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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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I don't s'pose you could move the mod folder into the root of the zip file? Having to dive down two directory levels just to find the folder I have to extract is not just annoying, but I've failed to notice that I have to do this, and I end up extracting the "Kerbal Alarm Clock" folder into GameData rather than "TriggerTech" or whatever it's called, which results in a non-functioning addon.

Hehe, I did that too. The mod still works! Only it can't find icons and images. You can do all things if you know where to click, but you're doing it blindly. I wouldn't go so far as calling it annoying, if I had used my eyes a little more I would not have made that mistake, but if you want to moron-proof your distribution this might be something to consider... ;)

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I don't s'pose you could move the mod folder into the root of the zip file? ...
Hehe, I did that too. The mod still works! Only it can't find icons and images. You can do all things if you know where to click, but you're doing it blindly. I wouldn't go so far as calling it annoying, if I had used my eyes a little more I would not have made that mistake, but if you want to moron-proof your distribution this might be something to consider... ;)

There was a pretty robust debate going on this recently http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32294-Attention-modders-If-you-could-please-standardize-your-uploads

For me I did have the folders at the root initially - like 20 versions ago - but found this from the Capt'n http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/11421-Packing-your-project-for-distribution and changed it to include a version folder. The instructions on the web site, Spaceport and the readme (as below) all cater to the Capt'n's guidelines

Installing the plugin involves copying the plugin files into the correct location in the KSP aplication folder

1. Extract the Zip file you have downloaded to a temporary Location

2. Open the Extracted folder structure and open the KerbalAlarmClock_v2.1.2.0 Folder

3. Inside this you will find a GameData folder which contains all the content you will need

4. Open another window to your KSP application folder - We'll call this <KSP_OS>

5. Copy the Contents of the extracted GameData folder to the <KSP_OS>\GameData Folder

6. Start the Game and enjoy :)

Not everyone does it the same way though (eg. Romfarer does it this way for all his Lazor stuff, r4m0n did for Mechjeb1, but not for 2, others not at all), and now some people include the gamedata folder so you know thats where to start and others don't.

I think I'll keep it how it is for now with the instructions, and wait for the dust to settle on 0.20. And I spent sooooo long on the instructions with the pics on the site too :(

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For what it's worth, I think having the GameData in your .zip is key. This confirms to me as a user where the mod fits into my installation. It gives me the name of the folder I already have so I know the correct structure to install the Mod.

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For some reason, the new version seems to have the fuzzy filter turned on.



New version:


The only difference between the two is the mod version. It's still useable, just not so nice on the eyes anymore.

Just to go back to this one as it has been bugging me - Have found that even at the highest quality there is some form of blurring occurring with the loading of the images via the gamedatabase. Have posted a separate thread to see if anyone knows why this might happen, but have also tested reverting to KSP.IO based loading in the new structure (which works and doesn't blur at any texture setting) and may end up having to revert that one piece of code.

For those interested - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35256-A-Question-about-Textures-and-0-20-blurring

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So, I'm having the issue of KAC is causing the game to freeze up when starting a flight. I've seen that this has been an issue in older versions, but nobody is apparently having this problem at the moment except me. I've removed all of my mods so I'm left with just the basic KSP 20.2 (which I fresh downloaded and installed to make sure) and KAC. I've tried every version of KAC from to with identical results. I start up the game, create a ship that is just the command pod in the VAB and try to start the flight. I let the game sit for ~10 minutes using and still got no results. I do get the following in the output_log file regarding the incident:

6/13/2013 10:09:37 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Active Vessel unreadable - resetting inqueue flag

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

6/13/2013 10:09:37 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Adding DrawGUI to PostRender Queue

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

6/13/2013 10:09:37 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Starting Version Check-No current web version stored

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

6/13/2013 10:09:37 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Reading version from Web

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

I'm pretty much out of ideas when it comes to what is setting me apart from others, so any ideas would be appreciated. I have no problems running any other mods from a pretty long list of ones I use on a regular basis. But as some people have already commented: This mod is really invaluable when it comes to running several concurrent flights. If you need more info, just let me know and I'll do what I can.

