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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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And here I didn't think you wanted me teasing you so, :P

Nearly all of those communications parts use only the one (fairly) small texture, which I'm quite pleased with (and after all, what's good sci-fi without gratuitous amounts of dishes and aerials). I also abused the fairings systems to make an engine casing system, you can add multiple ones end on end to house longer engines, as well. There's some other stuff in there too, like the Hog IVA, but that's only half finished.

I await the witty comments about the history of the parts :D

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Hi guys, Im kinda newish to KSP, first time posting. I was reading through this mod postings and say the pictures on page 55 with the track wheels and the yellow cabs. I have installed all the correct files in regards to the LLL mod and I have not seen the track wheels or the yellow cabs. I would love to have those.

Are those currently implemented in this mod or are they still in development? Thanks for your help! Keep up the amazing work Lack! Ever need any texturing help please feel free to let me know! I have been working in the Adobe suits for years and am very familiar with photo shop and texture work.

Amazing mod! TY

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Hi guys, Im kinda newish to KSP, first time posting. I was reading through this mod postings and say the pictures on page 55 with the track wheels and the yellow cabs. I have installed all the correct files in regards to the LLL mod and I have not seen the track wheels or the yellow cabs. I would love to have those.

Are those currently implemented in this mod or are they still in development? Thanks for your help! Keep up the amazing work Lack! Ever need any texturing help please feel free to let me know! I have been working in the Adobe suits for years and am very familiar with photo shop and texture work.

Amazing mod! TY

The tracks themselves are a separate mod. There is a parts supplement on the first page that has LLL track housings. The yellow truck cabs are not released yet.

Edit 1 - Link to tracks mod thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35147-Rubber-Band-Inc-Caterpillar-Tracks-Alpha?highlight=tracks

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Hey, likin' the mod so far. Good job! Hope this sees release. Anyway, I just did-up ModuleManager files for this for IonCross Lifesupport Mod & ModularFuel+RealFuel Mod. If anyone wants it, I'll upload it... assuming I can figure out how -- I'm a forum noob.

And if this has ALREADY been done, my apologies.

Edit: Nevermind, apparently I totally flubbed something up with the Ioncross mod and didn't quite get things right with the ModularFuelTanks (some have an empty mass of 0 and such). So, I retract my offer. My apologies for wasting bandwidth.

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Well, I'm happy enough with it to expand the testing out, as that beta seems to have caught most of the large bugs. I'm going to hold off updating the front page of the thread till I get a proper parts list and screenshots done, but that may take a while given work/life/etc. Till I've got those done, I'll leave it as a low-key release.

N.B. Later version now released

LLL - 0.10.3

Note: This update is game-breaking. You can copy it over a previous install but it'll require a long manual clean up of the old pngs. Best to delete the old LLL folder and start a new save.

A few notes:

I've taken out a few of the old cockpits, so just copy those across from the 0.09.x releases if you want them back. There's still a few bugs such as the lights 'falling out' of the Hog IVA (not sure how to fix it, if you've got experience with IVAs then PM me). The IVA isn't quite finished either, but that can wait a bit. There's also still a few parts in need of part descriptions. There's a lot of new parts, so you'll probably want a part sorter of some sorts as well.

A note for those that helped with the testing (also thanks to all you guys, you've been great):

0.10.2 -> 0.10.3 change log:

- Renamed Wheel Housing to Wheel Arch. Added part descriptions

- Added a resized wheel for use with the 4x2 Wheel Arch

- Added top stack node for radial jet engine.

- Fixed issue with delta-v calculation for the nuclear engines.

- Fixed symmetry issue with plates.

- Change anim on radial rockets and jet to thermo controlled, not throttle dependent.

- Fixed lights on viewing platform, curved windows, radial windows.

- Smoothing applied to mesh on curved window.

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@ Gristle; they can. It's part of the VNG plugin compatibility, but I can never remember which button it is. Oh yeah, should probably mention. LLL now supports Vanguard, which has some pretty nifty features when it comes to the crew compartments.

@ Nixod; Homeworld 2 is still one of my favourite games, I think it perhaps shows.

Anyways, Neutrinovore had some pretty nifty suggestions about expanding the cargo bay selection out. So I've given a few hours to it and got this working.


Link to Kreuzung's Vanguard plugin (Has a nice feature whereby you can activate one of the hatches, and then it automatically takes kerbals from a crew compartment when you EVA from the hatch, and vice versa when you enter the hatch.


- Fixed fairing on 2x1 NERVA.

- Added 1x1, 2x2 and 4x4 Cargo Holds.

- Added 1/3 length versions of 1x1 and 2x1 Cargo holds. The 2x2 and 4x4 are 1/3 length only.

- Added 4x2 to 4x4 adaptor.

- Fixed nodes on 2x2 cargo hold

- Fixed slight door length error on 1/3 length 2x1 Cargo hold

- Added third length 4x2

Here's a snap of the 4x4 cargo hold:


If people have screenshots of their builds, they'd be much appreciated. I'd like to get a 0.10.x album going for when I update the front page.

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@ Gristle; they can. It's part of the VNG plugin compatibility, but I can never remember which button it is. Oh yeah, should probably mention. LLL now supports Vanguard, which has some pretty nifty features when it comes to the crew compartments.

@ Nixod; Homeworld 2 is still one of my favourite games, I think it perhaps shows.

Anyways, Neutrinovore had some pretty nifty suggestions about expanding the cargo bay selection out. So I've given a few hours to it and got this working.



- Fixed fairing on 2x1 NERVA.

- Added 1x1, 2x2 and 4x4 Cargo Holds.

- Added 1/3 length versions of 1x1 and 2x1 Cargo holds. The 2x2 and 4x4 are 1/3 length only.

- Added 4x2 to 4x4 adaptor.

If people have screenshots of their builds, they'd be much appreciated. I'd like to get a 0.10.x album going for when I update the front page.

For the ejection parachutes I'm fairly positive you need the Vanguard EVA parachutes mod installed. Here a pic of a 95% LLL space plane I couldn't quite get into orbit (All LLL parts except landing gear from FireSpitter, Main wings from B9, tail wings are Pwings with stock control surfaces).


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I was trimming down parts- to save memory, then found hull segments would not load. Worked out they use the same model as some fuel tanks, so re added those. Basically, be careful what you delete people.

Oh yeah, there's a lot of inter-reliance in the mod, saves on the mod size. I had the memory usage halved at one point (I think it's up to about 260Mb memory usage now), but the result is it's a bit like a stack of cards.

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Lack- Can you release a version that does NOT have the kethane tanks? I don't use that mod, and I am afraid of deleting things from this file....

I can probably talk you through it instead (but best back up your save file first).

If you go to


and then delete the following files:









and delete:



Then that should get rid of the kethane related parts without messing with anything else.

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i know it is probably a bit late to make suggestions for parts but after seeing your extendable CBM and new walkways it reminded me of something from the movie 2010 which showed an extending dockable walkway for evas an such i am just wondering if you could do this at some point in the near/far future for another update.

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