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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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  RussianIvan said:
where can i download a version of the ramp? An-225

I can't find. :(

Should be under 'structural' (it's in the most recent SXT release).


I'll probably add something along those lines eventually, the plane parts are on my list for overhauling.


Wow, I really like that. I always find the problem when I make such long distance flights is my habit of crash landing (emphasis on the 'crash' part).


I now have a working computer now (although Unity is being a nuisance EDIT: Seems to be working now).

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I've run through SXT with 0.25, as I feared majority of the parts are broken.

Need to track down the following textures (list should be all the ones SXT uses) and find which have been changed or moved. But it's late, and I'm only just back from work, so I'm a bit too knackered at the moment.





























Squad/Parts/Utility/RCS block/model000






















It's getting overhauled, I posted pics a while back. In the mean time you could just open the Konstructs/Kerbtown menu and move the offending assets.


Very nice.

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  Dragon01 said:
Lack, could you check this out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92764-Stock-Part-Revamp-%28Redone-Plane-Parts%21-and-more%21%29 ?

It'd be great if the next SXT was fully compatible with this mod. It'd probably be a short while before it's cleaned up, but after that, it could provide better looking models than stock.

I'm aware of it. It'll require copying the Squad textures I use (those that change significantly anyway) to a new folde to keep them and going through a find&replace with Notepad++.

The other alternative being I remodel everything, but given that I don't have the source files for most of SXT (in a working Unity set up anyway) that's not an attractive option.


There's one or two that have changed or no-longer exist, but so far that's things where the part has been re-done like the MkI cockpit.

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  NathanKell said:
Oh, right. Sorry, didn't mention the "we don't even have that part anymore" ones. Mk2 stuff too (mk2 fuse, e.g.). Mark2 cockpit (now the Mk1 Inline) is same as it was, though.

Luckily I use a few textures more than others, so changing the pathnames for a few of the parts solves a lot of the problems. I can also copy over the ones that have changed considerably.

So far I've only needed to have a copy of the old Mk1 fuselage and cockpit textures, since I've got a few dozen parts that use the diffuse fuselage and the both cockpit textures. But 3 textures isn't so bad.

Tired though, so going to have to call it a day, and I'm up early tomorrow to get my morning work done earlier so I can fully 'enjoy' countless hours of meetings.

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Would you consider taking the opportunity (since you have to include a texture anyway) to remap the Bonny so we can edit its texture? (I want to make it look even more like a razorback canopy...and support color switching.)

No rush though! Sleep, RL, etc. :)

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  billbobjebkirk said:
If I install the mod that adds the pre .25 spaceplane parts, will SXT work?

It might fix some of the parts' textures, but the folder re-shuffle is what's affecting most of it. Most of it's a matter of changing the pathnames. It being tedious is the main problem (and since I haven't actually brought a new desk yet, so I'm doing everything while lying on the floor, so getting dead-legs or sore elbows is another one). Notepad++ is a God-send though. But the parts will nearly all work, they'll just have matte grey/black/etc textures.


I'm still trying to avoid extra textures where possible. What I could do is upload the model, then you could re-UVmap to your spec, I'll run it back through Unity and send you the .mu. You can then release it as a patch or something, and/or I could stick a link in the OP.


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Oh, that's actually even better, because if you're willing to run it through Unity, I'll bloody *make* the cockpit. My problem isn't modeling, it's not having had a chance to learn Unity. But 3ds max I know. :]

Seriously though, only if you have time, and after you get SXT sorted; it's low priority. :) Thanks *ever* so much!

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  NathanKell said:
Oh, that's actually even better, because if you're willing to run it through Unity, I'll bloody *make* the cockpit. My problem isn't modeling, it's not having had a chance to learn Unity. But 3ds max I know. :]

Seriously though, only if you have time, and after you get SXT sorted; it's low priority. :) Thanks *ever* so much!

No problem.


That should fix most of the problems with SXT and 0.25. There'll be parts that'll need re-doing and the likes, and there's unfinished stuff for SXT-18, but it mostly works (hopefully).

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  Lack said:

It's getting overhauled, I posted pics a while back. In the mean time you could just open the Konstructs/Kerbtown menu and move the offending assets.

Ooo I just saw those pics and the overhaul looks fantastic! I hate to ask this but do you have an ETA?

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  tygoo7 said:
Ooo I just saw those pics and the overhaul looks fantastic! I hate to ask this but do you have an ETA?

Probably a fair while away if I'm honest. I need to draw up an assets list of what I'd like (buildings, etc), then possibly expand the project to include more people.

A newer one:


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  Lack said:
Probably a fair while away if I'm honest. I need to draw up an assets list of what I'd like (buildings, etc), then possibly expand the project to include more people.

A newer one:


Woo, cannot wait to extend KSC with the new future version of KSC++

Some suggestions and questions:

Will the overhaul still have the train?

My suggestions are:

- More buildings of course(Like perhaps an entrance road gate to the Kerbal Space Center and an kerbonaut training center(As the current Astronaut complex looks like it only is crew quarters, not crew training)

- Fixing the road intersection(AkA: That the modded road would no longer be separated by grass of the roads of the default KSC buildings)

- Moving cars on the default building roads as well

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  Zaphod12 said:
Woo, cannot wait to extend KSC with the new future version of KSC++

Some suggestions and questions:

Will the overhaul still have the train?

My suggestions are:

- More buildings of course(Like perhaps an entrance road gate to the Kerbal Space Center and an kerbonaut training center(As the current Astronaut complex looks like it only is crew quarters, not crew training)

- Fixing the road intersection(AkA: That the modded road would no longer be separated by grass of the roads of the default KSC buildings)

- Moving cars on the default building roads as well

And a visitors center? Perhaps a boardwalk by the sea? And how about a dock to go with said boardwalk?

Also, Lack: the new version looks much better!

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Question, Lack: since you're making larger 3.75m engines, is a smaller 3.75 engine out of the question? Sometimes I find the KR-1L to be a bit too big for my purposes. Also, since you're tops at hab cans, a few more parts matching the larger 3.75m hab in style?

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  RenatsMC said:
Hi so i read thought the posts from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-PATCH-09OCT2014-KSC-v3/page253

and it doesn't mention if KSC ++ is compatible with new update 0.25 ?

Yes. There's a fix for it.

EDIT:Wait, KSC ++? I have no idea.

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