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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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what pack is missing what parts?? c'mon man, help me help you.

If you are talking about the zip files I uploaded here, they have experimental parts, for packs that I have uploaded to the spaceport. If you are missing a 'vast array of parts' All I can assume is you have not downloaded the pack, but instead a small snippet from here and are becoming confused as to whats in your zip file and the screenshots i'm posting.

If I am incorrect please tell me, or even if i'm correct tell me, but please give me more than "Also there is a vast array of parts missing" because that doesn't tell me bugger all sorry mate.

I am talking about the PX2.

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What parts are missing? Have you tried redownloading the mod? Are you playing career or sandbox?

I am in sandbox,and there isn't really any parts missing.They're just the wrong size.For instance,the ASAS noscone is tiny and the bays turn gigantic when I mouse over them in the VAB.They also do not fit.

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I dont think parts are missing for me, however the actual .craft files just say "Locked or invalid parts" and wont let me load them.. Trying on Sandbox with your latest .zip, and the latest Mechjeb (Incase it still uses Mechjeb)

not sure what mods are needed but i just downloaded all of Devogen addons and the PX2 works fine as i had same problem aswell

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Hmm. The issue I'm currently having is that the IR Rototron for the swiveling VTOL engines appears to be missing. Everything else is there for the PX. But not that.

I've checked my parts folder - GameData\Wayland_Corp\Parts\Utility - and it's actually in there, but when I go the SPH/VAB it's not showing up.

Next thing I'm going to do is re-install from the zip-file and see if that clears it up.

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Hmm. The issue I'm currently having is that the IR Rototron for the swiveling VTOL engines appears to be missing. Everything else is there for the PX. But not that.

I've checked my parts folder - GameData\Wayland_Corp\Parts\Utility - and it's actually in there, but when I go the SPH/VAB it's not showing up.

Next thing I'm going to do is re-install from the zip-file and see if that clears it up.

Im going to repack the pegasus and WT-51 again, so there will be a new pack for them, being Xmas eve tonight i have limited time today, but I'll see what I can get done. Ill get the PX-2 sorted quick, the rotatrons are purely my stuff up and I had them in a diff folder to the one I zipped, just a tired oversight from a new ksp installation :P

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Thanks Devo! Don't push too hard on this though - it IS Christmas Eve Eve after all.

Just so you know though, I think there's more wrong with the PX-2 than just the rototron.

I re-downloaded the package and the first thing I noticed was the same issue with the Craft files. They weren't allowed (game still doesn't like them)

So I started trying to build a new PX-2 from the available parts and discovered things were WORSE.

This looks like it ought to fit together, right?


Nope! Instead, the attachment points are off:

This is what you get when you try to attach the ASAS Nosecone and the RCS tank in the proper places.


So something's off there.

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Thanks Devo! Don't push too hard on this though - it IS Christmas Eve Eve after all.

Just so you know though, I think there's more wrong with the PX-2 than just the rototron.

I re-downloaded the package and the first thing I noticed was the same issue with the Craft files. They weren't allowed (game still doesn't like them)

So I started trying to build a new PX-2 from the available parts and discovered things were WORSE.

This looks like it ought to fit together, right?


Nope! Instead, the attachment points are off:

This is what you get when you try to attach the ASAS Nosecone and the RCS tank in the proper places.


So something's off there.

****, thanks, I fudged the scale on the new copckpit, I had to re-build it to fix the hatch, so thats all down to a new cockpit part, will sort that out no biggie. Its weird how the saved craft work fine but these wont attach.. :/

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Ok, all fixed!

new download at the spaceport..



** 2.3 Update

*New IVA and new look External cockpit.

*Includes the Updated Infernal robotics plugin for the rotating engines

*Added the missing rotators!

*Colour lights removed from internal, its a bit dark but it’s not a disco anymore

*MK3 Craft file fixed

* Included The module fixer by Arsenic87, the original thread can be found here:


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Okay then! *cracks knuckles* Let's fire this baby up and see what she can do!

Thanks mate. I wish everyone was as helpful, lol.. when there is a problem, your email gets flooded, youtube videos get commented on, this thread gets attention... but since the new version, 3000 people have downloaded it and not said a word, so I assume its working now :P

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Yeah - sorry about the delay. Lots of stressfull Christmas stuff.

So here's a few semi-connected comments -

No more issues with "expanding parts" in the VAB/SPH. That's taken care of.

