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Boat Parts ~~~0.90~~~ R4.65~~~


Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?

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I have a release time frame for everyone.

Just skyped with Infinite very briefly, there was a problem with the code as usually there is when he went to go and fix the one error another 2 came up.

THIS IS MINOR AND WILL NOT PUSH BACK THE RELEASE IT WILL STILL HAPPEN TODAY!!! InfiniteDice is taking a dinner break as it is that time for us up here in Canada right now. When he gets back he and I will be going through the code (his job) and test running the carrier parts to make sure it all works (my job) we should be done this process at around 8pm Canada Central Time (approx. 2 1/2 hours) once we are satisfied we will release it then at that time. We thank you for your loyalty and love for our addons. We appreciate and understand that people are literally updating this forum page every few seconds to see if the release is out yet.


During this time we also want to announce that to make up for this delay we will attempt to finish up the work on the Naval Aircraft parts and Weapons pack that we have been working on that alot of you are anticipating the release of, within ONE OR TWO WEEKS MIN. It might be more it might not be. (Remember with creating completely new things in KSP there are no reference pages we can go to for troubleshooting.)

In closing all of us here on the InfiniteDice Boat Parts and Naval Equipment company would like to thank you for your continued patronage during this time of no Boat Parts. We hope to continue to supply all of you with the parts you need to build your own Kerbal Navy's now and in the future.

P.S. Here is the quote from our conversation with his name changed to protect him from harassing Skype calls in the future.

"[2013-06-15 5:32:05 PM] InfiniteDice: Can't talk... yeah there were issues... not serious enough to postpone... you can tell everyone it should be available by around 8pm est. give or take

[2013-06-15 5:32:09 PM] InfiniteDice: need to run

P.S.S. No promises on the Naval Aircraft and Weapons Pack release date as we may run into problems again.

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So no love for us here in Europe.... see ya tomorrow!

Sorry Fonso! We obviously operate on Canadian Time as that is where we live it would just be silly to work off of European Time. Though the download will be available tomorrow morning for you to download.

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Thanks a ton. On that note though, do you know if it will it work with FAR?

No clue, I'm honestly a rather poor pilot in atmosphere, worse at building jets. FAR, while being ans awesome mod, is not for the likes of me lol!

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Guide is in the opening post of this thread... the blue guide.


Key assignments for the premade carrier:

6 toggle engines

8 reverse engines

Key assignments for the pre-made runabout:

7 toggle engines

Key assignments for the Shark Naval Jet.

2 toggle main engines

4 toggle reverse engine

5 toggle landing hook

I will add this to the guide later, but I have some family stuff to attend to now :)

Edited by InfiniteDice
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