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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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  Creideiki said:
I don't know if any one has mentioned it yet, but has any one translated the flags yet?

If not; here are some translations:

Flag 1:

12 ÃÂÿрõûь 1961 - 12 April 1961

Òþ øüѠÃœøрð ø ßрþóрõÑÂÑÂу - In the Name of Peace and Progress

It commemorates Yuri Gagarin's historic Vostok 1 flight.

Flag 2:

áûðòð Þтчø÷ýõ Óõрþõò! - Glory to Heroes of the Fatherland!

...Well, that's suitably Communist.

Flag 3:

áþòõтÑÂúþüу ÃÂðрþôу - Soviet People

ßøþýõру ÚþÑÂüþÑÂð - Space Pioneers

áûðòð! - Glory!

...Nothing to say there, really.

Flag 3 is: "Soviet nation, the pioneer of the cosmos ! Glory !" pretty close

and very nice turbo pumps model and textures, CBBP

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  Tuna said:
Flag 3 is: "Soviet nation, the pioneer of the cosmos ! Glory !" pretty close

and very nice turbo pumps model and textures, CBBP

Straight meaning of "áþòõтÑÂúþüу ÃÂðрþôу, ßøþýõру ÚþÑÂüþÑÂð - áûðòð!" is: Glory to Soviet nation, the pioneer of the cosmos!

So closer variant is:

To Soviet nation

The Pioneer of the cosmos!



Flag 2:

áûðòð Þтчø÷ýõ Óõрþõò! - Not "Glory to Heroes of the Fatherland!" but "Glory to the Fatherland of Heroes!"


Edited by Lebannehn
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CBBP, I believe there is a way to fix the Balka Solar Wing issue without writing any specialized plugins.

For this, you'll need to have both the left and right arrays controlled simultaneously by one animation / one pivot / one suncatcher - the main rotary pivot will still be defined as a second, separate animation as right now.

Then, for the CFG, use the following definition - the order in which the two ModuleDeployableSolarPanel are defined is extremely important :

// The main rotary hub
name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel

animationName = rotary
raycastTransformName = sunCatcherRight
pivotName = Main_Rotary_Pivot
resourceName = ElectricCharge

chargeRate = 0

trackingSpeed = 0.1

key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0

// The two solar arrays (left and right)
name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel

animationName = open_left_right_panels
raycastTransformName = sunCatcherLeftRightPanels
pivotName = Left_Right_Panel_Pivot
resourceName = ElectricCharge

chargeRate = 400
trackingSpeed = 0.1

key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0

See how I put the definition for the two solar arrays last? I discovered that in KSP, if a part has multiple stock animated modules, the game remembers the animated state for the last defined one. On the other hand, because the main rotary hub does not have an associated extend/retract animation, KSP will also still remember its orientation.

Let me know if you need any help with this.

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  sumghai said:
CBBP, I believe there is a way to fix the Balka Solar Wing issue without writing any specialized plugins.

For this, you'll need to have both the left and right arrays controlled simultaneously by one animation / one pivot / one suncatcher - the main rotary pivot will still be defined as a second, separate animation as right now.

Then, for the CFG, use the following definition - the order in which the two ModuleDeployableSolarPanel are defined is extremely important :

// The main rotary hub
name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel

animationName = rotary
raycastTransformName = sunCatcherRight
pivotName = Main_Rotary_Pivot
resourceName = ElectricCharge

chargeRate = 0

trackingSpeed = 0.1

key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0

// The two solar arrays (left and right)
name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel

animationName = open_left_right_panels
raycastTransformName = sunCatcherLeftRightPanels
pivotName = Left_Right_Panel_Pivot
resourceName = ElectricCharge

chargeRate = 400
trackingSpeed = 0.1

key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0

See how I put the definition for the two solar arrays last? I discovered that in KSP, if a part has multiple stock animated modules, the game remembers the animated state for the last defined one. On the other hand, because the main rotary hub does not have an associated extend/retract animation, KSP will also still remember its orientation.

Let me know if you need any help with this.

I shall try your proposed coding sir. Is it safe to copy-paste this over the original coding though?

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  intidragon said:
I shall try your proposed coding sir. Is it safe to copy-paste this over the original coding though?

Erm, this CFG config requires CBBP to modify his model.mu file first accordingly.

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Oooooooooooooooh. *O* . . . Sorry just a little too excited. His docking port is a rebel against MJ2, but you can dock them manually, and i've taken to like the challenge it provides in requiring a precise docking. His solar wings are a long-time love as well. . . but unless they don't work properly, I can't make the aesthetically-correct space station designs that I have running around my mind. I'll calm my tits for now. xD :(

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Nope. KSP exclusive as I want to support the site. Pm me tomorrow and if the issue persists I will send you a private temporary link.

in other news.

trying to capture the essence of the NK-33 (we will call it the RD-33 to match the current naming convension but the jury is still out. suggestions?)

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Thanks CBBP, i really love your mods !!

Dragoon is my best space capsule !

Im from Brazil.... sorry for my bad english.....

i will try to download tomorrow...

For the engine... how about KE-33 ( Kerbal Engine - 33 =p )

Is in your plans make the N1 rocket ? NK-33 are the engines of the N1, arent ??

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hum ...

but you were planning on doing it just for the soviet lunar mission?

If you do for larger payloads?

somewhere around 100 tons?

I think he would not be so strong as well!

(Although it escapes thematic of the rocket)

Even if you reduce the power of the engines?

Sometimes if you do only by the rocket model, many people would be interested.

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This is true. I also stopped because I found out that the N1 was more complex than originally realized what with all of it's weird faring and parts which fall away during launch. I didn't want to model that at the time nor lose it. If i ever do do a N1 it would be something alittle different than the original but something pretty neat. but it would be a lot of work. and i am all by myself art wise.

maybe one day.


Edited by CardBoardBoxProcessor
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I would like to help but unfortunately do not even know how to start making models, much less the tools to make

But I did not know that the N1 would be so complicated.

In the photo he is gorgeous.

If ever you do, I would be very happy to have it in my repertoire.

Congratulations on the job!

On the engine (NK​​-33)What rocket you will make ?


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One option could be to make just the N1 engine block, sized to fit some existing tank size (such as the 3.75 or 5m parts)?

People could then make the upper fairing/assembly/stages from existing parts themselves which would save you from needing to make the entire block/assembly, without precluding the possibility of coming back to it later for the full treatment as time allows

While that's not quite the 17m original (I think that'd translate to ~11m Kerbal size?), it'd still be awesome

Watching the progress here is neat, wish I could do 3D modelling

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