Thanks in advance.

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So, I'm having the issue of KAC is causing the game to freeze up when starting a flight. I've seen that this has been an issue in older versions, but nobody is apparently having this problem at the moment except me. I've removed all of my mods so I'm left with just the basic KSP 20.2 (which I fresh downloaded and installed to make sure) and KAC. I've tried every version of KAC from to with identical results. I start up the game, create a ship that is just the command pod in the VAB and try to start the flight. I let the game sit for ~10 minutes using and still got no results. I do get the following in the output_log file regarding the incident:

6/13/2013 10:09:37 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Active Vessel unreadable - resetting inqueue flag

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

6/13/2013 10:09:37 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Adding DrawGUI to PostRender Queue

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

6/13/2013 10:09:37 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Starting Version Check-No current web version stored

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

6/13/2013 10:09:37 AM,KerbalAlarmClock,Reading version from Web

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/7535de4ca26c26ac/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 54)

I'm pretty much out of ideas when it comes to what is setting me apart from others, so any ideas would be appreciated. I have no problems running any other mods from a pretty long list of ones I use on a regular basis. But as some people have already commented: This mod is really invaluable when it comes to running several concurrent flights. If you need more info, just let me know and I'll do what I can.

Thanks in advance.

Hi JetPulse, sorry you've been having issues :(

Looking at the log (assuming thats the end of the log) and the behaviour I'd say its failing in accessing the url with the version number in it (http://kerbalalarmclock.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=LatestVersion)- there should be a result or failure after that.

You're best bet to check this would be to disable the daily web check - which will mean it only checks when you go to settings and click the button. To do this create/edit the config.xml file in GameData\TriggerTech\PluginData\KerbalAlarmClock, you need to search for a line with DailyUpdateCheck in it and set it to 0 (or if it doesn't exist then add that line to the file) - should look like this

<Boolean name="DailyUpdateCheck">0</Boolean>

If that does turn out to be the problem, then I'd suggest also looking at this post regarding network interfaces as people have seen some vast improvements by following these steps with the load times, and this symptom sounds like the same problem - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32897-Excessive-start-up-loading-times

If its still problemmatic, reply here or PM me and I'll help work through it.

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Hello, I actually downloaded the alarm clock for one thing, and this one is not in the plugin.

And that's the closest approach!

I launch, for example.. A resupply vehicle (like the ATV) to my station in Kerbin orbit and put it in a slow orbit (approaching, but slowly) so that I lose as little fuel as possible. So, it would take a few days days for the ships to meet. During that period, I do other stuff with other ships... In mechjeb, there is "closest approach in.." but it's only for one or two orbits.

Would it be possible to add a "closest approach" to target timer in the future? And possibly the one that doesn't count just 2 next orbits, but until the REAL closest approach

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Would it be possible to add a "closest approach" to target timer in the future? And possibly the one that doesn't count just 2 next orbits, but until the REAL closest approach

so, set an alarm for the "closest approach ever"... meaning 10y, 45d, 2h, 6s? How long do you want to wait to get that "last inch closer" the 10 year from now distance may only be 1 meter closer than the 1hour from now approach.

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Hello, I actually downloaded the alarm clock for one thing, and this one is not in the plugin.

And that's the closest approach!

I launch, for example.. A resupply vehicle (like the ATV) to my station in Kerbin orbit and put it in a slow orbit (approaching, but slowly) so that I lose as little fuel as possible. So, it would take a few days days for the ships to meet. During that period, I do other stuff with other ships... In mechjeb, there is "closest approach in.." but it's only for one or two orbits.

Would it be possible to add a "closest approach" to target timer in the future? And possibly the one that doesn't count just 2 next orbits, but until the REAL closest approach

Its in the next release, along with alarms from an alternate universe where a strange planet called "Earth" exists :).

Will be Vessel to Vessel distance, and I'm working on how to choose how far in advance you want to look for the closest distance without smashing the CPU. Stay Tuned...

