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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Frizzank I think your the MAN for SKYLAB there is not one decent representaion of it anywhere in KSP and if your doing the Apollo stuff you could have the whole package as you would have the booster to lift it PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Edited by Virtualgenius
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I think I might have found a bug, though I'm not sure it's been reported yet.

The short version is... any time I have a Kerbal go on EVA from the Big G, when he reboards it, it separates the Big G from the Gemini capsule. Anyone else have this problem?

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Apollo done by other mods

Take a look on previous pages, and you'll see that Frizz teamed up with.. I forget his name, but they are making the Apollo program. Properly. With good textures, IVAs. Show me that "other mod" that covers the Apollo program.

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You want to eject the tower and the umbilical before launch. If you use them as launch clamps it may be weird....

Skylab would be fun but Apollo is a huge project. I don't want to commit to anything beyond that just yet.

Edited by frizzank
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The shuttle? What working mod covers the shuttle? (And CSS doesn't work right now)

Tiberions shuttles and Bobcats Buran both work perfectly (though I will say you need to be a little more careful with payloads in Tiberions shuttles, are they are a bit more realistic far as stats go).

As for Apollo parts.....there is no mod that has apollo parts...

Of all the mods that 'could' add Apollo parts Im am happy its Frizzank doing it.

As for Skylab.....there is a stock one now...the Lab....add some solar panels a docking port.....and a silly mylar radiator mounted on fishing poles...BAM ya gots Skylab.

Did yall hear about the deep space lab they want to launch, to orbit earth further than the moon. Silly guys are actually gonna call it Skylab II.....I for one kinda think thats bad luck...seeing as how we almost cooked 3 astronauts to get the first one going.

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I think I might have found a bug, though I'm not sure it's been reported yet.

The short version is... any time I have a Kerbal go on EVA from the Big G, when he reboards it, it separates the Big G from the Gemini capsule. Anyone else have this problem?

I had the same thing happen to me twice in Munar orbit. Luckily, I had recent quicksaves and reboarding the second time wasn't a problem.

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I had the same thing happen to me twice in Munar orbit. Luckily, I had recent quicksaves and reboarding the second time wasn't a problem.

sounds like a collision issue with the pods. I will double check the collision on them to make sure they are not clipping into each other.

Gemini Titan fuel tanks start empty you have to time warp before launch to fill or do, I have a bug some where ?

Right click the tanks in the VAB you can alter the fuel amount before you launch....

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I believe DennyTx stated his interest in creating Skylab once he finishes CSM and LEM.

EDIT: Found it:

done! flag has been removed too...

also rover is ready as individual model. working on textures and animations...

but it will be realised third, after LM and CSM.

And one more thing. Forth. Skylab is in plans. half of its geometry is done. but... will be realised not very soon i guess.

i need to study UNITY much more. i'm goofy and faced some issues with internal and props.

Edited by Lordherrmann
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Just thought I would put this here

Who needs to launch interplanetary vessels as multiple parts.... when you can launch one whole! XD




:D love the launch clamps!

(let's hope the launch is successful ;) )s

Edited by Boamere
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Since I added a Geiger counter to Explorer I wanted to add another science part earlier in the tech tree, the Geiger counter. It's with the large goo container on the tech tree.

Last one before the real fun begins.....


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Since I added a Geiger counter to Explorer I wanted to add another science part earlier in the tech tree, the Geiger counter. It with the large goo container on the tech tree.

Last one before the real fun begins.....

More science for my science interplanetary ship!

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Love the parts keep up the good work, I especially love your cargo bay! (due to b9 not being updated)

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I come with the proposal for you Frizzank, one that a talented modder such as yourself could find quick and easy to do, but still make an awesome job of it.

Black Arrow.

The mostly unknown and unloved British launcher, cancelled after its first successful mission (putting Prosperous X-3 into orbit) in the promise of the US giving Britain a deal of using American rockets at a discounted price (therefore cheaper than Black Arrow). Once the UK dropped Black Arrow, the Americans convientely "forgot" about this deal.

There is a Black Arrow pack, but not done very well and hasn't been updated since 0.19.

Could you please consider turning your hand towards this forgotten launcher, and give it the chance at glory it deserves.

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Nice ship, how many tries did it take getting it to orbit?


NASA only from 1958 - 1976, that's my box I'm staying in....

Damn, you would have done a magnificent job of it though,know anyone who would and could do it justice?

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You could try posting in the add-on request forum....

Beta of 3.71 also posted on front page, see if this helps.

You MUST DELETE the old FASA folder from GameData FIRST!!!! Doing this will NOT break saves or craft files....

I moved the probe science parts because they were in the wrong folder. Now they are in their own folder.



Added Geiger Counter Scinece part

Adjusted the Collision on the Big G pod. Should help with exploding Big G syndrome.

Tried and failed to fix X1 legs. They don't fall through the ground but the retract animation is now broken, they pop back in when retracting?...

Edited by frizzank
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