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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Frizzank Aeronautical Space Administration presents - Apollo, Gemini & Mercury.

Pronounced like NASA but with an F (FASA)

FASA is going to be transferring to NathanKell.

I no longer have enough free time to maintain FASA and he is a great choice for it. I gave him complete control over the mod but I will keep the original up on Kerbal Stuff just in-case anyone still wants to download the old, non-updated one.

Delete the plugin folder reflections no longer work as of KSP 1.1.

Raster Prop Monitor (JSI folder) will need to be manually updated for 1.3 compatibility. RPM Latest download

The latest version taken over by NathanKell is here, Module Manager configs make it work with Realism Overhaul. if your not using RO delete the MM configs.

FASA/RO Latest Download

OLD Stable Full Release Now on Spacedock!!!


Google drive 5.44 mirror-click download at the top of the page.




These are Kerbal versions of NASA rockets, not NASA replicas. Replicas are not the direction I want to go with FASA. I want to keep it fun, simple, easy, and have it be a somewhat stock like in appearance. Currently there are almost 200 parts in this pack and they give you a wide range of options.

Updated FASA Light Version

Helpful but not required mods....


I highly recommend Kerbal Joint Reinforcement to help with larger builds like the Saturn V!


Also this pack fixes many bugs including the Launch Clamps going with you to space


Real chute module manager fix.(your apollo chutes are messed up)


The Apollo CM and Lander were created by DennyTx. You can fallow his development here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70557-APOLLO-LEM-OLDD-%28Odd-Looking-Devices-by-DennyTX%29-present-%28v-0-23-03-03-14%29

Also here is an excellent Skylab part for downloading. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86243-23-5-Skylab-%28Compatible-with-OLDD-FASA-LOVAD%29-ALPHA-RELEASE-v0-1?p=1272382

Raster Prop Monitor version of Gemini


Realism Overhaul Mod Info


Want your own deploy-able rover?


Just want the launch clamps and none of the fluff here ya go!


For CKAN RSS/RO and any other Non FASA mod problems.

I work extremely hard to make FASA work well with the stock game I do not provide any support for mods that alter FASA, and I have nothing to do with them. You should ask the associated authors of those mods.




A video review of FASA from "The Block Room"



Install Instructions

All mods reside in their own folder under "GameData" in the main KSP directory.

Delete the old version of FASA before installing.

The parts folder in the main KSP directory should not have any FASA parts in it. It is no longer used in .20 and beyond.

If your upgrading from before .20 your craft and saves will no longer work correctly.

Steam install is here.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData

The "Squad" folder is the stock parts that come with KSP, any other folder you add is a mod. To remove the mod just delete the FASA folder.

If there are any parts you wish to delete from FASA open up the mod folder and delete any folders you dont like, or want. I do this a lot with mods I download. It keeps loading times low and filters out the parts I never use.

If your upgrading to a new version "You Must" delete the old version of FASA before installing newer versions!

Having older version parts and not deleting them will give you duplicate parts.


Something went wrong and FASA broke KSP, HELP!!!

Do this first before asking for help....

Step 1- This helps with memory problems.

Delete the FASA mod. Run KSP again.

From the main menu, click on settings and then Graphics at the top.

Change your "Texture Quality:" to the Eighth Res option.

Click apply then exit KSP

Re-install FASA and try running KSP again.

If nothing is working or some parts are missing, something is seriously broken with KSP continue to step 2

Step 2- This helps with broken or missing parts.

Start with a fresh instal of KSP. If you like you can copy the previous install somewhere else as a backup first.

If your using steam, right click on the name in the library and click delete local files.

Navigate to the steam game directory and verify that the Kerbal space program folder is gone. If it is still there delete it!

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\

After its done double click the Kerbal Space Program name in your list of games and select install.

If its a regular version of KSP. Delete KSP and then re-install it.

You should now have a CLEAN version of stock KSP.

Open the FASA.zip file

Copy all of its content into your main KSP directory. If you put it in the correct spot you should get a confirmation popup asking if you want to overwrite the folders and files. Say YES overwrite all folders and


You should have a clean version of KSP and FASA only.

Run KSP and see if it works.

If it still crashes on load, verify that you have enough free memory to run KSP with mods.

If you have less than 2gb of RAM you are going to need to upgrade your system or install fewer parts.

Whats with the sandwich?

The Case of the Contraband Corned Beef Sandwich

Change Log



* Added more accurate buoyancy to pods. Mercury now floats instead of sinking like a rock...
* Moved floats to the beginning of the tech tree, cause you know, they're floats, also useful as airbags.
* Removed the Apollo title from the floats.
* Added a 1.25m ring float
* Added a XL float sphere
* Made the probe camera able to display ore deposits in the map, still need a scanner to find them.
* Laser Mass Spectrometer scans for detailed ore deposits now.
* Increased solar panel charge rate of Pioneer probe.


