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[0.20] Ancient Launchers


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Prefix: Because of the forum chrash all the previus "Acient Launchers" postings are lost.

I will try to restore as much as possible informations within the next days or so.


The intention of "Ancient Launchers" ist to rebuild some historic space missions with KSP vanilla parts only.

Where possible the crafts should look alike and work alike the historic original - same staging events, etc.

Some things cant be done with stock parts right now, no photo, no video, no two-crew capsule, limited sensor aray, limited engine range (gap between 200 and 1500, etc.)

Critics, hints, notes are very welcome. If you find some failures or if you can improve craft file for better historic performance, please PM me.

Download Link:


Experienced players probably could play that files without the help off add-ons

But if you wish you can add tools for help.

My prefered tools are:

Kerbal Engineer Redux: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-kerbal-engineer-redux-v0-5/

Protractor: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/protractor-for-ksp-0-18/

Hydrotech autopilot: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hydrotech-rcs-autopilot/

Maneuver Node Improvement: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/maneuver-node-improvement/

Links to craft description and staging infos:

- RTV-G-4 Bumper (first two stage rocket, first launch from "The Cape"), May 1948 to July 1950

- Sputnik – PS8K71PS (first USSR Satellite), Oct. 4th, 1957 [new craft file as of april 28th / more bat power, bats less visible]

- Juno I – Explorer 1 (first US Satellite), Feb. 1st, 1958

- Thor-Able - Pioneer 0 (unsucessfull USA moon orbiter), August 17, 1958

- Thor-Agena - KH1 to KH4B "Corona"/KH-5 "Argon"/KH-6 "Lanyard", 1959-1963 (series of US strategic reconnaissance satellites)

- Luna 8K72 - Luna 3 (USSR moon flyby, first pics of the far side of the moon), Oct 1959 [new craft file as of april 28th]

- Vostok-K 8K72K (Yuri Gagarins ship), April 12, 1961 [new craft file as of april 28th]

- Little Joe, 1959-1960

- Mercury – Redstone (Al Shepards ship), 1961-62

- Atlas - Agena B - Ranger, 1961 to 1965 (US moon impact probes)

- Thor-Delta–Telstar 1, July 10th, 1962

- Mercury – Atlas (John Glenns ship), 1962-1963

- Atlas Agena D - Mariner 4 (first successfull Mars flyby), 1964-1965

- Titan II GLV – Gemini, 1965-1966

- Atlas LV-3 – Agena Target Vehicle, 1965-66

- Soyuz 11A511 (early Soyuz 3 crew ship)

- Soyuz-FG 11A511-U (late Soyuz 3 crew ship)

- Apollo LLRV (Lunar Landing Research Vehicle), 1964 -1971

- 8K78M „Molnya-M“- 3MV „Zond/Venera“, 1964-1972

- Atlas Centaur AC-10 - Surveyor 1 (USA moon lander), 1966

- Saturn V / Apollo 11 (...play it again, Sam....), 1969

- Saturn V / Apollo 17 (LM with rover), 1971-72

- Proton D1e - Luna 16 (USSR moon sample return probe), September 1970

- Proton D1e - Lunochod (USSR moon rover), 1970 & 1973

- Proton K - Salyut 1, 1971 (worlds first space station)

- Atlas Centaur AC-27 - Pioneer 10, 1972-2003

- Skylab & Saturn IB, 1973-1979 (new file, thanks to "iDan122")

- Atlas Centaur 34 - Mariner 10, Nov 1973 - Mar 1975

- Titan IIIE–CentaurD - Viking 1, Aug 20, 1975 to Nov. 13, 1982 [first successfull Mars lander]

- Zenit Fobos-Grunt, November 9th, 2011 to (August 2014), sadly a mishap

- LongMarch 2E - Optus B2, (1990 to 1995 comsat delivery rocket of chinese origin)

Tried to build it as historical exact as possible only with stock parts.

