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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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If I built the Mir, can I still update the mod without losing it?

From what I'm understanding, Bobcat is only improving the models and textures, and not changing names or node placement, which means you can build the Mir without worrying about the next update breaking your save.

Of course, Mr. cat, you should already be okay with save breaking updates since KSP is an alpha.

Anyway, this all depends on when Bobcat will get back around to the Historical pack. He's currently working on Home 3.0 in between whatever else he does.

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He's currently working on Home 3.0 in between whatever else he does.

The current DL on spaceport has includes parts titled "HOME2".

A video posted in the BobCat Ind. thread on 7 January is also titled HOME2.

Is HOME 2 the one in development, or is there going to be a HOME 3 meaning this:

Old save dont work whit new file optimization system. You loose all your old ship and station.

applies to HOME 2 modules?

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The current DL on spaceport has includes parts titled "HOME2".

A video posted in the BobCat Ind. thread on 7 January is also titled HOME2.

Is HOME 2 the one in development, or is there going to be a HOME 3 meaning this:

applies to HOME 2 modules?

I say Home 3 because the modules he is showing off now look very little like the original modules he was working on for Home 2.

Post #944 showcasing what I call Home 3

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Is there something unusual about the LER Rover drive controls? A and D keys can turn the wheels, and the wheel axis can be crabbed 90° for sideways motion, but I can't drive the wheels using the W and S or I and K keys. Should I have set up action groups? Although I didn't, can I set up action groups after having landed on the Mun?

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So I looked at Bobcat's latest Soyuz video and I noticed something missing! Didn't the thermal blankets peel away when the modules separated from the descent capsule, It would definitely make for a more accurate eye candy!

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So I looked at Bobcat's latest Soyuz video and I noticed something missing! Didn't the thermal blankets peel away when the modules separated from the descent capsule, It would definitely make for a more accurate eye candy!

I think the thermal blankets on the descent capsule are "removed" by reentry rather than by separation from the Service and Orbital Modules.

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I think the thermal blankets on the descent capsule are "removed" by reentry rather than by separation from the Service and Orbital Modules.

There were 8 sheets of thermal insulation held in place by the modules through a use of segmented rings (like a broken circle of sorts), as soon as the modules seperated, no longer were the segments were held together in a ring, would they be detached and allowed to float away prior to entry.

http://www.braeunig.us/space/specs/soyuz.htm For source,

Sadly I doubt anyone would have time to actually photograph the sequence just before their fiery descent for obvious reasons so here's some images from a dead Soyuz simulation project for another fabled space simulator: Orbiter


Edited by Slipstream
Additional info added and grammar correction, added source and links to images.
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This is what i get when i try to fold rover body and than whel (rear one)...


Maybe i shoudl somehow dd these wheels during fight using kas?

Fix: Place the front wheels first without rotating anything, then place the wheels in the back by rotating them first. Oh, and I see your wheels are also hovering like mine. Why you no confirm my bug? :(

Front in VAB = pointing towards the launchpad outside.

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Thanks, it worked


By why this rover is unfodlded and player has to ingame fold it, not the opposite is beyond me.

Whole point of folding rover is to fit it somewhere inside lander where it wond fit unfolded, than release it on ground and unfold.

So right now i have to attach its unfolded version in vab somwehere anyway. Or somehow fold it and attach on launchpad using some KAS magic tricks.

Its shame, really because its really awesome rover.

Edited by kiwiak
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It used to start folded. I don't know why it doesn't now.

In OP post bobcat wrote that lazor plugin is needed, maybe its because that i dont have it installed?

Does everyone have this starting unfolded in 0.23 version of game?

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