 * Increased launch clamps and decouplers max temp drastically so they were less explody on separation.
 * Fixed missing FX files for decouplers
 * Fixed collision on LEM Decent stage, causing random spinning on staging
 * Fixed Explorer Sgt collision
 * Also added thrust transforms for Explorer_Sgt_11 for those wanting FX accuracy over performance. Names are "Thrust000" to "Thrust010"
 * Turned off thruster damage for Sgt rockets so less explosions happen on separation.
 * Made Sgt Decouplers less "Weird" when staging, looks better now.
 * Replaced the model for the Tri-X tank and added a bottom attach node for more options.
 * Fixed convex collision on Apollo CSM, also flattened CSM parts bay for easier placement.
 * Changed fuel flow mode to standard on APS so it did not drain LEM and CSM tanks. Mono still does, cant be helped.
 * Fixed Apollo CM parachute cover to have proper collision.

 * fixed convex collision on Apollo decouplers and LES
 * Turned up reflection on Apollo some
 * Fixed pre-chard Gemini pod
 * Made compatible with 1.0.5 - fixed convex docking collision issues
 * Lowered mass of Atlas Booster some

 * Moved smaller Titan SRB's sooner in tech tree
 * Increased drag on Apollo capsule and heat shield, should be easier to survive re-entry. Like a leaf on the wind...
 * Increased mono amount on Apollo CM and lowered weight
 * lowered thrust and increased ISP on Apollo RCS, should last all the way through decent now
 * Fixed Apollo CM parachutes not coming out of the correct spot.
 * Fixed missing flag on Gemini
 * Fixed backwards decoupling on Apollo SM Decoupler. A bottom node has to be on bottom. Who knew?
 * Made Apollo SM and CM parts easier to attach. Changed node positions for better placement.
 * Gemini Lander engine lowered mass
 * Increased gimble range of Apollo engines, its adjustable now so you can have more or less control as needed
 * increased fuel in Gemini LES
 * Removed staging icon from white Big G
 * Added drag cube overrides to MOL cargo bays.
 * Fixed docking port attach nodes
 * Lowered Agena weight from .25 to .15
 * Added reflection shader back in to Agena parts
 * Lowered LR91 mass
 * Lowered H1 mass
 * Removed science from Gemini Engine Fuel Pack Easy. The hard one still has science.
 * Replaced the gravity scan with temp scan for Gemini Utility pack.
 * Added Agena docking light
 * Removed flag pods
 * Rebalanced node placement of parts. They should line up with the stock parts better now
 * Big G science lab, split docking cone and lab to 2 separate parts
 * Added Big G science lab interior
 * Increased weight of Apollo parts so they don't feel so overpowered
 * Made winged Gemini control surfaces surface attachable (easier to place now) and are now proper air break style slats.
 * Fixed Decoupler collision to have holes in the middle now
 * SubSat and Pioneer now generate there own solar panel. (Has a suntracker transform dummy inside now)
 * Removed the camera and Geiger counter science from pioneer. 
 * Decreased weight and increased thrust of LR91
 * Decreased weight of Thor MB3 engine
 * Increased thrust and decreased fuel of Titan SRB's
 * Titan SRB's thrust now vectors out like the real thing so you should use them in pairs. Also added a new FX for the SRB's
 * Increased sea level ISP and thrust of Thor engine, sea level thrust is now 506.
 * Increased the weight of the pioneer probe to .25
 * Increased thrust of Gemini engine pack to 60
 * Turned down Pioneer's reaction wheels
 * Fixed Delta Cone texture stretching
 * Increased probe parachute drag.
 * Other tweaks to parachutes from 1.03
 * Increased weight of Pioneer mono engine.
 * Big G- docking now has a mini science lab
 * Big G- removed rocket engines. It was causing problems in the latest update. A vessel cant be a lab, a ship, an engine, and fuel tanks.
 * Added ablator to Big G crew pod.
 * Added Big G Decoupler
 * Removed decoupler from the Big G pod, it was weird...
 * Revised Gemini RCS thrusters to be symmetrical.
 * Fixed Gemini landing legs to work now.
 * Tweaked MOL science
 * Increased Thor engine thrust to 500 
 * Lowered Mini Solar Panels max temp to 1000 
 * Tweaked the RL10 thrust ISP cost and weight. now you pay for that efficiency.
 * Lowered fuel amount and weight in Centaur plate
 * Agena engine is lighter and less powerful
 * F1 and M1 Weigh less now.
 * Redstone engine now has a gimble of 10 degrees, this is adjustable by right clicking.
 * Removed Liquid fuel generator from engine clamps, they did nothing.
 * More Engine ISP and cost tweaks. Generally FASA parts cost more but are slightly better than stock.
 * Moved Castor SRB earlier to Heavy Rocketry
 * Increased temp on Mini Goo Container.
 * More engine tweaks and fixes, H1 has proper thrust now
 * Fixed un-attachable lem legs
 * Made science exp and Lem Ladder 	PhysicsSignificance = 1	so asymmetrical placement does not effect balance.
 * Made electricity always active for all FASA launch clamps to prevent dead launches after warping.
 * Tweaked explorer part attachment node placement for easy building.
 * Moved Pioneer to Basic Science tech node. It was a bit too easy to get...
 * Made Pioneer have a material bay instead of a temp scan.
 * Many more engine tweaks....
 * Lowered most max temps by 1000 degrees. Adjusted engine heat accordingly.
 * Added more electricity to the Agena Probe core. Decreased packet electricity cost for Agena antenna.
 * Fixed NavBalls not showing correctly
 * Lowered ISP on SRB's
 * Tweaked Winged Gemini for better flight.
 * Tweaked max heat values for all parts
 * Added launch fx to rocket engines
 * 	PhysicsSignificance = 0 to heatshield and launch clamps...
 * Tweaked Apollo CM to be self levelling on re-entry
 * J2 and RL10 engine adjustments