Ships have launch excape and/or retro systems.

ships hav about the same performance as the original ancient rocket.

and now....learn to fly them.... :-)


Things to come

MIR space station

Status: full dress rehearsal running

Online :shortly


oh yeah


Status: beta testing the sevent version o the fifth full redesign.....still not statisfied

Online: some day

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RTV-G-4 Bumper

High altitude, high speed research, two-stage research (launching, high speed separation) rocket based on V-2

Somebody within the forum (prior to the crash) asked to include V-2/A-4.....here it is. (Sorry further "what if" rockets i will not include, only real historic things that realy flew)

- In use from May 1948 to July 1950

- First two stage rocket

- First rocket launched from “The Capeâ€Â

- Launcher: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTV-G-4_Bumper

- First stage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-2_rocket

- Second Stage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAC_Corporal


- Press “1†to activate rocket and tower

- Press “T†to activate ASAS

- Set thrust to 100%

- Stage to liftoff

- After burnout first stage, activate second stage (you have to steer manually!)

Hope you like the tower ;-) Nice at night also…..



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About 3000 or so launches.

Yeah, the V2 is actually a decent study on mass-produced rockets and serious launch frequency. When you realize it was done in the middle of a war, you start thinking... what the hell are we doing now and why do we have the stones to call ourselves space-faring?

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But... The V2 actually did fly...?

Yes but i was also asked for things like the A-12 "America Rocket" and so on.....therefore i selected the Bumper as a real flown research rocket and thats all i will include from the "Aggregat Family".

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Sputnik1 - 8K71PS

„Sputnik1“ was the first human made artifical satellite of planet earth. With a mass of 83kg it was launched by a Version of the R7 intercontinental ballistic missile (also known as „Semyorka“ what meant something like "GoodOld Number Seven") on Oct. 4Th1957 by the USSR. It was launched into a 65,1° inclination at 947x228km orbit. Transmitter/batteries worked until Oct. 26Th 1957. Satellite burned up during rentry on Jan. 4th1958.



Videowith sound: http://youtu.be/qvPzUAeWZZY?t=57s


Basic information:

Missileis a 1 ½ stage launcher without upper stage. You have to acchieve orbit with the center stage by steering only and one burn only. You are not allowed to stop and restart the engines - this was not possible with the technics of 1957 (!)

  • Press „T“ to activate ASAS
  • stage to engage engines
  • rev up to 100% engine power and stage for lift off when you reach 2/3 engine power during rev up
  • reduce acceleration to minimum between 1000-10000m
  • rev up again after passing 10000m
  • start grav turn to a 65° heading and 45° upwards trajectory
  • stage when boosters are empty
  • correct your trajectory again to a 65° heading
  • reduce engine rev to 1/3
  • turn your rocket „nose down“ to a -15° angle (below the horizont) and keep the 65° heading
  • change your sight to orbital with „M“
  • look closely at your orbit path – when periapsis get visible stop engines when reaching 65~66km periapsis.
  • change sight with „M“ again
  • stage for releasing satellite
  • press „1“ for satellite activation

  • You should now stay in a ~68km to 200km+ orbit with 65° inclination. You have battery power for about 24 orbits and your orbit height will be reduced slowly until it decays

The first turn after passing 10km height: 65° heading and 45° upwards trajectory with 100% power

  • UPDATE 28th, April 2013
    new craft file:

  • The second turn after staging away boosters and rev down to 1/3 power: 65° heading and nose down to -15° with 30% power
    stop engines when reaching 65~66km periapsis.
    Sputnik 1 in an orbit that will slowly decay.

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JunoI - Explorer1, Feb. 1st,1958

Firs tUS satellite; operational for 111 days; in orbit until March 31st;1970; detected van Allen radiation belt.

Launcher1st stage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juno_I

second stage: 11 x MGM-29; third stage: 3 x MGM-29; fourth stage: 1xMGM-29:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MGM-29_Sergeant

Payload: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explorer_1



Without reliable liquid upper stage Wernher von Brown constructed clustered solid rocket upper stages that burned six seconds each stage (i simulate that with separatrons).

PS: Explorer 1 started 22:48 eastern @ LC-26 / Cape – therefore wait for sunset until launch (!)

