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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Just a heads up - as is, TweakScale's download/directory also includes the LLL configs, with which the ones you bundle in your zip conflict mightily - maybe you are just throwing them in there for now, though, but thought it might be worth pointing out if the cfgs will be bundled in the future too. It would be nice but not particularly important too to delete a bunch of superfluous LLL parts (or hide them from the part list maybe?) if you were thinking of making TweakScale a required piece - or not, if not.

Also, don't know why, but the LLL kethane tanks are broken (zero mass, zero contents) as is with those configs. Is this the bug you're talking about with MFT?

EDIT: I'm an idiot, helps to have kethane installed for kethane-based tanks to work, I'm guessing (was playing around with clean install + this).

I really like the idea of standard tanks and swapping fuel/resource types, though, and I like that you made it possible to swap colors - is there any way to make this quickly accessible via right-click menu? Or is that something MFT would have to implement? Sorry, don't know how a lot of this stuff works. E.g. right click menu includes "switch tank type" to cycle through things like LFO mix, all fuel, all oxidizer, all xenon, whatever...

I also noticed that there are two parts with identical names: LLLCirc2b2f, both the FuelTank/2-50m/HeatTile/Circ25FuelTankHT and HeatTile/Circ25Fuel are named this.

Yes, sorry I forgot that that file is in the TweakScale folder, it is supposed to be removed. I don't think he has updated it yet. I HAVE NOT changed the SXT file at all however. Please delete the LLL cfg in the tweakscale directory. He has asked us to keep that cfg file in the base LLL directory and on the next release it should be in there.

As for the kethane tanks, they DO work for me. Yeah I like the idea of the standard tanks too, the NEW version of MFT has a right click option to open the tank U.I. however when they released that they changed the way that they deleted the non MFT managed resources and the change in the TankTypes.cfg, at least when I change it with Modulemanager breaks the whole MFT system. I spoke with one of the programmers he is supposed to be addressing the problem. But yes to actually switch between tank types like set tank types on the right click menu would be an MFT option. That being said, It would be a neat option to be able to right click and cycle through the default tank types, but you would need to request that with them.

That duplicate part name is actually a bug in the LLL release, Lack actually accidently left the Circ25FuelTank folder in the 2-50m folder under fueltank. //lll/parts/fueltank/2-50m/heattile/circ25fueltank I think its labeled if you delete that folder so that you JUST have the Circ25FuelTankHT and Circ25FuelTankSmlHT then it will resolve that problem. I have been meinging to mention it to Lack, I thought it was my fault when I had coppied over some other parts. but yeah that should solve the problem.

THANKS for testing. please let me know of any other problems you have.

Edit: In respect to the extra parts, in career mode the extra parts are removed, Well the extra larger parts. I don't know if we will be bundling these without the other tanks, I have not spoken with lack about this. My personal folders will eventually only have the standard tanks. I want to get rid of a ton of tanks so I can lower the amount of parts loading in my system. So basically I will be ripping tons of parts out of my mods because I will only be using like a set number of tanks from each size and removing the rest. This is a little extreme but my install is huge and I am Forever hitting the 4g limit even with textures reduced as much as possible. But yeah in career mode you note that the 4x2 parts and such are gone. In sandbox mode however there not.

Edited by MrWizerd
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EDIT: I take this whole thing back. Instead, before I go post a bug in the TweakScale or MFT thread, can you tell me if you see the same effect I do? I'm using MFT 5.0.1 and TweakScale 1.19.

Here's what happens: Tweak any fuel tank to 2x size. Actual amount of fuel updates correctly. Size of the tank and weight of the tank do not update correctly (Volume and dry/wet mass readouts). If you remove all tanks and then re-instate them, the mass and Volume properties will then update.

HOWEVER, what I'm seeing is correct volumes, but huge masses about 8 times too much in relation to non-TweakScaled parts with the same amount of fuel in them, so I'm thinking this is a TweakScale problem. But if it's not happening for you with a different version of MFT, then maybe not..

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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5.0.1 has bugs. Check your private messages please.

please delete the two dlls in the modularfueltaks plugin folder and use this one


this is the version from before they did the update, and it runs correctly. you loose the right click open gui option but things work the way they should,. there are bugs in the 5.0.1 but I dont know all the specifics.

Edit: I do confirm that the resized parts work correctly on my setup with the last version of MFT. Until they fix 5.0.1 I suggest not using it, I know it also does some wierd things when going from the VAB to launchpad as well.

