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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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The tanks look great. Be nice if when applying 4x symmetry things like RCS would attach nicely.

Did you even read my post from a few pages back? It's impossible.

That is not even a bug; it is the intended operation of the symmetry feature. When you place an object in, let's say 4x symmetry, KSP places additional copies of that part an equivalent distance away from the vertical axis of the part that is being placed upon, just rotated by 90 degrees, 180 degrees and 270 degrees respectively. So no, there is nothing that can be done about that, other than placing the parts in 2x symmetry on two of the sides and 2x on the other two sides.
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What is the part file for the LLL hatch? i cant get in or out of the SXT passenger cabins

I looked for the part file, but no luck so far

The hatch is just cut out from the MkVII hull. So it's with the files for that. If you search for 'hatch' you'll find hatch.cfg in LLL/Parts/Command/MKVII/

The large aircraft passenger cabin (as opposed to the large aircraft fuselage) has the door. I didn't want to add one in to the short one, since having a door every 4ft would look absolutely *snip* ridiculous.

Edited by Lack
Polite company and all that
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Did you even read my post from a few pages back? It's impossible.

Sorry must have missed it. Shame the placement couldn't read the mesh file. 2x symmetry means not exactly balanced always.

Edited by SSSPutnik
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Right, here's a testing version for SXT-12.




Since I've been looking at LLL for a little while now, there may be something or other I missed. If anything obviously doesn't work, do say.

Still not a 100% sure on the engine balancing, since I managed to do this, if you have your own suggestions then please say as well. Stupid_chris has an excellent table for balancing TWR to ISPvac. Things like weight for gimbal capacity generally need eye-balling.

From: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75272-0-23-x-Stock-Rebalance-Project-v1-2-7-04-14


LLL v12 is looking pretty shipshape now, as well, I'll need a few testers for that. Drop me a PM or post in the thread if you're interested.


Would it be too mean to throttle-lock the first stage N1 engines?

Edited by Lack
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Really? How odd. Tend to stick to pre-chrome Opera and firefox myself, something about it just gets on my nerves.

How about this:


Edited by Lack
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Really? How odd. Tend to stick to pre-chrome Opera and firefox myself, something about it just gets on my nerves.

How about this:


No, it's still freaking out... Like, it's going "Uuuh... Do you want me to download this? I... I can save it as a link if you want... Uuh... I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO!!" it then proceeds to flip a table and slump in the corner crying.

I'd recommend doing links to dropbox the way I do them. Example (since we're on a Russian trend, my Soyuz-a-like): https://www.dropbox.com/s/xwd3ruiz9s6i4o0/Z-S01%20_Balto_-TMA.craft

A link to the "download" button is what I mean. Rather than a link to the actual download.

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No, it's still freaking out... Like, it's going "Uuuh... Do you want me to download this? I... I can save it as a link if you want... Uuh... I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO!!" it then proceeds to flip a table and slump in the corner crying.

I'd recommend doing links to dropbox the way I do them. Example (since we're on a Russian trend, my Soyuz-a-like): https://www.dropbox.com/s/xwd3ruiz9s6i4o0/Z-S01%20_Balto_-TMA.craft

A link to the "download" button is what I mean. Rather than a link to the actual download.

Ah, gottcha. Wasn't aware you could do that.

That should work.


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Sorry for being lazy but i was unable to see anything aboot this problem i've being having. I just re-downloaded LLL full as i wanted to try a challance and use the rectangle pieces from your mod Lack. However it keep breaking links and falling apart on take off. HOWEVER unbreakable joints cheat mod allowes my to take off and not have a complete no joints anywhere type of problem, i also have "[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" spammed on my alt-f12 debug screen.

I DO have KJR mod installed and I tried to make sure everything was updated. I'll try a 100% stock install and add in the mods once more. see if there was somefing I missed. I'm posting here before I test as so I don't forget to report this issue, Been way too ADHD lately due to no meds still, and not being able to focus to well as to why I can't sit down and read the some 178 pages of this thread.

Thanks for putting up with my lazyness if this is a know problem, if not cool new bug were is my bug smashing boots!

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Sorry for being lazy but i was unable to see anything aboot this problem i've being having. I just re-downloaded LLL full as i wanted to try a challance and use the rectangle pieces from your mod Lack. However it keep breaking links and falling apart on take off. HOWEVER unbreakable joints cheat mod allowes my to take off and not have a complete no joints anywhere type of problem, i also have "[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" spammed on my alt-f12 debug screen.

I DO have KJR mod installed and I tried to make sure everything was updated. I'll try a 100% stock install and add in the mods once more. see if there was somefing I missed. I'm posting here before I test as so I don't forget to report this issue, Been way too ADHD lately due to no meds still, and not being able to focus to well as to why I can't sit down and read the some 178 pages of this thread.

Thanks for putting up with my lazyness if this is a know problem, if not cool new bug were is my bug smashing boots!

The listed download is about half a year old, doesn't have any of the nodes set or anything so doesn't benefit from the new joint system. New version should fix that, I'll PM you a link to testing version of LLL-Full v12.

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ok sweet thanks, i hope that is all it is. I did experience some weird bugs afterwards. but I'm still going to go though with a fresh reinstall thanks to the oddness. just to make sure i don't have something that is messing it all up.

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ok sweet thanks, i hope that is all it is. I did experience some weird bugs afterwards. but I'm still going to go though with a fresh reinstall thanks to the oddness. just to make sure i don't have something that is messing it all up.

I have been extensivly testing the beta version, and so far I have had pretty descent luck with it. I launched this without the cargo, I had to brighten it as I was in a Munar Eclipse at the time so that the vessel is easier to see. I used the 2x1 doubles and stacked them like bricks to add strength to the engine pods, but it launched from ksp.

That said I have not attempted to launch a 4x2 yet, just build rovers so far and they are interesting, and neat looking. But no real stress test yet.


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