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FusTek Parts [.20][Munox, Karmony Modules, Station Parts, Docking Nodes] [19.X]


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  sumghai said:
Here's something I tossed together quickly:


The "green" version is merely conjecture from your first post in the thread, although if you were to insert logos on certain parts, the most probable color would be a shade of grey similar to the module identifer icons I'm using for the Karmony mission module variants:

Looking good smughai. Take your pick, though monochrome/grey can work in any situation. You have my greenlight, run with it. I'm so busy at my new job right now I haven't played KSP in two weeks :(

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Hi, just a quick question. I used the CBMs for a short time in 0.19, but even using the larger ones I still had fairly large amounts of wobble, since 0.20 came out I've used mostly the dockport SR(much less wobble), my question is has the larger CBMs been modified with whatever makes the SR. work better???

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Fusty, did you ever figure out how to do the docking port alignment thing?

Also I have noticed that aligning the top of the docking port correctly affects Romfarers Docking Camera mod. I keep forgetting which is the top of the docking module when placing it because a slight movement when placing it flips the module 90 degrees. Is there any chance you could add an extra bit to the texture to show the top of the docking module so I know which way up I have placed it?.

Edit: P.S. Those logos look awesome. I love clean lined, simple logos over more complicated ones. First of all they are easy on the eye and RECOGNISABLE. It's a shame that Squad didn't stick with using decals like they originally did. Hell, Spaceport still has a DECALS section. These logos would have been great on the Fustek modules like real commercial modules do.

Edited by NeoMorph
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Things are going well, but I'm so busy with the new position I can't do any KSP thinking/planning at work. I also just got married and I just can't believe how busy that makes a summer.

I'll make a return sometime soon when things calm down. I think the only thing I'll continue are the CBM's with a new look though. I'll leave the Karmony/ISS looking stuff to the guy who started making the variations. His execution is pretty excellent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  kodemunkey said:
So with the active / passive docking ports i just have to get them close to each other?

Yes. The 1.25 active and passive CBM are just like regular 1.25m docking ports. There's no difference between them, other than appearance. You can dock stock 1.25m docking ports with CBM, active CBM with passive, etc. Same with the 2.5m models.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am building a space station with a central core and am attaching 4 horizontal modules to 1 vertical module. No problems there.

When I try to add another vertical module to the horizontal module, it won't connect. I have tried flipping/rotating the modules to no avail. I have even went as far as allowing clipping (debug), but still can't get them to stick.

Can anyone offer some advice or what I can do to fix this?


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Nuin, you're speaking to the wrong person.

Fusty made the old MkII Karmony series, while I made the newer MkIIIs you're currently using in your screenshot. If you need help with the latter, you need to post in the right topic (see my signature).

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Yop Nuin, you can solve this with a cfg edit, either duplicate some part with side main node instead of top bottom or use some fictive node if you don't want to duplicate part, concept is like GPS you introduce a "n+1" equation to solve a "n" system ( to get 3d coordinate you need a 4th satelite that introduce time for relative sats pos between each others it's kinda the same in some way) (this for non square part, way easier for square symetric parts).

(i don't get lot of time right now but i ll try to give a look for a cfg later today or tomorrow, if you can't wait check HSH mod around page 13 14 there some cfg example of fictive node to solve this kind of 2 'main' node vectoring link orient axis limitation)

EDIT: (was in irl rdv hurry earlier sry ;) you can find a *cfg files using an aditionnal fictive node here and for a screenshot of what it look like you can follow my sig from there. As explained in this file i spaced the fictives node for tuto purpose but best is to almost "merge" them @ a +- 1Exp(-n) ; (with n>10) or so value (i still not verified if it work if fictive node have there coordinates 100% merged with original nodes coordinates).

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
tuto *.cfg example link added
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Another approach is the use of the "SelectRoot"-Mod. SelectRoot allows you to pick a new root-part for your vehicle. The root-part is the one where you can move the whole craft without detaching stuff.

Due to the hierarchy of parts (everything "sticks" to something else, and if that something else is plucked off the root-part, it becomes the root for the plucked-off part (shown in red then)), we can use SelectRoot to make your station-core-thingy without editing cfg or calculating stuff (I'd be way to dumb for that :D).

It's also pretty usefull for other stuff, too.

This is how I made your station:


First, place a Node Mk III and attach the Habitation Module Adapter. Rotate as you wish.


Second, add another Node Mk III, but rotated sideways, to the end of the Habitation Module and shift-click it to make it the new root.


Last, pluck the Habitation Module off the new root Node Mk III, the old Node will stay attached to the plucked-off Habitation Module. And the attachment point of the Habitation Module will be the one where you plucked it off the new Node Mk III.

Now rotate the new Node MK II back to an upright position and attach the Habitation Module back to the new Node.

Ignore that I made the Habitation Module the new root, I didn't read your post well enough and thought the Habitation Module is the core of the station. But honestly, that doesn't change anything. :D

You can use that method for a lot of odd placement-stuff that KSP usually doesn't allow.


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  sumghai said:
Nuin, you're speaking to the wrong person.

Fusty made the old MkII Karmony series, while I made the newer MkIIIs you're currently using in your screenshot. If you need help with the latter, you need to post in the right topic (see my signature).

Ahh, my mistake. Thanks for pointing that out! :)

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  WinkAllKerb said:
Yop Nuin' date=' you can solve this with a cfg edit, either duplicate some part with side main node instead of top bottom or use some fictive node if you don't want to duplicate part, concept is like GPS you introduce a "n+1" equation to solve a "n" system ( to get 3d coordinate you need a 4th satelite that introduce time for relative sats pos between each others it's kinda the same in some way) (this for non square part, way easier for square symetric parts).

(i don't get lot of time right now but i ll try to give a look for a cfg later today or tomorrow, if you can't wait check HSH mod around page 13 14 there some cfg example of fictive node to solve this kind of 2 'main' node vectoring link orient axis limitation)

[u']EDIT: (was in irl rdv hurry earlier sry ;) you can find a *cfg files using an aditionnal fictive node here and for a screenshot of what it look like you can follow my sig from there. As explained in this file i spaced the fictives node for tuto purpose but best is to almost "merge" them @ a +- 1Exp(-n) ; (with n>10) or so value (i still not verified if it work if fictive node have there coordinates 100% merged with original nodes coordinates).

Sorry, that wasn't too clear of an explanation (grammar?), even if I am willing to edit the config file.

  cy-one said:
Another approach is the use of the "SelectRoot"-Mod. SelectRoot allows you to pick a new root-part for your vehicle. The root-part is the one where you can move the whole craft without detaching stuff.



This I can sink my teeth into. I too would rather not edit config files too much! Thanks! :)

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