 * 1.0 Incorporation
 * converted all textures to DDS
 * Tweaked all engine values to account for new aero system and ISP curves. 
 *  In-line SRB separator is now placed form the end instead of the middle. Much easier to place now.
 * Adjusted some prices and tweaked tech tree placement with new changes.
 * Added Delta II E rocket parts, Fuel Cone, MB3 2.5m engine, and Radial Castor SRB's
 * Added Pioneer satellite and antenna - Has Scanner
 * Added Apollo Sub-Sat and Antenna - Has Ore Scanner
 * Added Procedurally generate fairings to the plates, moved them to aero category.
 * removed areo walls and fairings except for the 1.25m ones that are used for Agena, full nosecones are still there.
 * Added fairings to J2 and RL-10
 * Added service bay to Apollo CSM
 * Added a 1.25m equipment module 
  * Went through every .cfg and changed the bottom node from Y +1 to -1 so you could attach things again with 1.0 changes....
  * Removed the extra Mercury cap, resources are still there if you need it but will be deleted completely on next build.
 * Redstone engine now has much lower ISP and higher gimble angle also weighs slightly more.
 * Added Science experiments to Gemini engine/fuel pack, now its like the utility pack except no material bay.
  * Mercury pod has less electricity-40 and more mono fuel 20.
  * Removed Mono Powered fuel cell from Apollo CSM. There is an actual Fuel Cell stock part.
 * Moved the 1m Half wall and its plate earlier in the tech tree to stability node just so you could have aero and heat protection sooner.
 * Tweaked some of the stock materials for reflection parts to look better without the reflection shader if its needed.
 * Made the medium solar panels rotate and track the sun.
 * Removed connected living space attributes and other mod lookups not used.
* Fixed docking bug with the Gemini Nosecones

	* Fixed exploding Apollo capsule, You may have to rebuild your old craft by detaching and re-attaching parts to it.
	* Rebuilt Apollo craft files
	* Added gimbles to LEM engines to help with COM balance issues. If the weight balance is way off your still going to have problems
	* Added SASServiceLevel = 4 to Apollo Inst Unit
	* Put the Apollo S1B wings in a lower tech tree "supersonicFlight"
	* Fixed missing fuel tanks for Gemini Lander Legs, I thought I had fixed...
	* Lowered price of LR-87 and LR-91
	* Changed some of the Landing Legs to Landing Gear, looks to have fixed some of the animation problems...
	* Removed more references to outside mods. Module manager configs should be updated for Deadly Re-entry and FASA pods
	* Reduced RCS power on LEM from .75 to .50
	* New Gemini Lander LFT
	* Added some fuel tanks to the Lander legs model so it would look like it stored more fuel.
	* Fixed missing Gemini Lander Legs
	* Gemini Lander now has reflections on the glass
	* Moved the Gemini Lander Eng to advLanding on tech tree with other parts
	* Adjusted the models of the exterior LFT and Mono tank to fit their fuel amount (Scaled them Down)
	* Tri-X tank has 4x more fuel now removed the normal map
	* Reduced prices of J2 and H1
	* Legs are in a single folder now [B]-Delete your old install first or bad things happen-[/B]
	Rearranged the attach nodes on the LEM and Docking Cone so they were easier to place
	Reduced the acquire distance on Apollo docking ports some
	Fixed ALSEP Scanner to have correct science exp
	Reduced prices for most Apollo parts, they were way to expensive!
	Increased prices for Gemini Long LFT
	Re-named some of the descriptions so they would organize better and be more consistent
	Increased the Mercury RCS tank from 60 to 75 units
	Tweaked some of the engine efficiency to be a bit less ridiculous. H1 and RL10 are better at lower altitudes now

