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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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BobCat -- there's a slight bug with the Orion IVA. If you click the right window from the second seat position to focus in on it, the window/cabin wall texture doesn't appear to be loading. It's a pretty much unobstructed view out into space. All the other windows work fine.

The RCS is a bit twitchy too. It seemed to be adding some pitch/yaw when I was trying to do x/y translation. On the other hand, Mechjeb docked it on RCS autopilot with no problem. So it's probably just me being bad at steering.

Beyond that, I haven't had a single problem with it. Beautiful!

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  Ted said:
Ease up here, guys. Let's dial this back a few notches, I think everyone is getting a bit tense and I don't want to have to start removing posts and handing out warnings.

Dialed back. Mea culpa. As a veteran software developer, I get a bit defensive of those I know are giving their all.

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  shadowsutekh said:
Edit nvm. For some reason the Klipper nose isn't showing up in-game

The Kliper RCS part (the nose) is a ToggleAdvSAS part -- i.e. it's not a regular part class. If you removed the ToggleAdvSAS .dll, it might not show up. If that's the case, I think that if you change the existing

// --- general parameters ---
name = Kliper RCS cone
module = ToggleAdvSASModule
author = BobCat


// --- general parameters ---
name = Kliper RCS cone
module = AdvSASModule
author = BobCat

... it should fix it.

If that isn't what you did.... I'm out of ideas.

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  Jack Wolfe said:
Then please check your tone. You lot are coming off like a bunch of task masters. Are any of you out one shilling with what BobCat has or hasn't done? Here's a hint: try the interrogative stance, not the accusatory. Try to sort out his position, not stick your finger in his face and shout "YOU'RE WRONG!"

Give it a go. You might be surprised.

Have you even read the full conversation? I was just asking about the weird six engine configuration and bobcat showed us his source material. I was not telling him how to do his mod. Here is what i sad:
The main engine look strange to me. I thought the Ares v would have five SSME's in a configuration like the Saturn V.
And here is what BobCat answered:
Im have different draw and information. Need think about that.
And then this Good_Apollo guy comes up and tells us not to troll BobCat:huh:
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Hey, enough to swear.

I can not know everything, I ask the people (sometimes) how best to do this or that part.

If I am with something fundamentally disagree, I say no, definitely.

If I speak to think, I really do not have complete information, and will not give any assistance.

And I ask all users, instead of swearing, you can help make better addons, helping to find the facts, charts, images, etc.

If you sort things out in this thread you will not help me.

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  BobCat said:
Hey, enough to swear.

I can not know everything, I ask the people (sometimes) how best to do this or that part.

If I am with something fundamentally disagree, I say no, definitely.

If I speak to think, I really do not have complete information, and will not give any assistance.

And I ask all users, instead of swearing, you can help make better addons, helping to find the facts, charts, images, etc.

If you sort things out in this thread you will not help me.

Have you decided yet if you use the RS-68B or the SSME?
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I think he should make what he feels like doing :)

But yeah, we FINNALY got an answer why he doesnt seperate the engines!Im glad I could hear that!Explains why he seperated the J2-X aswell

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Hey Bobcat, if it isn't to much to ask, can you make it so that the Soyuz panels are either double sided or rotate to track the sun? If the way they are in game is historically acurrate, feel free to make no changes

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  Fox62 said:
Hey Bobcat, if it isn't to much to ask, can you make it so that the Soyuz panels are either double sided or rotate to track the sun? If the way they are in game is historically acurrate, feel free to make no changes
They are currently historical accurate.
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Yeah, Soyuz still has fixed panels. It's easier to roll the whole craft than to install servos for sun tracking.

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Funny little glitch to report in the Soviet pack. I tried to add Mech Jeb 2.0.8 functionality to the SoyuzTMA_Descent_module and when I did a test launch the rocket would fire but not move. The Descent Module became locked in space and wouldn't move even after having everything attached to it staged and decoupled. It just floated their happily.

Only change made was adding



name = MechJebCore


to the Part.cfg

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  HGGundamReviews said:
Funny little glitch to report in the Soviet pack. I tried to add Mech Jeb 2.0.8 functionality to the SoyuzTMA_Descent_module and when I did a test launch the rocket would fire but not move. The Descent Module became locked in space and wouldn't move even after having everything attached to it staged and decoupled. It just floated their happily.

Only change made was adding



name = MechJebCore


to the Part.cfg

I had exactly the same glitch but not with Mechjeb - it happened when I added Chatterer to it.

  BobCat said:
I read the forum, although not very often I write.

And I can see that for most people who use my addons difficult to understand all the functions of technical intricacies, etc.

At the moment I think that the community is not ready for such complex mechanisms as separate motor control system of salvation, or motor soft landing for the capsule.

Especially since it's useless until the crew will not die from large G overloads etc. Too much work and minimal profit.

I came to this game after Orbiter 2010, and I do know how real Soyuz worked. Including SAS [i don't mean the gyro, that's how Soyuz LES was named] and landing engines (which I personally miss, though you're right, it's pointless unless you lower descend module's impact tolerance to destroy on touch). And probably I'm not the only one. If someone downloads a replica of real life rocket, than he is not a typical user which didn't even read the manual, if there is so much cool, noob-friendly, Kerbal-style stuff around. Ignore the trolls as well as people who are a textbook definition of noob [why read manual if I can complain to creator that it's too difficult? That's not the way to go guys]. Don't let them limit your possibilities. It's an Indy game, adress your high quality work to high quality players.

  BobCat said:
After KSP can modulate fail launch.

What do you mean?

  BobCat said:

its possible, but too complex for KSP users.

Again, I play this game for 2 weeks, counting off time spend with demo, and I still DO know how to use action groups. It's not that hard to learn, in fact this game is much easier in this matter than any other space flight sim (read: Orbiter, bc there aren't many more around - and in Orbiter everything like this is menaged with config files, which are not as user friendly as in KSP). E.g. I use action groups for more realistic stage 3 ignition and seperation [yes THIS is a correct sequence for soyuz]. And again, I'm probably not the only one here.

I'm gonna do some cfg work on those nodes and see if I can recreate OGB SAS behaviour myself. Though I have absolutely no clue how node placement works in KSP [but I can learn, can't I]?

Text in square brackets is adressed to people who, after finding themselves too dumb for this mod, stalked BobCat about it instead of reading the manual or changing game to easier.

Hope you won't get discouraged by careless users BobCat, your stuff is awesome, keep up the good work

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  m4ti140 said:

I second each and every word! You don't see Orbiter players asking a lot of questions over there that are covered in manual as "playing Orbiter" basically means "reading manuals" - you won't fly very far in Orbiter without reading mans.

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  asmi said:
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