Edited by MrWizerd
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5.0.1 has bugs. Check your private messages please.

please delete the two dlls in the modularfueltaks plugin folder and use this one


this is the version from before they did the update, and it runs correctly. you loose the right click open gui option but things work the way they should,. there are bugs in the 5.0.1 but I dont know all the specifics.

Fiddled (a lot) and found out that you can get it to work by doing the following:

1. Adjust all tank stuff before tweakscaling any parts - masses will be correct.

2. Then Tweakscale the parts to the size you want

3. If you add/remove/change tanks using MFT after having tweakscaled the part to a different-than-base size, it will give you strange masses even when showing the correct actual amount of resources

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I am being lazy, well and kind of busy so I am not searching out your previous posts what cargo bays do you want?

I belive I have the 4x1nucleareng fixed. by the by

edit, NM I found your post, yeah that's going to have to be a lack thing, I am not good enough with the modeling software yet to create advanced parts like that. Sorry :( I am trying to learn but it's a steep learning curve.

Yeah, naw, that's cool. :) I had PM'd Lack about a couple of other ideas for cargo bays too, but I guess he's not real eager to make any new parts right now. At least, not rectangular ones. :( (Even though there's already how many squillion different ROUND rocket parts available already...) Oh, wait, did I say that out loud?


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Well I know right now that he is very busy with work, they moved some deadlines around so I know he doesn't have a ton of time right now for the parts. I will see if I can start a running tally of requests. If it's something I can do, I will, if not well, it will have to wait for Lack :) and building new parts is mostly firmly in his ball park for now.

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So I am working on a new skin for the lifesupport box, because right now it is using the oxygen skin. I looked around to see if there was a standard then I thought, well it should be something that would stand out so I picked a orangish yellow, so for your viewing pleasure.


Let me know what you guys think of the label... it is just a mock up for now, I am open to all changes, colors fonts etc.

I still am looking for people to break my standardtanks.zip

remember to remove the scale file for LLL from the tweakscale mod and also if your going to use modulartanks with any of the modular tank cfg files I made you will need this modulartanks.zip

Just remove the two dll's from modular tanks plugin directory and use this one... If you have NOT upgraded to 5.0.1 you can skip this. My known bugs are as follows.

1. Skin wont change on underside of the double 2x1

2. Skin wont change for the lifesupport can

Things that I can alter in the standardtanks.zip, I can add more colors to the list of colors, if you have one you would like please give me the hex or rgb code, or send me a file. The ratios on the Modular tanks is somewhat up for discussion. I spoke with TaranisElsu head of TAC and he stated that he is going to be moving his resources to 1 unit = 1 liter. Most fuel tanks run on a 1 unit = 5 liter according to taniwha lead for MFT, so TACLS will be 5:1 usage ratio, taniwha is also the head of Extraplanetary Launchpads and he is happy with the settings for it. I have NOT heard from the guys with KSPI and these ratios are probably some of the most complicated, I have reasons for my numbers BUT there not set in stone, and the LqdWater here is Different from Water from TACLS and I don't particularly like that but, it is what it is currently. I have not received any response from the OP of KSPI nor in the thread proper, I don't know who is currently in charge of it. I really would like suggestions and opinions of this work. Or any other ideas anyone has, for compatibility and such.

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i've got a problem... but instead of asking you to rewrite a *****-ton of code to fix it i'll just ask this:

what engines store a little electriccharge? the reason i'm asking is because both B9 and this mod use old(ish) code so they have, below the alternator code, a small amount of electriccharge storage code which messes with my CoM. unfortunatly due to some idiot not paying attention (me) i've gone past the point of uninstall the mod i installed to get it to be like that and also made it worse.

now the "NaN" number (which appears if you right click the engine with said electric charge storge) stays there and bugs up my CoM...

anyway if you understood any of that i'm merly asking which engines have the


electriccharge = 0.0

total = 0.0"

piece of code in them...

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i've got a problem... but instead of asking you to rewrite a *****-ton of code to fix it i'll just ask this:

what engines store a little electriccharge? the reason i'm asking is because both B9 and this mod use old(ish) code so they have, below the alternator code, a small amount of electriccharge storage code which messes with my CoM. unfortunatly due to some idiot not paying attention (me) i've gone past the point of uninstall the mod i installed to get it to be like that and also made it worse.

now the "NaN" number (which appears if you right click the engine with said electric charge storge) stays there and bugs up my CoM...

anyway if you understood any of that i'm merly asking which engines have the


electriccharge = 0.0

total = 0.0"

piece of code in them...