	Re-skinned the Apollo docking cones and made their collision work better for docking. 
	I also made it much easier to dock the Apollo LEM and CSM craft together, 
	Lowered the acquire force and torque for Apollo docking cones added some more bits to the cfg
	Added a docking target to the texture of the LEM
	Added visible lights to the LEM from the outside
	Tweaked	Gemini antenna, lowered weight adjusted packet size
	Added PhysicsSignificance = 1 to landing gear, suppose to help collision with ground....
	Fixed exploding Transtage CSM icon	
	removed the float air resource
	Lowered the weight of Gemini landing legs and increased crash tolerance
	Added mono propellent reaction wheels to the pods to compensate for the overcorrection of the pilots for RCS only systems

	.90 incorporation
	2 new solar panels, in space station sizes medium and large, kind of Skylab style
	Removed SAS from pods, Explorer probe and Apollo IU still has it
	Added Apollo Floats, ringed version and Spheres
	Re-skinned the Apollo LES so it is no longer blown out white
	Re-exported heat shield to be less burnt
	Created a streamlined Service module, runs a lot faster and uses less draw calls
	Made CM lighter so it would float easier
	CM interior added, Unfinished.
	Re-skinned Apollo capsule and cap, works with the reflection plug-in now, has a flag and lights too.
	Moved the reaction wheels from the Gemini pod to the rcs pack. RCS torque does not work well on small parts, but it will be more effective now, uses Mono as fuel.
	Removed attachable pod flags, if you still want them just rename the .cfg_ to .cfg in FASA/Flags/Flag_Pod
	Mercury IVA added
	Mercury RCS thrusters on pod added
	Moved Redstone fins into Basic Rocketry
	Antenna added to Mercury cap
	Customizable flag decal added to Mercury Gemini and Apollo Pod.
	Added FASA to list of manufactures, Created new icon for.90
	Tweaked engine fuel consumption for J2 and H1 so Apollo s1b was possible.
	Added more available fuel for J2 tank and S1B tank. Default amount is the same
	Apollo IU weighs half as much now .25
	Moved The Laser Mass Spectrometer to a higher tech level -TechRequired = advExploration- to account for the new building upgrades
	Removed Apollo parts that were never implemented - Boxes and rover holders
	Made Gemini mini SRB's cheaper
	Made Mercury lights draw a lot less power...
	Increased fuel in ascent stage decreased in decent stage
	Removed Connected living space mod modules. Stock game supports crew transfer now.
	Increased thrust on Apollo SM engine to 110 and lowered its weight
	Fixed 2.5m launch clamp scale issue.

	Works with .25
	Decreased the amount of Default fuel in the Apollo SM
	Increased APS rcs thrust
	More pricing tweaks
	Moved ascent and decent lem engines to meta materials
	Removed TAC life support as modal manager handles it better
	Updated to RPM 18.2
	Tweaked ISP for J2 H1 and RL10 to be closer to real world values
	RL10 is awesome in a vacuum and almost unusable at sea level now.
	J-2 better vacuum ISP more thrust
	H-1 now has worse ISP to reflect its purpose as an early booster engine and more thrust. Added some weight to the tanks to balance the added thrust.
	F-1 has lower ISP
	Saturn V and 1B and J2 tanks have room for more fuel if you like.

	Added Gemini Mini SRB
	Fixed exploding MOL
	Fixed Missing RCS on Gemini craft file Realistic

	Tweaked prices for .24
	Added 	resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW to all RCS
	Removed hacks for Vernier engines to incorporate new .24 features.
	Lowered gyro rate on explorer
	Added a bit more fuel to Explorer SRB to make it a bit easier to get to orbit.
	Apollo APS is now all Liquid fuelled and carries no fuel of its own.	
	Fixed incorrect fuel amount in small Explorer fuel tank.
	Fixed MOL science lab module
	Downsized Some Apollo textures
	Fixed Mercury cap not decoupling
	Fixed science errors on pods and explorer cfg files

	Added FAR drag overrides to wack-a-doo Apollo engines and plates
	Added firesplitter animation module to mol doors.
	Added Connected Living space module to Apollo, Big G, Big G docking and Apollo docking devices. Gemini and Mercury are EVA only as intended.
	Added TAC Lifesupport support to pods.
	Added Deadly Reentry modules for Gemini,Big G, Gemini wing and Mercury
	Added craft files for Big G, ICBM,
	Added a hatch to Big G docking so you know where to get in and out of...
	Updated Raster Prop Mon. to .17
	Fixed center of mass on Big G docking. Moved ship into alignment so Kerbals could get into and out of easier. Part should be replaced...
	Removed Big G geiger counter and gravity scan, list was full and caused errors
	Fixed ICBM Inverted placement.
	Edited Launch Tower staging to help with random placement in the list, increased its mass to help with jumping
	Also shortened the umbilical to help with collision. Collision issues where causing the jumping and destruction of rockets at launch.
	Removed 4 attach nodes from J2 plate, it was too difficult to attach the decoupler.

