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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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Well darn, I wonder what's going on there, I'll have a look at the configs and do some testing when I get home but as far as I know nothing has changed with how the MODEL{} call is handled which the URM parts are using.

As for 2.5m URM I'm not sure, the next part is the RD-58SS engine that cBBp was already discussing, I'm not aware of what plans cBBp and Normak have beyond that sorry.

[Edit] I've enquired in the development area about the MODEL{} call, hopefully there has just been some small change to the way the MODEL{} call is handled which can be corrected with some tweaks, I'll keep you posted.

Edited by NoMrBond
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Well darn, I wonder what's going on there, I'll have a look at the configs and do some testing when I get home but as far as I know nothing has changed with how the MODEL{} call is handled which the URM parts are using.

Now that I've had some sleep, I did some more thorough characterization of the failure. I don't think it's the MODEL. Using a Stayputnik pod, a stock 1.25 engine (the LV-T30? Whichever one is non-steerable), and URM lower stage fuel tanks with two launch clamps near the top of the tank:

L05 - works just fine. A bit of wobble, nothing else.

L07 - falls off half the time.

L09 - falls off every time.

When it falls off, it's a structural failure between the tank and one or more clamps. If I look at the debug window, *every* time I start a launch, there's a "Ground Contact! error 0.141m" message. I tried raising the breakingTorque and breakingForce on the L09 tank, no effect. If I try changing the breakingForce and breakingTorque on the launch clamps to 1500 (just adding a zero), the problem goes away. I verified on my 0.21 installation, and the ground contact error was 0.006m. It looks like the correction for the error is applied while physics is on, and the clamps aren't strong enough to handle it. I can hack my way around it with the CFG edit on the launch clamp, but I'll go complain in the bugs page of the forum, too.

Maybe a future iteration of KOSMOS can include replacement launch clamps to go with the replacement structs and fuel lines (just kidding).

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you know an easy fix would be to simply put Kosmos strut connectors between the clamps and the rocket before launch. you would only need one or two.

I tried that last night, but it did not work. The ship still fell out of the clamps. Maybe I did not place them correctly? (from fuel tank 1-2 meters above the clamp to the box housing that goes from the clamp to the ground)

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With R&D I have have major thoughts arise :D However they are now all super top seeekurt.

anyway. how many people dislike the current base setup of the RD-33NK? would you prefer the gimbal block be a tad different or is it's current shape fine?

Personally, I like it as it is!

Also, I was going to suggest you choose a... "Delivery method" similar to how KW did their recent one, the pack itself and a lite textures pack.

I remember you mentioning a few pages back that using TGAs is inefficient if compared to MBMs on the RAM and doubles or triples the usage, as it is set up now, you offer us the TGAs so, if we want, we can resize them to change texture load. Offering us the pack with MBMs would maybe even remove the need to resize it for some people, and the lite pack with resized MBM textures would lower the ram load even further!

So, tl;dr: less customizability for better performance!

Thanks for the work you're doing on this modpack Cbbp, I consider it to be the best there is!

Edited by PieGoesHere
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anyway. how many people dislike the current base setup of the RD-33NK? would you prefer the gimbal block be a tad different or is it's current shape fine?

I'm delighted with it as is. :)

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About the Tech Tree, I think your engines should start at Advanced Rocketry, as they are a little overpowered compared to stock. Your strut should ho in advanced or specialized construction, while your solars should go in along with the Gigantor, except for the Balka, which should come later. You Space Station Parts should go along with and after the Hitchhiker Storage Container. The VA (the whole VA assembly, including the LES, gyroscope, deorbiter, decoupler and rcs cone) should go in Large Control.

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That new gimbal block looks great! I love how you can see the actuators operate. And the engine detail is stunning. Excellent work again, cBBp!

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Dat gimbal....

So the 0.22 SAS can actually use it ? Good to know, your high-gimballed engines (the one with retracting nozzle, forget the name) was a bit of a pain to use without locking gimbal in 0.21.

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So. Not working on it but at work I dwell on the future.

The NTR/RD-0410 decendant/NERVA style engine.... it is going to be pretty long. and rather heavy but amazing Isp of course. but because it is so long it could look strange when it gimbals. so a few options.

The whole engine gimbals and it looks like a huge fish tail swinging around.

Gimbals in the center but the plumping stretches a little weird.

The engine doesn't gimbal at all.

The end of the nozzle has flaps like the X-31 thrust vectoring engine.

the engine nozzle has a thrust vectoring Coweling at the end.

obviously the last two options would look odd.

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So. Not working on it but at work I dwell on the future.

The NTR/RD-0410 decendant/NERVA style engine.... it is going to be pretty long. and rather heavy but amazing Isp of course. but because it is so long it could look strange when it gimbals. so a few options.

The whole engine gimbals and it looks like a huge fish tail swinging around.

Gimbals in the center but the plumping stretches a little weird.

The engine doesn't gimbal at all.

The end of the nozzle has flaps like the X-31 thrust vectoring engine.

the engine nozzle has a thrust vectoring Coweling at the end.

obviously the last two options would look odd.

I vote for a thrust vectoring cowling!

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