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v2.3.0.0 is now on Spaceport

  • Added alarms for "Earth" Universe
  • Added alarms for closest distance between vessels - using some of r4m0n's timeToClosestApproach function from MechJeb 1.9.8 under GPLv3.0
  • Combined Ap/PE and AN/DN alarm buttons to get some more room
  • Restructured Save File for future improvements
  • Fixed issue with alarms refiring on vessel changes
  • Reverted the texture loading to be via KSP.IO to remove compression artifacts from GUI

The biggest bit is obviously the two new Alarm types in this release (Adding these types required a small tweak to the alarm buttons so Ap/Pe and AN/DN type buttons were combined):

  • First we have the first cut of closest distance alarms - letting you look ahead up to 20 orbits to find the closest approach
  • Second we have the ability to set alarms based on "Real" time, in case theres something important (eg Food or Sleep) that needs looking after

To access real world time and alarms click on the "Current Time:" text at the bottom of the main window. Documentation site updating to come.

Also note the two changes to the file structure - one in restructuring the alarms file for some new stuff, the other to revert the texture loading back to the old KSP.IO method which makes things much quicker and cleaner in the GUI

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Awesome work on this update! Just a small request, but could you also add the date and version number to the topic title? Most other mods do this, and it's very helpful to figure out at a quick glance whether it's been updated.

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v2.3.0.0 is now on Spaceport

  • Added alarms for "Earth" Universe
  • Added alarms for closest distance between vessels - using some of r4m0n's timeToClosestApproach function from MechJeb 1.9.8 under GPLv3.0
  • Combined Ap/PE and AN/DN alarm buttons to get some more room
  • Restructured Save File for future improvements
  • Fixed issue with alarms refiring on vessel changes
  • Reverted the texture loading to be via KSP.IO to remove compression artifacts from GUI

The biggest bit is obviously the two new Alarm types in this release (Adding these types required a small tweak to the alarm buttons so Ap/Pe and AN/DN type buttons were combined):

  • First we have the first cut of closest distance alarms - letting you look ahead up to 20 orbits to find the closest approach
  • Second we have the ability to set alarms based on "Real" time, in case theres something important (eg Food or Sleep) that needs looking after

To access real world time and alarms click on the "Current Time:" text at the bottom of the main window. Documentation site updating to come.

Also note the two changes to the file structure - one in restructuring the alarms file for some new stuff, the other to revert the texture loading back to the old KSP.IO method which makes things much quicker and cleaner in the GUI

Wow, I just stopped by just to see if you had added the real time alarms and lo, it has been granted!!!


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Awesome work on this update! Just a small request, but could you also add the date and version number to the topic title? Most other mods do this, and it's very helpful to figure out at a quick glance whether it's been updated.

Great point, I forgot the title isn't the first line :P

Thanks Castun - and its done

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Thanks for a great mod - it's definitely one of the essentials.

The new closest approach alarm looks useful. But is there any chance of an alarm based on the phase angle to another craft? That's how I fly my intercepts and it would be a great help for me.

Actually, while I'm here, have you thought of ordering the planetary transfers window by time? So that you see the next available destination at the top, etc. That's kind of how I plan my missions - if the Jool window is the next one to open, then my next mission is probably to Jool.

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Coool! The new closest approach feature is awesome! (okay OCD is kicking in: the abbreviation for Kilo is a lower case k, M(ega) is the first uppercase si-prefix)


My Bad, Is fixed in the Dev branch and will be in the next release.

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Thanks for a great mod - it's definitely one of the essentials.

The new closest approach alarm looks useful. But is there any chance of an alarm based on the phase angle to another craft? That's how I fly my intercepts and it would be a great help for me.

Can't see why it wouldn't be possible. To clarify in this case you mean the phase angle between two craft orbiting the same body (like the transfer windows)?

Actually, while I'm here, have you thought of ordering the planetary transfers window by time? So that you see the next available destination at the top, etc. That's kind of how I plan my missions - if the Jool window is the next one to open, then my next mission is probably to Jool.

That's a good idea, let me see how I can work it in.

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