	Fixed the small attach nodes on RL-10 engine
	adjusted the ISP for the LR-91, LR-87 (was backwards), and Redstone A-6 engine closer to real world values.
	fixed typo in transtage CSM cfg
	Rebalanced the RCS thrust on Gemini components.
	Added a bit more thrust to the J2
	Added more attach nodes to the F1 plate.
	Added mono APU to Apollo SM
	Increased the thrust on the Apollo RCS and APS
	Scaled the Nova down some it was hard to place and gave the impression that it was more powerful than the F-1.
	Tweaked fuel and masses of Nova parts. Nova tank has less fuel now.
	Reduced the amount of fuel and weight in the Mercury short LFT and consolidated some of the textures.
	Added a double sized 2.5m version of the Mercury Short LFT
	Added Craft files for Agena, Agena Atlas, Voyager 2 (Centaur), Agena Centaur, And Nova

	Added Centaur engine plate, renamed old Centaur Transtage to just Transtage.  --Delete your old files or you will have conflicts.--
	Added RL-10 engine
	Increased mass on Agena engine, it was too light. Made it slightly stronger and more efficient.
	Increased the fuel in Agena tank.
	Increased the thrust in Agena Flight Pack and slightly less efficient.
	Added collision checking for Apollo engines.
	Increased fuel in Nova tank.

	Added Gemini Light, small radial spotlight for Gemini.
	Added small and medium explorer probe sized fuel tanks.
	Added Nova M1 engine, 7.5m fuel tank, engine mount, and adaptor decoupler.
	Added Mini Solar Panel.
	Increased the thrust on the F-1  engine some.
	Moved "Gemini Large Liquid Fuel Tank" to TechRequired = heavyRocketry with the rest of Gemini
	Scaled down the laser mass spectrometer to be the same size as other science parts.
	Made Gemini Pods weak reaction wheels electric so it is in line with the stock game and some control can be maintained.

Release - 4.70
	Updated Raster Prop Monitor to latest version
	Added Apollo launch clamps.
	Removed engine response speed for F1 
	Updated sound for F1. It's loud now!
	Changed fx for SRB's to be more beefy, can finally get rid of dupe sound folders...
	Removed the reflection shader form dennys SM and CM, they were causing huge amounts of lag.
	Took a pass on the tech tree for all the parts, should be more fun/balanced now and less MIA parts.
	Moved Sargent (Explorer SRB) nodes to make placement a bit more intuitive and useful for other small probes.
	Added craft files back in and included some history blurbs.

	Fixed misnamed parts from Dennys pack
	Added proper textures to Stage 1 and 2 of Saturn V
	Added a 5m decoupler with retrorockets for the top of your Stage 1 separation
	changed the fairings icon to horizontal.
	F1 engines now have a slower ramp up time, be careful.
	Added more fuel to SV stage 1.
	Added back in fixed Launch Escape Tower.
	Added texture to first stage Sv rocket
	added FX to F1 engine
	Changed some textures to png instead of TGA
	Atlas Short LFT has less fuel than the tall one now.
	Moved Mercury pod and components from start to basic rocketry. 
	Mercury Pod Lights now use more electricity
	Fixed backwards efficiency of Redstone engine
	Integrated Denny's Apollo CSM parts - LES is broken and has been disabled
	Added texture to F1 engine	
	Renamed Denny's parts to avoid conflicts.

	Adjusted stack node sizes, 2m parts get size 2, 3m and up get size 3
	Added more mass to the fuel tanks and other really light Apollo parts. Mass greatly effects joint strengths.
	Tweaked F1 engine thrust and weight
	Adjusted reflection shader on engines some so emission would show through.
	Shorten the 3 to 5m decoupler
	Added longer pipes to J2 so you didn't see its ends

4.00 Added Saturn V rocket parts,
	F1 5x engine plate
	F1 Engine fairings
	5m Large fuel tank
	5m Medium fuel tank
	J2 5x engine plate
	3.75m to 5m decoupler
	5m Decoupler
	Adjusted the attach nodes on the umbilical towers to be more centred and closer to the rocket.
	Turned down Gimble on SRB's
	Made H1 Gimble be the engine nozzle and not the thrust transform like its suppose to.
	Turned down the drag on all the parachutes made them deploy slower.
	Fixed stack symmetry on s1b plate, gave it some fuel and moved it to propulsion with the other plates.
Release - 3.86
	Moved craft files into their own save file directory, I didn't like pushing craft files into stock.
	Added scale temporary models of LFT CSM and Engine. Needed them to make the Fairings the correct size and finishing balance on J2
	Finally fixed the Control from here bug on the Big G docking port. Now orientated correctly.
	Added science to Big G Docking, thanks to ParasiteX
	Made the LEM EVA without opening the door. It was impossible to board an empty LEM with the door closed....
	Fixed Missing RCS thrust in Gemini
	Made the Angled fairings taller so every one could fit inside.
	Increased the explosive force of the Fairings to get out of your way a bit better.

