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The New Bobcat Colonization Challenge

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There will be deposits scattered all about the planet or moon, probably ranging from 200kl to 400kl in size, or so. It is up to you to scan it out, as it is generated differently in everyone`s game.

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  xtremespino said:
Thanks, but do you know how common it is?

Generally speaking, Kethane deposits by default will cover around 20% of the total surface area of any given body. That can be a problem with Laythe, since it has so little land. Odds are good that Laythe will spawn all of its Kethane deposits deep beneath its sea.

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Heres my Dres base, Curiosity


Its about a kilometer, maybe less, from the Dres canyon. The site is a tiny speck.







Gas Guzzler=50

A Site To Behold=50

?Opt Out Clause?=Does it count if the lander flys to Ike,etc then refuel, then continue back home to kerbin. Has over 1800 m/s of delta V? If eligible +50

Total(not including opt out clause)=187

Total(with opt out clause)=237

Grand Total(not including opt out clause)=1381 (yay second:cool:)

Please tell me is I'm right or wrong Skyrender and change my score appropriately. :D

Edited by xtremespino
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What's important is that you have a means. It doesn't have to necessarily be a single-trip-to-Kerbin option, but it does have to be logistically possible. This is one of the reasons why Eye in the Sky + Gas Guzzler has a lot of value: you can set up an orbiting fuel depot around the planets you colonize that allows for hops to other locations along the line, eventually back to Kerbin.

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Started a save for this challenge, hopefully I can pull it off with Ferram enabled!

Update: I lied, I'm not cool enough to make it work! XD

Edited by Reavermyst
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  Reavermyst said:
Would an ISA MapSat array count toward the Eye in the Sky achievement?

As long as there's continuous line-of-sight between the satellites, the station, and at least one site of the colony, then yes. However, seeing as MapSat tends to work best in a polar orbit, that probably won't be the case for you.

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  SkyRender said:
As long as there's continuous line-of-sight between the satellites, the station, and at least one site of the colony, then yes. However, seeing as MapSat tends to work best in a polar orbit, that probably won't be the case for you.

hmmm that is a good point xD

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So, for the "around the world" part of the challenge, is that with every colony site being within 10km of the next colony site with the DEMV Mk 5 (which translates into thousands of colony sites per planetary body)? Or is there some other special rule that applies?

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  ViAlexis said:
So, for the "around the world" part of the challenge, is that with every colony site being within 10km of the next colony site with the DEMV Mk 5 (which translates into thousands of colony sites per planetary body)? Or is there some other special rule that applies?

It does indeed mean having sites linked to each other in such a way that your colony circumnavigates the body in question. The distance covered should also be fairly close to equatorial in length; I'm not giving you credit if you "circumnavigate" the globe by way of a tiny arctic/antarctic circle. :P

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  SkyRender said:
It does indeed mean having sites linked to each other in such a way that your colony circumnavigates the body in question. The distance covered should also be fairly close to equatorial in length; I'm not giving you credit if you "circumnavigate" the globe by way of a tiny arctic/antarctic circle. :P

So let's say I try this on Minmus. It has an equatorial radius of 60,000m (60km). Using 2*pi*r for the rough equatorial circumference, we get 376.8km. Not accounting for terrain (Which probably doesn't affect the overall average too much) I would need 380km/10km/site for 38 sites with an DEMV Mk 5 ANT, correct? And then for a larger body like Dres I need roughly 87 of them?

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  ViAlexis said:
So let's say I try this on Minmus. It has an equatorial radius of 60,000m (60km). Using 2*pi*r for the rough equatorial circumference, we get 376.8km. Not accounting for terrain (Which probably doesn't affect the overall average too much) I would need 380km/10km/site for 38 sites with an DEMV Mk 5 ANT, correct? And then for a larger body like Dres I need roughly 87 of them?

That sounds about right, yes. It's a long-term commitment, and quite frankly, you'll make more points just setting up so many sites than you will actually from the bonus it grants. It's mostly a bragging rights reward, in short.

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What's the best way to assemble these base landers? I've been running into issues with radial engine placement because I want a ladder that goes from the command pod to the ground resulting in engine placement that is damaging the legs resulting in crashes because I'm trying to "blow into my own sails" with engine thrust. Or they become unbalanced because there's 3 engines instead of 4. It's a mess. Can you guys provide some insight?

It's not getting the HOME modules to the mun, its the radial engines, and landing that is the problem.

My attempts have unfortunately so far killed tons of Kerbals, and I'd rather not be killing the dudes if I can help it.

