum Struts look so much better and are only one use for them. Fill the hollows with struts going across them.

ISSUE #5 : Ship rocks and sways even after first launching from SPH and doesn't stop.

WORKAROUND : ??? Can't get this to stop no matter what I do. Ideas welcome!

ISSUE #6 : Sometimes this ship will not make contact with the ground of a planet and will just go right through, and down a few hundred more meters and explode. Unfortunately, I have no idea why this happens. It doesn't ALWAYS happen, but it does most of the time. It happens on the Mun EVERY time and I've been unable to land on it so far without going right through the ground. I've tried this on a clean install with ONLY this mod and it still happens. No clue with this problem...

ISSUE #7 : The floor of the interior is like ice and everything slides around easily, especially Kerbals who tend to fall down for no reason and can't get back up.

WORKAROUND : Strut/Dock everything to the interior. To get Kerbals back up again, do a quick timewarp.


First thing I have an issue with is mounting RCS thrusters. It works like it is for just flying around and take-off/landing. However, I take LONG trips, and once I get into orbit, I like to top up my fuel and monoprop at my orbiting fuel station. But with the way thrusters are mounted, it makes docking this thing absolutely horrible because the RCS thrusters are angled. So using translation makes you do all kinds of crazy things, even with SAS or MechJeb running. I would REALLY like to see some texture-matched angled wedges that you can place somewhere on the ship that will let you mount the RCS thrusters in such a way that they are nice and level. I've tried levelling them using SHIFT+WASD but it looks ugly because they're not flush.

The forward engine, like I mentioned in one of the issues, we need a more powerful one.

Update the IVA. The outside of the cockpit looks awesome but the inside is kind of disappointing.

Make rotating vertical engines. I understand from the game mechanics that you would need separate left and right engines that would make it fine with me. It would make the build easier as well if there were circle markers on the ship skin to show exactly where to mount them.

Finally, to Devo, please PLEASE update the WT-51, but for 0.20 and NOT for 0.21 because 0.21 is still too buggy to use. Myself and LOTS of my friends have been using this ship a lot and we all love it and are doing some really cool stuff with it so please don't let it die!

I hope this has helped a few people who would like to use this awesome ship.


Edited by xtoro
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I apologise for using a hopscotch reply with colours, but you took the time to write such a detailed post, it's probably better if I answer it like so.

This post is for the WT-51 which I LOVE, and needs some tweaks and updating, badly! It's a bit of a pig to fly but I think it's the most awesome ship of them all. But I'm a sucker for huge VTOL cargo ships. I'm now working on having it carry a smaller lander ship inside it.

Glad you like it, it is also one of my favourites to fly and once you get the hang of it you can land it anywhere.

This mod looks so awesome, and deserves more info in addition to what's already been written in the overview. ESPECIALLY with putting things inside like rovers and vehicles. I'm planning on uploading a youtube video on how I use it, it's issues, and workarounds. I've been toying with it for about a week now.

Firstly, I'm using KSP version 0.20.2. Mods I use with it to do what I need are MechJeb, Quantum Struts and KAS. I'll explain why in this writeup.

If you try to use this in .20 or .21 and find that you can't load the saved ship, it's not a problem. You can still use the individual parts to build it yourself, which is more fun anyways :)

ISSUE #5 : Docking/Transporting things inside, especially vehicles and rovers without retractable wheels is a pain.

WORKAROUND : THIS is where KAS and Quantum Struts come into play. I design my rovers with a KAS winch and some dismountable connector ports, as well as Quantum Struts pointing in multiple directions on the outside of the rover. I also add some KAS connector ports throughout the interior of the ship. Drive your rover into the ship where you want to park it, put the brake on. Go EVA and connect the KAS connector to a connector port on the ship in docking mode. This will essentially dock the rover to the ship, engaging all the Quantum Struts and connecting them to the interior walls of the ship. You rover will NOT move AT ALL! When you want to take out your rover, go EVA, and disconnect the connector. Then the Quantum Struts will turn off, essentially undocking, and you can drive the rover out (sometimes you need to repair wheels first). Using this method, there's no need to reconfigure the interior of your ship, ever, as long as whatever you're putting in it has the KAS/QS combo. No messing around with docking ports, and makes things REALLY easy!

I'll be honest, I use nothing more than a decoupler to attach vehicles inside. First, I attach it to the outside of the vessel, build the rover, attach it to the decoupler and then grab the parent item, which is the decoupler obviously and drag them inside and place them in the cargo bay. I never need to use struts really, not unless its one heavy load but definitely never had to resort to using KAS to keep things secure in there, but it's not a bad idea.

ISSUE #2 : The forward engine is very underpowered, even the triple engine, which makes it hard to circularize with it.

WORKAROUND #1 : Use the vertical lift rockets to do it by tilting it forward 90 degrees from the Prograde marker. It's easier to do if you place a drone pod on a flat part of the roof or the inside, and then control from there to get the correct Prograde and Retrograde markers (in fact, all the navball markers will work properly). The drone pod set up like this will also allow MechJeb to properly land your ship vertically with the Landing Autopilot.

WORKAROUND #2 : Remove the rear engine, add a few more fuel tanks, and mount 2 of the vertical lift engines on the tail facing backwards.