	Fixed white mercury window
	Moved LEM decoupler to Structural
	Balanced the RCS thrusters on Gemini pods.
	Added Apollo Inst Unit, acts as a probe core. Maybe add some science to it later?
	Shrank the APS 64%
	Rotated the J2 fuel tank so KSP faced the correct direction
	Fixed center of mass on LEM ascent module craft file, no more random spinning. The ladder leg and the un-ladder leg have different centers of mass.

	Added Proper LEM Structural ring, Should now let the flower unfold.
	Added Rocket/RCS pack
	Added Kerbal slots to launch tower, now at 16
	Added forward RCS thrust to Gemini Realistic Utility pack took it away from rcs unit, moved rcs direction to real life directions
	Added extra attach node to bottom of utility pack

	Added 2 new Gemini Aft sections, They now more closely represent the real ones they are taller and have the engines in the right section.
	J2 Now has textures
	Partially fixed collision issue with the launch towers. The should be less destructive to your rockets.


	Added J2 engine prototype. still needs textures but the model is done.
	Gave the Mercury decouple a FAR drag parameter. Tell me if this needs to be tweaked
	Fixed naming conflict with S1B wings and Winged Gemini.
	Pulled out attach points on Towers to help with collision issues. Mind the gap!

	Added S1B wings
	Fixed balance issues with the lem and adjusted it's ascent module's center of mass
	Legs for Lem are now Surface attach for easier multi purpose uses.
	Added reflection textures to parts that should have them. Except the LEM, it was causing lag and was not a significant visual improvement.
	If you have performance issues with reflections, delete the FASA/Plugin folder to return to the non reflection state.
	Reflection shader should perform better.	

	Added first 2 plugins Raster prop monitor for the LEM and Reflection shader.
	Added first round of Apollo parts, S1B Engine plate, H1 Engine, S1B Stage 1 LFT, J2 engine TEMPORARY MODEL, J2 fuel tank, J2 Adaptor, J2 Fairing decoupler, 
	LM 4x fairings and attachment plate. 
	Added DennyTX's Lunar Module with RPM IVA, Ascent and Descent stage and engines, lander legs, RCS
	Added Probe Mini Parachute, Do not use on live subjects!!!
	Removed IVA from Launch Towers, it didn't work well and the Misc folder is all you need to copy for just the towers now.
	Increased Atlas main engine vac efficiency.
	Added more Geiger counter science definitions.
	Explorer probe data and MiniGoo is collectable on EVA now. Current missions will have to be restarted to see the effect.
	Added science container to Rescue G pod...
	Added .15 gimble to Atlas main engine
	Reverted the Gemini Lander legs to there previous less broken state.
	Combined the atlas long and short fuel tanks textures.

Previous release build-
	Added H1 engine.
	Added Geiger Counter Science part
	Made Gemini Shuttle easier to launch...
	Lowered thrust of LR91 to 255 and weight to 2.15- Balancing for upcoming Apollo engines.
	Made MOL cargo bay easier to place. Moved attach points around.
	Removed Empty IVA, was causing problems with other mods.
	Fixed MOL stack bays and Cap, can now attach to things.
	Adjusted the Collision on the Big G pod. Should help with exploding Big G syndrome.
	Tried and failed to fix X1 legs, they work but the animation is now broken...

3.7 Added launch tower, Redstone 1.25m Clamp and 2.5m Clamp, Atlas Radial Clamp, and Umbilical Tower.  
		If your rocket "Pops" on load to the pad and is off center.  Reload your scene and it will fix it, sometimes. 
	Added Stackable Equipment Part.
	Added Mercury RCS thruster.
	Added "Fairing" and "Cargo Bay" to part titles for FAR support.
	Added Explorer probe and rocket parts 6 total...
	Added Geiger Counter experiment.
	Mercury Pod has RCS thruster part now, no more reaction wheel on the pod.
	Increased Gemini LES thrust to 250.
	Agena Antenna now weighs the same as other antenna's and science parts to make weight balancing easier.
	Removed surface attach from Agena Docking.
	Moved the MOL equipment to utility.
	Fixed LR-91 Mini FX bug
	Fixed Gemini Legs from falling through the ground and animation bug on white ones.
	Increased Agena engine to 65. Decreased ISP to 395. Increased the mass to .45
	Increased Agena FP Mono engine to 20. Increased ISP 415, makes a great interplanetary mono thruster now.
	Increased the mass of mercury's parachute, now same as stock one. Helps with weirdness.

