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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Yeah, it's already possible to make it using N1 parts, but there's no properly fitting shroud and SAS for it. BobCat would only have to make a small antenna module for the front section and a shroud for fitting it on top of Proton.

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That would go well with the Zond, actually. Also, it could be adjusted so that it can actually fit a MIR module in an in-line fairing, like the real one.

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Iv'e been waiting for the soyuz 7k-ok spacecraft for a while. wouldn't actually be that hard to make. Just a re-textured re-entry module and a different model for the solar panels, maybe a re textured OM but i don't think it would be that hard to make(iv'e never worked with any model making programs, so i cant really say though).

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I don't like Kosmos.

Why don't you like it? All the parts are high quality, and a lot of stuff is possible with that addon. It also adds both the TKS and the Salyut, which makes it almost ideal for what you want. Of course, there might be some little thing that makes you not like it, and in that case, I'm just curious: why?

EDIT: Oh, and can anyone tell me what size the parts in these mods are? I'd like to "strip it down" and only use some parts of it, but I'm not sure if I can fit for example the Orion capsule atop a normal rocket.

Edited by wasmic
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64% original size (don't ask me why...it's supposedly done cause of the anatomy of a kerbal and a human, but It's not entirely correct...and it should vary from one size to another for every capsule...I think Normak calculated the Apollo capsule would have to be 90% scale to accomodate 3 kerbals, and not 64%... something like that...but it was all a long time ago...scaling in KSP, aswell as delta-v balancing, is a *****)

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I think that's mostly because its working at 2 scales, the first is the dimensions of kerbals themselves, the second is the scale of the solar system, (or Kerbol system).

if squad were to scale up the kerbol system so it was larger, (or at the very least kerbin/kerbin atmosphere were larger), possibly in addition with a proper aerodynamic model would make it easier to scale up these things.

Edited by betaking
I didn't proofread
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aye, overall, it would be cool if you could create on your own your starting solar system (say having relief presets together with color and size presets, and then you modify the atmosphere as you like)

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Alright - it would just be really cool if the parts followed the standard 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, etc. scaling - but that would of course make accurate copies of real spacecraft impossible. I think I might have to do some scaling myself.

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The fairings on the Orion instrument module fly off weird and destroy my solar panels. Solution?

Jettison the fairings before you decouple Orion from Ares I. You can do this with an action group. This worked for me so far.

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