  • press “T†to activate ASAS
  • press “1†to activate tower, light, instrruments
  • stage for activate engines
  • rev up to 100% thrust
  • stage to lift off
  • reduce acceleration to minimum between 1000m and 10000m
  • rev up to 100% power after passing 10000m and start grav turn to ~20° heading and 45° upwards trajectory
  • change your upwards trajectory to 25° when reaching 500m/s
  • change your upwards trajectory to 10° when reaching 1000m/s
  • after burnout first stage, stage away booster
  • correct your trajectory to 33° and wait for apoapsis
  • when reaching apoapsis fire, stage away and correct trajectory to 33° each stage - two, three and four - in short order.

Ramp at daylight...wait for sunset


ready for liftoff




When passing 10000m engine rev up to 100%, turn towards 20° heading andupwards trajectory to 45°


Engine100%, upwards trajectory to 25° when reaching 500m/s


Engine100%, upwards trajectory to 10° when reaching 1000m/s


Waitfor apoapsis until fire upper stages


fire2nd stage


fire3rd stage


fire4th stage


Explorer1 in orbit


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Thor Able – Pioneer 0; August 17,1958

Suposed to go into orbit around the moon, but Thor launcher exploded due to a failing of turbopump bearing 73.6 seconds after lift-off.

Launcher:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thor_(rocket_family); http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/thorable.htm



Basic information

Probe has no solar panels and no generator on board, only batt power(!)

Do not spend time in Kerbin orbit –set your launch timing optimised for an TLI immediately after reaching orbit. Once reaching mun activate probe with „1“ there is enough energy for at least two mun orbits.

  • press „T“ to activacte ASAS
  • press „0“ to activate tower
  • stage for activation of engine
  • rev to 100% power
  • stage for lift off
  • throttle down to minimum acceleration between 1000m and 10000m
  • increase thrust to 100% once passing 10000m
  • turn to a 90° heading and slowly to a 45° upwards angle
  • stage away booster after burnout
  • wait for apoapsis and fire Able-upperstage for orbit around kerbin
  • stop engine once orbiting Kerbin and wait for TLI
  • Fire upper stage at TLI until burnout
  • stage away upper stage
  • completition of TLI can be don with probes RCS if necessary
  • brake for mun orbit with RCS – enough RCS fuel for a very low mun orbit available
  • activate probe with „1“ (light/sensors)
  • you can deorbit the probe into the mun prior to loss of energy or it will orbit forever....

Launch should be timed for a optimum mun position - so that you not spend time in kerbin orbit


booster separation


wait for apoapsis and fireAble-upperstage for orbit


leaving Kerbin after TLI


meeting mun


nice pic ehh....


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Luna 8K72 (R7-Variant) – Luna 3;lunar flyby Oct. 6Th 1959

Made the first pics in history from thefar side of the moon; mission duration 209 days

Launcher:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luna_(rocket); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-7_Semyorka




Basic information

The big problems of early upper stage design was ignition in zero-g, high specific impulse, multiple ignitions, long time fuel storage. Late 50ties upper stage desig nmade some progress and the zero-g ignition problem was solved. Russias prime engine designer Walentin Gluschko even managed to accieve results with liquid oxygen and UDMH propellants resulting in favorable specific impulse.

But Sergey Korolev disliked toxic fuels and therefore a upper stage with liquid oxygen/kerosene fuel was selected.

You can only ignite the upper stage one time, and you can ignite them in a very short time frame after liftoff - otherwise the liquid oxyge nwould get to hot to be liquid and longer.

Therfore you have to liftoff and orbit in one burn with the main launcher (like with the Sputnik. And then youhave one TLI burn to fullfill your mission – to the mun, pass the far side and return back to Kerbin.

How this was done? The Russians shoot Luna 3 below the south pole of the Moon – made the pictures of the far side as the sun shined on it,and then Luna 3 left the gravity of Moon and the probe fell back to the Earth – transmission of pictures was made during the way back and the probe finally burned up in earths athmosphere.

