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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Don't use MechJeb. Simple as that. The rocket is fine, but MechJeb is simply unable to cope with it's flight characteristics. Also, in VAB, turn it so it faces the direction you want to turn in. With that, and a manual gravity turn, it's very much possible to get this thing into orbit.

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  hoodedarche0 said:
Oh So Romfare asked you to remove his plugin from your addon? AWESOME THAT MIGHT MEAN Lazor Addon will be added to the vanilla game!

No, he asked because it was causing trouble. People had different version of the plugin from different mods and made bug reports about it.

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I do not think so.

Many players had many questions, bathing put the *.dll file , so the author asked the remove of all file archives, and now you have to download separately.

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Bobcat, did you remove the buran manipulator from the pack also?


Don't use MechJeb. Simple as that. The rocket is fine, but MechJeb is simply unable to cope with it's flight characteristics. Also, in VAB, turn it so it faces the direction you want to turn in. With that, and a manual gravity turn, it's very much possible to get this thing into orbit.


Im no have problem in 0.20 and im not use mechJeb now. I dont know what work wrong 0.20 or Mechjeb.

But if use stock ASAS , no any problem


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  BobCat said:

Then shouldn't you either remove it, or say on the download page:

In order to use the Buran Shuttle Manipulator, you must have Romfarer.dll (Insert Link to Lazor Pack or Robotic Arms Pack)

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You can still use Mech-jeb 2 as a guide click the show nave-ball ascent path guidance button at the top of the ascent auto pilot tab un-click corrective steering then control your ascent path manually

by lining up the two marks on the nave-ball.

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  DarthVader said:
What does this mean, imminent release, I'm excited!

I take it you don't check the Spaceport much?

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Thanks bobcat.

Edit: I have those secret images from that guy now, do you still want them?

(If you're not bobcat, do not ask, it's not bad, but I don't want to say it out loud.)

Edit 2: I can't wait to see the images of an Altair lander in development!

Edited by WCOLE360
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Lionhead Aerospace's Circular Solar Panels, on spaceport. And well, when the ATV comes out, you can use those panels because that's what the ISS version or Orion is gonna use. I have them since I'm heavy testing the ATV, they look cool.

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Bobcat: I love the Amercian Pack! Having Orion (finally) is awesome :)

I picked up a few niggles I thought I'd pass on:

Because the docking port has the parachutes in and auto-fires the chutes below a certain altitude, they deploy on the way UP when you fire the launch escape system if you fire it at close to ground level. The LES still works and gets you out of the way but it looks a bit silly :P

The Joint between the first and second Ares I stage is unstable and, when using MechJeb 2.0.8 for launch guidance, it skews and causes the rocket to fall end over end due to uneven thrust. I'm too much of a wuss to fly orbital trajectory manually, so it's a problem for me at least :)

Also, although I know you can do it by undocking from the part using the docking port, It'd be nice to have a decoupler release for the nose cone/abart system so it is popped off and gets out of the way... or are you supposed to keybind that so it fires the LES motors?

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  MDBenson said:
The Joint between the first and second Ares I stage is unstable and, when using MechJeb 2.0.8 for launch guidance, it skews and causes the rocket to fall end over end due to uneven thrust. I'm too much of a wuss to fly orbital trajectory manually, so it's a problem for me at least :)

Set the MJ to start gravity turn at 10km instead of 5km and it should be fine.

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My first couple tests with Orion showed the same behaviour you're seeing, MDBenson. I found that if I set the gravity turn to begin at 15km with a 40° turn rate, you'll be fine. Launch supports placed high (2nd stage) & low (SRB) will eliminate the launchpad wobbles.

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