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[0.23] Version 0.05 sfr Command Pod with internal parts and crew visible, new color


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Some design inspiration, the Edgley EA7 Optica. G-BGMWEdgleyOptica.jpg

Only 21 flying examples were completed before a fire burned the factory. Only 5 or 6 are still flying or considered airworthy. Some have been destroyed in crashes. http://www.optica.co.uk/Aircraft%20Histories.html lists 8 as destroyed in fire. There was a grounding due to wing spar cracks, could be those 8 were at the factory for repairs?

One of the planes has a starring role in Slipstream.

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Is this still being maintained? Just checking, I wouldn't want to make a dead plugin an important dependency. It seems to be working well in 0.23.5, but I'm mostly concerned about future versions.

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sfr, I would like to report that for the most part, this command pod (and the version of the plugin bundled with it) works in 0.23.5, and is confirmed to be compatible a wide range of add-ons - in particular, Kerbal texture changes using Texture Replacer appear to update properly when crew are moved between seats / crafts.

However, there's a bit of an issue where if more than one sfr pod is used on the same vessel, the IVA views/transforms for all sfr pods will be aligned to that from the first sfr pod. Alskari and likke_A_boss provided the following pictures:

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The album above depicts custom pods Alskari made using your plugin (a cockpit and some sort of rear crew cab), but the issue is also present in your own official sfr pods.

As such, my request is that you have the IVA views for each pod be aligned to each of their respective transforms.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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