  • activate light on the pad with „U“
  • change sight with „M“ and wait until the mun is in the right position (look at pic below)
  • stage once to deactivate electric power on the pad and activate engines (you are now on rockets batteries..do not wait long for lift off)
  • activate ASAS with „T“
  • rev up engines to 100%
  • stage for liftoff
  • reduce acceleration to minimum between 1000-10000m
  • rev up again after passing 10000m
  • start grav turn to a 65° heading and 45° upwards trajectory
  • stage when boosters are empty
  • correct your trajectory again to a 65° heading
  • reduce engine rev to 1/3
  • turn your rocket „nose down“ to a -15° angle (below the horizont) and keep the 65° heading
  • change your sight to orbital with „M“
  • look closely at your orbit path – when periapsis get visible stop engines when reaching 80~90km periapsis.
  • Hold prograde position and stage away booster at apoapsis (separators should be good enough to deorbit rocket)
  • manage your TLI shot – trajectory should pass the mun south and heading back to Kerbin without course correction (look at picture)
  • after TLI stage away upper stage and activate probe with „1“
  • hope you are on the correct trajectory now....

That looks good – mun is closing in to the „sunny side“...time tolift off


hope you like the new tower


UPDATE: 28th, April 2013

New craft file:


how the trajectory should look like




passingfar side within muns gravity


the russians where not able to construct a flashlight to enlighten thefar side (even the „Kodak container“ isnt strong enough...lol)...so you have to wait for the mun is in correct position to Kerbin star


out of muns gravity back to Kerbin


how the end of mission should look


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Absolutely love them, thanks for the mod. I downloaded the mod before forum reset and made it about half way through the flights till it crashed. I have been anxiously awaiting the return on this thread. Keep up the good work. One question though, do I need to redownload the file, it looks like you have changed a lot of things.

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One question though, do I need to redownload the file, it looks like you have changed a lot of things.


Need....i would say you can. There are some improvements going in while i refly missions or i find better sollutions....or just something for the "eye" - like the R-7 ramp - this ramp has some minor improvement over the stock-clamp, you can run on full engines and your rocket will suck fuel out of the ramp instad of the tank, you have a prestart sequence where you decouple the rocket from ground power - and it looks (except the tanks) like the real thing - but once flying its useless.

a lot of work is now going into the MIR space station and its Progres/Salyut ships and ther will be also changes once im ready to but it into the file.

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Very Nice Rockets so far ... but for the R-7 ... you should look for Mulbin's Sovjet Mun-LK Landers. i think he is still rebuilding his old thread about these landers. he was able to build a very nice looking R-7 or Wostock styl rocket, with the special shape of the boosters, and not your ... well .. non-aerodynamical design ^^


maybe ask him for a real bad*** looking sputnik mission :D

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8K72K (R-7 Variant) – Vostok 1, April 12th,1961

- First human spaceflight

- First human in orbit around earth







  • press „U“ to activate pad lights
  • stage to deactivate ground power and activate engines

  • press „T“ to activate ASAS
  • rev up engines to 100%
  • stage to lift off
  • wait until 10000m for grav turn
  • inclination should be 64°
  • stage away boosters when burnout
  • aim for 220~250km apoapsis
  • once apoapsis reaches 220~250km deactivate engines and stage away launcher
  • wait for apoapsis until activation of upper stage
  • fire upper stage at apoapsis for a 80~90km periapsis
  • stage away upper stage
  • fly ¾ of an orbit and prepare for retro burn
  • activate retro boosters for deorbit burn (landing point should be on land northeast of launch pad
  • stage away retro system at reentry
  • activate chute once reaching <200m/s

Abort Instructions

Capsule has basic Launch escape system (LES).


