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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Being so arrogant isn't going to help you. Yes i have looked at the pictures and YES i know what i'm talking about. You have to start the gravity turn when you are in thinner atmosphere.

What he was SAYING is that he's not doing the gravity turn. He's not got any input at all in that flip. Hell, MechJeb doesn't even start grav-turning until 10k.

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Set the MJ to start gravity turn at 10km instead of 5km and it should be fine.
My first couple tests with Orion showed the same behaviour you're seeing, MDBenson. I found that if I set the gravity turn to begin at 15km with a 40° turn rate, you'll be fine. Launch supports placed high (2nd stage) & low (SRB) will eliminate the launchpad wobbles.

I rolled the gravity turn start up to about 18km (which was about where I thought the SRB was burning out) and it did seem to mitigate most of the issue but it still 'fell over' and flicked the second stage off at a weird angle that lost me a lot of Delta-V on the ascent. That said, the real Ares IX test launch did that too ;)


Just try not use MechJeb, use stock ASAS... all fly good and correct. ))

Too lazy ;)

It docks to the old shuttle docking port i think.
Bobcat, on the ISS does Orion dock to the old Space shuttle port or at one of the commercial docking ports?

I'd say so too, as it has the same 3-prong docking mechanism as the ISS PMA does.

Edited by MDBenson
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Thanks for the latest update; One problem people may have is that the 8.5 version still has the internal folder name of 8.4... also you've changed the GameData paths, presumably to make space for BobCat US rockets, to ...\SovietPack now; which means that you've duplicated the Soviet parts in two different locations. People will need to clear out the BobCat folder first, lest KSP explode from trying to load too many parts.

I was able with the latest version to attach the Kliper to the completed Soyuz-U that's in the craft files now to make sure I was using an identical build to the one expected (I was never able to angle the seperatrons like in the pdf image), and I too am having the problem of Mehcjeb pulling it over at 2,200m off the launchpad.

Mechjeb can get the Buran up, but he doesn't know how to stage the boosters, and with any weight in the hold of the shuttle he spins around with the Energia centre stage when doing the circularizing burn and tends to crash into it, boo. I shall have to try and learn how to fly manually again for now then!

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I solved the problem with the chutes, it was also MechJeb. I had it on Auto Stage and set to stop at Stage 0 (instead of 2 where it should have been) and it was auto-staging when the escape system fired until the chutes fired (prematurely). Might have to post to the MechJeb thread about it Auto Staging when the autopilot isn't enabled??

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FYI, if you read the thread today there was a discussion that ended up with the resolution that some of bobcats ships don't like mechjeb.
I refuse to believe this though because it all worked marvelously not 2 weeks ago...
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As for getting Kliper into orbit. Mechjeb autopilot during first part of flight needs to be turned off, Navball on for referance (as meantioned), its a bit of a struggle but its mannagable (guess we have to work a bit, but its allright)

Then after reaching where the button thing say 'Orbit' the autopilot can be turned on and everything is gravy (good)

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Thanks for the latest update; One problem people may have is that the 8.5 version still has the internal folder name of 8.4... also you've changed the GameData paths, presumably to make space for BobCat US rockets, to ...\SovietPack now; which means that you've duplicated the Soviet parts in two different locations. People will need to clear out the BobCat folder first, lest KSP explode from trying to load too many parts.

What do I need to do to fix this?

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Bobcat INC ideas (post if you think it should go into bobcat pack)

Ok im Tristan63 and im a Novice in KSP Ive been noticing that Bobcat INC has had alot of things built in the recent months (updated to) and im wondering if we could start a forums to see if these ideas will actually go to Bobcat INC.For instance we post stuff like we want a Saturn V mod for bobcat to add to its recently added American pack.Well we could vote Yes or No to that idea and send it to Bobcat INC.Fell free to post any ideas or suggestions but note this is only something New nothing added recently or later then what this is so if you were gonna suggest a Saturn V it would be fine cause its not added but a Soyuz TMA rocket wouldn't be cause its in there soviet pack.Heres the setup.Dear Bobcat INC id like to see a rocket in(topic=American pack)Hi im wondering if we could add a Saturn v to the American pack (username)(reason/not required) (extra things like city etc).Also i don't have there email so please if you have a link give it to me .