Yep, it does need some more power. When I balance my ships (which let me count.. PegasusX1, X2, Space Eagle, Freelancer, WT-51..etc) are all craft that take off VTOL and convert to horizontal flight. When you engage the rear thrusters, alot of these craft do not have aerodynamic surfaces, so in the case of the WT-51 if I put too much thrust in the rear, even if I create a set vector for the engines they will inherently push the nose of the craft up or down. Now, you can combat this with some more RCS thrusters sure, but essentially I try and make them safe enough that they dont blow up or go out of stupid control when you increase throttle to maxiumum. That being said, the triple engine was supposed to be alot more powerful but I had issues in testing. The WT-51 is due for a new texture pack soon, so i might re-visit that issue then also.

ISSUE #3 : On vertical takeoff, the ship rocks back and forth using lots of RCS to keep it level even when well balanced and throttling down.

WORKAROUND : Use MechJeb's "Kill Rot" instead of ASAS/SAS. It keeps it steadier and uses much less RCS fuel.

I use the RCS Hydrotech Autopilot plugin instead, this allows you to keep constant thrust on the RCS instead of spurts which means no more rocking.

ISSUE #4 : Everything shakes and sometimes falls apart.

WORKAROUND : Struts struts struts. Quantum Struts look so much better and are only one use for them. Fill the hollows with struts going across them.

Yes, this happens with some of the rescaled parts, struts are necessary after KSP 0.19, something they did after that broke the wt-51 and I had to fix it the best I could.

ISSUE #5 : Ship rocks and sways even after first launching from SPH and doesn't stop.

WORKAROUND : ??? Can't get this to stop no matter what I do. Ideas welcome!

Would have to see a video, have not had this issue when all checks are completed - most importantly center of mass must be dead centre.

ISSUE #6 : Sometimes this ship will not make contact with the ground of a planet and will just go right through, and down a few hundred more meters and explode. Unfortunately, I have no idea why this happens. It doesn't ALWAYS happen, but it does most of the time. It happens on the Mun EVERY time and I've been unable to land on it so far without going right through the ground. I've tried this on a clean install with ONLY this mod and it still happens. No clue with this problem...

ISSUE #7 : The floor of the interior is like ice and everything slides around easily, especially Kerbals who tend to fall down for no reason and can't get back up.

Not sure either, the floors are standard convex colliders, they should function as normal but on the odd occasion kerbals will slide a bit. I have no ideas on this one, really I dont lol.. tried everything. Doesnt happen on other craft of mine, so not sure.

WORKAROUND : Strut/Dock everything to the interior. To get Kerbals back up again, do a quick timewarp.


First thing I have an issue with is mounting RCS thrusters. It works like it is for just flying around and take-off/landing. However, I take LONG trips, and once I get into orbit, I like to top up my fuel and monoprop at my orbiting fuel station. But with the way thrusters are mounted, it makes docking this thing absolutely horrible because the RCS thrusters are angled. So using translation makes you do all kinds of crazy things, even with SAS or MechJeb running. I would REALLY like to see some texture-matched angled wedges that you can place somewhere on the ship that will let you mount the RCS thrusters in such a way that they are nice and level. I've tried levelling them using SHIFT+WASD but it looks ugly because they're not flush.

Admittedly was a little drunk during it's production... if you see the RCS 6 and Hex 12 RCS thrusters, you can see I went a bit crazy... and did not really think those out too well. It's like the ASAS computer.. I just started modelling something and that's what came out hehe.. so apologies for that one, there is no problem making some new more practical RCS for it.

The forward engine, like I mentioned in one of the issues, we need a more powerful one.

Update the IVA. The outside of the cockpit looks awesome but the inside is kind of disappointing.

Currently there is no IVA.. I think I'm using the stock crap one sorry :) IVA's take a little more time and now that I have (finally) figured out how to do them you will see more IVA's in my ships.

Make rotating vertical engines. I understand from the game mechanics that you would need separate left and right engines that would make it fine with me. It would make the build easier as well if there were circle markers on the ship skin to show exactly where to mount them.

Use Infernal Robotics.

The WT-51 twin engines for each side were designed specifically for infernal robotics. Take note of the nice round end that fits a rotatron perfectly. There's your rotating engines.

Finally, to Devo, please PLEASE update the WT-51, but for 0.20 and NOT for 0.21 because 0.21 is still too buggy to use. Myself and LOTS of my friends have been using this ship a lot and we all love it and are doing some really cool stuff with it so please don't let it die!

Well that would be a Downdate wouldn't it ? :) I agree, 0.21.1 is painful to use. They say don't make negative comments as it is not good for the morale of the developers, which I agree with - but nearly 4 weeks with a broken game is bad morale for the players, so there has to be some frustration venting going on at some point lol.

Luckily for you I do have ksp 0.20.2 still and would be glad to make you a craft and pack.

Can you please confirm which version of 0.20 you have? 0.20.2?

I hope this has helped a few people who would like to use this awesome ship.

No probs, glad it is being flown. At the end of the day that's all you ask for, is that the time you spent making it was worth it and people are actually enjoying it, or finding a better way to enjoy KSP.


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