  • BACKSPACE for capsule detaching
  • „0“ for detaching LES tower from capsule and activation of parachute

Launch can be aborted

  • above 4000m anytime before upper stage completes orbit – press BACKSPACE, wait for burn out of separatrons and then press „0“ for detaching the retro pack and activating chute

  • screenshot998l.jpg

ground power detached




aiming for 64° inclination and up to250km apoapsis

UPDATE: April 28th, 2013

New craft file:


stage away launcher


fire upper stage at apoapsis untilperiapsis up to 90km


retro fires


retro system staged away






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Little Joe, 1959-1960

Unmanned Launch Escape System (LES) andHeatshield tests for Project Mercury


LES (basics):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launch_escape_system


Learn to use a LES any time duringlaunch


  • Press „T“ for activation of ASAS
  • Staging will fire the engine of the solid rocket booster
  • pressing BACKSPACE will activate the Launch Escape system
  • pressing „0“ will decouple LES-tower and activate parachute
  • as closer to the ground as faster you must decoulple the LES-tower for a save landing (you can also decouple it when seperators are burning. Oncce your separated from the tower dont loose time and press „0“ for a save landing of the capsule...there is not that much time)



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Mercury – Redstone, 1961

First two US astronauts in space

suborbital flights, duration ~15 min.,distance ~500km downrange

Mission: MR-3, „Freedom 7“

Astronaut: AlanB. Shepard, Jr.

Date: May 5th, 1961

Mission MR-4, „Liberty Bell 7“

Astronaut: Virgil I. „Gus“ Grissom

Date: July 21st, 1961

Launcher: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury-Redstone_Launch_Vehicle


Project Mercury:http://science.howstuffworks.com/project-mercury.htm


  • Press „T“ for activation of ASAS

  • first staging will activate engines

  • rev engines to 100%

  • stage for liftoff

  • reduce thrust between 1000m and 10000m

  • after reaching 10000m turn to heading 90° and to a 80~85° upwards trajectory (to steep and teh capsule will land on ground, to flat and you will go far downrange)

  • wait for burnout and then stage for decoupling booster and LES

  • learn to use capsule engine and retro boosters once near apoapsis

  • fire retro boosters retrograde – ship is not stabile during retro fire – you must control by yourself

  • you will experience a high-G reentry

  • after reaching <200m/s stage for parachute activation

on the pad




steep trajectory


booster staged away


retros firing


>10G reentry


ocean landing


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Very Nice Rockets so far ... but for the R-7 ... you should look for Mulbin's Sovjet Mun-LK Landers. i think he is still rebuilding his old thread about these landers. he was able to build a very nice looking R-7 or Wostock styl rocket, with the special shape of the boosters, and not your ... well .. non-aerodynamical design ^^


maybe ask him for a real bad*** looking sputnik mission :D

Thank you for input !!!

I looked closely at it.

Jet engines i did not like, but the layout give me new ideas

By now Sputnik, Vostok and Luna 3 are updated - more will follow





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Thor–Delta, Telstar 1, July 10th,1962

First experimental telcommunication satellite

First privately sponsored space launch

First commercial payload

successfully relayed through space the first television pictures, telephone calls,fax images and provided the first live transatlantic television feed; shut down on Februrary 21st,1963, still remains in orbit around earth.

Owned by AT&T, project partners where Bell Telephone Labs, NASA,British Post Office, French National Post, Telegraph and Telecom Office. First live transatlantic TV picture and first telephone call were relayed on July 23th,,1962

Each orbit had a 2h 37min duration and transatlantic transmission time during each orbit was 20min.

72 receive and transmit antennas could handle 600 phone calls or one television channel.



Orbitdata: 952km x 5632km @ 44,8° inclination


  • press „T“ for ASAS activation
  • (optional) „U“ for lights on the pad
  • stage for engine activation
  • rev engines to 100%
  • stage for liftoff
  • reduce acceleration between 1000m and 10000m
  • after passing 10000m rev engines to 100% and turn to a ~30° heading and 55° upwards trajectory
  • wait for burnout and stage away booster
  • set maneuver node at apoapsis (just for timing!)
  • 60 sec prior to apoapsis fire upper stage horizontal @ 45° heading.
  • Stage away upper stage afer burnout
  • set another maneuver node at new apoapsis (just for timing!)
  • wait for apopsis and fire solid boosters prograde
  • press "1" to activate antennas



above10000m, engines 100%, ~30° heading, 55° upwards trajectory


fireupper stage 60sec prior to apoapsis


firesolids at apoapsis


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