Last edited by tristan63; Today at 13:46.

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Bobcat INC ideas (post if you think it should go into bobcat pack)

Ok im Tristan63 and im a Novice in KSP Ive been noticing that Bobcat INC has had alot of things built in the recent months (updated to) and im wondering if we could start a forums to see if these ideas will actually go to Bobcat INC.For instance we post stuff like we want a Saturn V mod for bobcat to add to its recently added American pack.Well we could vote Yes or No to that idea and send it to Bobcat INC.Fell free to post any ideas or suggestions but note this is only something New nothing added recently or later then what this is so if you were gonna suggest a Saturn V it would be fine cause its not added but a Soyuz TMA rocket wouldn't be cause its in there soviet pack.Heres the setup.Dear Bobcat INC id like to see a rocket in(topic=American pack)Hi im wondering if we could add a Saturn v to the American pack (username)(reason/not required) (extra things like city etc).Also i don't have there email so please if you have a link give it to me .

Last edited by tristan63; Today at 13:46.

Bro the Jool V is basically a Saturn V, and there are even replica mods out there for download :)

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Bobcat, I think the parachute on Orion might be deploying to late. 3/4 times I've crashed because the parachutes weren't deploying right.

It's likely caused by reentry profile being too steep. Set you Pe to ~25km or so and the capsule will have enough time to dissipate all speed and slow down to subsonic speed just in time for chutes to deploy. Just tried that and it works like sharm!

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There isn't an IVA. Yet... (Basically saying that the level of Bobcat's work, he will add an IVA. Either that or, since the Orion is still WIP, he might not have an accurate representation of the interior).

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I had to make some weird mechjeb settings to get it to fly but it works well enough (there's some strangeness that always occurs everytime when decoupling the SRB but it hasn't ruined a launch yet).

1. I'm assuming we're supposed to download the missing solar panels from Lionhead? Done so but nobody has mentioned it yet.

2. I'm also really hoping the backend of Yogui' ATV will be compatible as the new ESA SM for the Orion as well but I realize that's asking a lot.

3. What is the 'Jettison' function doing? It appears to do nothing for me, I checked the cfgs but it didn't help much. Future addition?

This rocket is powerful. At less than optimum gravity turn settings and such, I was still put into an insanely fast LKO with the second stage at a nice 75% full. Not complaining! 0_o

Also to anyone who responded to me earlier and to Bobcat, I'm not angry with the mod or anything, I'm just frustrated with the fact that I had all my beautiful addons working in perfect and automated harmony only to have it all dashed in the update. I use mechjeb not a crutch but because these systems are really automated in almost every regard and I seek to mirror that. I can get Kliper to orbit just fine on me own...I'd just rather not...it steals some of the magic. I know that's the reverse mentality around here but I have no romanticised feelings for manually accomplishing anything in KSP...

Edited by Good_Apollo
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Anyone have a solution for the center of mass shift aft during launch? I tried switching to another craft, and then back to my launch craft but nothing changed and the COM is still all jacked up! This is my favorite mod pack!

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Ok, That problem is, in my experience, caused by the CORE mod.

This one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/15771-0-20-0-CORE-Anvil-Series-Rockets-1-6-2

I have no idea why, but whenever I instal this mod, that mass-shift occurs.

The center of gravity for the main modules (engine+fuel tanks) are that far down so as to give more stability. Absolution, the mod creator, doesn't like struts I guess.

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Hey BobCat love the american pack. It is awesome. Just wanted to ask one thing about one of its parts. I was wondering if you could make the SRB side attachable so that I could use it for other rockets. You dont need to post a new amercan pack, I will just like the SRB .cfg file. Thanks for the help.

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