3.6 - Added Remote camera. Lets you do remote crew reports.
	Added Laser Mass Spectrometer, lets you do remote soil samples.
	Added take data to pods and radiometer
	Mini Gooâ„¢ Radiometer lowered xmitDataScalar to 25% to compensate for its smaller size.
	Docking nodes are all at size 0, multiple docking node sizes are no longer supported in .23. 
	Also fixed the control from here alignment bug in Big G Docking part. Should work with auto docking mods now.
	Big G Docking now has retro thrusters. Will fix properly later.
	Swapped the stats for the mini orbital bertha and mini LR 91, visual sizes make more sense with the stats swapped.
	Fixed multiple control surfaces on Winged Gemini's control surfaces and Redstone fin from showing up twice.

3.50 – Fixes
Rotated cone to correct direction
LES uses cfg points to model directly
4X800Mini is now in the tech tree
Agena probe is now named correctly and should not mess up the MIRV core. Crafts that had agena will have Mirv core instead of agena now.
MIRV Core is now wider so warheads can be placed without clipping.
Moved Gemini White pieces to there black counter parts location on the tech tree.
Radiometer is now transferable from EVA like the goo container.

3.34 - Added MOL Science, and Equipment module,
Added 7 segment SRB,
Added Agena Target Vehicle (Antenna, Docking, Probe, LFT, Flight Pack, Engine),
Added Indexer to nose cone of Gemini, Added Gemini nosecone cap
Adjusted mercury engine collision, Use a decoupler on the bottom as a launch clamp.
Fixed Pod landing gear- Thank you Spann3
Added 0 thrust RCS module to fix the exploding VAB icons,
Added new tweakables to parts that use them,
Removed 0 electricity from parts.
Increased gimble on some engines
Tweaked textures to lower moire pattern on high detail textures. Some are now .tga for better mip mapping.
Decreased the crash tolerance on all the pods and other parts that were unrealistically high. Be careful now!

3.12 -  Added fairings - more fairings, Added fins for Mercury Redstone, Added Gemini landing legs. Added white variants of the silver Gemini tanks, Added 5 Segment SRB's
	Added fairing to Atlas Booster engine
	Shortened the Mercury Atlas long LFT by 1m so it was more visually accurate.
	Tweaked tech node placement of Mercury rockets.
	Minor balancing on engines.
	Moved LES (Escape Towers) to the utility tab
	Added the Gemini LES to tech tree (specializedControl)

3.0 - Added Mercury capsule, Mercury parachute cap, Mercury pod engine decoupler,
Atlas main engine, Atlas booster, Atlas booster decoupler, Atlas fuel tank, Added part flags(they only show up at launch).
Moved winged Gemini Lower in the tech tree.
Lowered the bottom attach node on LR-87 so it did not clip when stacking.
Added additional science storage to Gemini
Lowered drag on Mercury parachute
Increased the strength of the centaur attach nodes, was exploding under light loads.

2.42 -LR-91 Lowered thrust, tweaked efficiency and increased mass, slightly better second stage engine than others now.
	Fixed LR-91Dec, doesnt clip now
	Moved Fairings to lower science tech nodes
	Fixed some textures, converted everything back to .png saved 30mb

2.41 - Added Science First pass on tech tree!, Gemini AeroNosecone(no Docking Port), Gemini Antenna and Goo Irradiation device
Bugged- control from here on Big G Docking ring is off by 90 degrees.
Added sounds to SRB - first pass may be buggy for some people
Decreased mass of Redstone engine
New Craft Files and Sub Assemblies
Reduced efficiency of LR91 and LR87
Increased thrust in MIRV
Decreased thrust in LR91
Removed the decoupler from the ICBM SAS
Fixed small lander leg
Fixed Redstone engine collision bug
INcreased the resolution of Mercury Redstone fuel tank, (Blurriness was bugging me) 

2.3 – Added Big G flight pack, Gemini Escape Tower, Big G modual, Big G flight pack docking part.
	Added H2, O2, Rocket Fuel, RCS mini tanks
	Gemini Pod RCS cap Now has 10 units of Mono in it
	Removed the Reaction Wheel translation from the pod and SAS sytem.
	Fixed collision on Gemini Pod, Should explode less on reloads
	Added more detail to the SAS-RCS trusters.
	Decreased decouple force on dark decouplers
	Increased the torque required to break engines and fuel tanks, was too low and exploding rockets on the pad
	Made MIRV and LES decouple then fire instead of the other way around

2.0 -- All new Gemini pod exterior,RCS is on the pod now.
	Combined the RCS SAS decoupler into one part
	Two new parachutes, drogue and regular, both are stack-able and can surface attach
	New nosecones for your rockets, in 2.5 and 1.25m sizes
	New decouplers and wall fairings. Though I highly recommend you use the procedural fairings mod from now on.
	2 new 1.25m engines, Mini Orbital Bertha, and Mini 4x800
        Removed the old parts not created by me and replaced them with new ones.