The Craft files now load properly and will load a PX Shuttle onto the airstrip no problem.

Flying it... Hmm. Not as easy as I thought it'd be. Now I did get it to orbit several times. I can tell the basic model is very stable. But there are a few issues -

1) I think the cockpit pod and the ASAS nosecone need more torque. I flew it with Mechjeb attached to fly it both completely manually (MechJeb off) and letting MechJeb do its thing. A stock PX-2 seems to have a roll wobble over time. I noticed this when I had gotten the PX-2 Version 1 to orbit and had Mechjeb keeping heading, pitch and roll on a steady vector. The pitch and the heading stayed steady, but the shuttle kept rolling from side to side slightly and kept this up and it seemed to get worse over time with the oscillations increasing until it was rolling almost up to 40 degrees or so on each roll.

At that point I decided to revert to the hanger and tinker a bit. I wondered if I had the right nosecone on. One seems to have no torque factor listed. The other has a Torque of 20. I decided to put that on just in case (and I re-did the RCS jets that were on the nose in the right place). Tried it again. Seemed to be a little better. But still had a little bit of roll.

So I think - assuming no other changes to the RCS layout on a stock PX-2 - it'd need more torque. I remember on the previous version I had made both the ASAS and the cockpit pods have something like 20-25 torque apiece and that held it quite steady. Haven't re-written that here yet because I'm not done testing the stock version. But signs point to a similar need for torque. Well heck - it makes sense - it's a STONKING HUGE SHIP now! :)

2) Speaking of the RCS - I tinkered with placing RCS units on the back end of the craft and the sides or wings to see if I could get the RCS to take over some of the attitude adjustment. It worked... sort of. It damped out the roll problem in station-keeping. But without the torque in the ASAS and the Cockpit, the PX-2 RCS pods are SO POWERFUL that they have a tendency for over-correction to an extreme degree, particularly if you're doing some wide manuevers like turning the ship around from pro-grade to retrograde. I tried that with the "all-around" RCS and it went CRAZY. Tumbling all over the sky! I turned off the RCS and did some manual recovery and then let Mechjeb try it again with fine controls and no RCS. Took a painfully slow time, but at least it didn't over-correct.

I'm doing some testing with B9 and stock RCS pods as well as the Eagle RCS to see what does what. But maybe it might be a good idea to make some RCS pods for the PX that are not as powerful? Maybe have 3 options - 50 power, 25 and 10-15?

3) All of the above is orbital manuevering you may have noticed. The atmospheric flying is much better. Surprisingly responsive and nimble for such an enormous bird. The "batwing" versions have insane glide ratios! I think I mentioned in a previous post (about the smaller version) that it's almost TOO good? As in hard to land? Yup. Kinda have to get used to it. I think honestly you could land just by mostly gliding it in and adjusting with the engines just a little bit - assuming a standard wheeled-gear landing.

4) On that note - once you get it up in the air, the VTOL thrusters are very easy to use. But the wings kind of interfere with what I expect from a VTOL ship. As I'm mostly an Eagle driver, you can imagine where my problems come from. I'm not really used to the combo of wings with high lift and VTOL thrusters. See "inability to land" above.

5) the standard "legged" PX shuttles I find hard to get off the runway in a stable manner. When the VTOL's are activated, the whole ship for some reason wants initially to pitch nose WAAAAY down and lift it's tail! Assuming you manage to get it away from the ground and don't knock the nose off, it then settles into normal VTOL flight - see above for performance, which is good.

6) The stock craft files I think ought to have included versions with standard wheeled landing gear for standard take-offs and landings. The parts are there. I wonder why they weren't used?

- On a sub-note - the B9 landing gear is a nice match to the PX shuttle, since the black versions are obviously meant for birds with heat tiles on the bottom and they pull up nicely flush with the bottom when retracted.

7) You're not going to be happy about this Devo - but that issue with the Kerbals getting stuck in the door? It's still there unfortunately. Really bad. Still needs work. I've got Crew Transfer mod so I've set up an alternate hatch using LLL in the cargo bay for EVA.

8) Just to re-iterate a problem I noted in an earlier post - the ventral cargo bay version has that problem with the bottom platform being too thick now for rovers to drive up onto or for Kerbals to hop up onto. Needs ramps built into it or the sides need to be sloped down or the whole thing needs to be thinner.

9) That cockpit IS kinda dark. Still looks good, but I kinda miss the "Disco" lights actually. might it be possible to have lighting coming from the control panels themselves?

