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International construction ISS in Kerbal orbit.


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The one issue that I can foresee with releasing the "ready" parts is a lack of EVA capability with only ISS parts. I could release the airlock now, but I want to finish texturing and that could take a while considering how busy I am. I don't know how Bobcat and everyone has set up their parts, but IRL they don't have EVA hatches, so you'd be confined to the interior unless you docked, say, a Dragon with crew manifest to it. It's best to just finish a mod with some flak for taking "too long" than to release it incomplete in my opinion.

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What is already done of ISS would already make a really neat station.

Well, what is done? Zarya and Zvezda, which are just modified versions of the Mir Core, you can get that.

The PMA's, I can't remember the name of the mod pack that has a similar part.

Unity is practically done, but there's a mod that has a similar part in it.

The only parts that are done that is not already similarly found are the trusses with the solar panels.

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I have one question. Things such as the CRV, habitation module, and SPP are canceled modules, and will NOT be parts of the ISS in reality. My question is this, will they be included in the mod pack despite no longer being part of the actual ISS plan?

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You can see all information about project in first post.

If any modder make CRV, SPP or Nauka we include this in pack.

However, I doubt very much that we can do even what is now planned. Because after the restart offline people to some extent lost interest in KSP

Edited by BobCat
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Maybe its never released. )))

I wouldn't never release it. We have a strong foundation of mods. Plus you won't know how good they really are until you let the public review. You may of said no testers, but maybe some people should test.

Oh and the CRV may of been cancelled, but I think we're working on its replacement.

Oh and IF it's ever released, I'm going to use the parts to make a Nasa Deep Space Habitat, which is ISS Derived..Now that I'm thinking of this, we have another project if we ever finish this! Only a couple of more parts would be needed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Space_Habitat

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I am still workign on it, but I have slowed down mainly because as Bobcat said, people have either dissapeared or lost interest and it seems to be only a handful of us still working on what is a mammoth project.

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All of those who can work must! This will be the greatest moding achievement in the history of KSP when compleated. I would volinteer to help as well but I am still working on how to use blender If anyone can teach me I promise to work as hard as possible on this prodject. It is imperative that this mod be completed less we sink back down into the lonly abyss without the ISS!

WE MUST suceed!


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If you want to learn blender, start with something simple. Youtube videos. Watch them :)

i started with blende learning how to model a screwdriver - that one tutorial gave me pretty much 90 percent of what I needed to know..

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If you want to learn blender, start with something simple. Youtube videos. Watch them :)

i started with blende learning how to model a screwdriver - that one tutorial gave me pretty much 90 percent of what I needed to know..

I did some blender tutorials, and it was easy enough... except for texturing, particularly unwrapping in such a way as to make for easy texturing. I realize that this is easier to do with KSP than most games because KSP parts are usually based on simple cylinders and such, but I'm not much of a 2D artist so it didn't take a lot to discourage me.

In any case, I suspect you guys will manage to finish the project still. (That's just how it feels to me.) If for some reason you don't finish, it would be a shame to not release what's been done so far. Much of the work that's been done at this point looks pretty close to a release-able state.

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I think we making this project ))

I need to talk to you as well. Shame I'm barely on while you're awake. Um, I'll PM you now, and wake up around 3-4AM CST which is 8-9AM UTC. So yea, sending PM now..

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If you need us to spam Devo for his information, we'll do it. This project needs to be released. It's not only a big KSP community project, but a modding community project like there's not enough.

Spamming me for the purposes of hurrying this project up is not a good idea. Spamming the people who said they were going to make parts and never did, well that might be a better idea ;)

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Sadly devo I think bobcat removed their names.



name: Nutt007

segmet: Destiny , Cygnus, ATV



segmet: Harmony (Node 2)


That's what we haven't heard of mostly.

Edited by WCOLE360
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Sadly devo I think bobcat removed their names.



name: Nutt007

segmet: Destiny , Cygnus, ATV



segmet: Harmony (Node 2)


That's what we haven't heard of mostly.

Yeah, I have the feeling a lot of the people took the forum wipe as a good excuse to escape their obligation to the project :)

Ah well, all we can do is push on. I'm still trying to figure out what bobcat needs the dimensions to, as he has all the original models I sent him, he can load it up and

see physically how big they are.

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So, most of the project is going apparently. Except for Harmony. Nutt is working on Cygnus (and I think I saw someone working on Antares) so he'll probably work on the ATV after that. Sounds great :)

And BTW, I was kidding Devo :)

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Ah well, all we can do is push on. I'm still trying to figure out what bobcat needs the dimensions to, as he has all the original models I sent him, he can load it up and

see physically how big they are.

Im delete all models. You autor and this your models.

You can send me again? Or send me size PMA and Node1

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