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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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When I see effort going into a patch to fix this rediculous bug that has plagued many of us since 0.21.1, I will put the same effort into making mods. For me right now, not alot of point making mods for a game that is broken for me. Sure, many people don't experience the scene transition bug, but many of us do - and if you get it as bad as I do (and I have upgraded systems and tried everything I know) then the game is unplayable.

It used to take me a couple of minutes to test a mod. It now can take me anywhere from 10-15 minutes. Make a small tweak, reload the game database and re-enter the hanger can take over a minute and when you are doing this several times in a row, we are talking more time sitting there waiting for the scene to load than to actually perform the testing I need. That's making mods. As far as playing the game? not a chance right now. So as I said, when I can see a consistent effort from the developers to improve the game, I'll get back to making mods, for now I'm just fixing up old stuff that's broken, it's just too painful to make new stuff and test it right now.

I have some stuff to finish off for Sirkut finally, I sorta put it aside for a week. GTAV is a pretty addictive game.

Edited by Devo
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  Pigbear said:
15-20 seconds is not slow...

When you constantly have to do small changes to your craft, meaning going in and out of the VAB, it quickly runs up. And oftenly it is also more than 20 seconds for me. And, most importantly, I didn't have the same lag in 0.20, meaning that it should be fixable.

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  wasmic said:
When you constantly have to do small changes to your craft, meaning going in and out of the VAB, it quickly runs up. And oftenly it is also more than 20 seconds for me. And, most importantly, I didn't have the same lag in 0.20, meaning that it should be fixable.

I can wait for 10-30 seconds, maybe more. The longer the game is open the worse it incrementally gets (RAM is not the issue, its not leaking either) Agreed totally, even 10 for me is not acceptable in this day and age especially when I am waiting for... hmm I'm not really sure what I'm waiting for. Is the scene unloading everytime I exit the hangar? no? yes? it appears not. why? I just go to another camera viewpoint of the same scene when I exit the hangar.. so why the long wait that was never there in 0.20.2 What changed overnight in a quick flash in the pants update that so monumentally stuffed the gameplay for me.? . I wish I knew more about why this bug happens, maybe it wouldn't be so frustrating. I know I know, Squad is not Rockstar North. KSP didn't cost 260 million bucks to make and I should not expect the same level of quality in this game, I guess you get spoilt after a while. It just is all the more fudged when you are trying to make content for said game and it is borken. I have to remember it's a bunch of mohawk sporting guys working in what looks like a bedroom doing the best they can :) and not some multi-corporate meeting fest.

Edited by Devo
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do you find that the scene change problem goes 'quicker' when you minimize ksp to the toolbar and give it a min or so. it 'seems' to me that sometimes doing this has made it go a lot faster. I have noticed that at certain times if i 'wait' for ksp to get me back to the hanger, it may take 5-10 min's when real bad. I can minimize ksp and usually it will be ready to go in 1-2.????? dont know much about this Unity voodoo.....

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  drtedastro said:
do you find that the scene change problem goes 'quicker' when you minimize ksp to the toolbar and give it a min or so. it 'seems' to me that sometimes doing this has made it go a lot faster. I have noticed that at certain times if i 'wait' for ksp to get me back to the hanger, it may take 5-10 min's when real bad. I can minimize ksp and usually it will be ready to go in 1-2.????? dont know much about this Unity voodoo.....

The only thing I have found that is remotely making it better is running in full screen, but when you have blender, photoshop, max, unity all open and you need to work between them, fullscreen mode can be a real pain in the butt. The sad thing is I am running on a brand new 250gb solid state drive, running in AHCI mode and it has staggering transfer rates. I know this issue isn't my hardware because I have exhausted all my options of different laptops, macbooks, pc's and my actual gaming pc, and the problem persists, its only on my beast that its close to OK.. and even then... well, that's where I'm at now.

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Sounds same here regarding maxed out hardware. I dont have the blender, and other dev programs running, and i will test the full screen option. Thanks. It 'seemed' to act like a memory leak in the sense that sometimes a restart would help. But then it also acts like some internal .dll is acting almost like a service and is getting restarted or popped repeatedly over and over. when this happens it is only lessened by a reboot.... Thanks for info Devo. Hope this get sorted out. As bad as it is for players, i can only imagine the frustration for trying to develop in this mode....

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  Devo said:
When I see effort going into a patch to fix this rediculous bug that has plagued many of us since 0.21.1, I will put the same effort into making mods. For me right now, not alot of point making mods for a game that is broken for me. Sure, many people don't experience the scene transition bug, but many of us do - and if you get it as bad as I do (and I have upgraded systems and tried everything I know) then the game is unplayable.

It used to take me a couple of minutes to test a mod. It now can take me anywhere from 10-15 minutes. Make a small tweak, reload the game database and re-enter the hanger can take over a minute and when you are doing this several times in a row, we are talking more time sitting there waiting for the scene to load than to actually perform the testing I need. That's making mods. As far as playing the game? not a chance right now. So as I said, when I can see a consistent effort from the developers to improve the game, I'll get back to making mods, for now I'm just fixing up old stuff that's broken, it's just too painful to make new stuff and test it right now.