10) Oh - it makes an incredible Water Craft! I'm not kidding. I decided to splash one down gently off the coast when I was having trouble getting it to land on land, and it settled down into the water nicely. Then I decided to fire up the engines to see at what point the PX shuttle parts would break in the water.

They DON'T.

At all.

You can have the engines on at FULL power and driving the PX shuttle at 90 Meters per second IN THE WATER and it behaves like a well-behaved BOAT. All the engines sit well above the water and are not obstructed. It drives along without even a freaking WAKE. It's INSANE!

You've created a rocket powered gigantic speedboat, mate. That's very "Kerbal" of you. :D

In all of this I haven't yet tested the Rapier Engines. But I wanted a whole lot of "control" data before I switched out to those new engines. So I'll be doing some of that soon (after Christmas most likely).

In conclusion, It's a good ship, but it still needs some tweaking. Some of the existing problems can be solved with parts work-arounds. But they ought to be addressed in the design tweaks over time.

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1. Not really something I have messed with too much, if you could help me tweak that it would be appreciated.

2. I often find 1 under each wing tip will also work BUT there is one very important part.

You see the two small winglets I put on every craft on the rear engines? without those, this ship does not fly.

3. Glide ratios are going to be cut down, and another ship or glider introduced. Now that I know what I'm doing, the plan was balancing the pegasus but keeping that fun gliding aspect for at least one craft because cmon... you can lose all your engines and wheels and still make it in for a soft landing.. and yea, not that realistic..

4. I use currently my Gold rapier engines on rotators, so I actually dont use the pegasus single boosters anymore, the rapiers dont interefere at all

5/6 I just got tired... the big wheels are there for people who do not know how to resize things.

7. Bugger... its ok ill just move the hatch even further out.. we just need to find that sweet spot.

8. Agree on the cargo bay, there is a reason its not a flat curve and all down to convex colliders and how they go back into the craft, but I sort of short cutted it and yeah, its on the to-do list

9. still working with my lights.. never really played with lighting that much or emissives, just another thing i still need to study on

10. unintentional, but I have to admit I use it as a boat alot, I drive to the other island by sea, and if you play with the VTOL angle you can hit 130 :)

With reference to the BAC9 landing gear, yet they are nice but they are BAC9 landing gear, and I promised myself I would never use any of his parts out of principle (for various reasons) so I would need to make my own.

You see the Pegasus Pods? what if we give them a bigger attachment area and add wheels inside instead?

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Wayland Corp?!

What?! My fellow Xenomorphs gather 'round and lets infest all those Contraptions! Nice work, will give it a try next restart of career-mode. Looks awesome!

Stay crunchy.

Devo's thing here is Wayland. What you're thinking of is Weyland.

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If you're taking about the private "encouragement", that was me. Mr. Darklighter and I share a name in common. Stay frosty Bro.

Thanks heaps mate, it really helped - that's the sort of **** I'll never forget. ;p

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Hi Devo,

Well I may not be able to fly your beautiful ships worth a hoot, but I can test EVA ability. So on a clean vanillia install using only the PX2's cockpit it was a no go.

Could EVA fine kinda. Click on the hatch, select Jeb and bam, you on other side of PX-2 at runway's edge.

Go back around and Jeb is there in all his glory staring at the hatch. He moves around fine.


Click on the hatch and he's still showing inside. Try and (F) board him and the Runway Jeb locks up. But you can EVA another Jeb. Damn crazy space-time continuum.

Oh and I couldn't revert flight either. Had to Tracking Station it for PX-2 and then click on the runway to recover Jeb.

Sooooo, unless I did something wrong, I don't believe that did as you intended.

And about the "encouragement", the thanks belong to you. You're the one who takes his time, talent, etc and keeps this game entertaining. Tip of my Space Helmet to you Sir.

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This is so wierd... It works on my end, I upload it it fails for you guys then I re-check it and it fails for me too.. I think this will require a completely new exterior shell and hatch, there has to be something inherently wrong with the unity project because I've made tonnes of hatches and never had this much trouble.

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Seems a few modders are having glitches with hatches lately. Did Squad (or is it Unity) ever change that 1m from center rule? Maybe that's the problem? Like I said I can't fly your beautiful ships worth a dang (Dammit Devo, I'm a rocket-jockey, not some stick-and-rudder pilot!), but will be glad to help out on EVA, etc if needed. You'll lick this problem I'm sure.

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