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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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The real OK had neither. It had a sort of perforated grill thing, and the LOK had a hook that would catch onto it. This was much lighter than a real docking port, but the cosmonauts had to EVA to transfer between the LK and the LOK.

In KSP though, it doesn't matter because all docking ports are actually androgynous.

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So the LK could dock to a Soyuz?

In our reality, no. The docking system was very different. Read and learn. There's some seriously cool stuff here.



Now, as far as KSP's reality is concerned? No idea. Give it a try and let us know how it works out. :)

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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Are the Solar panels included in the Orion? because I can't see them.

You'll need to use the LionHead circular solar panels.

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Like the update but for some reason the LER Cargo has a bad clipping problem with the LER's jiggling about like crazy. Causes an eventual collapse of the launch vehicle before orbit.

I decoupled the fairing so it is easier to see out of the cab. As you will see, there seems to be a clipping problem causing the whole LER to bounce about like crazy while the Kerbals and the platform the LER's are sitting on are rock solid. These are the stock "LER cargo AresV" craft builds.

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Yeah I'm treating the AP as pretty alpha still. I think there's 2 major things that should be looked at in the case of both the Ares I/V.

1. Stability, both of these rockets are incredibly wobbly (far far worse than the Proton and Soyuz as both are completely stable aside from some payload wobble) but these things have major part stability issues and I think it comes down to the lack of useful gimbaling on the SRB's (causes HUGE stress on the rocket trying to move it at all with them still burning in anything but a 90 degree angle to the point where sometimes the things explode). Although I kind of like the 'pop-in' fairings I think they add to these stability issues and sometimes they refuse to function/jettison properly, not to mention you can't attach anything to them.

2. There's still lots of bugs/errors in the craft files such as staging issues, control group errors, and some parts missing (solar panels). Of course any diligent user can accommodate for these but I just thought I'd let you know.

I will say that, as usual, your attention to the details is amazing and I love how you added separation rockets and in-flight control motors on the exterior just like the plans. One thing I'd like to see added is the very important 'Loiter Skirt' that contained some solar panels for power on the unmanned Ares V EDS such as for the Cargo Altair that would be jettisoned after the TLI. Currently I've been slapping on two of Orion's panels as shown in some versions of the EDS but it would be a cool addition. In addition to that it would be cool if you added the seperation rockets to the SRB for the Ares I, but I guess they'd have to be separate parts or you'd have to make a different SRB since it wouldn't work for the Ares V...




There's so many damn versions of these systems though so I have no idea what you've been using as reference, or if you forgot and planned to add stuff like this later, or just thought it was unnecessary.

I'm sure you'll polish this into a perfect beast though so I'm not worried.

Edited by Good_Apollo
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I seem to also be using the EDS to get into 100km final orbit. Must be doing something wrong I guess.
I've been arriving at the Mun with the EDS fueled enough to do a circularization burn and at least half of an inclination burn before I stage it to the lander. It's only meant to be parked in LEO so when you factor in KSP's rescale you should be putting it into a 70-80KM orbit. At least, that's what I've been doing. Edited by Good_Apollo
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