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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Hey just letting you know but I grabbed the download off the first post and found an error in your cfg file for the kethane converter part. If you would like I have a fixed one that does work.

theres a fix posted on page 46 by someone else though its only the text for the config

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Ember, think of something new, previously in suggested, to build. What would you like to see implemented into LLL that animates and has t already been added ? Perhaps LLL styled Kethane drill or animated base parts. If you really wanted testing then maybe an LLL styled robotic arm.

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Ember, think of something new, previously in suggested, to build. What would you like to see implemented into LLL that animates and has t already been added ? Perhaps LLL styled Kethane drill or animated base parts. If you really wanted testing then maybe an LLL styled robotic arm.

I can think of a few things off the top of my head... things such as LLL themed weapons, LLL themed boat parts... LLL ground vehicles....

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Hey Lack, I have something for you. A mod of the Kethane tanks for use with Ore, Metal, and rocket parts from Extraplanetary Launch Pads. Pics coming soon. Anyway, can I have permission to post it on the boards and space port?

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You should remove or rebuild the label plate bezel (border), they exist on hexcans as a visual boundary for the colored background to the icon, but EL having such an overly complex icon, probably as a placeholder, they left the background white. It looks nice on hexcans but this is much larger and it's become significantly pixelated.

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Lack has been quite for a while, but I will reiterate what he said a while back, Lack said that he doesn't mind any new parts made for the mod posted here as long as you provide him with the config file and probably the model so he can alter them if he sees a need to do so

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You should remove or rebuild the label plate bezel (border), they exist on hexcans as a visual boundary for the colored background to the icon, but EL having such an overly complex icon, probably as a placeholder, they left the background white. It looks nice on hexcans but this is much larger and it's become significantly pixelated.

The the pixel count is lowered because I lowered the render in game to conserve memory usage on my 8GB of ram as well as I'm at the maximum number of mods the game can handle with out crashing. I'll post a full render image if you like. I personally like the border, and I made a custom warning stripe for the skin. I used only the cargo type logo from hex cans. I also have a EBM (Electronic Beam Melting) converter based off the Kethane converter and smelter.

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Lack has been quite for a while, but I will reiterate what he said a while back, Lack said that he doesn't mind any new parts made for the mod posted here as long as you provide him with the config file and probably the model so he can alter them if he sees a need to do so

Alright then, I'll go put it in my drop box and post it here and on my own thread. The model is Lack's, and I used his original skin for the base.

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Hi there loving this mod but my ships won't load to the launch pad after i build them have like 13 now hehehe :)

I am a complete noob when it comes to mods so not sure what [0.20 Compatible, uses the new mod-system] means :)

Also I'm having an issue where my KSP won't load my ship to the launchpad just sticks there with the loading icon spinning away :)

I am running 0.20.2.

Any help would be greatly appreciated Ty in advance.

Edited by shadowsutekh
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Hi there really loving the mod but my KSP won't load my ship to the launchpad just sticks there with the loading icon spinning away :)

I am running 0.20.2 and i'm not sure what [0.20 Compatible, uses the new mod-system] means as i am a total noob when it comes to mods hehe any help would be greatly appreciated Ty in advance

3 Things; be sure you placed the parts in the Gamedata folder, make sure you do not have too many mods installed. KSP is a 32bit application thus can only allocate and handle 2GB of ram, so be sure you don't exceed that. .20 compatible means the mod works with KSP version .20 and above. When .21 comes out be sure to update and/or remove any incompatible mods. I hope this helps.

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Hey, if anyone here know how, I have a question. I swapped out the interior of the 4x2 (or 2x4) cab with the interior of the TT modular wheels cause it looks nice, but i get clipping errors as it is set deep and low within the part. Is there a way to move where the cab is attached at inside the part?

Forum post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39834-Help-with-a-landing-craft-for-a-mobile-base-%28two-docking-ports%29?p=510400#post510400

Also, is there a place 2 extendable corridors docked together in the spaceplane hangar? Im trying to build a lander to carry my truck:


that goes on the roof. I want to have the docked to the carrier to begin with, both corridors extended, fly it somewhere, the decouple and retract both corridors and drive my truck around, then again, bring the truck back underneath and re dock.

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Ty for that :) only other mods i am using are Mecjeb and quantum struts the parts load so i can build with them it just never loads to the launch pad :(

i am now also getting a Microsoft Visual c++ runtime error so could be my end lol >.<

Edited by Vassik
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