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[Carbon 1.3] KSP Utilities - Partial Cross-Platforming

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[Win] Tungsten: [0.14+]

[Win] KSP TreeCreator: [0.22+]

[Win, Mac, Linux] Carbon: [0.24+]

[Win] Carbon AutoAnalyzer: [0.21+]

[Win] Save Merger: [0.20.x]

[Win] Save Repairer: [0.20.x]

Tungsten: Persistence backup application (Backs up quicksave.sfs too)

Download: Tungsten Alpha #2

KSP TreeCreator: Creates/edits Science trees, with an somewhat restricted preview feature for the time being


Download: KSP TreeCreator v2

Carbon: Craft analyzer and statistics display


Carbon: [0.21+]

Carbon AutoAnalyzer: [0.21+]


KSP Save Merger: A program to merge save files


Save Merger: [0.20]


KSP Save Repairer: A program to detect errors in save files, with an experimental fix function.


Save Repairer: [0.22+]



Konversion - A library to convert persistence files from formats, WILL BE MERGED INTO KSP SAVE ANALYZER


Beloved Beta Testers

Monkzoren, togfox, Rienspy

Will find work for these people

NOTES: I have had a talk with Manticor (the creator of KerbalData) and he has made some points on where I can improve on. Here are the points I made out of it.

Major Points
-Split Core into multiple files
-Add comments for API
-Recreate Part, Vessels and Parameters as Classes
Minor Points
-Convert Persistence files to JSON first before processing them, but this may not work as this needs to edit the files at a raw point of view.

Kampaigns: A library to implement campaign-style structures into programs for ease-of-use.


Source: https://github.com/ROFLCopter64bit for all my programs.



This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Please, PLEASE post things here. Whether it be a request for more details, or simply compliments to the chef, or a request, please.

Edited by ROFLCopter64bit
Update as of 4/4/14
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Anyway, updates.

I am working on a new version of the persistence analyzer, which will be able to fix problems in persistence files (only curly brackets for the time being). But, it requires major reviewing/replacing of the code already made. So it'll be put under semi-hold (causal programming).

The parts list thingo Cardinial asked for will not be used as a modification of carbon anymore, but infact of the persistence analyzer, as more code in that seems to be similar to what I want to do. There are two options here:

1. Use the current code to make modifications to, or

2. Wait for the new persistence analyzer, and use better, more efficient code

Of course, this is up to Cardinial.

The campaign manager is implemented very lightly. I just finished the stock part generator functions and plan to do more on the API, as the program will just be a GUI for the library.

Compliments/suggestions for what you would like me to do is very much appreciated, I mainly just wander around in the community. It's hard to make programs if I don't know what you people want :wink:

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The campaign manager is implemented very lightly. I just finished the stock part generator functions and plan to do more on the API, as the program will just be a GUI for the library.

Compliments/suggestions for what you would like me to do is very much appreciated, I mainly just wander around in the community. It's hard to make programs if I don't know what you people want :wink:

Well I like using stimpys grand campaign. so what I would like to see is something that will let me enter any type of mission I want, maybe add the parts/maybe have it see what parts I used. Then adds some cost for fuel, and then adds the cost together. Maybe also something that can let you set a define mission complete reward, like in stimpys it 50% of cost, plus rewards for type of mission. I know all this may be hard, so maybe something like it :) Mostly just want to take some excel work out of me playing the game.

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Well I like using stimpys grand campaign. so what I would like to see is something that will let me enter any type of mission I want, maybe add the parts/maybe have it see what parts I used. Then adds some cost for fuel, and then adds the cost together. Maybe also something that can let you set a define mission complete reward, like in stimpys it 50% of cost, plus rewards for type of mission. I know all this may be hard, so maybe something like it :) Mostly just want to take some excel work out of me playing the game.

That's what I originally planned for the project. In fact, most of the API is based around that.

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Anyway, the new persistence manager is coming across some bumps.

I could not reduce the amount of code to what I planned to, as it seems that it actually is more efficient than I originally thought. But I have managed to replace 20 lines of code with subroutines. So look less in the terms of efficiency.

And, the way that I plan to add persistence fixing to the new version has come to a dead end. But, I will partially devote my thinking to fix the problem.

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Also, it turns out that the Persistence Merger/Analyzer doesn't work (well) with docked ships. Moreso the merger than the analyzer, as the analyzer just treats it as normal regardless, and the merger displays more ships than it should, with weird names like "ModuleAnimateGeneric". Fixes should be published soon.

Edited by ROFLCopter64bit
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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out I already fixed it, but forgot to release to the public. Download updated, now you can download.

Also, it appears Iridium is completely borked. See what happens when you don't test correctly?

Iridium is dead

Edited by ROFLCopter64bit
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