Install Notepad++ or equivalent if you're on a Mac. It can search every file in a folder for a specific string of text in one go.

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Well I am not sure what name your looking for the actual name or the description name. Like 1x1NucENGRAD is the name that unity uses, and its description name is NE-400 Radial NERVA and the folder is radialnucengine. But I will try to help








I think it is basically all of them other than the aerospike ones i think

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Is that what is causing his problem? I don't know what CoM is off the top of my head so... I can add that to all the engines if they need them for him. I just don't know what CoM is, I tried looking it up but couldn't find it. Let me know and I will try to solve it for ya.

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If you right-click on a part that has (a) a RESOURCE with maxAmount=0 and (B) shows it via tweakables, the mass will become not-a-number (NaN) since it's dividing by 0. Then the mass of the craft will become NaN, and thus CoM will disappear.

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Here's a quick flat surface mounted version of the hex solar panel in SXT. Just throw it into its own cfg. It has similar properties to the original (edge surface attachment) so the original can interact with it.

// --- general parameters ---
name = SXTsolarPanelhexFlat
module = Part
author = Lack-NovaSilisko

// --- asset parameters ---
model = SXT/Parts/Electrical/solarHex/model
texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels1/model001
//texture = model002_NRM , Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels1/model002

scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
//node_attach = 0, 0, -0.660347875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
node_attach = 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = advElectrics
entryCost = 4400
cost = 400
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = OX-HEX Flat Photovoltaic Panels
manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc.
description = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. [SXT\Parts\Electrical\solarHex\part.cfg]
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.009
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 8
maxTemp = 3200

name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
sunTracking = false
raycastTransformName = Cube_001
pivotName = Cube_001
animationName = solarpanels
resourceName = ElectricCharge
chargeRate = 1.5
key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0

It clips through some surfaces and not others. Squad's has two wire legs to lift it up.


I just found myself needing something that behaved more like the stock rectangle with symmetry.

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Lack: Back with another plane related request... :]

I'm been using the heck out of your Bonanza cockpit as a WW2 razorback/birdcage canopy. Example:


My request is if you could modify it such that the top is also windows (real life inspiration: F4F Wildcat) by changing the UV so the top pulls from the same area of the texture as the other windows (ideally, of course, with the same framing as the sides, not just one big piece of glass).

Additional example, shown with one of your intakes to make the razorback look:


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Just a note to say I'm a bit busy with work at the moment and might be for the next month or so, so instead a proper release, I'm just going to release what I've got for SXT. I've taken an hour or so to patch up the bigger bugs like missing collision meshes, but there may be others I've missed.



EDIT: Updated


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- 0.625m Prop-Engine - Based off one of the engines fitted to the Beechcraft Bonanza (Requires Fire-Spitter)

- 5m Habitat Module. Comes with controls and SAS.

- Vernier Thruster

- OMS updated with gimballing

- An-225 parts (Nose-door is missing a ramp at the moment)

- Radially attaching An-225 parts

- New Probe core and update to re-enable old one.

Haven't added any new IVAs, they'll have to wait.


Re-Textured Tank

A darkened version of the re-texture stock long fuel-tank. It's the texture I used for the Saturn V type parts, now darkened to match the new NASA parts a bit better. I may have over done it a wee bit, so best back up the stock version.



KSC++ v2

An update to the KSC++, includes off-world base type parts.


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If you've made your own modifications to the KSC layout and want to keep them, you can just copy LackMisc/Parts/Base folder over.


Lack: Back with another plane related request... :]

Nice planes. I was thinking about doing a small radial cockpit at somepoint. I quite like the Bf-109's cockpit, so it may end up being a bit more square. Will probably add some more prop-engines.

Edited by Lack
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The SXT pack is great particularly the new update but there is one problem, the pack will not load if with the radial cockpit, but once you delete it it loads correctly. Its not urgent but when you get a chance could you please look into it.

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The SXT pack is great particularly the new update but there is one problem, the pack will not load if with the radial cockpit, but once you delete it it loads correctly. Its not urgent but when you get a chance could you please look into it.

Ah, I see it. I'd written 'Command' instead of 'Pods' under category. I'll fix it in a minute.


Link should be updated now.

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