1.7 -- Added the Mini Birtha engine
	Added the new ASAS system 
	removed the ability to gyro control Gemini without RCS thrursters

Added the fairings I created from New NP to the LR87Twin
Rotated the LR91 Fairing 45 deg

The .20 update
LR-91	- increased the weight slightly and efficiency, decreased thrust from 400 to 375, Tweaked collision

Removed magic egg easter special. 
Lowered the fuel level in the mercury small LFT
Other bug fixes

added Atlas craft file

Version 1.2
Updated some of the attach points to help with part placement. SRB's and some fuel tanks were difficult to place.
Added 2 new parts, Atlas long cone, and Mercury Slim RCS tank




Special thanks to Tosh, the original Gemini creator.

DennyTx for the Apollo parts,NovaSilisko, Captain Slug and Tiberion for their help making this mod.

Lots of pics!

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All Rights Reserved


I try extremely hard to make this mod as compatible and bug free as possible but I can not guarantee that it will work flawlessly in every situation and on every system.
This just releases my liability in those situations.

By downloading FASA or any piece of software you understand that you are taking a risk of permanent damage to the system or device it is downloaded to, or installed on. Installing or downloading any software may have unintended or undesirable effects to the system or device it is downloaded to or installed on, and I Frizzank, the developer of this software can in no way guarantee that something will not go horribly wrong when using or downloading the FASA mod.
You, the user of the mod FASA takes full responsibility for any damage, real or simulated that may happen to any system, software or device it is downloaded to or installed on. Also by using this software you release anyone else from any liability for any damages, forever.

FASA is created and maintained by “Frizzank†@ KSP Forums, and is the author of the FASA mod.
DennyTX is the author of the Apollo LM parts, CSM and any others authored by him in the part cfg.
DennyTX maintains sole ownership of the parts authored by him and they are used in FASA with permission from DennyTX.
You must get written permission from Frizzank to use or redistribute anything in this mod in other mods.
Credit for the original Gemini mod goes to Tosh.

Reflection plug-in released as Public Domain as was the original plug-in by Razche and modified by Starwaster.

Raster Prop Monitor
Source code and full license information available at

Special thanks to
Captain Slug


Edited by frizzank
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Small note: Gemini-Gemini never docked.

They had the Agena-docking target for this task.

During Gemini 76 they trained to rendevouz and then they flew side by side and/or around each other but no docking between Gemini capsules did ever happen - this was not possible because of tecnical reasons.

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Hey man could you try and make a Saturn 1 or 1B

The first stage was just 8 red stone tanks all hooked up together

8 Redstone tanks around a Jupiter ;)

It would be nice indeed, but it should be better to finish Mercury and the capsule first :)

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Small note: Gemini-Gemini never docked.

They had the Agena-docking target for this task.

During Gemini 76 they trained to rendevouz and then they flew side by side and/or around each other but no docking between Gemini capsules did ever happen - this was not possible because of tecnical reasons.

Your right they did not, they also did not fly from Kerbin, or were piloted by little yellow men, as well as a whole host of historically inaccurate things currently included in this mod as well as KSP.

They did however carry a corned beef sandwich with them.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Why not just put stack separators on the bottoms of the two outside fairings?

If you wanted the fairings to separate as well you could just attach them to vertical decouplers.


This is a replica of the original. It makes the Atlas a "1.5"-stage to orbit. Engineers decided it would be mechanically advantageous to just drop the engines and not the fuel tanks that ran to them, as adding equipment to detach these would end up ruining performance more than the weight reduction would help.

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Yea I didn't do the hole Atlas engine because I didn't really have time to do a custom engine adapter for just the atlas. If I ever get around to doing the Agena I will try to include the atlas fairing.


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Nice find there. I really can't wait for more stuff from [FASA]. Could we get compatability between this release and Novapunch? It's irritating to see that if I'm using FASA and Novapunch together I have duplicate parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would assume so, but I'm guessing there's a few things to be done first.

I'm really looking forwards to the update though. I love both this pack and the nova punch, and often use the Titan rocket to get my payloads into orbit.

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when trying to load any of the mercury/redstone craft it says that FASA Mercury Eng is missing...but its in the folder, and the .cfg looks in order (from what I gather on the forums...im certainly no coder, not even a little lol)

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