I have some stuff to finish off for Sirkut finally, I sorta put it aside for a week. GTAV is a pretty addictive game.

Well good job on everything you have accomplished so far, and im waiting on GTA V to come out on PC. I hope its as good as the hype

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  viperwolf said:
Well good job on everything you have accomplished so far, and im waiting on GTA V to come out on PC. I hope its as good as the hype

I have not many words to describe it. When you play it you understand where the money went. It is the biggest, smoothest most diverse sandbox action game I think I have ever seen in my 30 odd years of gaming, it is truly a masterpiece of gaming and will no doubt go down in history as one of the best, if not the best.

I have only one negative opinion of it and that is my kids can't play it. Due to the violence, swearing, blood, pornography.. and basically everything the real world offers, it is a little off limits to my 6 and 8 year old daughters, so it's a shame they are not able to experience it because im a week in and still I am astounded at what they have managed to achieve. It's the biggest game world I have ever seen, its seamless, has oceans, skies.. it takes literally half an hour to drive at full speed around the map.

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  Devo said:
The only thing I have found that is remotely making it better is running in full screen, but when you have blender, photoshop, max, unity all open and you need to work between them, fullscreen mode can be a real pain in the butt. The sad thing is I am running on a brand new 250gb solid state drive, running in AHCI mode and it has staggering transfer rates. I know this issue isn't my hardware because I have exhausted all my options of different laptops, macbooks, pc's and my actual gaming pc, and the problem persists, its only on my beast that its close to OK.. and even then... well, that's where I'm at now.

I had KAS as one of mods, and i noticed that there always seems to be a plethora of error messages in the log right after some KAS output / status / stuff.... I copied entire ksp_win and made copy ksp_noKsp and then went in and removed all kas from gamedata, from persistent file and test craft files.

now the ultra long problem time has gone away.... Dont want to say problem with KAS just yet, want to check and prove that i can make the problem come and go, but something you might look at????

good luck.

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  drtedastro said:
Dont want to say problem with KAS just yet, want to check and prove that i can make the problem come and go, but something you might look at????

good luck.

Well, I had assumed he was already talking about a clean test environment? Reload database in my main install takes too long before I've even thought about load times... You can tell I'm new to KSP (sorry), Unity just makes me happy after playing about with NifScope for Bethesda models or trying to make ships for the X series.

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  drtedastro said:
do you find that the scene change problem goes 'quicker' when you minimize ksp to the toolbar and give it a min or so. it 'seems' to me that sometimes doing this has made it go a lot faster. I have noticed that at certain times if i 'wait' for ksp to get me back to the hanger, it may take 5-10 min's when real bad. I can minimize ksp and usually it will be ready to go in 1-2.????? dont know much about this Unity voodoo.....

5-10 Minutes?!? it takes like 5-10 seconds on my laptop! :confused:

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I don't think 64bit is going to happen, at least not in 0.22. AFAIK it's a major recode to change it to unity 64bit, and I've heard that although the Unity 64bit for Linux is stable, the same is not true for Unity 64bit for Windows. I guess all we can do is wait.

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  hydran101 said:

I think they were trying to get the landing legs out first. But then maybe Devo is beating up hookers in a certain game that will not be out for PC for a while

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I got it working finally. Had to stich it together using Quantum Struts. It's perfectly balanced and flys manually, so much better than using MechJeb. Boy! It uses a lot of fuel. Working on refueling it in orbit. I've landed it perfectly twice so far on Kerbin.... on-wards and upwards! I want to thank everyone who has done this before... I learned so much reading this thread. To DevoGen... I am awestruck by your modeling skills. Hat tip!

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i.imgur.com/Cjuk6Wl.jpg' alt='Cjuk6Wl.jpg'>

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Well done!

Still amazes me that with the same game, I need no struts and yet you guys need quantum struts, I just don't get it lol... I load the one from the pack, sure the tail is a tad wobbly, but she takes off and orbits no problem, landing is a different issue, sure, but as far as flight goes I don't use any struts, dang i gotta make a video now :)

  viperwolf said:
I think they were trying to get the landing legs out first. But then maybe Devo is beating up hookers in a certain game that will not be out for PC for a while

Nah, bit over that now. The online version is just a grief fest, single player game is, well single player and doesnt take that long to finish.

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Woohoo 0.22 ,fixed the scene transition bug, I am back to 1-3 seconds transition time between scenes.

Back to work then. WT-51 is being upgraded to 0.22 first and it's getting a few new parts, new cargo section ,new gigantic VTOLS and new thrusters to keep it straight in space flight.

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I use 2 struts internaly between each section on WT-51 and have never had it come apart. And I am really bad at landing, i have flopped that thing down perty hard a few times. At worst the tail pops off...thats not mission critical once its landed, i can always ferry the crew elsewhere and recycle the busted ship.

Was wondering if you plan on putting your stuff into techtree?

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