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The trick with HOME modules is moderation. Don't put your thrust at full tilt. If you need to in order to land safely, then you're trying to fly way too heavy a habitat combo. Also, I recommend only using the HOME aerospikes if you're going to use those engines; the regular ones are kind of not very good.

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I love those home aerospikes... just for the effect. I like to put them on other landers as emergency braking engines with an action group :)

I also testify to the.. worthlessness of other aerospike engines in the game. A pox upon those things.

anyway, the occasions on which I dropped a home module somewhere without atmosphere I have done so with a dropship stuck on top managing the descent, after which the dropship burns back to orbit or something (yes some times I just burn wildly and than tab away.. big deal wanna fight about it)

Usually it`s a simple design of fuel tank with 4 girders out each side with a nuclear engine mounted on them. or 909s if the nuclear deceleration isn`t good enough

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right, well I've got some bases set up about and here they are:

1. Orcus Baza (Duna)

General overview of base

p><p><img src=

View of 3 ANTS delivered via containerload

p><p><img src=

View of containerload of MK2 motorbikes


View of HOME admin module ('gas guzzler')


View of base from map view


View of 'eye in the sky' fuel station HMS Orcus


View of 'eye in the sky module' HMS Orcus from map view


2. Vesta Baza (Minmus)

Overview of Vesta


Vesta Baza Hab 2


Vesta Baza from map view


3. Vostok Baza (Mun)

Vostok Baza overview


Close up on Kethane production and refinement facility ('gas guzzler')


Close up on living quarters for Kerbals


Vesta Baza station which provides an escape opportunity for the kerbals (if a little crude :P )


Close up of ship which is capable of landing at the base, picking up kerbals and returning them to the station where they await departure



View of Vostok Baza from map view


Well then, lets add up the score shall we? :

Orcus Baza:

Duna - 35

1 site - 10

4 habitation modules - 60

'gas guzzler' - 50

DEMV vehicles (3 ANTS and many MK2s :P ) - 40

'eye in the sky' - 100

Kerbal residents - 25

Total - 320

Vesta Baza:

Minmus - 15

1 site - 10

Hab modules - 45

Kerbals - 18

total - 88

Vostok Baza:

mun - 10

1 site - 10

1 hab - 15

1 CD&S - 5

2 DEMV - 20

Gas guzzler - 50

opt out clause - 50

kerbals - 12

total - 172

Grand total:

Orcus - 320

Vesta - 88

Vostok - 172

580 :D

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  shadowsutekh said:
What's the best way to assemble these base landers? I've been running into issues with radial engine placement because I want a ladder that goes from the command pod to the ground resulting in engine placement that is damaging the legs resulting in crashes because I'm trying to "blow into my own sails" with engine thrust. Or they become unbalanced because there's 3 engines instead of 4. It's a mess. Can you guys provide some insight?

It's not getting the HOME modules to the mun, its the radial engines, and landing that is the problem.

My attempts have unfortunately so far killed tons of Kerbals, and I'd rather not be killing the dudes if I can help it.

The number of engines shouldn't affect your balance if you're mounting them radially, unless you're not using the symmetry snap options for some reason. To check that your engine exhaust isn't hitting the landing legs, just launch your lander without a lift stage and deploy the legs on the pad. Throttle up briefly and you should easily be able to see if you're gonna have interference problems.

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Only one problem with your score reckonings, legogromit: you can only count Kerbals who have a HOME habitat to live in as residents for points purposes. Habitats can only hold 6, so you have some problems with "homeless" Kerbals living on the Mun and Duna! Also, if you can provide a shot of your Duna colony's orbiting station, I'd appreciate it.

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oh right, are they not allowed to live in the deli and shoe store or the admin module? whoops, sorry about that :P and I meant to put one on there, i knew I'd make a mistake with all those pictures :P here you go, HMS Orcus, i know it's not much (basically just a fuel tank with an engine XD ) but it's something :D

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i.imgur.com/eWOuTbq.png' alt='eWOuTbq.png'>

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Gonna have to retract your Eye in the Sky bonus for that colony, then. The rules state that there has to be some form of habitation (a HOME module or Natilus module) and at least 1 resident for that to count, as well as either an array of satellites (if it's not at geostationary orbit) or a geostationary orbit over at least one colony site.

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  legogromit007 said:
well I did not know that, terribly sorry :P so the only thing missing then is a HOME module? because if so I'll have to go and fix that dilemma and regain my former award! :P

Also, what's a natilus module?

The Bobcat MPSS Nautilus module is a space station habitat ring. You can find a link to it in the first post of the challenge.

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